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  • Hey everyone this is Jared, creator

  • of 8-bit Philosophy and we've got a special episode for you guys. Now while many games

  • are certainly philosophicalvery few are as effective at integrating philosophical

  • concepts in to the plot as Bioshock.

  • Not only is the Bioshock trilogy a pioneer of gameplay- mixing elements of survival horror,

  • RPGs, and FPS games, but it's also flaunts a level of intellectual sophistication rarely

  • seen in games. Welcome

  • to this special episode on The Philosophy of Bioshock. Oh, and we're skipping the

  • second one.

  • Who is John Galt?” Is the cryptic question posed in Atlas Shrugged, the most famous book

  • by Russian born thinker Ayn Rand. Similarly, “Who is Atlas?” posters adorn the walls

  • of Rapturetransforming the original question of Rand's work.

  • In the book, John Galt, engineer, genius, and heartthrob, encourages a strike of the

  • mind, where all the world's industrialists are encouraged to leave their roles in an

  • ever increasingly controlling, regulated, and rule driven world.

  • Frustrated with the inefficiency of Socialism, and it's lack of care for the individual

  • and their hard work, Galt retreats to Galt's Gulch to shut down the industrial motor of

  • the world.

  • The original Bioshock takes place in Rapture, a digital homage to Galt's Gulch, in which

  • all the world's best minds were brought together undersea by one man- Andrew Ryan.

  • The names Andrew Ryan is effectively an anagram forAyn Rand” (Well. More or less.)

  • Andrew Ryan's political philosophy is lifted right from Rand's concept ofobjectivism.”

  • Objectivism is a sort of guide to living a worthy lifeits main tenants are: reality,

  • reason, self-interest and capitalism.

  • Basically, Rand believes that Reality is concrete and objectivethere's no point in talking

  • about the mystical, divine, and supernatural as guiding forces for humanityactions should

  • be determined solely on the basis of intellect. An easier way to say this is: Ayn Rand is

  • an atheist.

  • And apparently so is Andrew Ryan:

  • Ryan: I believe in no Godno invisible man in the sky. But there is something more

  • powerful than each of us: a combination of our efforts, a Great Chain of industry that

  • unites us.

  • Andrew Ryan serves as a mouthpiece for Rand's condemnation of coercive governments in favor

  • of a society based in belief that coercive government policies violate people's autonomy.

  • Her reaction is an ethics if egoism or radical self interest. Objecivism. It holds that people

  • ought to work hard to achieve happiness in their own lives, work hard, and not treat

  • others are mere means to an end.

  • Andrew Ryan's Monologues might as well have been lifted directly from Rand's work:

  • Ryan: Though my physical defenses fall, you'll not defeat me. My strength is not in steel

  • and fire, but in my intellect and will. You hear me, Atlas? Andrew Ryan offers you nothing

  • but ashes! In the end, all that matters to me is me. And all that matters to you is you.

  • It is the nature of things.

  • Rapture was founded under the belief that the communist parasites in the world above

  • were freeloaders that stole, violated, and unjustly took from the captains if industry.

  • Ryan was tired of working and not getting what he deservedjust like Galt.

  • Ryan: “No,” says the man in Washington, “It belongs to the poor.” “No,” says

  • the man in the Vatican, “It belongs to God.” “No,” says the man in Moscow, “It belongs

  • to everyone.” I rejected those answers.

  • Also like Ryan, Rand was a proponent of Laissez-faire capitalism or, the idea that a good government

  • exists only to protect individual rights, and stays out of people's personal lives

  • and the market.

  • Similarly, in the world of Rapture, The plasmid market is severely under regulatedthe belief

  • is that the unfettered market provides the best options for consumers.

  • Ryan (tape): There has been tremendous pressure to regulate this plasmid business. There have

  • been side effects: blindness, insanity, death. But what use is our ideology if it is not

  • tested? The market does not respond like an infant, shrieking at the first sign of displeasure.

  • The market is patient, and we must be too.

  • So what went wrong? Does the ruinous state of Rapture suggest that a society run by such

  • tenants is doomed to fail? Or did Ryan pervert Rand's beliefs?

  • This is where ADAM comes in. ADAM is a resource so potent that it led to a civil war between

  • Ryan and Fontaine, errAtlas. Due to Ryan's ideals of a free market economy, ADAM was

  • completely deregulated, creating a population of addicts riddled with side effects-— resulting

  • in rampant chaos and instability

  • Using the little sisters as mules for magical sea slugs to create ADAM certainly

  • treats them as mere tools for your own goals. And Ms. Rand would certainly disapprove.

  • Lets be clearthe trendy discussion on Bioshock Infinite has something to do with quantum

  • entanglement and multiversesand while it's a great discussionit's already been

  • covered ad nauseam. We are going to abbreviate the discussion becausescience is hard.

  • The third installment of the Bioshock series moves from the underwater world of Rapture

  • to the floating city: Columbia.

  • A play on the United States Capital, Columbia is a sort of floating Eden founded by a man

  • named Zachary Hale Comstock.

  • Comstock is a fictional stand in for nineteenth century New York political figure Anthony

  • Comstockfamous for his fight against obscenity and his rather prudish values. The Comstock

  • character mirrors Anthony's public feud with noted anarchist Emma Goldman, who is

  • doubled by Daisy Fitzroy.

  • Comstock founds Columbia with the promise of providing a place for God's people, apart

  • from the world of sinners in the Sodom below.

  • This image of Columbia as a shining beacon in the sky has its philosophical justification

  • in the concept of American Exceptionalism. American Exceptionalism is the belief that

  • the New World was promised to God's chosen people. And through this philosophy, Bioshock

  • Infinite provides us with a tasty satire of America's Historical landscape.

  • American Exceptionalism is a way of justifying a particular lifestyle. Columbia, Like America,

  • is considered God's country. Forgiveness of sins, Salvation, and Baptism are all religious

  • themes in Infinitebut like it's predecessor, this game explores the dark side of this philosophy.

  • Similar to Comstock's Colombia, The expansion into the new frontier was justified as a mission

  • from Godto ensure that the new world doesn't backslide like the old world sinners of Europe.

  • America was to be a land populated by exceptional, chosen people, exempt, and above the rest

  • of the world. Secularized as manifest destinyAmerican Excpetionalism justifies and demands the extermination

  • of the indigenous people of thewilderness,” AKA Native Americans, for the sake of securing

  • the national identity of the Christian settlers. Those not willing to accept Christianity were

  • forcibly moved or eliminated.

  • American Exceptionalism is not just a question of landthe ideology of this philosophy

  • is inextricably woven into the fabric of history. Slavery, labor strikes, the abuses of Irish

  • and Chinese workers who built the American Railroad systemare all justified by the

  • lofty goal of a promised city for God's people.

  • Fearful of the anarchist Vox Populi, afraid of the Irish and Chinese threat, and scared

  • of racial mixing, Columbia is a paranoid place.

  • Infinite explores America's haunted pastThe Battle of Wounded knee which is considered

  • the end of the U.S and Indian wars, is heralded. Laws enforcing racial segregation for relationship

  • and marriage, and lynching are not just the normthey're commonplace. Perhaps this

  • is why the enemies in the games are robotic George Washington's calledPatriots.”

  • With Bioshock Infinite we get the prospect that the Hero, Booker Dewitt is both Comstock

  • and Andrew Ryanwhen it is revealed that in another dimension the hero of the game

  • is simultaneously the villain. Bioshock exposes the paranoia of an Us versus Tthem Dichotomyit

  • challenges our conception of good guys and bad guysof freedom fighters, revolutionaries,

  • dictators and terrorists.

  • Kill little sisters or save them, throw a ball at an interracial couple or at the racist

  • announcer, accept or reject the baptismal forgiveness of sins.

  • One of the essential dilemmas of Bioshock is the freedom of action, choice, and free

  • will. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Matt and I run a channel called

  • Game Theorists. Thanks a lot to Wisecrack for having me. Let's get in to it- this

  • is the importance of choice and Free Will in Bioshock.

  • In the first Bioshock we are told: “Andrew Ryan reminds uswe all make choices, but,

  • in the end, our choices make us.” Soif we make choices, we must be free. But then

  • again, if our choices make us then how can we be free to make them? This off conundrum

  • leads us to the question: Is Free will even possible?

  • In Oone school of thought known as, Hard Determinists suggests believe that there is no such thing

  • as free will. If all action can be boiled down to cause and effect, then all of our

  • actions are always bound by an external force.

  • Even you, viewer, may think you are free to click off this video right now. But keep in

  • mind that if you do, there is a REASON you are doing so. So the question is:, are you

  • truly free in your actions, or are your actions a result of a series of events that you had

  • nothing to do with? Ourchoicein our actions is merely an illusion.

  • Andrew Ryan reiterates this with the phrase “A man chooses. A slave obeys.” In what

  • is perhaps the most brilliant part of the original game, Andrew Ryan makes a statement

  • on the nature of gaming itself, and how you, as a gamer, are destined to mindlessly follow

  • the fixed path of the game's narrative. Andinteractivity,” or the idea that

  • you as the gamer have any bearing on how the game will turn out, is merely an illusion.

  • Infinite presents a possible way out of the problem of free willthe multiversean

  • infinite number of worlds to choose from. The fact that Booker is able to go back and

  • choose to not be baptizedto smother baby Comstock in his crib seems to be a way out

  • of a deterministic universe.

  • Except that this very choice isn't a real possibility.

  • Even when it seems that there is choice for the playerthe game hints at the problem

  • of free will.

  • The first choiceto flip a coin- is quite interesting. You are prompted with thechoice

  • to press X and flip the coin. Except, in reality, you are not free to not flipif

  • you never 'press X', the game doesn't progress, it just stays there. But if you

  • do 'press X' to flipwell it always ends up heads.

  • Or Consider the scene in which Booker is prompted with the choice toBring [them]

  • the girl and wipe away the debt.” You are free to walk around the room. The game even

  • presents you with the OPTION of pressing X to hand Elizabeth over. Yet, the only way

  • to progress in the game is to press X and pick baby Elizabeth up.

  • Even thoughPress X” is an OPTION that you can seemingly deny, the game proves

  • that thischoiceis merely an illusion. You are fated to hand Elizabeth over. Whereas

  • most games would just show this event in a cut scene, Bioshock makes you press square.

  • It forces you to recognize that you are in fact not free, and anything that indicates

  • otherwise, is merely an illusion.

  • Perhaps the only way to truly assert your freedom in the world of Bioshock is to simply

  • turn off the game.

  • Jared: Jump through this dimensional tear by clicking here to see the Wisecrack crew

  • debate against MatPat.

  • Which game is more of an artistic masterpieceThe Last of Us or Pacman?

  • Be sure to check out the Wisecrack Channel page and subscribe for more smart stuff. And

  • hey - Help us win the debate by hopping over to that video and casting your vote for us!

  • MatPat: That seems relatively unfair.

  • Jared: You're just afraid that the Wisecrack army is going to take you down!

  • MatPat: Well, at the end of the day, the choice of whether to click or not is theirs...OR IS IT?!

Hey everyone this is Jared, creator


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生化危機的哲學--慧眼識珠版 (The Philosophy of BioShock - Wisecrack Edition)

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    squallriver史嗑爾 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日