字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 Do you ever get the sense that rich people are more likely to be rude or self-centered? 你會不會都曾一度覺得有錢人都比較沒禮貌或是自大? Well, we decided it was time to find out whether or not rich people are actually more likely to be jerks. 嗯,我們覺得是時候來看看是不是有錢人都那麼地討人厭 Ever been cut off while driving? It was more likely by a Mercedes than a 20 year old junker. 有沒有在開車時被別人切過車?而且大概會是位 20 幾歲的小混蛋開的賓士車 Multiple studies have found that the more expensive your car is the more likely you are to 許多研究指出開越是高檔車的人越會切別人的車子 not only cut in front of other vehicles but also drive through crosswalks when a pedestrian is waiting to cross. 也不會理會正在等待通行的行人並直接穿越過人行道 In one study those with the most expensive cars cut pedestrians off 42% of the time. 在其中一篇研究指出百分之 42 開高檔車的人會切入至人行道中 Now, imagine you waited in a line for 10 minutes to buy a coffee and a muffin at Starbucks. 現在想像一下,你在星巴克排了 10 分鐘的隊為了要買一杯咖啡和鬆餅 But when you're a couple of blocks away you realize that the clerk gave 但當你買好離開後,才發現店員 you change for $20 rather than for the $10 you gave him 找了你 20 塊零錢而不是 10 塊 Do you A) savour your coffee and the free $10 or B) go back and return the change? 選項 A) 你們會享受著咖啡和那多給的 10 元嗎? 還是 B) 走回店裡還錢呢? It turns out those with more money are more likely to respond that they would keep it. 結果發現有錢人的反應大都是將多給的錢收好 And the amount of money you have also affects how much you look at people. 而且研究也指出你擁有多少財富也會影響你看待他人的方式 Using Google glass to track eye movements of people in a study walking around the block. 用 Google 智能眼鏡來檢視路上行人的眼睛移動 Wealthy people spend significantly less time in social gazes. In other words, 有錢人幾乎不會與他人有所眼神接觸。換句話說, they're more likely to straight-up ignore other people. 他們都比較會目中無人 But, certainly the rich are more generous in the poor, right, though the rich may cut a bigger check in the U.S. 但有錢人對貧窮人絕對都比較慷慨。在美國的有錢人會寫下大數目的支票 Nationwide survey data shows that the wealthy contribute a lower percentage of their household income. 全國性的調查指出有錢人捐助的錢少於他們所賺的錢 For example a household that makes under $25,000 in the u.s.. donate around 4.2% of their earnings, 例如一個美國家庭賺低於 2.5 萬,大概會捐出 4.2 的收入 but those making $100,000 or more only contribute 2.7%. 但那些賺 10 萬或更多的人,只會捐出 2.7 的收入 Even when people are arbitrarily put in charge or given power. It makes them more selfish. 甚至當人們被賦予權力時,會使得他們變得更為自私 Imagine you're put into a group of 3 people to make some important policy recommendations and you're told you're in charge of the group. 想像一下,你被放入一個三人的團體中,由你訂下基本規章並且主導整個團隊 A plate of 5 yummy cookies gets put in front of you. 一盤裝著 5 塊美味的餅乾放在你們面前 And naturally everybody takes one. Do you take another? 理所當然地每個人都可以拿一塊,那你會再拿一塊嗎? It turns out in studies the person in charge is most likely to take the fourth cookie while everybody leaves the last one on the plate to be polite 研究指出當全部的人都禮貌性地吃完一塊餅乾後,掌權的那一個人會是拿第四塊餅乾的人 So, our rude people just more likely to become rich? Or does being rich make you worse? 所以是沒有禮貌的人比較能成為有錢人?還是有錢會使人變壞呢? Counter to what we might believe people who are the most likely to gain power in a group are actually the emotionally intelligent 相對地,我們通常都相信富有同情心與智慧的人會是團體中的領導人 ones who focus on others practice generosity and aren't the bullies 他們能夠對他人展現出慷慨的心,並且不是霸稜者 Studies even find that college students at the top of the social hierarchy tend to be the most Pro-social 研究甚至指出, 在社會階級之上的大學生們會是對社會最有影響的人, and compassionate versus selfish. It all goes back to our hunter-gatherer roots where individuals who share food and resources, 充滿著熱情而不是自私的。這可追朔至我們的根源:原始社会,每個人都會互相分享食物和資源 rise in ranks, but this leads to the power paradox. To gain power you need empathy. 進而形成階級,並造成了權力矛盾。為了得到權力,你需要富有情感 But, once you feel powerful you become more self focused you can even see this in the brain when using FMRI scans. 不過一旦你有權利後,你就會變得更加地自私。甚至可以從功能性磁振造影 (神經影像) 裡看到腦袋裡的變化 Areas like the prefrontal cortex that activate when understanding mental states or considering the thoughts of others, 當感受到情緒狀態或是顧慮著他人時,在前頭葉這部分會有所活化, show less activity in those with a higher social class 在社會高層的人這部分較少活化 Poor people also have a greater ability to assess the emotional states of others have more interpersonal interactions, greater 貧窮的人們會較有能力去判斷他人的情緒狀態,擁有比較好的人際關係, eye contact, head nodding and laughing compared to richer people who are more likely to self groom, fidget or doodle. 與他人的眼神接觸、點頭、並且微笑。相對地,有錢人比較自大、煩燥不安、或是心有所思 One possible explanation for this is that people with less materials resources and 有一個可能的原因是因為擁有較少物質和資源的人們, privilege rely more on others to meet their needs and this creates a pressure to be more emotionally intelligent. 會比較依賴著他人來滿足自己的需求,而進而迫使自己成為一個富有情感以及智慧的人 So, of course not all rich people are jerks. 所以當然囉!不是所有的有錢人都是混蛋! But in general as your wealth increases your empathy decreases. Making rich people statistically more likely to be jerks 但普遍而言,只要你的財富增加,你的同情心便會減少。使得有錢人數據上來說更像是個混蛋 For today's video, we've teamed up with Audible who's 今天的影片,我們和 Audible 一起合作,Audible offering everybody who's watching this video a chance to try them out for free for 30 days. 提供觀看此影片的人免費試用他們的網站 30 天 All you have to do is go to audible.com/ASAP or a text ASAP to 500 500. 你們就只要去 audible.com/ASAP 或是傳簡訊 ASAP 至 500 500 Download your first title and start listening. 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B1 中級 美國腔 有錢人 指出 比較 混蛋 自私 餅乾 有錢人都很討人厭?(Are Rich People Worse Humans?) 3963 382 Samuel 發佈於 2018 年 06 月 11 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字