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Crawling through underground pipes.
Racing to catch a mushroom.
And saving Princess Peach.
All things you did in the Mushroom Kingdom.
You might think you know everything about your favorite high-pitched, turtle- squashing, Italian plumber but, you have no idea.
Let's start from the beginning, the very beginning.
Guess when Nintendo was founded.
In the 19th century, 1889 to be exact.
在 19 世紀,正確來說是 1889 年。
They started out as playing cards manufacturer and, as years passed, expanded their lines of products.
最初是由紙牌工廠開始的幾年過後,便擴大的他們的生產線 。
Going from toys to instant rice and even taxi services.
Fastforward to the 1970s, the company is in dire financial straits and is looking to reinvent itself. With the golden age of video games in full swing, Nintendo saw an opportunity to join the fray.
很快地來到了 1970 年,公司正處於財務困境, 尋求重新創造,黃金年代正如火如荼的電動遊戲,任天堂看到了機會,便加入的競爭行列。
So, they entrusted a young artist to lead their initiative.
A man that would ultimately change video games forever.
This is Shigeru Miyamoto, the world famous creator of the world famous character Mario.
這位是 Shigeru Miyamoto ,世界有名的瑪利歐角色人物的創作家。
And this is how Mario got his look.
[Back then, everything was monochrome, and we were using 8 or 10-bit images.]
[那時,所有東西都是單色的,而我們使用的是 8 位或 10 位元的影像。]
[I was always drawing pictures, trying to see how I could convey the image to screen.]
[I wanted to create an image that looked like a moving person.]
But that was quite a challenge in 8-bit.
但把它做成 8 位元(遊戲畫面顯示單位)的大小,真是個挑戰。
[Drawing a face was complicated, so I started with a nose.]
And one thing let to another.
[In order to distinguish the nose, I added a mustache.]
[Drawing hair was also complicated, so I made him wear a cap.]
[That's how Mario was conceived.]
Now our character needed, well, a name.
[I first named him "Mr. Video," as he was a character in a video game. ]
That video game was Donkey Kong.
[A game where gorilla kidnaps a protagonist's girlfriend.]
[There is a silly hero who is chasing the gorilla to rescue her.]
And that silly hero had a signature move.
[He cannot stop, but he can jump.]
Mr. Video become Jumpman, a carpenter climbing ladders on a construction site.
But, he needed a more relatable name.
[I wanted to create a character who could be easily understood by people around the world.]
[When we shipped "Donkey Kong" to the U.S. market, Japanese staff went to the U.S. to help with the release.]
To a warehouse in Seattle to be precise.
And what happened there?
[The warehouse's landlord was named Mario, and he also had a mustache.]
[倉庫的房東叫 Mario,他也留著鬍子。]
That landlord was Mario Segale, and he looked like this, with a mustache.
房東的名字是 Mario Segale ,他長得像這樣,再加個鬍子。
[He looked like the character,]
Wait, so that guy inspired Mario's name?
[I thought it was a nice name, and it might work.]
So, we had a funny idea: We wanted to look for Mario Segale.
所以我們有個有趣的點子,我們想要見見 Mario Segale 本人。
That elusive landlord, turns out he still lives in the Seattle area, and he's still in real estate.
In fact, he's quite a mogul.
His name is even on a street sign.
We tried to call him to ask about Mario, but he didn't want to comment on the matter.
What happened in that warehouse stays in that warehouse.
(Mario sound effects)
After Donkey Kong, our hero was ready to be a star on his own, so Miyomoto set out to design him his own world.
在大金剛之後,我們的英雄準備要成為明星了,所以 Miyomoto 著手設計瑪利歐的世界。
[I created the character and wondered, "Would it be more fun if he could turn right and left or move diagonally?"]
["What if he could jump twice?"]
Mario was jumping over pipes.
So naturally, he became a plumber.
[I never feel like drawing masculine superhero characters.]
Instead, Mario was kind of a chubby, blue collar hero.
[I think that type of character is more relatable to players.]
And players got to enjoy even more of Mario with his doppelgänger.
[Mario has a younger brother, Luigi, and he is just a color swap of Mario.]
Like Mario, his name has quite a story.
[I looked for the second most popular Italian name after Mario, and it was Luigi.]
[我找了僅次於 Mario 的第二個受歡迎的義大利名字,就是 Luigi。]
And it was meant to be.
[It happens to mean "similar." phonetically in Japanese.]
Although the Mario brothers have a lot in common, Mario, he remained the true star.
And ultimately, he's more than a video game character.
[People grew up with Mario, and both father and son are familiar with him.]
We see him pretty much everywhere.
But, we'll never look at the Nintendo mascot the same way.
Mario is a legend, and so is his creator.
[It's important to create what you desire to, not what people expect you to.]