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  • I just sued the school system this video was made by Prince, EA

  • I've been following for a very long time actually he makes super unique and creative videos and a lot of the time

  • He raps or rhymes to get his message across

  • But this is a very highly requested video that you guys wanted me to react to from Prince, EA. It's called

  • I just sued the school system

  • So I think this video basically portrays everything else that Prince EA thinks is wrong with the school system so Prince EA is actually known

  • as Richard Williams he's a spoken word artist poet rapper and

  • Filmmaker so before I begin I want you guys to go check out his channel subscribe. I'm not gonna watch the whole thing

  • I'm gonna go through it so if you guys want to watch the whole thing

  • It's gonna be in the description

  • But I'm gonna go through

  • I'm gonna say my thoughts we're gonna break down

  • the lyrics so I guess the spoken word phrases that he says I will see if I'm disagreeing or agreeing with him

  • But without further ado welcome to reaction time. Let's get right into the video

  • I just sue the school system. I Prince EA Albert Einstein once says

  • Everybody's a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it

  • Will live it's whole life believing

  • That it is stupid

  • Ladies and gentlemen of the jury today on trial we have modern day schooling glad you could come

  • Not only does he make fish climb trees

  • But also makes them climb down first of all can I just say the production level is absolutely amazing, okay

  • So this is actually his most popular video

  • I think

  • This the one that I watched in which I got introduced to Prince Ea and his work this video when complete of our only has 20

  • Million views, it's called Can we auto correct humanity I bet a lot of you guys are familiar with this

  • selfies not enough us's and we's

  • Technology has made us more selfish and separate than ever. basically the video wraps up the idea that

  • Technology creates less social interactions and real-life experiences in general, but let's go back to this video

  • I just basically want to show you guys how many different videos about how many different topics

  • Prince EA actually makes this is not his only video that I really enjoy. Tell me school. Are you proud of the things you've done

  • Turning millions of people into robots. Do you find that fun?

  • Do you realize how many kids relate to that fish swimming upstream in class never finding their gifts thinking

  • They are stupid believing they are useless. Well the time has come no more excuses

  • I call school to the stand and accuse him of killing creativity

  • Individuality and being intellectually abusive. this can relate to a lot of you guys

  • I mean a lot of you guys are still in school

  • So you might have not formed a complete opinion yet on what you think about school

  • But when you're done with school you'll get a better idea personally for me when I went to school every single day

  • I thought as the years went by I actually felt, I can only think a certain way

  • I just remember I was a kid being so creative the sky was the limit right so I had so much imagination

  • I thought anything was possible in a sense

  • I felt like school and

  • Growing up in general kind of ruins that more people say you can't do this you can't do that you have to do this this

  • Is how everything is I think that's what he's trying to say here. That's school instead of helping you create

  • It does the exact opposite, it makes everyone think a certain way

  • He's an ancient institution that has outlived his usage, so your honor this concludes my opening statement

  • And if I may present the evidence of my case I will prove it

  • Proceed exhibit a here's a modern day phone recognize it here's a phone from 150 years ago

  • Big difference right stay with me here's a car from today, and here's a car from 150 years ago big difference, right?

  • Well get this here's a classroom of today, and here's a class we used

  • 150 years ago, that's absolutely shocking

  • So he's saying there's no innovation at all and schooling practically nothing changed

  • You come to school you sit there for eight hours or however long

  • Your school session is everybody has a different school session for me it was about eight hours

  • You absorb everything your teacher tells you and then it just repeats. In literally more than a century

  • Nothing has changed yet you claim to prepare students for the future

  • But with evidence like that I must ask

  • Do you prepare students for the future or the past I did a background check on you and let the record show that you were

  • Made to train people to work in factories which explains why you put students in straight rows nice and neat

  • Tell them sit still raise your hand if you want to speak give him a short break to eat and for eight hours a day

  • tell them what to think oh and make them compete to get an A a letter which determines product quality

  • It's grade a of meat, so that's actually the most annoying thing for me is the grading system in general

  • I feel it does not reflect on a person

  • And how smart they are I mean I've seen so many examples

  • Of kids that are very bright and smart always struggling in school due to the fact that they just don't want to do work

  • But they're like very smart kids

  • You know it's a fun fact that Google actually likes to hire workers that are really lazy

  • They like hiring workers are lazy because lazy people can actually find solutions to tough

  • Situations or tough problems so lazy people always want to get things done in the shortest amount of time

  • Which means they can actually find

  • Solutions to doing things in a different way in order to save time, which is actually very interesting

  • I think it's pretty funny that a company like Google a giant company actually favors people that are lazy and

  • Innovative whereas school is the exact opposite and favors people that all think the same

  • Study the same

  • Basically do the same thing in order to get the highest grade back then times were different

  • We all have a past I myself for know Gandhi, but today. We don't need to make robots

  • zombies the world has progressed and now we people who they creatively

  • innovatively critically

  • independently with the ability to connect

  • See every scientist will tell you that no two brains are the same and every parent with two or more children will confirm that claim

  • So please explain why you treat students like cookie cutter frames or snapback hats giving them this one-size-fits-all

  • Crap watch your language, sorry your honor

  • But if a doctor prescribed the exact same medicine to all of his patients

  • The results will be tragic so many people would get sick yet when it comes to school

  • This is exactly what happened, and you guys kind of lost what he was saying or you got caught off track

  • He's just saying every individual is different, so we can't have a system that educates every single person the same

  • It just doesn't make sense just like he's comparing it to medication

  • How you can't give the same medication to every single person because every single person will react to the medication differently. educational malpractice

  • Where one teacher stands in front of 20 kids each one having different strengths different needs different gifts different dreams?

  • And you teach the same thing the same way that's horrific

  • Ladies and gentlemen the defendant should not be acquitted this may be one of the worst criminal offenses ever

  • To be committed and let's mention the way you treat your employees

  • Objection overruled I want to do this. It's a shame. I mean teachers have the most important job on the planet yet they're underpaid

  • No wonder, so many students are short changed

  • lets be honest, teachers should earn just as much as doctors because a doctor can do heart surgery and save the life of a kid

  • But a great teacher can reach the heart of that kid and allow him to truly live

  • See teachers are heroes that often get blamed, but they're not the problem

  • They work in a system without many options or rights. so I think it's amazing that he's not blaming the teachers

  • He's blaming the overall system in which the teachers are under because teachers have to serve the system

  • teachers have to do what the curriculum says. they have to teach a certain amount of things in a certain amount of time.

  • But he's saying if you let teachers do their job the results will be better all created by

  • Policymakers most of which have never taught a day in their life. Just obsessed with standardized tests

  • They think bubbling in a multiple-choice question will determine success

  • That's outlandish in fact these tests are too cruel to be used it should be a band m'kay guys

  • I want to hear your thoughts before I continue

  • What are you guys thinking about school as a whole I think school is very important, so don't get me wrong

  • I don't think school is the problem school teaches you a lot of valuable things like how you need to prevent procrastination

  • Getting to places on time having respect for someone who's in a higher position than you doing things

  • You don't want to do because sometimes in life you're gonna have to do things you're not always happy to do and I think

  • school actually teaches you these values in terms of testing I think that's a very stupid way of determining whether a kid is

  • Intelligent, I don't think it should be applied to human beings

  • I think it's different a lot of people like to compare lab rats for example how?

  • Scientists always conduct tests on lab rats, and how it's very similar to students in a classroom. It's a very interesting

  • Comparison, but like I said, I want to hear your guys thoughts down in the comments below education is very important

  • I think the problem is the system the schooling system the lack of innovation like Prince

  • EA says doing the same thing year after year for the last 100 years if we continue down this road the results will be

  • I don't have much faith in school

  • But I do have faith in people and if we can customize health care

  • Cars and Facebook pages that it is our duty to do the same for education to upgrade a change and do away with school spirit

  • Cuz that's useless unless we're working to bring the spirit out of each and every student

  • That should be our task no more common core instead

  • Let's reach the core of every heart in every class sure math is important, but no more than art or dance

  • Let's give every gift an equal chance. I know this sounds like a dream, but countries like Finland. I'm doing impressive things

  • They have shorter school days teachers make a decent wage homework is

  • non-existent and they focus on collaboration instead of competition

  • but here's the kicker boys and girls their educational system now performs every other country in the

  • Other places like Cigna poor succeeding rapidly schools like Montessori programs like Khan Academy. There is no single solution

  • But let's get moving because while students may be 20% of our population

  • They are 100 percent of our future. Hey guys

  • I'm gonna stop it there obviously what he says is very emotional it touches my heart. I mean I think he's a great speaker

  • He's very talented, and if you guys wanna check out what's gonna be in the description

  • And I also really want to read your comments down below as well

  • So don't be afraid to rants like you guys can even rant if you want if you really?

  • like your school if you respect what school has offered you you can also say that but guys that's gonna wrap it up for the

  • video if you want to check out my second channel is gonna be right there

  • So make sure to subscribe I'd really appreciate it also subscribe to this channel if you haven't already if you have any other very interesting

  • videos like this please comment it down below or send it to me at reaction time we do to and

  • Hopefully I will do them here on reaction time

  • I'll react to them and let you know my thoughts but thank you for watching guys. I'll see you next time

  • Hope you have a great one and peace out

I just sued the school system this video was made by Prince, EA


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A2 初級 美國腔

我剛剛起訴了學校系統(反應和想法)。 (I Just Sued The School System (Reaction And Thoughts))

  • 124 6
    Cindy 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日