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  • - Good morning, good morning!

  • Hello, Build!

  • Welcome to Day Two.

  • - And now, I'm very excited to announce

  • that we will be bringing Timeline

  • to your iPhone and your Android devices as well.

  • Thank you.

  • And making the PC the perfect second screen to your phone.

  • So you saw some of this yesterday, I'm thrilled to announce

  • that coming in a future release of Windows,

  • we will be shipping an inbox app

  • that will allow you to get some of the key workloads

  • off your phone, right onto your PC.

  • You can launch it from the task bar.

  • Launching it will give you access.

  • It's a permanent destination for your photos,

  • for your texts, for your notifications,

  • and many other key workloads over time

  • from your phone right there on your PC.

  • - And so today I'm gonna walk you through sets.

  • So as you'll see here, we're gonna start in a Word document

  • where here I am someone putting together a rainfall report.

  • And of course, one of the first things that I'm gonna see

  • is a web link that might be in my document

  • or it might be research that I'm doing.

  • And what starts to happen as I get going

  • is more and more things will open up.

  • Okay, the next insider build you get will take web content

  • and put your recent web tabs

  • right at your fingertips in alt tab,

  • so you get this automatic muscle memory feeling

  • of switching back to the last thing,

  • regardless of whether it's web or app.

  • And yes, thank you, I can see some of you clapping for that.

  • - In Microsoft Word, we have a goal

  • to make every person a better writer.

  • And one way we do this is with grammar checking.

  • However, some errors are very very hard to detect

  • with traditional algorithms.

  • For example, in English you get into a car,

  • but onto a train.

  • We've trained the grammar checker and it now can suggest

  • corrections that I can take action on and fix.

  • We're running this on Windows ML.

  • It's the little things that matter the most, right?

  • Like how in Notepad the Linux line feeds don't actually end.

  • Well, we've fixed Notepad.

  • We decided, finally, time to go fix it.

  • (applauding)

  • Notepad now supports Linux line feeds.

  • - Of course we continue to invest in the Microsoft Store.

  • We're building new ways for consumer developers

  • to track the use of their apps, to deploy their apps,

  • and one thing that we're excited

  • to announce at Build this year

  • is a change in the revenue model

  • within the store for consumer apps.

  • So if you're somebody who writes consumer apps,

  • not games, not commercial apps,

  • you'll care about the fact that going forward

  • later this year, we'll increase the revenue share

  • to 85% of the revenue going to you

  • if someone comes to the Microsoft Store,

  • finds your app, and installs it.

  • But even better, if you're running your own campaigns

  • or promoting your app on your website,

  • if you send a customer to the Microsoft Store

  • and they find your app,

  • we'll return 95% of the revenue to you,

  • making this the most developer friendly store

  • from an economic point of view of all the large ecosystems.

  • - Today I'm here to show you how by building adaptive cards,

  • you can engage with your users in your apps

  • right in the flow of their daily conversations.

  • Adaptive cards are an open source card exchange format

  • that will allow you to embed your content

  • inside of other applications.

  • I'm thrilled to announce that starting today,

  • you can pay off bills and invoices directly in Outlook

  • using adaptive cards.

  • This integrates with Microsoft Pay,

  • which means that I can access all of the payment methods

  • that I already have securely stored in the cloud

  • to streamline the payment process.

  • - For developers, Microsoft Graph is accessible

  • through one single unified rest api endpoint,


  • You can connect to Microsoft Graph

  • to power your own app experiences.

  • By doing so, your app will be able

  • to sign in users seamlessly with the same identity

  • that is used by Windows and Office,

  • and you will be able to use the same business data

  • that Microsoft 365 apps use.

  • To take it even further, I'm happy to announce that we're

  • making the new Graph UWP Controls available today.

  • - Thank you so much for coming

  • and spending time with us today.

  • Enjoy the rest of the conference, have a great Build.

  • We appreciate everything you do, so long.

  • Microsoft dev yoga ME 365 Enterprise edition

  • sponsored by Lenovo.

  • See what I did there, yoga, Lenovo?

  • Yeah, too early still, no?

- Good morning, good morning!


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B1 中級 美國腔

微軟Build 2018主題演講5分鐘內完成 (Microsoft Build 2018 keynote in under 5 minutes)

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    Samuel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日