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  • hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

    嘿,夥計們什麼是英國的斯蒂芬妮。 教練在這裡從英語全職網

  • in this video I am going to share with you 13 slang phrases that I use every

    在這個視頻中,我將與大家分享 你13個俚語短語,我使用每

  • single day now the interesting thing is that I didn't even realize that these

    現在有趣的是 我甚至沒有意識到,這些

  • phrases were slang until one of you brought it to my attention

    這句話是俚語,直到你們中的一個 引起我的注意

  • and you said hey I went to the United States and I was really shocked because

    你說,嘿,我去了美國 我真的很震驚,因為

  • people used all these phrases that I had never heard before and when you listed

    人們使用所有這些短語,我有 聞所未聞,見所未見

  • the phrases I was like oh my gosh those are very common like I used those every

    短語我很喜歡哦,我的天哪,這些。 是很常見的像我用那些每

  • single day so I decided that I wanted to make you guys a video to share these

    所以我決定,我想 使你們的視頻分享這些

  • phrases with you okay so they're slang it's informal that doesn't mean you

    短語 不拘一格,不拘一格

  • can't use it at work okay if you work in an office you can use these phrases with

    不能在工作中使用它 如果你在工作中工作的話,沒關係 辦公室,你可以使用這些短語

  • your co-workers maybe if you work in a call center or if you work for a bank or

    你的同事也許,如果你的工作是在一個。 呼叫中心,或者如果你在銀行工作或

  • something like that where you have to be more formal with people on the phone

    諸如此類的東西,你必須是 較真

  • maybe these aren't the phrases you would use but these are very common in

    也許這些都不是你會的短語 使用,但這些都是很常見的

  • everyday conversation and like I said I use them everyday so for those of you

    日常對話,就像我說的我 每天都在使用它們,所以對於你們這些

  • who don't know I'm from California so this is obviously American English and

    誰不知道我來自加州,所以 這顯然是美式英語和

  • expressions that we use in the USA so the first one is it's all good it's all

    我們在美國使用的表達方式,所以 第一個是它的一切都很好,它的所有

  • good this means it's okay so if for example I

    好的 這意味著它是好的,所以,如果例如我

  • was planning on hanging out with my sister one day and then she calls me and

    正打算和我的 有一天,她給我打電話,然後

  • says hey Stef I'm so sorry I can't make it you know my kid got sick or whatever

    說嘿斯特夫我很抱歉,我不能使 它你知道我的孩子生病了什麼的

  • then I could say hey don't worry about it it's all good so I'm not upset about

    那我就可以說,嘿,別擔心 皆大歡喜,所以我並不生氣

  • it I'm not disappointed everything's fine

    我沒有失望,一切的 賧

  • do what you have to do and then maybe we can hang out later it's all good another

    做你該做的事,然後也許我們... ... 晚點再去玩就好了 再來一次

  • example of this is let's say I'm going to my friend's house and I'm supposed to

    這方面的例子是,假設我要 到我朋友家,我應該...

  • bring drinks and we're gonna have like a gathering a little party or something

    帶來的飲料,我們要去有像一個。 聚會

  • like that and then on my way there I end up forgetting the drinks and I just

    然後在我去的路上我結束了 忘記了飲料,我只是

  • start feeling so bad about it so I go and I say hey you know I'm so sorry I

    開始感覺很糟糕,所以我去 我說,嘿,你知道我很抱歉,我。

  • forgot the drinks do you want me to you know go back to the store and get

    忘了帶酒,要不要我給你 知道回到商店,並得到

  • something my friend might say oh no Stef it's all good you know what

    我的朋友可能會說,哦,不 Stef,這都是好事,你知道嗎?

  • actually some other people brought drinks so we're covered we're covered we

    其實是別人帶來的 飲料,所以我們的覆蓋 我們的覆蓋,我們的覆蓋,我們

  • don't need anything else so it's all good Stef don't worry about it so again

    別無他求 好的,Stef,別擔心,再來一次。

  • this means everything is okay the next one is no worries this means don't worry

    即是說,下一次就沒事了 一是無憂這是指不用擔心的意思

  • or don't worry about it usually when I'm talking with people I don't say don't

    或者不用擔心,通常當我。 與人交談,我不說不知道。

  • worry I say no worries so again back in the example I

    擔心我說不 擔心,所以再次回到我的例子中

  • just gave if I forgot drinks and I was going to my friend's house we were gonna

    只是給了,如果我忘了飲料,我是 去我的朋友家,我們要去

  • have a party she might say oh no worries it's all good

    開派對,她可能會說哦,別擔心。 沒事兒

  • okay we'll just put all those phrases together no worries don't worry about it

    好吧,我們就把所有這些短語 同舟共濟 無憂無慮

  • it's all good everything's ok so when somebody accidentally does something

    一切都很好 一切都很好 那麼當 誤打誤撞

  • wrong or they forget something or they make a mistake and if there's no problem

    錯,或者他們忘記了什麼,或者他們 有錯無誤

  • you know a lot of times you guys might say oh there's no problem it is no

    你知道很多時候,你們可能 說沒問題就沒問題

  • problem or something like that you can just say oh no worries it's ok it's all

    諸如此類的問題,你可以 就說哦,別擔心,沒事的

  • good the next one is sure thing okay sure thing means yes

    很好,下一個肯定是好的 肯定的意思

  • absolutely of course so hey Stef can I come over later can we hang out yeah

    當然,所以嘿,斯特夫我可以 待會過來我們可以一起玩嗎 是的

  • sure thing I'm free ok next I'm good I'm good

    好了,我自由了 好了,下一個,我好了,我好了。 好的

  • now normally you guys might hear this phrase once on them says hi how are you

    現在通常你們可能會聽到這個 這句話一旦在他們身上說你好你好

  • I'm good how are you or I'm doing well how are you well I'm good can also mean

    我很好,你呢,還是我好呢? 你好嗎 我很好 也可以說是...

  • no thank you I don't want what you're offering so again let's say I'm at my

    不,謝謝,我不要你的東西。 獻,所以我們再一次說我在我的。

  • sister's house and I'm having dinner and she goes hey do you want seconds ok the

    姐姐的房子,我吃晚飯和 她走了,嘿,你想秒殺確定

  • seconds is like a second plate of food do you want seconds do you want more I

    分秒必爭 你要不要再來幾秒鐘? 你要不要再來幾秒鐘?

  • can say no I'm good I'm good this was plenty thank you so much thanks I'm good

    可以說沒有我很好我很好這是。 謝謝,謝謝你,謝謝你,我不需要了

  • no thank you I don't want what you're offering or if

    不用謝 我不想要你提供的東西,或者如果... ...

  • a group of friends is planning to go to the movies like in an hour they say hey

    一群朋友打算去 電影就像在一個小時內,他們說嘿

  • Stef we're all gonna go to the movies want to come I could say I'm good I have

    史蒂夫,我們都要去看電影了。 想來我可以說我很好我有。

  • a lot of work to do later no thank you I can't go or I don't want

    後續有很多工作要做 不,謝謝,我不能去,也不想去。

  • to go I have a lot of stuff to do so I'm good I'm good that's ok no thanks ok the

    我有很多事情要做,所以我... ... 很好,我很好,沒關係,不,謝謝,好的

  • next one is I got this or I got it now this can be used a few different ways

    下一個是 "我有這個 "或者 "我現在有這個 這可以用幾種不同的方式

  • for example if I'm having lunch with a friend and then someone comes and brings

    例如,如果我和一個人共進午餐。 朋友,然後有人來帶

  • up the check I can start to pay and say no I got it I got it I got this like I'm

    我可以開始付款,並說 不,我得到了它,我得到了它,我得到了這一點,就像我

  • going to pay for this but it can also be used to mean I can handle this I don't

    要為此付出代價,但也可 習慣了,我可以處理這個問題,我不知道

  • need help so maybe I'm lifting a heavy box and

    需要幫助 所以,也許我提著一個沉重的盒子和

  • someone says whoa Stef that looks really heavy do you need some help with

    有人說,哇,Stef,看起來 真的很重,你需要一些幫助

  • that I could say no no I got it I got it or I got this I don't need help I can

    我可以說不,不,我得到了它,我得到了它。 或者我有這個,我不需要幫助,我可以的

  • handle this I'm ok next we'll do this means ok yes I agree so someone might

    搞定了,下次再來吧 是的,我同意,所以有人可能

  • say hey Stef can you bring the paperwork by the office later today so I

    說嘿Stef你能不能把 今天晚些時候,辦公室的文書工作,所以我

  • can sign it say yeah sure thing will do no problem I

    可籤 說是肯定的事情會做沒問題我

  • will bring the paperwork by the office so when you're making plans and you know

    將帶著文件由辦公室 所以,當你做計劃,你知道

  • someone asks if you can do something or what do you think are you gonna be able

    有人問你是否可以做什麼或 你覺得你能

  • to yeah sure thing will do no problem so it basically means we will do that or I

    是的肯定的事情會做沒有問題,所以 它基本上意味著我們將做,否則我

  • will do that next no way no way no way that means wow that's interesting I

    下不為例 不可能 不可能 不可能 意思是說,哇,這很有趣,我

  • can't believe that are you serious no way no way so this can be said in a

    不敢相信,你是認真的嗎? 沒門兒

  • positive or a negative way like no way I can't believe that that's awesome

    積極或消極的方式,像沒有辦法,我 不敢相信

  • or if something bad happens you can say no way seriously they did that to you

    或者如果有什麼不好的事情發生,你可以說 沒辦法,嚴重的是他們對你做了

  • are you kidding me okay next that sucks okay that means that's awful I'm so

    你在開玩笑吧,好吧,下一個,很爛 好吧,這意味著,這是可怕的,我是如此的

  • sorry to hear that oh that sucks and I use this I say this

    遺憾 哦,這很爛,我用這個我說這個

  • a lot it depends who I'm with you know maybe I will say something else if I'm

    很多時候,這取決於我和誰在一起,你知道嗎? 也許我會說些別的,如果我是

  • in an environment where I feel like I have to be more formal but with my

    在這樣的環境中,我覺得自己 拘謹一點,但以我

  • friends my family I say that sucks a lot my mom doesn't necessarily like this

    親朋好友 我都說爛透了 我媽媽不一定喜歡這樣

  • phrase so it's kind of a generational thing you know some slang is used more

    詞,所以這是一種代際的 你知道有些俚語用得比較多

  • with younger generations than with older generations so this is probably one of

    隔行如隔山 代,所以這可能是其中之一

  • those phrases that's used more with younger generations so the next one is

    這些短語更多用於 所以下一個是

  • for real for real this means really seriously are you kidding for real they

    真正的真正的這意味著真正的 嚴重的是你在開玩笑的真實他們

  • did that are you sure for real so for real again it's just like asking

    做了,你確定為真正的 所以為 又是真的

  • seriously it can also be used as an expression like that's crazy for real

    說真的,它也可以作為一個 矯情

  • okay so when you're asking for real you're not always asking did that really

    好吧,當你問真正的 你不總是問真的

  • happen it's also an expression like oh my gosh that's crazy right and my dad

    恰恰相反 我的天哪,這是瘋狂的權利,我的爸爸

  • has a way of saying this that's completely different he says is that so

    有一種說法是 完全不同 他說是這樣

  • is that so I don't say that but I guess that's slang too like that's what my dad

    是這樣的,所以我不說,但我猜到了 那也是俚語,就像我爸說的那樣。

  • says he'll be like ah is that so or is that so I don't know I can't even

    說他會喜歡啊 是這樣的 還是說,所以我不知道我甚至不能

  • imitate him because I just actually never used this phrase I just say for

    模仿他,因為我只是真的 從未用過這句話,我只是說為

  • real okay the next one you guys might hear me say sometimes I say what the

    真正的好下一個你們可能 聽我說,有時我說什麼

  • heck what the heck a lot of people say what the hell but I don't like thing

    嘿嘿嘿,很多人說什麼呢? 搞什麼鬼,但我不喜歡的東西。

  • what the hell because to me it's just too strong and

    什麼是地獄,因為對我來說,它只是 太強

  • I don't prefer it and I think what the heck is just kind of funny also so I

    我不喜歡它,我認為什麼是 赫克只是一種有趣的也所以我。

  • just say hey what the heck what the heck is wrong with you what the heck is wrong

    只說嘿嘿,什麼什麼,什麼什麼 是你錯了 什麼是地獄是錯的

  • with that guy what the heck why did you do that what's going on what the heck so

    與那個傢伙什麼他媽為什麼你要 這樣做,到底是怎麼回事呢?

  • what the heck just basically means I can't believe this what's going on I'm

    什麼是地獄只是基本上意味著我 不敢相信這是怎麼回事,我...

  • not okay with the situation I don't like this what the heck

    不順心 這什麼玩意

  • next nice if something is really cool or interesting or you like it you can just

    下一個好的,如果東西是真的很酷或 有趣的或你喜歡的,你可以直接

  • say hey nice that's awesome nice you got a new job nice you got a new car nice it

    說嘿,不錯,這是真棒不錯,你得到了。 一份新工作 很好 你有一輛新車 很好

  • looks awesome so again nice used like that just means that's cool that's

    看起來真棒,所以再次漂亮的使用喜歡 這只是意味著,這是很酷,這是

  • awesome that's interesting all right nice nice

    厲害了,有意思了 不錯不錯

  • okay the last one is got it got it means I understand so whenever you're writing

    好吧,最後一個是得到了它得到了它的意思。 我明白,所以每當你在寫

  • something down let's say someone's giving you a phone number they give it

    掉東西 給你一個電話號碼,他們給它

  • to you you write it down then you can say got it okay when you finish you got

    對你來說,你把它寫下來,然後你可以 說知道了 好吧,當你完成你得到

  • it you you understand you wrote it down and now you have it got it or if

    它你你明白你寫下來 現在,你有它得到它或如果

  • someone's explaining something to you you can say okay okay got it I

    釋疑 你可以說好吧好吧知道了我

  • understand that makes sense Thanks that's what that means okay so

    明白事理 謝謝你,那是什麼意思?

  • those are all the words that I have for you guys today and what I would love to

    僅此而已 你們今天和我想

  • know in the comments is which of these phrases were new for you where all of

    在評論中知道是哪種 短語是新的,你在哪裡所有的

  • them new we're only a few of them new were none of them new if none of these

    他們的新 我們只是其中的幾個新的。 如果這些都不是新的

  • were new for you then that's great you probably have a very high level of

    對你來說是新的,那麼這是偉大的你。 可能有很高的

  • fluency in English you probably watch a lot of TV in English and that's why you

    流利的英語你可能會看 很多英語電視,這就是為什麼你

  • understand all of these phrases I mean hopefully everyone understood them right

    明白這些話的意思 希望大家理解正確

  • but do you understand them enough to feel comfortable using them in the

    但你是否足夠了解他們 用得順手

  • appropriate situations I guess that's you know one level is understanding

    適當的情況下,我想這是 你知道一個層次是理解

  • another level is feeling comfortable and being able to use them so what did you

    另一個層次是感覺舒適和 能夠使用它們,所以你是什麼

  • guys think of these phrases was this video helpful please let me know in the

    你們覺得這些短語是這樣的 視頻有用請讓我知道在

  • comments because I really rely on your guys's feedback to let me know what

    評論,因為我真的很依賴你的 你們的反饋讓我知道了什麼

  • kinds of videos I should keep making or just not make so thank you for that and

    我應該繼續製作什麼樣的視頻或 只是不使如此感謝你,並

  • I have something really cool for you guys linked in the description area I'm

    我有個很酷的東西給你 在描述區鏈接的人,我

  • not going to tell you what it is okay but it's something that I'm very excited

    不會告訴你什麼是好的 但這是我非常興奮的事情。

  • about very excited to share with you guys so make sure after you finish this

    關於很興奮與你分享 夥計們,所以確保在你完成這個

  • video which will be in a couple seconds go down to the description area

    視頻,將在幾秒鐘內 下到描述區

  • is gonna be a link there's gonna be something special for you guys that I

    是會是一個鏈接 有會是。 一些特別的東西給你們,我

  • want to share with you and I hope you enjoy it okay that's it and I'll see you

    想和你分享,希望你 好好享受吧 好了,就這樣吧,我們再見了

  • in another video bye


hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

嘿,夥計們什麼是英國的斯蒂芬妮。 教練在這裡從英語全職網

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