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Do you hear Yanny
你聽到的是 Yanny
or Laurel
還是 Laurel ?
A recent Twitter poll found, that 47% of people hear "Yanny", while 53% hear "Laurel"
最近在推特上有一個民調發現有 47 % 的人會聽到 Yanny , 另外 53 % 則會聽到 Laurel
Clearly this has created an internet argument that is dividing the nation
So what is the science behind the madness?
One of the first aspects is priming
If you were to play this clip without providing the option of "Yanny" or "Laurel"
如果你在聽這個錄音檔前沒有被提供 Yanny 或 Laurel 這兩個選項
you may have heard neither of these words
But by reading them, you're primed to hear one or the other.
Secondly when you speak you are producing sound waves, which propagate through the air
This is a visual depiction of the sound waves of the original Yanny/Laurel recording
由語言學教授 Brad Story 所創的 Yanny/Laurel 音欓的聲波長這樣
created by Brad Story, a Professor of Speech, Language, and Hearing
由語言學教授 Brad Story 所創的 Yanny/Laurel 音欓的聲波長這樣
Here is the depiction of him saying "Laurel"
這是他說 Laurel 時的聲波
You can see that the acoustic features are very similar
Here is a depiction of him saying "Yanny"
這是他說 Yanny 時的聲波
The acoustic features are also similar
So the words "Yanny" and "Laurel" audibly are more similar than you might think
所以 Yanny 和 Laurel 這兩個字聽起來比你想像中的還要相似許多
Whether you're listening on a laptop, phone or headphones
will influence what you hear based on sound quality
But what if you were listening through the same device but you hear different things with someone next to you
It might have to do with the age of your ears
The sounds in "Yanny" play at a higher frequency than the sounds in "Laurel"
Yanny 的聲波頻率比 Laurel 來得高
As we age, our ears are less able to hear higher frequencies
So if you are hearing "Yanny", you might have younger ears
所以如果你到的是 Yanny ,就代表你的耳朵很有可能比較年輕
Luckily with the help of the internet, we can hear both
Brilliant twitter user @xxv posted audio of the pitch brought both down and up
冰雪聰明的一位推特用戶 @xxv 發了一個音檔把原先的檔案音調調高和調低
When you listen to it brought down 30%, you will hear "Yanny"
當我們把音調調低百分之 30 ,你將會聽到 Yanny
Yanny x2
Yanny x2
But when you listen to it with the pitch brought up 30%, you will likely hear Laurel
但如果我們把音調調高百分之 30 ,你很有可能會聽到 Laurel
Laurel x2
Laurel x2
Your brain has so much stimulus at all times that it uses existing information and precise neurological pathways to focus its attention
This is why at a loud party you can listen to your friend beside you
but pop your attention into another convo if need be
Similarly, your brain is unconsciously choosing which frequencies in the recording to pay attention to so
So... What is the final answer?
所以...原音檔究竟是說 Yanny 還是 Laurel 呢?
If you heard "Laurel", you are correct! The original recording is saying Laurel
如果你聽到的 Laurel ,那麼你是正確的!原本的音檔就是說 Laurel
but with higher frequencies overlaid, creating ambiguity
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We actually just started a brand new podcast called "SIDENOTE"
我們最近新增了一個 podcast 的頻道叫做 SIDENOTE
where we explore the things that are stumping us or making us curious in life
and then insert all the mind-blowing science behind it
We'd love for you to check it out on iTunes or whichever podcast app you use
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Your support means a ton to us as we slowly journey into exploring more science in a new medium
Again it's called SIDENOTE and it's brand new, so we're excited to know what you think
再說一次它叫做 SIDENOTE 熱騰騰剛出爐的 podcast ,我們很期待聽到你的回饋
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