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  • During the last days,

  • God has once again become flesh in the EastChina.

  • In 1991,

  • Almighty God, Christ of the last days, formally took up His ministry.

  • Since then, Almighty God has expressed millions of words

  • and carried out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God.

  • God's sheep hear His voice.

  • The people of various sects and denominations

  • who loved the truth and yearned for God's appearance,

  • have recognized that Almighty God's words are the truth,

  • and that this is the voice of God.

  • They believed that Almighty God was the return of the Lord Jesus,

  • and one by one they came before Almighty God.

  • The appearance and work of Almighty God sparked panic in the CCP.

  • The CCP issued numerous secret documents

  • and mobilized the armed police and army

  • to maniacally oppress and eradicate the Church.

  • The whole of mainland China rained blood,

  • dark clouds descended,

  • and there was universal outrage and indignation.

  • Today, the Christians of all the house churches,

  • particularly those of The Church of Almighty God,

  • are experiencing even more brutal and bloody persecution by the CCP government.

  • These Christians' bloodshed and loss of life

  • are like a song of victory over the forces of Satan,

  • and tell the grisly tale of Chinese Christians' persecution.

  • This early summer day,

  • June 22, 2013 in Dalian was cloudy and dreary.

  • There was an odd feeling of anxiety and restlessness in the air

  • with a hint of tension.

  • That day,

  • the Chinese police carried out nationally coordinated arrests

  • of members from The Church of Almighty God.

  • Large numbers of church leaders and Christians were arrested,

  • and an enormous sum from the Church's coffers was seized.

  • Chen Wenzhong, a Christian with The Church of Almighty God,

  • was in the midst of preparations to go abroad.

  • He was also arrested.

  • Because police officers from a number of different departments were working together

  • and they weren't familiar with everyone,

  • when they saw Chen Wenzhong dressed in camouflage

  • they thought he was one of them.

  • Just as the police were interrogating other Christians,

  • Chen Wenzhong seized the opportunity and escaped.

  • For years, the Chinese Communist government

  • has madly persecuted Christian house churches,

  • especially The Church of Almighty God.

  • Chen Wenzhong's duty in the Church was very important,

  • so he was one of the Chinese police's most wanted men.

  • He had been running from place to place for over 10 years,

  • faced with the risk of being imprisoned or even losing his life at any time.

  • He was left with no choice

  • but to flee China to escape from this persecution.

  • He never thought that such a harrowing scene would be played out

  • the very day he was to leave the country.

  • Although Chen Wenzhong had miraculously escaped from the tiger's mouth,

  • his plan to flee the country had to be shelved.

  • He ran to another city and went into hiding.

  • He called on favors from everyone he possibly could

  • and once again got the formalities to go abroad taken care of.

  • Seeing this happy family,

  • many feelings welled up inside of him.

  • He couldn't help but think about the fact

  • that he had also once had a happy, wonderful home.

  • Chen Wenzhong, a college graduate,

  • was working in a fairly large state-owned enterprise

  • in the city of Changchun in Jilin Province.

  • After just a few short years he became responsible for several branches of the company,

  • and took the position of general manager.

  • He was named as a model worker for both the province and the city

  • because of his outstanding professional achievements.

  • He was a locally famous young entrepreneur.

  • In the 1990s,

  • when China's national economy was not as developed,

  • Chen Wenzhong had already developed a successful career,

  • and his personal assets were in the millions.

  • After getting married, he had a happy family that was full of joy.

  • His wife worked as a nurse.

  • She was a tender, virtuous person who was educated and cultured.

  • His son was smart and adorable,

  • and very talented in calligraphy and painting.

  • Chen Wenzhong deeply loved his son and was always proud of him.

  • He wanted his son to grow up healthy and happy.

  • Chen Wenzhong's family believed in the Lord,

  • so he had been a believer since he was little.

  • He was a devout Christian.

  • In 1999, when he read the words of Almighty God,

  • he recognized that Almighty God's word is all the truth,

  • and is the voice of God.

  • Then he concluded that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus.

  • So, he made up his mind to follow Almighty God

  • and was very active in his duty in the Church.

  • He even bought a house just as a gathering place for the Church.

  • In July of 2002,

  • the Changchun police got a hold of information on some of the church leaders

  • through their monitoring,

  • and arrested them.

  • Two church leaders who lived in Chen Wenzhong's home were arrested,

  • and he also was put on the CCP government's blacklist.

  • Since Chen Wenzhong's duty in the Church was very important and wide-ranging,

  • the police attempted to arrest him as well

  • and get information out of him on the church leaders and the Church's funds.

  • Once he learned this, he knew the situation was very serious,

  • and he rushed to ask friends to inquire further.

  • Chen Wenzhong learned from his friend who was in law enforcement

  • that the case was being jointly managed

  • by the 610 Office and the Ministry of State Security.

  • The 610 Office was referred to as "Jiang Zemin's imperial guards"

  • and the "spy organization of Zhongnanhai."

  • One can imagine

  • what being blacklisted by the 610 Office and the Ministry of State Security would mean.

  • Chen Wenzhong was facing arrest and persecution by the CCP government.

  • He had no choice but to leave home, to escape from Changchun.

  • He ended up in Shenyang, staying in the home of a brother.

  • Because Chen Wenzhong was wanted by the CCP government,

  • that brother and sister risked arrest and imprisonment by hosting him.

  • They took care of him as if he were one of their own,

  • and Chen Wenzhong really experienced the love of God.

  • A cold, bleak ray of moonlight shone outside the window

  • making the long night seem even lonelier, even more desolate.

  • Chen Wenzhong tossed and turned through a sleepless night.

  • His mind was in a whirl from this sudden turn of events.

  • He had no idea when he could go back home,

  • and he was worried

  • whether his gentle wife could handle so much stress without him there.

  • Xiaoyu, his son, was just 8 years old.

  • Would his self-esteem suffer without the care of a father?

  • And how could his elderly mother bear such a huge blow,

  • learning that her son was wanted?

  • As he looked at the photo,

  • his family's safety weighed greatest on his heart

  • Drizzling rain pattering against the window

  • awoke Chen Wenzhong from his beautiful revery.

  • He was forced to leave his family behind and uproot himself

  • because of the CCP government's persecution of Christians.

  • Overnight, someone who had received widespread admiration,

  • an entrepreneur with limitless opportunities in front of him,

  • suddenly became a wanted man.

  • Thinking of what had befallen him,

  • Chen Wenzhong was filled with indignation and hatred.

  • All of his loved ones were implicated

  • after he was forced to leave home.

  • In order to arrest Chen Wenzhong,

  • the Chinese police did everything in their power to harass and follow his loved ones.

  • They even refused to let his 8-year-old son go.

  • In September 2002,

  • Chen Wenzhong's brother-in-law drove Chen's car to and from work,

  • so he was arrested by the police and brutally beaten.

  • The police even confiscated Chen Wenzhong's car

  • and removed all of the family's valuables from their home.

  • When his younger brother went to inquire about Chen Wenzhong's property,

  • he was also arrested by the national security brigade.

  • The police also spread rumors all over the place,

  • saying that Chen Wenzhong was a fugitive.

  • For a moment, everyone who knew him was saying all sorts of things.

  • The Chinese police skulked around like ghosts,

  • often popping up in front of Xiaoyu.

  • This was terrifying and stressful for him.

  • He became more and more anxious,

  • and was always afraid that the police would take him away,

  • and he'd never see his parents again.

  • The threats and intimidation by his teacher and the police

  • were a serious trauma for Xiaoyu's tender young mind.

  • He was constantly living in fear.

  • His classmates' mocking and insults made Xiaoyu more and more withdrawn,

  • and damaged his self-esteem.

  • He shouldered his pain alone,

  • not wanting to tell his mother,

  • afraid of hurting her feelings.

  • The police often threatened Yao Shuzhen

  • that if she didn't disclose her husband's whereabouts,

  • they would get her fired

  • and her child wouldn't even be able to go to school.

  • The police couldn't get any information about Chen Wenzhong from Yao Shuzhen.

  • They just put pressure on her boss,

  • demanding that they have someone monitor her at work.

  • Year after year,

  • their monitoring and summons of Yao Shuzhen and her son,

  • became more and more frequent,

  • and their methods became even more sinister.

  • Young Xiaoyu was unable to withstand their open threats

  • and their shameless intimidation.

  • He would often start awake from nightmares in the middle of the night,

  • his face covered with tears.

  • The CCP government extended the punishment to Chen Wenzhong's entire family,

  • oppressing his loved ones and allowing them no peace in their home.

  • Because the CCP was monitoring their phone calls,

  • Chen Wenzhong never dared to call home,

  • afraid that he would reveal his whereabouts.

  • But thoughts of his family tormented him,

  • and he was very concerned about their safety.

  • He wanted to know how they were doing,

  • so he rashly went somewhere far away to call them.

  • That phone call, lasting just a few minutes,

  • ignited in Chen Wenzhong the urge to go back home.

  • Hearing the wail of a passing police car's sirens quelled that feeling.

  • He thought of many Christians who had been arrested and sentenced

  • just because they believed in God and were doing their duty.

  • Some had even been persecuted to death.

  • He was well aware

  • that although a murderer could buy his way out of trouble,

  • a wanted Christian like him was seen by the state as a political criminal,

  • and no amount of money would get him out of this.

  • If he were to go home

  • his family would only be dragged into it even more,

  • and being arrested would just bring more troubles

  • to the Church and his brothers and sisters.

  • His hands were tied.

  • All he could do was give up the idea of going back home.

  • To avoid being monitored and hunted down by the CCP government,

  • Chen Wenzhong went from Dalian to Anshan to Fuxin and other places.

  • He found brothers' and sisters' homes to stay at.

  • As the CCP government's oppression of Christians ramped up,

  • Chen Wenzhong's hopes of returning home became even slimmer.

  • In November 2006,

  • Chen Wenzhong found out from a brother

  • that his mother and his younger brother and sister-in-law

  • had all left home and fled to Shuangyang County in Changchun,

  • so Chen Wenzhong rushed to get there.

  • Over the years they hadn't seen each other,

  • his mother's hair had grayed, and her face looked gaunt.

  • She had aged quite a bit.

  • She looked like a totally different person.

  • Heartache and guilt welled up in Chen Wenzhong's heart.

  • What Chen Wenzhong saw was utterly shocking.

  • He never could have imagined

  • that his mom, who had never had to worry about food and clothing,

  • would be forced to live in such a remote place

  • because of the government's persecution,

  • and her life had become so difficult, so poor.

  • Chen Wenzhong felt a burst of sadness.

  • Chen Wenzhong's brother and sister-in-law

  • were also Christians with The Church of Almighty God.

  • Because of the Chinese police's unceasing threats and intimidation,

  • they were unable to lead normal lives and worship God,

  • so they had no choice but to flee.

  • His mother had been leading an itinerant life along with them.

  • His mother was scared for Chen Wenzhong every single day,

  • and she really missed her grandson.

  • Her health was getting worse and worse,

  • and she was afflicted with illness.

  • Chen Wenzhong's heart ached.

  • He thought of his father's death when he was just 16.

  • It was his mother who endured all sorts of hardships

  • to raise him and his brother and sister.

  • From the time he was little,

  • he had always wanted to give his mother a good life,

  • but because of the CCP government's persecution,

  • his family had been torn apart,

  • and his old mother was forced to go on the run.

  • Chen Wenzhong didn't want to tear himself away.

  • He really wanted to throw caution to the wind and stay by his mother's side,

  • so he could look after her.

  • He didn't want her to suffer any more,

  • but because of the CCP government's oppression, he had no choice but to leave.

  • Seeing his mother putting on a strong face,

  • he felt incredibly guilty.

  • His mother had fallen into such miserable circumstances,

  • and he, her son, was unable to take care of her.

  • Chen Wenzhong's heart ached so much he felt like he was about to suffocate.

  • He knew that after he said goodbye this time,

  • there was no telling when they might meet again

  • During the many years he was on the run,

  • Chen Wenzhong continued to resolutely perform his duty.

  • He completely devoted himself to spreading the gospel of the kingdom

  • and bearing witness to the appearance and work of Almighty God.

  • However,

  • as the CCP government's oppression of Christians grew,

  • the risk of being arrested followed Chen Wenzhong at every turn.

  • But spurred on by the words of God,

  • his faith in following God never weakened.

  • One day in February of 2012,

  • Chen Wenzhong unexpectedly received a letter from his brother

  • that shared his wife's whereabouts.

  • He rushed back to his hometown.

  • Right after the Chinese New Year,

  • snow enveloped Changchun like a silver dress.

  • It was frigid and windy.

  • Chen Wenzhong was anxiously waiting for his wife

  • in the woods on the outskirts of town.

  • He hadn't seen her for 10 years.

  • In spite of the bitter cold,

  • Chen Wenzhong's heart was on fire,

  • and he could hardly contain his excitement.

  • Chen Wenzhong hadn't expected that this person was his wife!

  • Once young and beautiful, she had become old and gaunt.

  • She had certainly undergone great suffering and hardships.

  • Thinking of this was like being stabbed through the heart.

  • His heart fluttered from the intense pain.

  • The Chinese police's harassment of Chen Wenzhong's family never stopped.

  • At first, the national security brigade

  • would go to his house every three to five days,

  • bring Yao Shuzhen to the police station,

  • and interrogate her on his whereabouts.

  • When she could no longer bear their harassment,

  • she moved several times,

  • but they always found her

  • and had her report to the police station regularly.

  • Hearing about the torture his family had endured,

  • Chen Wenzhong felt as if his own heart was bleeding.

  • He rushed to ask about their son.

  • Upon mention of their son,

  • Yao Shuzhen burst into tears and sobbed.

  • She was inconsolable.

  • Ever since Chen Wenzhong had left home,

  • his son Xiaoyu had frequently cried and said that he wanted to find his dad.

  • This put Yao Shuzhen in a difficult position.

  • Once Xiaoyu saw how devastated his mother was,

  • he became more and more thoughtful,

  • and from then on he hardly ever brought him up in front of her.

  • Every day when he got out of school

  • and he saw the other kids' fathers coming to pick them up,

  • he really missed his own dad,

  • and wished so much he could be at his side right then.

  • These four years,

  • Xiaoyu has not only been enduring the pain of missing his father,

  • but he has also suffered from the threats and intimidation of the demonic police.

  • Even an adult cannot cope with that kind of psychological stress.

  • How could a young child bear it?

  • Xiaoyu was trembling from fear

  • when he saw the officer's ferocious, twisted expression.

  • The toy dog his father had sent him had been ripped in two.

  • This was terrifying for little Xiaoyu,

  • and he was trembling from head to toe.

  • One day in October 2006,

  • Yao Shuzhen didn't see her son when she went to meet him after school.

  • She hurried back home as fast as she could.

  • 12-year-old Xiaoyu was no longer able to bear the torture of the Chinese police,

  • so he hanged himself at home,

  • bringing an end to his short life.

  • Learning of his son's death was a terrible blow for Chen Wenzhong.

  • The pain went into his bones.

  • He was absolutely overcome with grief.

  • After Xiaoyu's death,

  • Yao Shuzhen was completely unable to withstand the blow of losing her son,

  • and she started to think of ending her own life.

  • Only with her mother's comfort and caring did she finally get over it.

  • But the national security brigade still didn't loosen their grasp on her.

  • They still continued to summon her for questioning.

  • In order to escape from their web,

  • in 2007,

  • Yao Shuzhen furnished an application for declaration of Chen Wenzhong's death to the court,

  • and made a public announcement.

  • She then married someone else.

  • Another blow of terrible news hit Chen Wenzhong like a hammer.

  • He felt as if his heart had been hollowed out.

  • He was in a daze

  • and didn't even know how he had left the woods.

  • After returning,

  • Chen Wenzhong shut himself up in his room

  • and couldn't sleep for several days and nights.

  • All he could think about was his son's sweet face when he was little.

  • He thought about what his face looked like when he was singing,

  • when he was drawing,

  • and when his son was playing with him

  • He wished so much that his son were still alive,

  • to hear him call him Dad.

  • Just on the brink of despair,

  • it was the guidance of God's words and the support of brothers and sisters

  • that led him back out of the abyss of pain.

  • Thinking back on over a decade of wandering as a vagrant and living as a fugitive

  • as well as the suffering his family had endured,

  • Chen Wenzhong was overcome with emotion.

  • All he had done was believe in God, fulfill his duty,

  • follow God, and take the correct path in life.

  • But the CCP government had forced him to leave his wife and child,

  • and destroyed his family.

  • He deeply felt the hardship of being a believer in China,

  • and clearly saw the truth

  • that the CCP government strikes out against justice and tramples on human rights.

  • He also had a deep understanding that

  • if it hadn't been for the faith and the strength given to him by God,

  • he would not be able to continue on,

  • and if it hadn't been for God's care and protection,

  • he wouldn't have been able to escape from peril time after time.

  • In August of 2013,

  • after many twists and turns and many efforts to use his connections,

  • Chen Wenzhong once again handled the formalities to go abroad,

  • and he boarded an international flight all alone,

  • risking arrest by the CCP government.

  • He has been in exile overseas since that day.

During the last days,


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B1 中級 美國腔

基督教紀錄片|中國宗教迫害紀實|"瀕臨絕境 "與 "迴光返照" (Christian Documentary Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China | "To the Brink and Back")

  • 65 5
    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日