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  • hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

    嘿,夥計們什麼是英國的斯蒂芬妮。 教練在這裡從英語全職網

  • in this video we are going to talk about how to improve your listening skills in

    在這個視頻中,我們將談論 如何提高你的聽力技巧,在

  • English and the reason I'm making this video is because this is one of the most

    英語和我做這個的原因 視頻是因為這是一個最

  • frequently asked questions that I get you guys say Stefanie I don't

    經常被問到的問題 你們說史黛芬妮我不知道。

  • understand what's going on I understand you perfectly

    我明白是怎麼回事了 你完全

  • but then when I watch TV shows and movies in English I have to turn on

    但當我看電視劇和 英文電影,我必須打開

  • subtitles because I feel like I don't understand anything okay so we're going

    字幕,因為我覺得我不 瞭解任何東西 好吧,所以我們要

  • to talk about this and how you can improve your listening skills and what

    談談這個問題,以及你如何能 提高你的聽力技巧,以及

  • some of the reasons might be that you're not understanding other people in

    其中一些原因可能是你是 不解風情

  • English but you understand me perfectly fine okay so to begin one of the reasons

    英語,但你完全理解我的意思 好吧,所以開始的原因之一

  • why you understand me so well is because I speak well I have very good speaking

    為什麼你這麼瞭解我是因為 我的口才很好 我的口才很好

  • habits because as I was growing up I competed in speech competitions poetry

    因為在我成長的過程中,我 詩詞比賽

  • competitions I did public speaking I did acting classes I sang in choirs I

    比賽我做了公開演講我 我上過表演課 我在合唱團裡唱過歌

  • sang in jazz groups okay there are so many things that I did growing up that

    在爵士樂隊中唱歌 好吧,有這樣的 很多事情,我做的成長,

  • really focused on helping me improve my voice and have a strong voice and the

    真正專注於幫助我提高我的 嗓子,並擁有強大的聲音和

  • voice that I have and also as I've become an adult I've really focused on

    我有的聲音,也是我已經 成年後的我,真正注重

  • my voice because your voice is something that everyone has to listen to not just

    我的聲音,因為你的聲音是什麼 每個人都必須聽從的不僅僅是

  • you okay have you ever made a video and you're like oh I hate my voice well

    你還好嗎你曾經做了一個視頻和 你就像哦,我討厭我的聲音,以及

  • think about it if you hate your voice what do other people think about your

    討厭自己的聲音就想想吧 別人怎麼看你

  • voice because everyone has to listen to your voice right so I didn't want to

    聲音,因為每個人都要聽 你的聲音是正確的,所以我不想。

  • hate my voice I focused on improving my voice and I really just started

    討厭我的聲音,我專注於改善我的 聲音,我真的剛剛開始

  • listening to my speech my patterns my speaking habits the tone of my voice

    聽我說話我的模式我的 語氣

  • okay the sound the volume everything and I started paying attention to it anytime

    好吧,聲音,音量,一切,還有 我開始關注它,隨時

  • you start paying attention to something and you're actively trying to improve it

    你開始注意到的東西 而你卻在積極努力地改進它

  • and thinking why don't I like this what can I do to improve it you're gonna

    心想為什麼我不喜歡這個什麼? 我能做些什麼來改善它,你會的

  • start noticing things like if you listen to my voice and you ask yourself okay

    開始注意到的東西,如如果你聽 我的聲音,你問自己好嗎

  • why do I like Stefanie's voice you're gonna be able to identify specific

    為什麼我喜歡Stefanie的聲音,你是。 會能夠識別特定的

  • things about my voice that you like maybe it's the fact that I go up and I

    你喜歡我的聲音 也許是我上樓的事實,我...

  • go when I speak or something like that and

    去 當我說話或類似的東西和

  • then you're gonna be able to incorporate that okay you you don't need a teacher

    那麼你就可以將 那好吧你 你不需要老師了。

  • or somebody to show you how to do all of these things you can just identify what

    或者有人告訴你如何做所有的。 這些東西你可以只識別什麼

  • it is and then start imitating the way that I speak or the way anybody speaks

    然後開始效仿 語氣

  • whoever speaks in a way that you like maybe it's a famous actor or someone on

    誰的口氣大,誰就會喜歡 也許是某位著名的演員或者是某位

  • TV you can analyze their voice what do you like about it what do you not like

    電視上你可以分析他們的聲音是什麼 你喜歡什麼,你不喜歡什麼

  • about it and then you can start to imitate them so going back to the good

    關於它,然後你就可以開始 因襲

  • speaking habits I was telling you guys about one of the things that I do is I

    我告訴你們的說話習慣 我所做的事情之一是我

  • enunciate and I'm very expressive so I speak not just with my vocal cords and

    發音,我很有表現力,所以我... 不僅僅是用聲帶說話,而且是用身體說話

  • my tongue and my mouth but I speak with my eyes I speak with my facial

    我的舌頭和我的嘴,但我說 我的眼睛我說話的臉

  • expressions I speak in a way that communicates to you and helps make me

    我說話的方式 與你溝通,幫助我

  • more understandable also the way that I pause when I speak or the words that I

    也更能理解我的方式 我說話時的停頓,或者我說的話

  • emphasize when I speak all of that helps you focus on what I'm saying and be able

    語重心長 你專注於我說的話,並能夠。

  • to listen to me for a long time and like I said I enunciate I don't

    聽我說了很久 就像我說的,我的發音,我不知道。

  • mumble I have good pronunciation habits again

    喃喃自語 我又養成了良好的發音習慣

  • these are just things that I learned how to do growing up because of the

    這些都是我學到的東西 長大後,因為

  • experiences that I had I never had a teacher that really you know taught me

    的經驗,我有我從來沒有一個 老師,真的你知道教我

  • how to do all of this it just was something that I sort of had to do

    怎麼做這一切它只是 我不得不做的事情

  • because of the activities that I was involved in and I also taught in

    因為我的活動 參與,我還在

  • classrooms for several years and I don't know if you have experienced you know

    幾年的教室,我不。 知否你經歷過你就知道

  • presenting in front of huge groups of people but if you're not entertaining or

    大庭廣眾之下 人,但如果你沒有娛樂或

  • if you don't speak in a certain way people will not pay attention to you and

    言不由衷 人云亦云

  • so I have had to learn basically because of survival that if I want people to pay

    所以我不得不學習基本上是因為 如果我想讓人們支付

  • attention to my message I have to deliver it in a way that's gonna hold

    注意我的資訊,我必須 傳達的方式,是要去保持

  • their attention right so just life experience has taught me how to present

    他們的注意權,所以只是生命 經驗告訴我如何介紹

  • in certain ways and this is why I present the way that I do and not

    在某些方面,這就是為什麼我 以我的方式呈現,而不是

  • everybody's gonna like it and that's totally okay but a lot of you have

    每個人都會喜歡它,這是 完全沒有問題,但你們很多人都

  • commented on my videos saying wow wow wow we understand you what's going on

    評論我的視頻說哇哇 哇,我們明白你的意思

  • okay so that's one of the reasons now the other reason you might understand me

    好吧,所以這是一個原因,現在 另一個原因,你可能會理解我

  • more than you know TV shows and series and stuff

    超乎你的想象 諸如此類

  • that is because maybe you're more familiar with my accent I grew up in

    那是因為也許你更 熟悉我的口音,我從小在

  • California so I speak like the way people speak in California and this

    加利福尼亞,所以我說話的方式 加利福尼亞人的語言,這

  • means that if you watch TV shows that are based in the US a lot of times these

    意思是說,如果你看的電視節目 許多時候,這些都是在美國。

  • shows have my same accent the people in there speak the way that I speak so

    節目中的人有我一樣的口音 語出驚人

  • you're just very familiar with my dialect of English okay with my way of

    你只是對我很熟悉 俺的英語

  • speaking now if you watch I don't know the news in Ireland or in the UK or in

    現在說話,如果你看了我不知道 在愛爾蘭、英國或

  • Australia maybe you're not as familiar with those accents because you have not

    澳洲也許你沒有那麼熟悉 因為你沒有

  • consumed as much material from those regions okay with their specific English

    消耗了同樣多的材料,從那些 地區的英語

  • dialect and way of speaking another reason that you might understand me a

    語氣 為了讓你能理解我

  • lot more than other people is because when I make youtube videos or videos in

    比別人多很多是因為 當我製作youtube視頻或視頻在

  • general I am presenting so it's not that I'm trying to slow down I'm not slowing

    一般來說,我介紹的是,所以這並不是什麼好事 我想慢下來,我沒有慢下來。

  • down as you guys can see I'm speaking rather quickly right now actually right

    你們也看到了,我說的是。 蠻快的,現在實際上是正確的

  • now I'm speaking more quickly than I would in a natural conversation in a

    現在我說話比我更快 會在一個自然的對話中

  • natural conversation you guys I take my time I'm pretty slow I relax but when

    自然的談話,你們我把我的 時間我很慢,我很放鬆,但當。

  • I'm presenting all of a sudden I don't know what happens something inside of me

    我突然發現,我不知道該怎麼做 知道發生了什麼事,我的內心

  • just wants to go faster and that might be you know me just wanting to keep

    只是想走得更快,這可能 是你知道我只是想保持

  • everyone's attention but as I go faster I'm also taking special care to make

    萬眾矚目 但我越走越快 我還特別注意讓

  • sure I'm pronouncing words well so you guys can understand me

    確定我的發音很好,所以你... ... 大家能理解我

  • even though I'm speaking faster and I notice it because when I present in

    即使我說得更快,我 注意到它,因為當我在

  • front of a large group for an hour or an hour and a half oh my gosh my voice is

    當眾 一個半小時,哦,我的天哪,我的聲音是。

  • so sore and that's when I realize wow that I'm really putting a huge effort

    好痛,這時我才意識到哇 我真的付出了巨大的努力

  • into the way that I'm speaking so that I can be understood in natural

    到我說話的方式,所以我 順理成章

  • conversation I go slower I don't support my voice as well so when we say support

    談話我走慢了我不支持。 我的聲音,所以當我們說支持

  • we're talking about the volume of the voice okay I'm really using my diaphragm

    我們談論的是 聲音還好,我真的是在用橫膈膜啊

  • and my muscles in my diaphragm to project my voice and even though I'm the

    和我的肌肉在我的橫膈膜到 投影我的聲音,即使我是

  • only person in this room right now I'm speaking in such a way where if someone

    唯一的人在這個房間裡,現在,我是 語氣中,如果有人

  • was you know 50 feet away they would probably still be able to hear me that's

    是你知道50英尺遠,他們會 可能還能聽到我的聲音,那就是

  • supporting your voice and projecting that's what I do it when I make these

    支撐你的聲音和投影 我做這些的時候就是這樣做的

  • videos because I am presenting and it's just this state

    視頻,因為 我在介紹,只是這種狀態。

  • of being and it's just the way that I present it's how I do it so that's

    的存在,它只是我的方式, 現實就是這樣

  • another reason why you probably understand me so well now when you're

    另一個原因是,你可能 你現在明白我的意思了

  • watching TV shows you're not watching people present you're watching people

    只看不看 在場的人你在看人

  • act so people are acting but they're pretending to be in their natural normal

    演戲 裝模作樣

  • environment they're not projecting they're not pronouncing words in a way

    他們沒有投射到環境中 詞不達意

  • so that anybody could understand them they're just talking okay this is also

    俾人明白 他們只是說好這也是

  • why I've been making a series on my youtube channel about fast speech to

    為什麼我一直在做一個系列,關於我的。 youtube頻道關於快速演講到

  • help you guys get more familiar with these ways of speaking with how native

    幫你們熟悉 這些說話方式與母語

  • speakers combine words in English so that you can start understanding us more

    語音組合 你可以開始更瞭解我們

  • so yeah in these TV shows people are using slang they're using idioms maybe

    所以是的,在這些電視節目中,人們是 俚語連篇

  • they are mumbling they're speaking in ways that you don't necessarily

    他們在喃喃自語 他們在說話 的方式,但你不一定

  • understand and you will learn to understand people in these shows I

    理解,你將學會 瞭解這些節目的人,我

  • promise you will but it really takes time you have to consume hours and hours

    說到做到 你必須消耗數小時的時間

  • and hours and hours of TV shows over a long period of time okay this does not

    和幾個小時的電視節目 長時間還好這不

  • happen in six months it could take a year it could take two years of

    半年內可能需要 一年可能需要兩年的

  • consuming material like that on a daily basis for you to really start

    日耗 為你真正開始

  • understanding everything that you hear and then there are always gonna be

    耳聰目明 然後總是會有

  • things that go over your head okay when we say go over your head

    腦袋裡的東西還好,當 我們說過,在你的頭上

  • that means there's always gonna be things that you don't understand and I'm

    這意味著總是會有 你不明白的事情,而我...

  • sure this happens in your native language too maybe there's a joke that

    確保這在你的母語中發生 語言也有可能是一個笑話

  • goes over your head and so if it happens in your native language it's also going

    過頭了,所以如果發生 在你的母語中,它也將

  • to happen in English and the better you get the more you're going to be able to

    在英語中發生,你的英語水平越高 得到的越多,你就越能

  • understand and the more you expose yourself to English the more you're

    越揭越黑 自己的英語水平越高

  • gonna be able to understand so now I'm going to share some stories with you to

    會能夠理解,所以現在我。 將與你分享一些故事,以

  • put all of this into perspective I studied Spanish in Argentina for six

    綜上所述 在阿根廷學習西班牙語6年

  • months then I ended up living in Argentina for several years right but in

    幾個月後,我住在 阿根廷幾年來的權利,但在

  • high school and college I studied Spanish and it was my dream to study

    我在高中和大學學習 我的夢想是學習西班牙語

  • Spanish abroad so I went to Argentina for six months and then I went back to

    西班牙語在國外,所以我去了阿根廷 6個月,然後我就回到了

  • the USA and when I went back I was like oh my gosh this is so exciting

    美國,當我回去的時候,我就像。 哦,我的天哪,這是如此令人興奮

  • studied Spanish in Argentina my Spanish is probably so good you know because I

    在阿根廷學習西班牙語 可能是這麼好,你知道,因為我

  • had that experience of being immersed in the culture and and in the language for

    有過那種沉浸 的文化和語言中,以利於

  • six months so I go back to the USA and I went to this outdoor market with a

    6個月,所以我回到美國,我。 去這個戶外市場與一個

  • friend and my friend was Mexican and there were lots of different booths with

    朋友和我的朋友是墨西哥人和 有很多不同的展位,有

  • people selling different items okay and I come to this booth and I noticed there

    人云亦云 我來到這個展位,我注意到有

  • was a Hispanic man selling items and I was like oh perfect this is the perfect

    是一個西班牙裔男子出售的項目,我。 是像哦完美 這是完美的

  • opportunity for me to show off you know my great Spanish and how good I've

    讓我有機會炫耀你知道嗎 我的西班牙語很好,我已經

  • gotten etc so I asked about a product in Spanish - this Hispanic man and I said

    得到了等,所以我問了一個產品在。 西班牙語--這個西班牙人和我說:

  • hi wow look at this product it's beautiful whatever you know how much

    嗨,哇,看看這個產品,它是 美麗的無論你知道多少

  • does it cost and you know what he said he was like and I was like okay thanks

    它的成本,你知道他說什麼 他很喜歡,我很喜歡 好的,謝謝

  • bye I did not understand anything that he said and I was just like oh my gosh

    再見我不明白什麼 他說,我只是喜歡 哦,我的天哪!

  • like this is ridiculous I studied Spanish in Argentina for six months why

    像這樣的事情太荒唐了,我學過 西班牙人在阿根廷呆了六個月,為什麼?

  • don't I understand and then that's when I really learned hey just because you

    難道我不明白,然後這時。 我真的學會了,嘿,只是因為你

  • studied in a country does not mean you're gonna now understand every single

    留學不代表 你現在會明白每一個

  • native speaker okay it does not work like that because there are different

    母語者還好,不能用 因為有不同

  • types of English you guys there are different types of Spanish and then each

    你們的英語類型有 不同類型的西班牙語,然後每個

  • individual person has a specific way of speaking you know younger people use

    人有我有 說話你知道年輕的人用

  • more slang older people use words that you know younger people never use so

    更多的俚語老年人使用的詞是 你知道年輕的人從來沒有用這麼

  • there's so many different types of ways of speaking and this is why it can get

    花樣百出 講話,這就是為什麼它可以得到

  • so frustrating for you guys as learners so my tip here is for you to be patient

    讓你們這些學習者很沮喪 所以我的建議是你要有耐心。

  • with yourself and for you to be patient with your learning experience because

    對自己和對你的耐心 與你的學習經驗,因為

  • again just because you study a language for years or just because you're super

    又因為你是學語言的 年,還是因為你是超級

  • familiar with the American accent or just because you studied English in the

    熟悉美式口音 就因為你在大學裡學過英語

  • USA does not mean that now you're gonna understand every single native speaker

    美國並不意味著,現在你要去。 聽得懂每個人的母語

  • all the time right there are some specific comedians in Spanish that I

    時時刻刻都有 在西班牙的特定喜劇演員,我

  • really like and I watch their shows and every single time I watch their shows

    真的很喜歡,我看他們的節目和 每次我看他們的節目

  • I'm like oh my gosh I've seen this show five times but this is the first time I

    我想,哦,我的天哪,我已經看到了這個節目。 五次,但這是我第一次

  • understand that joke or the first time I get that joke or the first time I hear

    明白這個笑話還是第一次 鬧著玩兒,或者第一次聽到

  • that word you can listen to the same thing multiple

    那個詞你可以聽一樣的 多重

  • times and pick up something new every single time because you're getting more

    次,每次都有新的收穫 一次,因為你得到更多的

  • and more and more familiar with the language as you go now the next thing I

    和越來越熟悉的 語如其人

  • want to tell you guys about is how my sister-in-law Ren's younger sister okay

    想告訴你們的是,我的 嫂子

  • my husband's younger sister how she really improved her English when we

    我丈夫的妹妹她怎麼 在我們的幫助下,她的英語水平有了很大的提高

  • first met she understood some English but she really didn't speak it and then

    初次見面,她懂一些英語 但她真的沒有說出來,然後。

  • she just watched so much TV in English and she listened to so much music in

    她只是看了那麼多英文電視 她聽了那麼多音樂,在

  • English that now we can talk in English and have an entire conversation and she

    英語,現在我們可以用英語交談 並有一個完整的談話,她

  • understands everything it's phenomenal and I'm just like wow you've had such an

    心領神會 我只是想哇你已經有這樣一個

  • incredible transformation and I know exactly how she did it because I would

    驚人的轉變,我知道 她到底是怎麼做的,因為我會

  • see her almost every single day and every single day she'd be watching TV in

    幾乎每天都能見到她 她每天都會在電視上看電視

  • English listening to music in English and then she would look up the lyrics

    英語聽英語音樂 然後她就會去查歌詞

  • read the lyrics learn the lyrics and sing the songs she was extremely

    閱讀歌詞 學習歌詞和 她唱的歌非常

  • involved over a four-year plus period with English to the point where now she

    四年多來 她的英語水平已經到了

  • speaks it and she doesn't feel nervous when she speaks is she doesn't lack

    說出來,她也不會緊張 她說話的時候,她並不缺乏。

  • confidence or anything her pronunciation is not perfect sometimes she messes up

    信心什麼的,她的發音 人非聖賢,孰能無過

  • her grammar is not perfect sometimes she messes up but still that is how she was

    她的文法並不完美,有時她 亂七八糟的,但她還是那樣

  • able to really learn English and improve her listening skills again constant

    能夠真正學習英語,提高 她的聽力技巧再次不斷

  • exposure day after day year after year now with that I want to end by sharing

    日復一日,年復一年 最後,我想分享

  • another story okay this is the story about a guy I did a private coaching

    另一個故事 好吧,這就是故事 關於一個人,我做了一個私人教練

  • call with back when I did private calls I do not offer private sessions


  • anymore but basically during this call he was like Stefanie I'm so frustrated

    但基本上在這次通話中 他就像Stefanie我很沮喪。

  • with my listening skills what you know what do I have to do to improve and I

    以我的聽力能力,你知道什麼 我要怎麼做才能提高我的能力?

  • was giving him all this advice like the best possible advice I could give

    是給他所有這些建議,像 忠言逆耳

  • and then he would repeat himself and he'd say Stefanie I'm really struggling

    然後他就會重複自己的觀點 他會說Stefanie 我真的很掙扎。

  • with my listening skills you know what do I have to do to improve and so I'd

    以我的聽力能力,你知道什麼 我必須要做的改進,所以我會

  • give him more advice and I'd tell him more stories and I'd explain in detail

    給他更多的建議,我會告訴他。 更多的故事,我會詳細解釋

  • exactly what he had to do and then he'd say Stefanie I'm really struggling with

    確切地說是他必須要做的,然後他就會。 說Stefanie 我真的很掙扎與

  • my listening skills I really just want to know what I have to do and at that

    我的聽力能力 我真的只是想 要知道我必須做什麼,在這一點上

  • point I was like oh my gosh yeah you really do struggle with your listening

    點,我很喜歡哦,我的天哪,是的,你 真為你的聽力而煩惱

  • skills because I've explained this to you a million different ways and I give

    技巧,因為我已經解釋過了 你千萬種方式,我給

  • you the answer I have the answer and I've given it to you and you're still

    你的答案,我有答案,而且 我已經給你了,你還在。

  • asking the same question I like my mind was blown I was like is this what what

    問同樣的問題,我喜歡我的心 被吹我很喜歡這是什麼什麼。

  • is wrong with this guy right now because he was understanding what I was

    是錯的這個傢伙現在 因為他明白我在說什麼

  • saying you know he really wasn't having trouble understanding me but he just

    說你知道他真的沒有 我不明白,但他只是

  • kept asking the same question because he did not like my answer that's literally

    一直在問同樣的問題,因為他 不喜歡我的回答,那是字面意思

  • it he did not like my answer he did not

    它 他不喜歡我的回答,他不

  • like what I was telling him he was looking for a magic solution and there

    就像我跟他說的,他是 尋覓良方

  • is no freaking magic solution I am so sorry to say it but it needs to be said

    是不是嚇壞神奇的解決方案,我是如此 哀其不幸,怒其不爭

  • there's no magic solution people are always looking for a quick fix to do

    人算不如天算 欲速則不達

  • this or to do that think about the things you have mastered how long has

    這個或做那個想想 掌握的東西有多長

  • that taken you okay if you're a doctor or whatever your profession is or

    如果你是醫生的話,你會沒事的 或任何你的職業或

  • whatever you're good at if you're really good at chess or soccer I don't care

    擅長什麼就做什麼,如果你真的 琴棋書畫樣樣精通

  • what it is what are you really good at right think

    是什麼 你到底擅長什麼?

  • about how long it has taken you to master that skill and to get to that

    你花了多長時間 掌握這種技能,並達到

  • really high level now English is no different listening skills speaking

    真正的高水平,現在英語已經不是 不同的聽力技巧口語

  • skills are no different if you really want to master something you have to go

    技巧無異,如果你真的 欲速則不達

  • to a really deep level with that subject day after day year after year that is

    深入到這個主題 日復一日,年復一年

  • literally what it takes and again there is no magic solution and when I talked

    所需,又有 是沒有神奇的解決方案,當我談到

  • to this guy I asked him you know after he kept asking me the same questions

    我問他,你知道後 他一直問我同樣的問題

  • over and over again I was like okay wait stop let me identify what you have

    一遍又一遍,我想好了,等待 別說了,讓我看看你有什麼

  • actually tried because when somebody is struggling with something you really

    事實上,嘗試,因為當有人 左右為難

  • have to figure out why they're struggling with it like what went on

    要弄清楚為什麼他們 左右為難

  • what what have they tried what has worked what hasn't worked so I asked him

    什麼什麼他們已經嘗試了什麼 哪些地方沒有工作,所以我問他。

  • and I said okay how long have you been studying English for and I think his

    我說好吧,你有多久了 學習英語,我認為他的

  • answer was like three years or two years or something like that and he had been

    答案是像三年或兩年 或類似的東西,他已經

  • living in the USA for one year and this was his big struggle he's like I'm

    在美國生活了一年,這 是他的大斗爭,他就像我一樣。

  • living in the USA and I'm struggling to understand native speakers so after

    生活在美國的我,正在努力地尋找 聽懂母語後

  • asking him all of these questions I discovered that he had been studying

    問他所有這些問題,我 發現他一直在學習

  • English for about three years he had been living in the USA for about one

    三年來,他的英語 在美國生活了大約一

  • year but before going to the USA he was not very involved with English he was

    年,但在去美國之前,他是 他對英語不甚瞭解

  • studying using textbooks and he was not exposing

    學習使用 教科書,而他沒有揭露

  • himself to the language he did not watch TV shows in English he did not listen to

    他自己的語言,他沒有看 他不聽的英語電視節目

  • music in English and then all of a sudden he came to the USA and he was

    英語音樂,然後突然 他突然來到美國,他是

  • struggling with his listening skills and understanding native speakers and he was

    他的傾聽技巧和 理解母語的人,他是

  • like hey you know now I am listening to music every day now I am watching TV

    像嘿,你知道現在我聽 我每天都在看電視

  • shows every day you know but I'm still struggling with it and once I realized

    你知道,每天都有演出,但我還是... 掙扎在其中,一旦我意識到

  • the timeline that we were dealing with I was like okay at this point you're doing

    我們正在處理的時間表,我 是像好吧,在這一點上,你正在做的。

  • everything you possibly can to improve your listening skills you're controlling

    盡力改善 你的聽力技巧你在控制

  • what you can control but there is something that's out of your control

    可有可無 一發不可收拾

  • that you can't control and that's time that's literally the amount of time it

    時不我待 只爭朝夕

  • takes your brain to absorb a language and to process it and to make it become

    用你的大腦去吸收一種語言 並對其進行處理,使其成為

  • a part of you you have to assimilate the language okay so when he was studying in

    你的一部分,你要同化的 語言還好,所以當他在學習

  • English in his country he was not very involved with the language then he went

    在他的國家,他的英語不是很好 然後,他去

  • to the USA completely immersed studying 24/7 and at that point he had only been

    到美國完全沉浸在學習中 24小時不間斷地工作,而此時,他僅有

  • in the USA for one year so that's just not enough time if he

    在美國一年 所以,這只是不夠的時間,如果他是

  • kept doing that year after a year maybe in about two years he'd feel really

    一年又一年,也許一直這樣做 再過兩年他就會覺得真的

  • confident with his English and three four or five years definitely he would

    對自己的英語有信心,三 四五年他一定會

  • feel confident with that level of study and immersion so anyhow I really hope

    滿有把握 和沉浸感,所以無論如何,我真的很希望。

  • that this video answers your guys's questions about why you understand me

    這個視頻回答了你們的 關於你為什麼理解我的問題

  • and why you don't understand other people I and hopefully you guys are

    以及為什麼你不理解其他 的人,我希望你們是

  • satisfied with these answers because this is the answer if you're here

    滿意這些答案,因為 如果你在這裡,這就是答案

  • looking for a magic solution or something like you have to listen to

    尋仙問道 好像你要聽

  • English while you sleep for 30 minutes every day and then I don't know drink

    睡覺時說英語30分鐘 每天不知道喝了多少酒

  • some special brain juice and this and this and that I don't know there are no

    一些特殊的腦汁和這個和 這個那個我都不知道有沒有的。

  • magic solution so if that's what you were here looking for I'm sorry to

    神奇的解決方案,所以如果這是你 在這裡尋找 我很抱歉

  • disappoint you but if not hopefully you find comfort in the fact that as long as

    辜負你的期望,但如果不是這樣,希望你 感到欣慰的是,只要

  • you are exposing yourself to the language day after day year after year

    你正在把自己暴露在 日復一日,年復一年

  • you're going to get to that level where you understand okay and not just me but

    你將會達到那個水準,在那裡你會得到 你明白的好,不只是我,而是

  • also where you understand TV shows all right so that's it thank you so much for

    也是你瞭解電視節目的地方 好了,所以這是它 謝謝你這麼多的。

  • watching I just want to let you guys know that you should check out the

    我只是想讓你們 知道你應該檢查出

  • description because I always include links there to other thing

    描述,因為我總是包括 鏈接到其他事物

  • that you might be interested in and if you like these videos and if you want

    您可能會感興趣,如果 你喜歡這些視頻,如果你想

  • more videos and more training from me I want to let you guys know that I run a

    更多的視頻和更多的培訓,從我 想讓你們知道,我運行一個

  • private online video platform this is not free but it is very affordable and

    私人在線視頻平臺這是 不是免費的,但它是非常實惠和

  • in this platform I put lots of training every single week to help you guys with

    在這個平臺上,我投入了大量的培訓 每週都會幫助你們

  • your English there's lots of videos there already lots of courses and

    你的英語有很多視頻 已經有很多課程和

  • basically you can access everything ok it's just one monthly payment and you

    基本上你可以訪問一切OK 只需每月支付一次,你

  • can get a lot more support there with your English so if you like watching my

    在那裡可以得到更多的支持與 你的英語,所以如果你喜歡看我的

  • videos on YouTube and you want more feel free to join us in the private platform

    視頻在YouTube上,你想更多的感覺 免費加入我們的私人平臺

  • because there's also a forum section integrated so you can get to meet the

    因為還有一個論壇版塊 集成,所以你可以得到滿足

  • other students a lot of times I give little assignments after each video so

    其他學生很多時候我給 小作業後,每個視頻,所以

  • you can participate as well and it's just a completely different learning

    你也可以參加,這是 殊途同歸

  • experience than on YouTube but it's also very

    經歷 比在YouTube上,但它也非常

  • similar to YouTube so again if you like what you're doing here and you want to

    類似於YouTube,所以再次如果你喜歡 你在這裡做什麼,你想。

  • keep improving your grammar your pronunciation your writing your fluency

    繼續改進你的文法,你的 發音 你的寫作 你的流利程度

  • your speaking your confidence everything I want to invite you to join us over

    你的演講你的信心一切 我想邀請你加入我們

  • there on the private platform alright that's it you guys I hope you enjoyed

    在那裡的私人平臺上好嗎 就這樣吧,希望你們喜歡

  • this video I hope you learned something please let me know what you learned in

    這個視頻我希望你能學到一些東西 請告訴我你在

  • the comments and if you are one of my more advanced subscribers okay and if

    的評論,如果你是我的 更多高級用戶還好,如果

  • you understand TV shows and if you understand music in English and native

    你瞭解電視節目,如果你 能聽懂英語和母語音樂

  • speakers who speak with different dialects please tell everybody in the

    語氣不同 方言請告訴大家在

  • comments how you achieved that because I swear everybody's looking for the magic

    評論你是如何實現的,因為我 發誓每個人都在尋找魔法

  • solution I'm convinced that there is no magic solution there's just different

    解決辦法我相信,不存在 靈丹妙藥

  • ways to improve your listening skills you have to do what you enjoy right but

    提高聽力技巧的方法 你必須做你喜歡的權利,但

  • please share what worked for you in the comments because people are going to be

    請分享你在 評論,因為人們會

  • able to learn from you to learn from your suggestions and I would just really

    能向你學習,向你學習 你的建議,我只是真的

  • appreciate that so thank you thank you thank you for subscribing thanks for

    感激不盡 感謝您的訂閱 感謝您的訂閱

  • watching my videos you guys I hope you're learning a lot and that's all I

    看我的視頻,你們我希望 你學到了很多,這就是我的全部

  • will see you at another video bye


hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

嘿,夥計們什麼是英國的斯蒂芬妮。 教練在這裡從英語全職網

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