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  • Hi Bob the Canadian here.


  • Sometimes as you learn English you want to be able to describe the things that you do

    有時候,當你學習英語時,你想 能說會道

  • for fun.


  • In this video we'll look at several words and phrases that you can use in English to

    在這段視頻中,我們將看幾個字 和短語,你可以用英語來表達。

  • describe the things you would do for fun if you stayed in instead of going out for the

    說說你會做哪些有趣的事情,如果 你呆在家裡,而不是出去玩

  • night.


  • But before we do, if this is your first time here, please subscribe by clicking the subscribe

    但在我們這樣做之前,如果這是你第一次 在這裡,請點擊訂閱

  • button below, click the bell icon to get notifications when I do a livestream, and for everyone watching

    點擊下面的按鈕,點擊鈴鐺圖標獲得通知 當我做一個直播,併為大家看

  • if this video helps please give me a thumbs up at the end and that would be great.

    如果這段視頻有幫助,請給我一個大拇指。 在最後,這將是巨大的。

  • So, you don't feel like going out.


  • One of the first things you might do if you stay home for the evening is watch television.

    你可能做的第一件事就是如果你 晚上呆在家裡就是看電視。

  • So we describe this in a number of ways now you canWatch Televisionyou canWatch

    所以,我們現在用多種方式來描述這個問題 你可以 "看電視 "你可以 "看

  • TVyou mightWatching Netflixyou might even beWatching Youtubeand the

    電視 "你可能會 "看Netflix "你會 甚至有可能是 "看Youtube",而且是 "看Youtube"。

  • place you would do this is most likely in a room that in English we would call theLiving

    你要做的地方很可能是在 在英語中我們稱之為 "Living "的房間。

  • room”.


  • Some people might call it theFamily room”.

    有人可能會稱它為 "家庭房"。

  • Some people might call it theDen”.

    有人可能會稱其為 "書房"。

  • But it is the room in the house where you've most likely placed your television.

    但它是房子裡的房間,在那裡你已經。 最有可能放置你的電視。

  • On your television you'll watch things likeTelevision shows”.

    在你的電視上,你會看到這樣的事情 "電視節目"。

  • A show come in a “series”.

    一個節目來一個 "系列"。

  • So if you watch a televisionseriesit mean you're watching a bunch of television

    所以,如果你看了一部電視 "連續劇" 意思是說你在看電視

  • showsin succession.

    "秀 "連連。

  • Or you could be watching a Netflixseries”.

    或者你可以看一部Netflix的 "連續劇"。

  • All of those would appropriate words to describe it.

    所有這些詞都適合用來形容 它。

  • You will most likely be sitting on your couch or sofa.

    你很可能會坐在沙發上。 或沙發。

  • You may have a “comfortable chairthat you like to sit in.

    你可能有一把 "舒適的椅子",它 你喜歡坐在。

  • You will have in your hand yourremote controlso that you can pause and go get

    你將擁有你的 "遙控器"。 控制",這樣你就可以暫停,然後去拿。

  • snackswhich brings me to the last thing you will most likely if you're staying in

    "點心",這讓我想到了最後一件事。 你很可能會如果你住在

  • for the evenings have somesnacksand something to drink as you watch your television

    晚上有一些 "小吃 "和。 邊看電視邊喝酒

  • show or a television series.


  • You may also be watching Netflix, and a new term, a new English term that's just become

    你可能還在看網劇,以及一個新的。 術語,一個剛剛成為的新的英語術語。

  • popular in the last few years is something calledbinge watching”.

    這幾年流行的是 稱為 "狂看"。

  • Binge watchingis when you watch a whole bunch ofepisodesof a show back to

    "暴飲暴食 "是指當你看完一整個 一堆 "劇集 "的回溯到

  • back, in succession.


  • So you might watch episode 1, 2, 3, and 4 in one night and that would bebinge watching

    所以你可能會看第一、二、三、四集。 一夜之間,那就是 "狂看 "了。

  • that television show.


  • You might also be watching a film, you might be watching a movie or film.

    你可能還在看電影,你可能會。 正在看電影或電影。

  • We use those words interchangeably.


  • You may have rented a “blu-rayor a “dvd”.

    你可能租了一張 "藍光 "或 "DVD"。

  • Or you might be streaming the video through something like Youtube or Google Play.

    或者你可能通過 像Youtube或Google Play這樣的東西。

  • So those of the things, number one, those are the things you could do if you're just

    所以,這些東西中,第一,那些。 是你可以做的事情,如果你只是。

  • staying home to watch TV for the evening.


  • Number two, the second thing you could do, if you're staying in for the evening.

    第二,你能做的第二件事。 如果你晚上要住在這裡。

  • Playing a video game.


  • So again you could do this in an number of different places in your home.

    所以,你可以用以下幾種方式來實現這一點。 在家中的不同地方。

  • You might be playing a video game on your computer.

    你可能在玩視頻遊戲,你的 電腦。

  • So you might be sitting at your desk in your home office and you may be playing a computer

    所以,你可能會坐在辦公桌前,在你的辦公桌上。 家庭辦公室,你可能正在玩電腦

  • game on your computer.


  • We use the termsvideo gameandcomputer gamekind of interchangeably.

    我們使用 "電子遊戲 "和 "電腦 "這兩個詞。 遊戲 "的一種互換。

  • They kind of mean the same thing.


  • So you may be sitting in your office playing a “computer game”.

    所以你可能坐在辦公室裡玩 一個 "電腦遊戲"。

  • You may also be in the same room where you watched television.

    你也可能在同一個房間裡,在你的 看了電視。

  • You may be in yourliving roomorfamily room”.

    你可能在你的 "客廳 "或 "家庭"。 房間"。

  • And you might be playing a video game onconsole”.

    而你可能是在用 "遊戲機 "玩電子遊戲。

  • So a “consoleis something like a “playstationor anxboxor a “nintendo wii”.

    所以 "遊戲機 "就是類似 "遊戲機 "的東西。 或 "xbox "或 "nintendo wii"。

  • So you may be playing a video game at your computer in your office.

    所以,你可能會在你的房間裡玩電子遊戲。 辦公室裡的電腦。

  • You may be playing a video game in your living room.

    你可能會在你的客廳裡玩電子遊戲。 房間。

  • But you may also just be sitting somewhere comfortable on your smartphone and playing

    但你也可能只是坐在某個地方 舒適的智能手機和玩

  • a video game on your smartphone.


  • Video games in general have things likelevels”.

    電子遊戲一般都有 "關卡 "這種東西。

  • They havecharactersand so as you play your video game you try to get a “high score

    他們有 "角色",所以當你玩的時候。 你的視頻遊戲,你試圖得到一個 "高分"

  • or a goodscore”.

    或有不錯的 "成績"。

  • You try to not die in your video game, and that would be a video game where you're

    你儘量不死在你的視頻遊戲,和 這將是一個視頻遊戲,你在那裡你是

  • playing with a “character”.

    玩 "角色"。

  • Something like Mario Brothers.


  • But perhaps you're playing something else like Candy Crush or Tetris.

    但也許你在玩別的東西 如糖果粉碎或俄羅斯方塊。

  • And in those video games you're simply trying to get further then you did the time previous.

    而在這些視頻遊戲中,你只是想。 要想走得更遠,那麼你就必須在之前的時間裡。

  • So, the second thing you might do when you're in for the evening is you might just sit down

    所以,第二件事你可能會做的時候,你是 在為晚上是你可能只是坐下來。

  • somewhere comfortable and play a video game.


  • You might have snacks, you might have something to drink, but you certainly are just going

    你可能會有零食,你可能會有一些。 喝,但你肯定只是去

  • to find a comfortable place, pull out your smartphone or your laptop and play a video

    找個舒服的地方,拿出你的 智能手機或您的筆記本電腦並播放視頻

  • game.


  • The third thing you might do if you stay in for the evening is read.

    第三件事,你可能會做,如果你留在 為晚上讀。

  • Reading is such an enjoyable activity for me.

    讀書是一件多麼愜意的事情,對於 我。

  • Normally if I stay in for the night, it is my first choice of something to do.

    一般情況下,如果我在這裡過夜,它是。 我的第一選擇的東西做。

  • I love reading books.


  • Another English word for book isnovel”.

    書的另一個英文單詞是 "novel"。

  • So I like to sit down with a good book or novel and just read.

    所以,我喜歡坐下來與一本好書或 小說,只是讀。

  • I have a really nice chair, a reading chair, where I like to do that.

    我有一把非常漂亮的椅子,一把閱讀椅。 我喜歡做的地方。

  • A “reading chair”, there's nothing special about it, it's just the chair that I like

    一把 "閱讀椅",沒有什麼特別的。 只是我喜歡這把椅子而已

  • to sit in when I read.


  • If you chose to stay in for the evening, other English words for things you could read are,

    如果你選擇在這裡過夜,那麼其他的 你能讀懂的東西的英語單詞是:。

  • newspaper”.


  • A “newspaperas you can see in the picture, is a print daily edition of the news.

    從圖中可以看到一張 "報紙"。 是新聞的印刷版日報。

  • You may also be reading a “magazine”.

    你也可能在看一本 "雜誌"。

  • Magazines generally come once a month.


  • And the last thing you might be, you may be reading a book on a “kindleor some sort

    最後你可能是,你可能是。 在 "kindle "上看書,或者說在某種程度上看書

  • of “e-bookreading device.

    的 "電子書 "閱讀設備。

  • I have just recently started reading books as e-books.

    我最近剛開始看書 作為電子書。

  • I'm, I think I like real books better, but “e-booksas well are a way to stay in

    我,我想我更喜歡真正的書,但。 "電子書 "也是一種方式,以保持在

  • for the evening and something fun to do, read a book.

    傍晚時分,做一些有趣的事情,閱讀 一本書。

  • The fourth thing you might do, if you're staying in for the evening to have fun, is

    第四件事你可能會做,如果你是。 晚上留在這裡玩,是指

  • to play a “board gameor to do a “puzzle”.

    玩 "棋盤遊戲 "或做 "拼圖"。

  • So for instance if you were to play a “board gameyou would most likely play either

    例如,如果你要玩一個 "棋盤"。 遊戲",你很可能會玩

  • at thekitchen table”, which is usually the largest table in the house, and works

    在 "餐桌 "上,通常是在 最大的一張桌子,而且工作

  • well forboard games”.

    好為 "棋牌遊戲"。

  • Or you might play a game ofcardsat a special table called a “card table”.

    或者你也可以玩一玩 "牌 "的遊戲。 一種特殊的桌子,叫做 "牌桌"。

  • Either way, this requires that there's other people.

    無論哪種方式,這都需要有其他的。 人。

  • And it's really a fun way to stay in for the evening.

    而這真的是一個有趣的方式,以保持在為 晚上。

  • You may play games like, “monopoly”.


  • You may play games like, “bridge”.


  • You may be playing games like, “scrabble”.

    你可能在玩 "拼字遊戲 "之類的遊戲。

  • By the way if you haven't playedscrabbleyou should play scrabble and try to only do

    順便說一句,如果你沒有玩過 "拼字遊戲" 你應該玩拼字遊戲,儘量只做。

  • English words.


  • It's a really great way to practice your English.

    這是一個非常好的方式來練習你的。 英文。

  • This is a fun way to stay in for the evening.


  • It has the added benefit of that it doesn't cost any money.

    它還有一個好處,那就是它不會。 花費任何錢。

  • And as with everything else I've mentioned so far.

    就像我提到的其他事情一樣 到目前為止。

  • It's usually fun to have somesnackswhile you're playing and something to go

    平時吃點 "零食 "也挺有意思的。 當你在玩的時候,還有一些東西要去

  • along with it.


  • So staying in, if you have enough people in your home or apartment.

    所以,如果你有足夠的人在,就留下來吧 你的家或公寓。

  • It sometimes can be fun to stay in and play a game.

    有時候,呆在家裡玩也是一種樂趣。 一個遊戲。

  • The fifth thing that you might do if you're staying in for the evening is listening to

    第五件事,你可能會做,如果你是。 晚上住在這裡是聽

  • some music.


  • Perhaps you just wanna kick back, which means to relax, perhaps you just want to kick back

    也許你只是想回避,這意味著 放鬆,也許你只是想放鬆一下

  • and listen to some music.


  • You may do that in a number of ways.


  • You may have a “stereo systemwithspeakers”.

    你可能有一個帶 "揚聲器 "的 "立體聲系統"。

  • Or you may have a “radiowithspeakers”.

    或者你可能有一個帶 "喇叭 "的 "收音機"。

  • And perhaps you have a room in your house where you have thissound systemand

    也許你的房子裡有一個房間 在那裡你有這個 "音響系統 "和

  • you just play music and you sit back and you listen to the music with your eyes closed.

    你只是播放音樂,你坐下來,你。 閉著眼睛聽音樂。

  • Maybe you sing along, but you just enjoy listening to the music.

    也許你會跟著唱,但你只是喜歡聽。 伴隨著音樂。

  • A second way that you may listen to the music is perhaps you have a smartphone and you have

    第二種方式,你可以聽音樂。 是也許你有一個智能手機,你有。

  • headphonesorearbuds”.

    "耳機 "或 "耳塞"。

  • And you just plug yourself in, put your headphones on, or put your earbuds in, and play some

    你只要把自己的插頭插上,把你的耳機。 或者把你的耳機放進去,然後播放一些。

  • music.


  • In English, we use words like, listen to a “song”.

    在英語中,我們用的詞是:聽一聽。 "歌曲"。

  • Listen to a “playlist”.

    聽一個 "播放列表"。

  • You may listen a collection of music.


  • People who are older like myself, you may listen to analbumwhich is a collection

    像我這樣上了年紀的人,你可能 聽 "專輯",是一個集合。

  • of music from the sameartist”.

    同一 "藝術家 "的音樂作品。

  • You may listen tosingersor you may listen to music from a “band”.

    你可以聽 "歌星",也可以是 聽 "樂隊 "的音樂。

  • So there's a variety of ways to describe music in English, but generally if you're

    所以,有多種方式來描述。 英語的音樂,但一般來說,如果你是。

  • staying in for the evening just to have an enjoyable evening in and you like music you

    留宿 愉快的夜晚,你喜歡音樂,你

  • will most likely listen to some of your favourite music in one of your favourite places to sit

    很可能會聽一些你喜歡的 在你最喜歡坐的地方聽音樂

  • in the house.


  • A sixth thing that you might do if you're staying in for the evening iscrossword

    第六件事,你可能會做,如果你是。 留宿是 "填字遊戲

  • puzzlesorsudokusor other kinds of small puzzles that you do by yourself.

    拼圖 "或 "數獨 "或其他類型的 的小拼圖,你自己做。

  • Crossword puzzles” a lot of times come in a newspaper.

    "填字遊戲 "很多時候都會出現 在報紙上。

  • Sometimes people cut them out and keep them around.

    有時人們會把它們剪掉,留著它們 左右。

  • You may also buy small books that have a number ofcrosswords puzzles” “word searches

    你也可以買一些小本子,上面有一些 "填字遊戲""單詞搜索 "的數量。

  • orsudokus”.

    或 "suudokus"。

  • Now if your learning Englishcrossword puzzlesandword searchesare also

    現在如果你學習英語 "填字遊戲 拼圖 "和 "單詞搜索 "也是

  • good ways to practice your English words.


  • You can use a crossword to get a hint.


  • A crossword puzzles gives you a hint so that you can figure what word goes horizontally

    一個填字遊戲給你一個提示,使 你可以算出哪個字是橫的

  • or vertically into the puzzle.


  • A “word searchgives you the list of words and you need circle the words in this

    通過 "單詞搜索",你可以得到以下列表 詞,你需要圈出這裡面的詞

  • huge box of letters.


  • So it's extremely difficult to find them.


  • The seventh and last thing that you might do if you are staying in for the evening to

    第七件也是最後一件事,你可能 做,如果你是住在晚上,以

  • have fun is just connecting with someone else.


  • You might sit down at your desk and write a letter using a pen and paper.

    你可以坐在辦公桌前,寫下 用筆和紙寫信。

  • You might decide that you haven't sent a letter to a friend who lives in another country

    你可能會認為你還沒有發送一個 異鄉信

  • for a long time.


  • And you might sit down and you might say, “Dear John, it's been a while, I hope

    你可以坐下來,你可以說。 "親愛的約翰,好久不見,我希望...

  • things are going well.”


  • If you're more modern you might sit down at your computer and you may read an email

    如果你更現代,你可以坐下來。 在您的電腦上,您可以閱讀電子郵件

  • or two from a friend and you might decide to send an email to a friend.

    從朋友那裡得到一兩個,你可能會決定 向朋友發送電子郵件。

  • This is much faster, sometimes I think that letters are are more interesting way to communicate,

    這樣就快多了,有時候我覺得 信是是更有趣的溝通方式。

  • because you need to wait.


  • Email is very, very rapid.


  • You mighttext” a friend.

    你可以給朋友 "發短信"。

  • You might take out your smartphone andtext” a friend.

    你可以拿出你的智能手機,"發短信" 一個朋友。

  • You may just go on the internet and go onsocial mediasites like Facebook and

    你可以直接上互聯網,然後上 Facebook等 "社交媒體 "網站和

  • just check to see who's up to what.


  • What friend is doing what, and maybe you willinstant messagethem via Facebook or

    什麼朋友在做什麼,也許你會 通過臉譜網給他們發 "即時資訊 "或

  • direct messagethem via other platforms.

    通過其他平臺給他們 "直接留言"。

  • So you might spend the evening in even though you're not being social, you may spend the

    所以你可能會花晚上的時間,即使 你不是在社交,你可能會花費

  • evening in socializing in certain way by writing a letter or email or text to someone.

    傍晚 給某人的信或電子郵件或簡訊;

  • So that's the video on things you can do if you're staying in for fun.

    所以,這就是你可以做的事情的視頻。 如果你是住在這裡玩。

  • Please remember if you liked this video to give me a thumbs up, that would be awesome.

    如果你喜歡這個視頻,請記得 給我一個大拇指,這將是真棒。

  • If you haven't subscribed yet please do subscribe to my channel by clicking the subscribe

    如果您還沒有訂閱,請訂閱。 點擊訂閱來訂閱我的頻道

  • button below.


  • Hit the bell icon if you want notifications.


  • This a video in a series, so I'm going to do a series of five videos of things you can

    這是一個系列的視頻,所以我將 做一系列的五個視頻的事情,你可以。

  • do for fun.


  • So look for those coming up in the next few weeks.

    所以,在接下來的幾個月裡,請留意這些內容。 周。

  • I'll try to do one a week.


  • Bob the Canadian here.


  • Learn English with Bob the Canadian.


  • I really hope you enjoyed this video and have a great day.

    我真的希望你喜歡這個視頻,並有 一個偉大的日子。

  • Hi Bob the Canadian here.


  • It's just a little too bright outside to shoot a video, so I'm going to head up into

    只是外面太亮了點,不適合 拍攝一個視頻,所以我要去頭頂到

  • upstairs of the barn.


  • We're gonna talk about fun things to do when you're staying in for the night.

    我們要討論一些有趣的事情。 當你在這裡過夜的時候。

Hi Bob the Canadian here.


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