字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This is New York in Slow English. 這裡是《紐約慢速英文》。 These 3 words "see", "look", and "watch", are very common in English. 這三個詞: see、look、watch 在英語中非常常見。 And they all have to do with how we use our eyes. 而它們都與我們如何使用眼睛有關。 Let me show you some videos, and you take note of when I use each one of these words. 我給大家看一些影片,大家注意一下我什麼時候用這些詞。 Then we'll go back together and review why I made the choice I made. 那我們就一起回去回顧一下我為什麼會做出這樣的選擇。 Hi. My name is Connie. 嗨,我叫 Connie。 Today I'm headed to the museum to see the Michelangelo exhibit. 今天我去博物館看米開朗基羅的展覽。 This neighborhood is a very wealthy neighborhood. 這個社區是一個非常富裕的社區。 And the people you see up here are generally dressed in a very stylish manner. 而你在這邊看到的人,一般都是穿著很時尚的。 You'll see lots of little boutique shops here where you can look in the window. 在這裡你會看到很多精品小店,你可以在櫥窗裡看。 I love to sit here and just watch the people go by. 我喜歡坐在這裡,看著人們走過。 If you look closely you'll see that most people in New York dress in black. 如果你仔細觀察就會發現,紐約的大多數人都穿著黑色的衣服。 Ok. Let's listen again and then stop and talk about the words. 好喔,我們再來聽一聽,然後停下來說說這些話。 Today I'm headed to the museum to see the Michelangelo exhibit. 今天我去博物館看米開朗基羅的展覽。 "See" is kind of a general word we use when you open your eyes and you see something. 「See」算是我們睜開眼睛看到的東西時的一個通用詞。 Alright? 好嗎? It just floats in front of your eyes. 它就這樣漂浮在你的眼前。 You don't put very much effort into it. 你沒有花太多精力去看。 Now in this case, I'm also using "see" as a destination. 在這種情況下,我也用 see 作為目的地。 So, for example, you go to see friends, or you might go see a movie, or you might see an exhibition, like this case. 所以,比如說,你去見朋友,或者你可能會去看電影,或者你可能會去看。一個展覽,就像這個例子一樣。 This neighborhood is a very wealthy neighborhood, and the people you see up here are generally dressed in a very stylish manner. 這附近是一個非常富裕的社區,你在這裡看到的人一般都是。穿著很時尚。 You'll see lots of little boutique shops here where you can look in the window. 在這裡你會看到很多精品小店,你可以在櫥窗裡看。 I used the word "see" here because you don't really have to put in any effort. 我在這裡用了 see 這個字,因為你真的不需要付出任何努力。 You just go up to the Upper East Side, open your eyes, and you will find people who are dressed very stylishly. 你只要上到上東區,睜開眼睛,你就會發現人們都是穿著非常時尚。 It's the same thing with the shops. 店鋪也是一樣的道理。 When you open your eyes, you will see all kinds of shops up there. 當你睜開眼睛的時候,你會看到上面有各種各樣的店鋪。 But, then notice I use the word "look" for when you look in the window. 但是,後來注意到我用 look 是指你看窗外的時候。 This is because now you are being more active. 這是因為現在你比較積極。 You are actually pointing your eyes someplace and looking inside the window. 你其實是把眼睛對準某個地方,看著窗戶裡面。 I love to sit here and just watch the people go by. 我喜歡坐在這裡,看著人們走過。 I'm pointing my eyes at this man, and I'm looking at him. 我指著這個男人,我在看他。 But notice that he is moving in front of my eyes. 但注意到他在我眼前移動。 When something is moving in front of your eyes, we use the word "watch". 當有東西在你眼前移動時,我們用 watch 這個字。 If you look closely, you'll see that most people in New York dress in black. 如果你仔細觀察,你會發現,紐約的大多數人都穿著黑色的衣服。 I used the word "look" because I'm asking you to actually turn your eyes and study the people who are dressed in black. 我用了 look 這個詞,因為我是讓你真正地轉過眼睛去研究一下穿著黑色衣服的人。 But then I switched to the word "see" because once you move your eyes, then those people will be in front of them, and you'll see them without any effort at all. 但後來我換成了 see,因為一旦你動了眼睛,那麼這些人會在他們面前,你會看到他們根本不費吹灰之力。 OK, can you just look at my card? I think it's still good. 好吧,你能看看我的卡片嗎?我覺得還是不錯的。 Yeah, you're good. 是的,還能用。 Alright, thanks so much. 好的,謝謝你。 Thank you. 謝謝你。 I used the word "look" because I'm asking her to direct her eyes at my membership card to make sure that it is still valid. 我用的是look,因為我是讓她把眼睛對準我的會員卡,以確保它仍然有效。 Now notice that after "look" when there is an object, we use a preposition. 現在注意,當有受詞在 look 的後面,我們會用一個介系詞。 Many times we use the preposition "at". 很多時候,我們用的是介詞 at。 How would you fill in this sentence? 你會如何填寫這句話? This woman is looking at the map. 這個女人在看地圖。 She's studying it very closely to figure out where she wants to go. 她正在仔細研究,想知道自己要去哪裡。 Now try this sentence. 現在試試這句話。 Alright, these people are taking a selfie, and they are looking at themselves. 這些人在自拍,他們在看自己。 Do you see the two guards at the bottom of the stairs? 你看到樓梯下面的兩個警衛了嗎? Here, these two guards. 這裡,這兩個警衛。 What are they doing? 他們在做什麼? The two guards are watching to make sure the people have a ticket. 兩個警衛在旁邊看著,確保人們有票。 They are looking at people, but notice the people are walking past them. 他們在看人,但注意到人從他們身邊走過。 They are moving in front of their eyes. 他們眼前一動。 So instead of saying "looking at," we would say they are "watching" people. 所以,與其說是 look at,不如說他們在 watch 人。 What would you say for this picture? 對於這張照片,你會怎麼說? I would say: "There are so many drawings to see!" 我想說的是:「有這麼多的畫可以看!」 And my meaning is that every time I turn my head there's another drawing. 而我的意思是,每當我轉過頭,就會有另一幅畫。 I can see it without any effort at all. 我不費吹灰之力就能看出來。 Try this sentence. 試試這句話。 In this sentence, you are making an effort. 在這句話中,你是在努力。 You are really concentrating as you study this painting. 你研究這幅畫的時候真的很專注。 And after you do that, then with less effort you can see. 而在你做到這一點之後,那麼你就可以用更少的精力去看。 So in the first part we use "look" and in the second part we use "see". 所以第一部分我們用 look,第二部分我們用 see。 A lot of people sit on the stairs outside the museum because there's always something interesting to see. 很多人都坐在博物館外的樓梯上,因為總是有一些東西有趣的是。 On a nice day, it's great to just hang out on the stairs and watch the traffic go by. 天氣好的時候,就在樓梯上閒逛,看著車水馬龍,很是愜意。 If you like this video, please click on the "like" button. 如果你喜歡這個視頻,請點擊 "喜歡 "按鈕。 And be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes from New York in Slow English. 請一定要訂閱,這樣你就不會錯過《紐約慢速英語》的任何一集。 See you next time. 下次見。 Bye! 再見!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 眼睛 穿著 眼前 展覽 睜開 樓梯 See、look、watch 都是「看」,但是差別在哪又該怎麼正確使用呢?(See, look, watch - which one to use in easy, slow English) 27008 586 Samuel 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字