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  • Science asks big challenging questions about the nature of the universe.

    科學提出了一些具有挑戰性的大問題 宇宙的本質。

  • Answering these questions often requires collaboration across scientific disciplines and national

    回答這些問題往往需要合作 跨學科、跨國家

  • borders.


  • But what happens when countries are isolated, at war, or just don't get alongwhat

    但是,當國家被孤立的時候,會發生什麼。 在戰爭中,或只是不相處... ... 什麼?

  • do scientists do then?


  • In some areas of science it's impossible to do research without collaborating with

    在某些科學領域,這是不可能的 擅自進行研究

  • another country.


  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (or UNESCO) reported

    聯合國教育、科學及文化組織 教科文組織的報告

  • that in 2015 an average of 1 in 4 published scientific papers listed some form of collaboration

    指出,2015年平均每4個出版的刊物中就有1個 科學論文列出了一些合作形式

  • with foreign scientists, and that number continues to grow.

    與外國科學家合作,而且這個數字還在繼續 以增長。

  • For instance, the high altitude, lack of atmosphere and dry conditions in certain parts of Chile

    比如說,高海拔,缺乏大氣層 智利某些地區的乾燥條件

  • make it one of the best places on EARTH to view activity in outer space.

    使它成為地球上最好的地方之一。 查看外太空的活動。

  • This is one reason that it is estimated by 2020, 70% of the global infrastructure for

    這是由下列機構估計的原因之一 2020年,全球70%的基礎設施將用於

  • astronomical observation will be located in Chile.

    天文觀測站將設在 智利:

  • With the rest of the world's astronomers dependent on their facilities for sensitive

    與世界其他天文學家一起 依靠其設施來處理敏感問題

  • measurements good relations are critical if research in astronomy is to advance.

    測量的良好關係是至關重要的,如果 天文學的研究是為了推進。

  • But consider what happens if countries have a challenging political relationship.

    但是,如果國家有 具有挑戰性的政治關係。

  • US relations with Cuba for instance have been famously strained since the 1960's.

    例如,美國與古巴的關係一直 自20世紀60年代以來,著名的緊張。

  • While exchange of scientific information was never expressly forbidden, US embargos on

    雖然科學資訊的交流是 從來沒有明文禁止,美國的禁運對

  • everything from travel to trade between the two countries has made it difficult for Cuban

    從旅行到貿易的各個環節 這使古巴人難以接受。

  • scientists to access instrumentation and equipment that scientists outside the country take for

    科學家使用儀器和設備 國外科學家認為

  • granted.


  • This is because modern reagents and scientific equipment are often manufactured in, or contain

    這是因為現代試劑和科學 設備往往是在製造或包含

  • parts, from the United States which exempts them from sale to Cuba.

    美國的部分,其中免除美國的責任。 銷往古巴。

  • Even with these challenges, Cuba is a superstar of science.

    即使有這些挑戰,古巴也是一個超級明星。 的科學。

  • They were the first country to receive validation from the World Health Organization for eliminating

    它們是第一個得到確認的國家 世界衛生組織關於消除對婦女歧視的建議

  • mother-to-child transmission of HIV, and their lung cancer vaccine was an early success for

    艾滋病毒母嬰傳播,及其對母嬰傳播的影響。 肺癌疫苗是早期成功的肺癌疫苗。

  • cancer immunotherapy.


  • These innovations made formalized scientific collaboration between the US and Cuba politically

    這些創新使正規化的科學 美古合作

  • more attractive and in 2014 the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Cuban

    更具吸引力,2014年,美國協會 科學和技術促進發展委員會與古巴政府的合作

  • Academy of Sciences signed a historic agreement toseek opportunities for sustained cooperation.”

    科學院簽署歷史性協議 "尋找持續合作的機會"。

  • In order for them to fulfill that promise, the two countries had to agree to work together

    為了讓他們實現這個承諾。 兩國必須同意合作

  • outside of the laboratory, and this newfound scientific relationship coincided with a general

    在實驗室之外,而這種新發現的。 科學關係與一般

  • easing restrictions between the US and Cuba, including a relaxation of travel restrictions

    放寬美國和古巴之間的限制。 包括放寬旅行限制

  • and a historic visit to Havana by President Obama himself.

    和總統對哈瓦那的歷史性訪問 奧巴馬本人。

  • But of course, 2016 feels like a long time ago, and the current US administration doesn't

    但當然,2016年感覺時間很長 前,而美國現政府不

  • have the same approach to collaboration.


  • So it remains to be seen if these agreements are allowed to continue.

    是以,這些協議是否會被視為 允許繼續。

  • Where the public may perceive hostility, scientific collaboration still continuesbecause scientists

    在公眾可能感到敵意的情況下,科研人員可以通過科學的方法來解決。 合作仍在繼續......因為科學家

  • find greater value in, well, science.


  • In other parts of the world, international collaborations like the Human Genome Project

    在世界其他地區,國際 人類基因組計劃等合作

  • and the particle accelerator SESAME in the Middle East (which includes unfriendly countries

    粒子加速器和中東同步加速器中的 "SESAME"。 中東(包括不友好國家)

  • like Iran, Pakistan, and Israel) are pushing humanity's knowledge of the universe forward

    諸如伊朗、巴基斯坦和以色列等國)正在推動 推進人類對宇宙的認識

  • and creating havens of cooperation in a time of increasing nationalism.

    和創造合作的避風港的時代。 越來越多的民族主義。

  • When it comes to highly visible, internationalmoon shotprojects like CERN's Large

    當涉及到高知名度、國際 "射月 "項目,如歐洲核子研究中心的大型

  • Hadron Collider or the International Space Station-- a project reliant on cooperation

    強子對撞機或國際空間 站----一個依靠合作的項目

  • between Russia, the United States and others -- the whole world is watching.

    俄美等國之間 -- 全世界都在看

  • The sheer scale of investment puts these massive collaborations in a delicate diplomatic position

    龐大的投資規模將這些大規模的 協作的微妙外交地位

  • that can make them critical points of de-escalation and compromise in otherwise gridlocked negotiations.

    可以使其成為緩和的關鍵點。 並在原本陷入僵局的談判中達成妥協。

  • They can also inspire us to acknowledge that we're all just bunch of humans stuck on

    它們也能激勵我們承認 我們只是一群被困在這裡的人類

  • a rock racing around the sun at 67,000 mph (108K km/h).

    繞日石 (108K公里/小時)。

  • And in the words of Louis Pasteur: “Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs

    用路易-巴斯德的話說:"科學......"。 不分國界,因為知識屬於

  • to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.”

    是照亮人類的火炬。 世界。"

  • As another example, we're working on a deep space gateway with Russia, go here to learn

    另一個例子是,我們正在研究一個深層次的 與俄羅斯的空間門戶,到這裡來了解一下

  • more and don't forget to subscribe for more science in your day!

    更多,不要忘了訂閱更多的 在你的日子裡,科學!

  • Did you know that during the cold war, The US and USSR were working together for science?

    你知道嗎,在冷戰期間,The? 美國和蘇聯是為了科學合作?

  • When the Soviet Union's Cosmos 936 mission launched in 1977, seven U.S. biological experiments

    當蘇聯的 "宇宙936 "號任務時 1977年啟動的美國七項生物實驗。

  • were onboard.


Science asks big challenging questions about the nature of the universe.

科學提出了一些具有挑戰性的大問題 宇宙的本質。

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