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  • bjbjqPqP This is one of my all-time favorite ingredients.

    bjbjqPqP 這是我一直以來最喜歡的食材之一。 成分。

  • I can't think of too many things that I won't chop up some scallions and throw them in.

    我想不出有多少事情是我不會做的 切些蔥花扔進去。

  • Now, growing up, we called these spring onions.

    在我們的成長過程中,我們把這些洋蔥叫做 "蔥"。

  • I'm from the Appalachian Mountains.


  • Not Appalachian, it's Appalachian.


  • These were spring onions.


  • We called them green onions, and they were everywhere.

    我們叫它們蔥,到處都是 隨處可見。

  • I remember my mother serving them with salads.


  • But to use them, and these are kind of a cousin to onion and leek and all the other onions,

    但要使用它們,這些洋蔥和韭菜以及所有其他洋蔥的表親 洋蔥、韭菜和所有其他洋蔥的表親、

  • you see they've got this kind of funky bit on the outside here?

    你看到他們有這種時髦的位子嗎? 在外面?

  • We're going to take that off.


  • See?


  • We're going to come down to where we've just got his little hair, right there.

    我們要下來到他的小頭髮的地方。 他的小頭髮,就在那裡。

  • So that comes off.


  • Now, these have already been washed.


  • But if you haven't washed them, wash them well because they can be a little bit sandy,

    但如果您還沒有洗過它們,請洗乾淨 因為它們可能有點沙、

  • just like a leek can.


  • Not that bad, but you don't want the sand in your stuff.

    沒那麼糟,但你不希望沙子 在你的東西里。

  • All right.


  • Now, the entire piece of this is edible.


  • Okay?


  • This, the white part, has more of an onion flavor.

    白色部分更有洋蔥的味道 味道。

  • This is something closer to a chive, although it's a little bit stronger, somewhere between

    這是一種更接近韭菜的植物,不過 它的味道更濃一些,介於

  • a shallot and a chive.


  • I like to use the entire thing, and to do that, I cut his little hair off.

    我喜歡用整根東西,為此 為此,我剪掉了他的小頭髮。

  • Going to get rid of that.


  • Sometimes, even after you've taken that first layer there it is you'll feel a membrane that's

    有時,即使你已經取下了第一層 你會感覺到有一層膜,它是

  • under that first layer that makes it kind of slippery.

    在第一層下面,使它有點 滑。

  • So watch out for that.


  • Now, these are kind of big.


  • If these were really tiny, really thin, I'd simply slice this way and use it like that.

    如果這些真的很小很薄,我會 我就會這樣切,就這樣用。

  • But this is going in a raw salad, so I want small bits.

    但這是要放在生沙拉里的,所以我想要 小塊的

  • So I'm going to cut him in half, line him up, and nice tiny pieces.

    所以我要把他切成兩半,排成一排 切成小塊

  • Now, a lot of people will only go up so far on the

    現在 現在,很多人只能在

  • green part and quit, which I honestly don't understand why because the green is delicious,

    綠色的部分,然後就放棄了,老實說我不 因為綠色部分非常美味、

  • and it's got a softer onion flavor.


  • There is no need to waste that much of what you just paid for.

    沒有必要浪費那麼多 你剛花了錢。

  • Now, these guys, these are going in my scrap bin because we've got a cool trick to do with

    現在,這些傢伙,這些都是要去我的廢品 因為我們有一個很酷的小把戲要做

  • those in a minute.


  • But that's it.


  • Clean him up, take his skin off, pop his head up.

    把他清理乾淨,剝掉他的皮,把他的頭 起來

  • Great green onion.


  • If you like this video and you want more great tips, tricks, and techniques, check out the

    如果您喜歡這段視頻,並想了解更多精彩的 技巧、竅門和技術,請查看

  • website at


  • You can like me on Facebook under The Thrillbilly Gourmet, and you can follow me on Twitter

    您可以在 Facebook 的 The Thrillbilly 美食家,也可以在 Twitter 上關注我

  • under Jan Charles or The Thrillbilly.

    在揚-查爾斯(Jan Charles)或 "刺激小子"(The Thrillbilly)名下。

  • I'm on Pinterest now too, under Jan Charles.

    我現在也在 Pinterest 上,在 Jan Charles 下。

  • I've also got two brand new podcasts, both of which you can find on iTunes: The Thrillbilly

    我還有兩個全新的播客,這兩個 您可以在 iTunes 上找到:Thrillbilly

  • Gourmet and The Food City Kitchen on WVLT with Chef Walter Lambert and Jan Charles.

    WVLT 頻道的《美食家》和《美食城廚房 主廚沃爾特-蘭伯特(Walter Lambert)和簡-查爾斯(Jan Charles)的節目。

  • Now, make sure you subscribe,and you can ask a question.

    現在,請確保您已訂閱,您可以提問 問題。

  • You can leave a comment, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

    您可以留言,我會盡快給您回覆。 儘快給您回覆。

  • Thanks for visiting.


  • hmBW :p6s urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags place This is one of my all time favorite

    hmBW :p6s urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags 位置 這是我一直以來最喜歡的

  • ingredients Robin Robin Microsoft Office Word xerS This is one of my all time

    成分 Robin Robin Microsoft Office Word xerS 這是我一直以來

  • favorite ingredients Title Microsoft Office Word Document MSWordDoc Word.Document.8

    最喜歡的成分 標題 Microsoft Office Word 文檔 MSWordDoc Word.Document.8

bjbjqPqP This is one of my all-time favorite ingredients.

bjbjqPqP 這是我一直以來最喜歡的食材之一。 成分。

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