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  • When it comes to bingeable TV, there's nothing quite like Friends.


  • NBC's hit sitcom has been off the air for well over a decade, but for some fans, it's

    NBC 電視廣播網最紅的喜劇片下檔已有 20 多年,但對於一些粉絲來說

  • still number one on their streaming queue.


  • From jokes that never fail to land to emotional moments that resonate just as much as ever,


  • Friends is an easy show to watch with a lot of payoff packed into each episode.


  • Even so, there are some scenes that don't hold up quite as well as others, and maybe


  • never did.


  • For better or worse, mostly worse, here are the parts of Friends that are impossible to


  • forget for all the wrong reasons.


  • Ross hits on Cassie

    Ross 煞到 Cassie

  • Let's face it.


  • Ross could be a bit of a creep sometimes.

    Ross 有時候行為有點詭異

  • Never was that more true than when his cousin Cassie comes into town for Monica and Chandler's

    當他的表妹 Cassie 到鎮上要來參加 Monica 和 Chandler 婚時,從未如此詭異的

  • wedding, and Ross can't control himself.

    Ross 失去了自我控制的能力

  • It's bad enough that he once kissed Chandler's mom and went on a date with Rachel's sister,

    糟糕透頂的是他曾經吻過 Chandler 的媽媽,還跟 Rachel 的妹妹出去約會過

  • but making a move on his own flesh and blood?


  • His inner monologue is about as gross as it gets.


  • "Oh, I know that look.


  • Forget it.


  • I want it.


  • She wants it.


  • I'm going in."


  • Pretty hard to root for him to find true love after that foul flirtation.


  • Phoebe's rat babies

    Phoebe 的鼠寶寶

  • Phoebe has had some pretty cringeworthy moments on the show, but perhaps the most insufferable

    Phoebe 在六人行有一些令人尷尬的場景,恐怕最無法接受的

  • is when she adopts a litter of rat babies that are delivered in her kitchen cabinet

    是在 Mike 把鼠后除掉之後

  • after Mike terminates their mother.

    Phoebe 領養這些在她們家廚櫃誕生的鼠寶寶

  • Mike tries to play nice about it all..

    Mike 卻只好裝作接受

  • "Yeap.


  • We have rat babies now."


  • But the part when he has to explain to her that the rats will mate with one another irrespective

    但在這一幕, Mike 需要跟她解釋老鼠彼此會互相交配

  • of their sibling status is too ditzy to endure.


  • "That's math I can't even do!"


  • Joey can't speak French

    Joey 不會說法語

  • Joey has a lot of moments of doing dumb things, and most of the time, it's hilarious.

    Joey 有很多戲份是在做蠢事,大部分的時候都很好笑

  • "Can I just stop you for a second.


  • When people do this...I don't really know what that means."


  • But the show takes it too far when Joey tries to learn French from Phoebe and can't even

    但當 Joey 想跟 Phoebe 學法語的劇情進一步發展時

  • repeat the simplest of phrases.


  • "Great!


  • OK, faster.


  • Je."


  • "Je"


  • "Ma"


  • "Ma"


  • "Pelle.


  • Je m'appelle!"

    Je m'appelle !』

  • "Me poo poo!"

    "Me poo poo!" 『Me poo poo!』

  • Sure, Phoebe's frustrated reactions are comedy gold

    當然,Phoebe 的挫折反應是喜劇的經典

  • "You're notagainyou're NOT SPEAKING FRENCH!!!"


  • But dumbing him down this much is pretty low, even by Joey's standards.

    都已經幫他調降難度到這麼低,甚至是以 Joey 的程度

  • Rachel pretends to smoke

    Rachel 假裝抽菸

  • Smoking was a pretty regular subject of Friends, thanks to Chandler quitting and picking back

    抽菸是六人行滿一般的主題,多虧 Chandler 的抽菸的習慣

  • up the habit so many times throughout the series.


  • But things go pretty off the rails when Rachel decides to take it up to spend more time with

    當公事不如意時,Rachel 決定也要花時間

  • her boss and co-worker so that she doesn't get edged out of work decisions.


  • Not only is it frustrating to watch her debase herself to impress others, but it doesn't


  • even work.


  • "So, okay.


  • So you'll come with me on the Paris trip."


  • "Aw, man!"


  • So much for her being a role model.


  • Joey and Rachel try to do it

    Joey 和 Rachel 試著發生關係

  • Rather than giving fans what they really wanted between Ross and Rachel, things went bananas

    Ross 和 Rachel 的關係進展沒有順著粉絲的期待,在最後一季

  • altogether in the final seasons as Rachel and Joey struck up a romance.

    Rachel 和 Joey 的火花發展到非常振奮人心

  • It's awkward enough when Joey falls in love with Rachel while she's pregnant, but when

    非常尷尬的是 Joey 在 Rachel 懷孕時愛上她

  • she eventually returns his affection and they try to make something of it, well, the chemistry

    但 Rachel 最終拒絕 Joey 的關愛,然後他們又再彼此產生曖昧,他們之間的化學反應

  • is not convincing at all.


  • The only good thing that comes out of it is Ross' drunken rant about being totally okay

    很慶幸的,他們的秘密戀情還好有在 Ross 酒瘋時

  • with it ..


  • "To loveahh love."


  • They try and fail to take their hook-up to the next level.


  • "I'll show you how we do it."


  • "No, no, you kneed me in my misters."

    『不、不,你壓到我的小 Joey』

  • It might've been the 10th season, with the showrunners saving Ross and Rachel's reunion

    節目編劇將 Ross 和 Rache 的大復合留到最後面,才可能有第 10 季

  • 'til the very end, but this was a major misfire and is almost unbearable to watch.


  • Of course, those were only five bad moments in a show full of truly excellent moments.

    當然在這麼精彩的節目,只有 5 個比較差的場景

  • So how do you pick the top five most excellent scenes from Friends?

    那你會如何選前 5 個比較棒的場景

  • We're going to try!


  • The one where they don't know they know


  • Friends was usually at its best when all six characters were huddled together on the orange

    六人行最好看的地方是當在 6 個角色一起窩在橘色沙發

  • couch or hanging out in the big purple apartment.


  • But every once in a while, they broke off into individual adventures that were downright


  • hysterical.


  • Early on in Season 5, Chandler and Monica are desperate to hide their budding romantic

    在第 5 季初,Chandler 和 Monica 極盡所能的隱藏他們正在萌芽的戀情

  • relationship from the others because they fear talking about it might ruin everything.


  • Poor Joey has to spend weeks covering for them, but eventually, Rachel and Phoebe figure

    可憐的 Joey 得要幫他們掩蓋 1 個禮拜,但最後 Rachel 和 Phoebe

  • things out for themselves....


  • "Chandler and Monica!

    『Chandler 和 Monica!

  • Chandler and Monica!"

    Chandler 和 Monica!』

  • "Oh my God!"


  • "Ahhh!


  • Chandler and Monica!"

    Chandler 和 Monica!』

  • "Oh my God!"


  • "Oh my God, my eyes!"


  • "Phoebe!"


  • Instead of merely confronting the couple for keeping this a secret, Phoebe pretends to

    Phoebe 不但沒有當面揭穿這對情人的刻意隱藏,她反而

  • be interested in starting up her own tryst with Chandler.

    假裝點燃對 Chandler 的秘密戀情

  • Monica realizes they're being toyed with right away, and decides to play along.

    Monica 意識到他們被整了,於是決定陪她們演戲

  • "They don't know that we know that they know, so..."


  • "Ah, yes.


  • The messers become the messees!"


  • Thing escalate pretty spectacularly from there, and between the comedic timing of the cast


  • and the sheer ridiculousness of their commitment to this caper, it's an all-timer.


  • The one with the Europe story


  • There are a lot of great scenes surrounding Rachel's surprise pregnancy revelation, from

    很多很棒的場景圍繞著 Rachel 的懷孕消息

  • Phoebe's wacky cover-up effort to the group's hunt to find out who the father is to Ross'

    從 Phoebe 古怪的掩蓋大家尋找誰是父親的真相,到 Ross

  • hilarious reaction to the news that their prophylactics of choice didn't work.


  • But when Ross reveals that he accidentally taped his fateful night with Rachel to settle

    當 Ross 告訴大家他意外地錄下了與 Rachel 關鍵的夜晚

  • the question of who initiated the encounter, well, it's peak TV in more ways than one.


  • "I'm so happy."


  • On the day of their hook-up, Ross had been so hard up that he turned to Joey for some

    在他們發生關係的當天,Ross 沒有新的招數轉去找 Joey 求救

  • seduction pointers and learned a fake story about a Europe trip that always seems to seal

    指點他一些把妹招數,聽了一則歐洲旅行的故事,Joey 似乎每次都成功的樣子

  • the deal for Joey. Ross then tries it and still bombs on his date.

    Ross 試著用用看,結果他的約會還是毀了

  • "I was hiking along the foothills of Mount Tibidabo."

    『我當時沿著 Tibidabo 的山邱走著』

  • "I think it's Tibi-DAH-bo."

    『應該是 Tibi-DAH-bo』



  • Joey refuses to accept that it's the story's fault Ross crashed and burned and advises

    Joey 拒絕接受 Ross 歸咎是故事搞砸的他的好事

  • Ross to practice his lines with a camcorder to review his storytelling skills.


  • But Ross gets interrupted by Rachel, who comes along to get his help addressing Monica and

    這時 Ross 被 Rachel 給打斷,她拿著 Monica 和 Chandler 未完成的喜帖

  • Chandler's wedding invitations.


  • "Did you do it on our invitations?"


  • Even though up to now everyone's been convinced Ross initiated things, the footage then shows

    即使到現在大家都非常相信是 Ross 先主動的,但這影片

  • Rachel starting TO TELL a familiar story...

    Rachel 開始要說一個非常熟悉的故事

  • "Ross, did I ever tell you about the time I went backpacking through Western Europe?"

    『Ross, 我曾經有跟你說過我去西歐當背包客的故事嗎?』

  • And the reactions from the couch crowd said it all.


  • Evolution is a theory


  • Phoebe Buffay might've seemed a bit ditzy at times, but when she was on, she was on.

    Phoebe Buffay 平時可能沒頭沒腦,但當她要與人較量時,就非常的認真

  • Never was that more true than when she decided to challenge one of Ross Geller's most sacred

    從來沒有這麼認真過的她決定要向 Ross Geller 的畢生致力於的專業領域

  • scientific principles: evolution.


  • "It's just, you knowmonkeys, Darwin.


  • I think it's a nice story, it's just a little too easy."


  • Ross can't handle the idea that she doesn't agree with the finding, so he puts on his

    Ross 沒法接受 Phoebe 不認同演化的發現,於是他戴起他的博士帽

  • Ph.D. cap and starts collecting evidence to prove it to her.


  • He doesn't get the reaction he's hoping for because Phoebe refuses to budge and insteads

    他並沒有得到期望的反應,因為 Phoebe 拒絕改變他的意見

  • hit back with some surprisingly salient points.


  • "Wasn't there a time when the brightest minds in the world believed that the earth was flat?"


  • "You can't admit there's a teeny tiny possibility that you could be wrong about this?"


  • With so much empirical evidence in her corner, Ross has no choice but to concede, and Phoebe's

    她如此有利的說詞,Ross 沒辦法好能承認

  • reaction is even more humiliating than her mastery of the argument.

    他的反應甚至比 Phoebe 的神辯論更爆笑

  • "I can't believe you caved."


  • "What?"


  • "You just abandoned your whole belief system!"


  • "Before I didn't agree with you, but at least I respected you."


  • Ross is defeated and embarrassed, and Phoebe's status as a secret genius is finally revealed.

    Ross 被擊敗且尷尬的離去,Phoebe 最後露出了勝利的笑容

  • "That was fun.


  • So, who's hungry?"


  • The one with the severed toe


  • Some of the funniest moments on Friends don't


  • take place in the present, but rather, are revealed via flashbacks.


  • In Season 5's Thanksgiving episode, we find out that Chandler's nubbin isn't his only

    在地 5 季感恩節的影集,我們發現 Chandler 身上的凸點不是唯一

  • physical deformity.


  • The episode features several flashbacks, including one with Joey getting his head stuck in a

    以倒敘法為特色的影集,包括了 Joey 的頭卡在火雞裡

  • turkey and Phoebe losing some limbs in another lifetime.

    還有 Phoebe 前生有失去過手足

  • More importantly, we learn that once-overweight Monica only got into shape after overhearing

    最重要的事,我們得知曾經過胖的 Monica 在偷聽到 Chandler 說她胖之後

  • Chandler call her fat.


  • When his reaction to her revenge body isn't punishing enough the following year, Monica

    但讓 Chandler 羨慕 Monica 朔身後的身材當作懲罰是不夠的

  • turns to Rachel for some help.

    於是 Monica 轉投去找 Rachel 求救

  • "I want him to be like naked and I want to point at him, and I want to laugh."


  • "Okay, that we may be able to do."


  • Rachel gives her some solid tips on how to seduce a guy in simple ways, but Monica must

    Rachel 教了些撩男人有效又簡單的招數,但 Monica 肯定是

  • miss a few key details of the discussion because her attempt to replicate the moves goes horribly


  • wrong.


  • Not only does she look ridiculous, but she ultimately drops a knife right onto Chandler's

    不只看似荒唐,最終還將刀子掉落在 Chandler 的腳趾頭上

  • toe and fails to bring it to the hospital for reattachment.


  • The best bit comes when we learn of the social damage his injury caused all those years ago.


  • "That's why for an entire year people called me Sir Limps-A-Lot?"

    『這就是大家稱呼我 Sir Limps-A-Lot (殘疾人士) 整整一年原因嗎? 』

  • Ouch.

  • Ross and Rachel finally kiss

    Ross 和 Rachel 終於親吻了

  • This moment would probably top most Friends' fans all-time favorite lists, and it may well


  • be one of the most iconic moments of televisionever.


  • In the show's second season, the chemistry that's been slowly building between Ross and

    在節目的第 2 季,Ross 和 Rachel 他們之間逐漸發展的化學反應

  • Rachel finally comes to a head.


  • Once Ross finds out that Rachel's been harboring a secret crush on him, after he's held a torch

    在 Ross 仰慕 Rachel 幾年後,某次發現到 Rachel 一直窩藏著暗戀他的事

  • for her for years, the two have a passionate argument and part waysbut then their


  • connection is too magnetic to deny, and they come right back together again to share a


  • kiss at long last.


  • The smooch is long overdue and doesn't even signal the start of anything long-term between


  • them.


  • Ross and Rachel's road to forever would prove to be a lot more complicated than just this,

    Ross 和 Rachel 之後的發展的路會比這還要複雜

  • but this was the moment that the two proved they were the endgame couple of the entire


  • show.


  • Or as Phoebe later explains

    Phoebe 接著說...

  • "See?


  • He's her lobster."


  • Thanks for watching!


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When it comes to bingeable TV, there's nothing quite like Friends.



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