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  • - Welcome to F8!

  • In 2016, we were slow to identify Russian interference.

  • We're doing more, we're requiring everyone

  • running political and issue ads or running large pages

  • to be verified with a government ID.

  • We're making ads more transparent.

  • By the end of this year, we will have 20,000 people

  • working on security and content review at Facebook.

  • We are focused on fighting fake news more broadly.

  • A lot of the work over the last and a half

  • has been bringing on more and more fact-checking

  • partners all around the world in different

  • countries who speak all of the different

  • languages that we need to cover.

  • I also want to talk about data privacy.

  • What happened with Cambridge Analytica

  • was a major breach of trust, so we need to

  • make sure that this never happens again.

  • We're taking a number of steps here.

  • First, as you all know, we're restricting the data

  • that developers will be able to request from people.

  • Second, we need to make sure we find

  • any other bad apps that are out there.

  • We're currently in the process of investigating

  • every single app that had access

  • to a large amount of people's information

  • before we made these big changes in 2014.

  • We're working on a simple control

  • where you can clear your browsing history,

  • what you've clicked on, the websites you visited, and so on.

  • We're gonna call it Clear History.

  • You're gonna be able to use this tool to see the information

  • about the apps and websites you've interacted with.

  • You'll be able to clear all this information

  • from your account, and you'll even be

  • able to turn it off, having this information

  • stored with your account going forward.

  • So, today we're announcing a new set

  • of features coming soon around dating.

  • It's gonna be for building real long-term

  • relationships, all right, not just hookups.

  • If you want, you can make a dating profile.

  • We've designed this with privacy

  • and safety in mind from the beginning.

  • You're only gonna be suggested

  • people who are not your friends.

  • - This is Jennifer, she's just moved to Chicago.

  • She's interested in dating, the first thing she

  • would do here is set up a dating profile.

  • Once she's done that, she can go browse events and groups.

  • This will let her see things in the city

  • and groups related to her interests,

  • and she can browse people who are there.

  • Say she wants to talk to Jay, she'll start a

  • conversation with a photo from his profile.

  • Then if he wants to respond, they'll do so

  • in a private messaging inbox connected to the profile.

  • - Now let's talk about Instagram.

  • We're announcing video chat in Instagram.

  • You're gonna be able to just tap on a new camera icon

  • right in the top of any direct thread

  • that you have and you're gonna be able

  • to video chat one-on-one or with groups.

  • You're gonna be able to minimize the video

  • while you're chatting and using Instagram.

  • - So, here I am in Instagram.

  • First, I'll swipe over to Direct because that's where I

  • already have conversations with my closest friends.

  • Now, let's say it's Saturday, and I'm trying to

  • figure out where we should go to brunch.

  • I tap this button to start a video chat,

  • and soon we're all able to hang out together.

  • Now, let's pretend I'm looking for some

  • inspiration for where we should go.

  • I tap this button, and soon, the video player is minimized.

  • I swipe on over to Feed, and at this point,

  • people can still see and hear me,

  • but don't worry, they can't see my screen.

  • Now, once I find somewhere I want to go,

  • I hit share, and then I send it back to the thread,

  • so my friends can give their input.

  • - Now, I can share a Sticker of whatever I'm listening

  • to directly to Instagram from my Spotify app.

  • Now anyone can also share their latest

  • GoPro footage directly to IG as well.

  • - Now Explore's organized into topic channels

  • based on your personal interests and tastes.

  • We're taking our commenting filtering technology

  • even further by launching a bullying filter

  • that hides language intended to harass or upset people.

  • - Now let's talk about WhatsApp.

  • We're announcing that we're bringing group

  • video calling to WhatsApp soon too.

  • - We're excited to share that group calling

  • is also coming to WhatsApp in the coming months ahead

  • where you can get together with friends and family

  • regardless of where you are in the world.

  • (audience cheering)

  • - The big news I have to share today

  • is Oculus Go is shipping today.

  • - Next is Oculus Venues, which is gonna be your ticket

  • to live social events in VR like concerts,

  • sports, comedy nights, and movie screenings.

  • You get to sit in this awesome VR amphitheater

  • with thousands of people and watch premium events

  • together like soccer live in a 180 degrees.

  • We have a great line up of live-event partners

  • coming to Oculus Venues, live concerts from AEG,

  • live games from the MLB and the NBA,

  • movie screenings from Lionsgate, plus comedy nights

  • and tons of entertainment from NextVR,

  • That's Oculus Go, for 199 you get

  • access to over 1000 apps and games.

  • We're also launching a version of Oculus Go

  • with double the storage memory, 64 gigabytes for 249.

  • - You know now, if you have some photos

  • from your childhood home, we can now use computer vision

  • to to fill in the gaps with this

  • pointillism effect and recreate the rooms

  • of your childhood home where you grew up.

  • So, you're gonna be able to go into VR with your family

  • and visit and feel like you are right there.

  • It's feels like you are in a dream, it is wild.

  • This work of mapping out immersive spaces

  • is just another important step on the path

  • to creating this real feeling of presence.

  • - First, let's talk about creating moments.

  • We're doing this with interactive 3-D posts on Facebook.

  • With one tap, you can bring a 3-D object

  • into Facebook camera using our AR technology.

  • This means you can grab a 3-D object

  • right out of Newsfeed and bring it straight

  • into your world, and it's launching next month.

  • Moving objects into VR takes this experience

  • to an even more immersive and meaningful level.

  • With a simple 360 photo of her kitchen and that 3-D mixer

  • object, the virtual Jen can give me a tour.

  • This Summer, we're rolling out 3-D photos.

  • You simply take a picture with your smartphone

  • and upload it to Facebook as a 3-D photo.

  • So, let's do this, let's keep building together.

  • There's never been a more important time for it.

  • (audience applauding)

- Welcome to F8!


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A2 初級 美國腔

F8 2018:Facebook的頂級公告 (F8 2018: Facebook's top announcements)

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    Johnny Tsai 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日