字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 History is made as Kim Jong-un crosses the border. 金正恩跨越南北韓邊界創造了歷史。 It's the first time a North Korean leader has set foot in the South. 這是首次北韓領導人踏上南韓的領土。 This step is the latest chapter in Kim's head-spinning makeover from a stern-faced despot into a smiling diplomat. 此一舉動是金正恩改頭換面的最新篇章,從冷面暴君成為一個笑臉迎人的外交家。 Somebody President Trump ridiculed as "Little Rocket Man." 他是川普總統揶揄的「小火箭人」。 "Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself." — has suddenly become"very honorable". 「火箭人正在執行一項自殺任務」,今日忽然成為一個「非常令人尊敬的人」。 "He really has been very open, very honorable." 「他一直以來非常地坦誠,非常地令人尊敬」。 Here is how Kim did it. 金正恩是這樣辦到的。 STEP 1: Bombs Away. 步驟一:核武議題。 Kim may have felt that he had the leverage to turn a diplomatic corner once he was able to show that his country could be a nuclear power. 金正恩認為只要他能證明北韓的核武力量,他就有能力在外交上有更多的影響力 (扭轉情勢)。 STEP 2: Turn on the Charm. 步驟二:魅力的展現。 Kim kicks off his charm offensive by dispatching his so-called army of beauties to the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. 金正恩靠著派遣他的「美女軍團」到平昌冬奧來展開一波魅力攻勢。 He also sends his sister Kim Yo-jong — the first time a member of the Kim family visited South Korea since the Korean War. 他還派他的妹妹金與正出訪-這是自朝鮮戰爭後,首次有金氏家族成員造訪南韓。 She becomes an overnight sensation in the South. 她在南韓一夕爆紅。 STEP 3: Make New Friends. 步驟三:結交新朋友。 Kim hosts a delegation of high-level South Korean officials in Pyongyang. 金正恩在平壤接待了南韓高階官員的代表團。 The officials from the South deliver a bombshell to the White House: Kim wants to meet Trump, and Trump, shocking the world, says yes. 南韓官員給了白宮一個震撼彈:金正恩希望能夠和川普會晤,而川普則震驚全世界的表示:「沒問題」。 "Trump responded saying yes." 「川普答應了」。 "Surprise, praise, skepticism." 「非常驚訝,同時肯定,保持懷疑。」 STEP 4: Break Out of Your Shell. 步驟四:脫殼而出 (向外擴張)。 "This was indeed a shocker." 「這事的確令人震驚」。 Kim secretly leaves the country for the first time since taking power. 這是金正恩在掌權後首次離開北韓領土。 His destination: Beijing, where he visits with Chinese President Xi Jinping. 他的目的地:北京,他將在那裡與中華人民共和國主席習近平會面。 It's Kim's first meeting with another head of state. 這是金正恩第一次與他國的元首會面。 STEP 5: Practice Playing Nice 步驟五:釋出善意。 Kim hosts the International Olympic Committee in Pyongyang to thank them for their support and to say that North Korea will take part in the Tokyo and Beijing Olympics. 金正恩在平壤辦了國際奧林匹克委員會的會議,為的是要感謝他們的支持,並也同時表示北韓將參與在東京及北京的奧運盛會中。 STEP 6: Let Your Hair Down. 步驟六:盡情享受。 Kim loosens North Korea's iron grip on pop culture as he and his wife rock out at a two-hour K-pop concert in Pyongyang. 金正恩放寬了北韓對於流行文化的鐵腕政策,他與他的妻子還一同在平壤參加了一場長達兩小時的 K-pop 演唱會。 He even poses for a photo with a popular South Korean girl band, Red Velvet. 他還跟南韓人氣女團 Red Velvet 合照了幾張。 STEP 7: Art of the Tease. 步驟七:引人遐想的藝術。 Kim secretly meets and had a photo op with then-C.I.A. director Mike Pompeo, signaling planning is underway for a summit. 金正恩密會了美國中央情報局首長 Mike Pompeo,並讓媒體攝影,這也示意了一場高峰會的策畫正在進行中。 STEP 8: Make Peace. Not War. 步驟八:要和平,不要戰爭。 North Korea announces a new pledge to end nuclear and missile testing and close a nuclear test site. 北韓宣布了一項新的承諾,表示會終止核武及飛彈試射,並也關閉了一個核武測試場。 STEP 9: Sell the Drama. 步驟九:話題製造。 Kim takes his historic stroll and calls for an age of peace. 金正恩利用他跨出歷史性的一步,來尋求 (製造) 一個和平的時代。 It may mark the beginning of a historic thaw. 這很可能代表著一項歷史性的政治 (外交) 解凍。 Whatever happens, it's clearly the start of a new Kim Jong-un. 但不論如何,這很顯然的代表著一個全新的金正恩即將站出。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 TheNewYorkTimes 金正恩 步驟 南韓 北韓 核武 金正恩如何從國際邊緣人搖身一變成為微笑外交官 (How Kim Jong-un Went From International Pariah to Smiling Diplomat | NYT News) 15301 756 Samuel 發佈於 2018 年 06 月 23 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字