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  • - We're going to the horse ride,

  • going to the horse ride,

  • - [Jackson] Mama I--

  • - Going to the horse ride

  • up he's mad about something.

  • (upbeat music)

  • ^Hi I'm Hannah, and I'm the world's okayest mom.

  • Now if you have kids odds are

  • birthdays are a big deal in your house.

  • There for sure a big deal in mine.

  • I try to go all out for the kids

  • and do really special stuff to make them feel loved.

  • But for the most part I'm the one planning

  • the parties and how we celebrate their birthdays.

  • They'll choose the theme and the cake that they want.

  • But I'm really deciding when, where, and how we celebrate.

  • So I wanna try something different this year.

  • ^Jackson's turning six, I want him to decide

  • ^what he wants to do for his own birthday.

  • ^So I'm going to take the money that

  • I would've spent on his party and give it

  • to him to use however he wants for his birthday.

  • Now here's hoping he doesn't choose something

  • like a new puppy, or 250 bags of M&M's.

  • But you never know what kids so let's go ask him.

  • First things first there weren't a lot

  • of ground rules for this because you know he got

  • to pick whatever he wanted to do.

  • But he's five years old, he's a kid.

  • He doesn't quite understand the value of a dollar

  • or what you can get for certain amounts of money.

  • He doesn't know how to budget.

  • We've gone to lunch and he's been like

  • don't worry mom I got this, and like opens his wallet

  • and pulls out a dollar.

  • And I'm like you are so sweet but that's not how it works.

  • So of course there's a little anxiety going into this,

  • But I asked him and this is what he said.

  • I want to go to Legoland, Legoland, Legoland, Lego.

  • So for those of you who don't speak kid,

  • he said he wants to go to Legoland.

  • (exasperated sigh)

  • Now Legoland isn't Disney expensive, but it's expensive.

  • It's about twice as much as I was planning to spend.

  • I have decided that I will not rest

  • until we figure out how to make this work.

  • I feel like theme park trips are something

  • that families save up for for a while.

  • So I wasn't really expecting this.

  • Matt and I are going to spend some time sitting down

  • and budgeting, and going over everything

  • to see how we can pull this off.

  • How could you say no to that face?

  • (laughs)

  • ^Okay so the kids are asleep and so it's time for us

  • ^to try to budget and figure out how we're

  • ^going to make this trip work.

  • Here we go.

  • (upbeat jazz)

  • Okay so we figured it out so usually we spend

  • about 250 bucks per kid per birthday party

  • We realized if we do this for both kids birthdays,

  • we can swing the two-day pass to the park,

  • and the aquarium, and get a night at the hotel.

  • Jackson really really really wanted

  • ^to bring my sister Stella she's like his best friend and so

  • ^I remember like as a kid my parents would let me

  • do something with one friend for my birthday.

  • We're going to make it work for her to come too.

  • ^We're Wyatt's only friends (laughs) so he's cheap.

  • We did it!

  • - Yeah!

  • - Go team!

  • - Oh that's horrible.

  • - I'm looking, I'm trying to look at the camera.

  • Yeah.

  • ^Look what I got.

  • (laughs)

  • Are you excited?

  • I'm so excited, I'm so excited.

  • I think I'm more excited than you.

  • - We're going to Legoland!

  • - Whoo! (laughs)

  • Are you excited for Legoland?

  • - Eee Da buhda.

  • - Boogers, you have some boogers.

  • So Saturday morning we decided to get up super early

  • so we could try to get to the park when it opened.

  • Okay we're on our way.

  • - Whoo!

  • - We were only a little bit late getting out.

  • I'm very surprised by how fast we got this done.

  • And Matt and I have a couple little surprises.

  • - [Dad] Wyatt.

  • - We're going to McDonald's for breakfast.

  • - (everyone cheers)

  • - [Dad] Yay Wyatt, Jackson!

  • - Wow we never get McDonald's so this is a big deal

  • - That tastes really good.

  • - Mmm it tastes so good.

  • - Have you guys ever had a hash brown before?

  • - No I've never had a hash brown before.

  • - Oh my gosh.

  • - Not me.

  • - Matt have you ever had a hash brown before?

  • - I've had millions.

  • (laughs)

  • - So we're in the car, we're on our way.

  • We got McDonald's for the kids.

  • They're super excited until about an hour into

  • the drive I realized something.

  • I forgot the tickets (laughs) but luckily

  • I have them in my inbox so we're going to stop

  • at FedEx so I can print them out

  • Legoland doesn't accept digital tickets.

  • You have to like actually print them out

  • and show them to them and I'm not used to that so my bad.

  • ^We are here.

  • - Lego, Lego, Lego, Lego

  • - We are in the park.

  • One of my favorite parts about Legoland by far

  • was that it seems like it's designed to wear your kids out.

  • We just went, and went, and went all the first day.

  • Whoo hoo Jackson!

  • We have our 3D glasses on, we're ready to go on the ride.

  • Woosh woosh.

  • - Rawr

  • (laughs)

  • - We're in Vegas now, so cool.

  • Watch Wyatt run, oh my God.

  • Can we just take a minute

  • to appreciate the way that Wyatt runs.

  • So as a park Legoland is a lot smaller than Disneyland

  • But the lines are short, the rides are quick,

  • and the height requirement is a lot shorter.

  • Pretty much for all the rides, both Jackson

  • and Wyatt could go on them together.

  • We're going to go on the Lego friends horse ride.

  • What color horse do you want?

  • - White.

  • - [Hannah] White.

  • - [Stella] Brown.

  • - Brown, and Jackson what color horse?

  • - Black.

  • - Black, I am not going on a horse.

  • Wyatt is a little too short for a couple of the rides

  • So he's going to get his face painted

  • - With Batman!

  • - With Batman!

  • - [Face Painter] All right sweetie just rest your head back.

  • - Wyatt, you look amazing!

  • So the one thing about Legoland,

  • it's designed to sell you Legos.

  • There are Legos everywhere.

  • Everything is made out of Legos, it's amazing

  • and it makes you feel like, I want to build this.

  • I want to do this.

  • I, like, you.

  • You're so sweet.

  • So one of the cool little perks of our room

  • was there's a big treasure chest

  • and in order to unlock it you need to complete

  • a scavenger hunt around the lobby of the hotel.

  • We're going to do this scavenger hunt

  • and it's going to unlock the treasure chest

  • with a prize inside.

  • So the kids are going around counting things

  • and it's all Legos everywhere.

  • So we get up to the room with the combo.

  • And I'm really anticipating what's

  • going to be inside this box.

  • - [Kids] Whoa!

  • - And we finally opened it and it's like, Legos!

  • It's your travel guide.

  • Duh why was I expecting anything different?

  • It's Legos everywhere, everything's Legos.

  • But it was really cool that the kids each

  • got their own little Lego set from that treasure chest.

  • Because that was one less thing we had to buy.

  • Quick Parent Pro tip, if you're going to

  • be bringing your own cake to the hotel

  • you might want to bring utensils because I didn't.

  • Everyone wash their hands and eat cake with their hands.

  • Which I mean we're going to eat the cake.

  • Like there's no other way.

  • But the prime example of how Legoland is made for kids

  • is upon check-in I was notified of

  • the kids nightclub that's every night from 6 to 9 p.m.

  • ^There is a kids night club inside of Legoland.

  • Any leftover energy they had from the day, like

  • that's where it goes.

  • Jackson I've got to get that kid in dance classes.

  • He's just letting the music control

  • his body he was going for it.

  • And the best part of the kids club.

  • I got my chardonnay.

  • That's right there is a bar across the hall.

  • And they will pour your wine in a plastic cup for you

  • to take across and watch your kids just get out

  • the rest of the energy they had left from the day.

  • So day two, since we've gotten most

  • of the rides done the first day,

  • Jackson wanted to do the aquarium on the second day.

  • So we are in the aquarium now.

  • We got our coffees.

  • They actually made it super kid friendly and fun.

  • - Daddy I found one of your favorite fishes.

  • - Whoa, look, oh my gosh look at the stingray!

  • Oh, oh my gosh, hello.

  • And then the first thing you get when you walk in

  • is this slide, that's so cool.

  • Right off the bat there's this really cool jellyfish exhibit

  • and there's this guy feeding them,

  • And this one man explaining all different

  • kinds of jellyfish, and how they eat,

  • and what they eat and stuff like that.

  • And so I saw this tank of jellyfish I had never seen before.

  • So I was staring at them for a long time

  • and waiting for them to get fed

  • because I wanted to see what that looked like

  • but it wasn't til about 15 minutes in

  • that I look down and realize that

  • I had been staring at a display of plastic bags.

  • At least I'm environmentally conscious okay.

  • So Sunday, our final day, we stayed until the park

  • closed because you know I'm getting my money's worth

  • but luckily it didn't close that late

  • because it's designed for smaller children it closed

  • at about five, which was perfect for us

  • to pack up and leave, and get home,

  • and not have bedtime be super late

  • because the kids had school the next day.

  • Goodbye Legoland.

  • And look what we have here (laughs)

  • Oh my God literally we haven't even been

  • on the road five minutes.

  • So there was one last thing that

  • Jackson wanted to do before we went home.

  • So we drove through Anaheim,

  • on the way back from San Diego.

  • And there's this really cool place

  • called Anaheim Packing District.

  • And they have these bizarre desserts.

  • I guess you'd call it a dessert.

  • And it's a rice puff that's soaked in liquid nitrogen.

  • And so when you put it in your mouth

  • and breathe out you get a lot of steam coming out.

  • Like cold air coming out and it's really cold

  • and you can get about to come out your nose

  • (laughing)

  • - Can I have one?

  • - It's coming out your nose Jackson.

  • But while the trip was super exciting and fun,

  • it was really emotional for me

  • because I mean any other parent can relate.

  • When your kid gets a year older it's just like,

  • where did that time go you know?

  • I feel like I blinked and he's,

  • oh my God that's so embarrassing.

  • I feel like I blinked and he's six.

  • And there was a moment at the buffet

  • when they brought out the cake

  • and everyone was singing and he looked

  • a little embarrassed, and I was just like,

  • oh that's him getting bigger and he's getting older.

  • So that, I mean I didn't log this,

  • but there was a lot of this throughout

  • the whole trip because for me as a working mom,

  • time flies so fast and I just I was so grateful

  • that we were able to give him that experience

  • and spend all that time together

  • and have that much fun together

  • but it's just like why why do you have to grow up you know?

  • So, sorry, (laugh) mom moment right there.

  • So how was your birthday?

  • - I had the best birthday ever.

  • - You had the best birthday ever?

  • - Mmmhmm.

  • - I love you so much.

  • - Because my mommy is the best.

  • - Thank you.

  • - And my dada

  • So that's all I got for today, I'm cleaning.

  • And if you had a birthday that you particularly loved,

  • or a party idea leave it in the comments.

  • ^Or you can always text me, this is a real number

  • ^and I love hearing what you guys have to say

  • ^So go for it.

  • Now if you'll excuse me

  • I'm going to go start planning for next years party

  • Because you can never start to early.

  • Until next time.

  • Ugh, sh**

  • [Hannah] Gotta work on that Lego.

  • ^(playful music)

- We're going to the horse ride,


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A2 初級 美國腔

我讓我的兒子計劃他自己的生日 (I Let My Son Plan His Own Birthday)

  • 17 1
    Evangeline 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日