字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (groovy music) - Hey everyone, it's your girl Jenn, 哈囉大家好! 我是你們的女孩, 珍 and welcome to my car. 歡迎你們來到我的車上 Today I'm planning the perfect date for Ben 今天我要為班策劃一場完美的約會 thanks to Google Assistant who I've teamed up 感謝跟我一起合作並且贊助我的 "Google個人助理" for this paid partnership. 班跟我超級喜歡去野餐 Ben and I just love going on picnics 所以我覺得我可以做一些韓國料理 so I thought I would just, you know, make some Korean food 然後我們可以一起去, 我決定要用 and we'd head out together, and I'm gonna use "Google個人助理" 來幫助我完成我們這個小小的冒險 Google Assistant to help me plan our little adventure. 「這附近哪裡有韓國超市?」 What are nearby Korean grocery stores? [Google個人助理] 以下是2.7公里以內的韓國超市 - [Google Assistant] I found a few places 我覺得我想去Zion超市 within two point seven miles. 好的! - I think I want to go to Zion Market. 我們出發吧! Alright. 我覺得我想要試著做紫菜包飯(飯糰) Let's head on over. 因為我媽總是在我們野餐的時候做給我們吃 I think I'm gonna try and make kimbap 但其實我從來沒有自己做過 because my mom always makes it for our picnics. 也許我小時候有幫過她做一次 But I've actually never made it myself. 但我真的不記得了 Maybe I helped her once when I was a kid 所以我覺得做給班的話 應該會很棒 but I really don't remember. 然後也許再放一些薯片 So I think it would be really fun to make it for Ben. 因為我很愛吃薯片 And then probably some chips 然後..... because I love chips and 喔, 水梨, 天啊水梨真的超級好吃又很多汁 ooh, Korean pears, oh, those are so tasty and juicy. 我記得他們好像也是當季水果 I think they're in season too. 我們可以去看看 So, we'll find out. 好的, 我已經到了並且停完車了, 然後我應該 Alright, I've parked, I am here, and I should probably 要來看怎麼做紫菜包飯 figure out how to make kimbap actually. 「紫菜包飯的食譜」 Kimbap recipe. 哇嗚, 有好多選擇 Wow, there's so many options. 我決定要用這個食譜好了 I think I'm just gonna go for this recipe right over here. 完美! Perfect. 好的, 我們現在在超市裡面 Alright, we're at the grocery store, 我有一陣子沒有來這裡了 I haven't been here in a hot minute 然後, 對了, 我應該要把水梨加進我的購物清單裡 and oh, I should add Korean pear to my shopping list. 「把水梨加進我的購物清單裡」 Add Korean pear to my shopping list. [Google個人助理] 好的, 我已經將水梨加入 - [Google Assistant] Okay, I've added Korean pear 你的購物清單裡了 to your shopping list. 00:01:44,801 --> 00:01:45,634 喔, 好了 (pleasant music) 我已經買齊了所有東西 然後我要回家了 Okay. 來做這些料理 I've gathered everything and I guess I am on my way home 好的 to make this all. 我已經買到了所有的材料 Okay. 然後我想要先煮飯 I've got all the ingredients. 因為煮飯最花時間 And I'm gonna put on the rice first 我要設一個計時器 cause that's gonna take the longest. 「設一個30分鐘的計時器」 I'm just gonna set a timer. [Google個人助理] 好的, 三十分鐘 Set timer for 30 minutes. 從現在開始 - [Google Assistant] Okay, 30 minutes. 耶, 班跟我試著去做這些小小的約會 And that's starting now. 一個星期至少一次 - Yeah, Ben and I try and go on these little dates 不管是這種野餐啊 at least once a week. 或者是我們也會一起吃晚餐 Whether it's you know, going on these picnics, 這樣就可以好好的保養這段感情 or we go out for dinner. [班] 嘿 寶貝 It just helps you know keep the relationship on its toes. 嘿 - [Ben] Hey babe. [班] 你那邊在幹嘛? - Hey. 我正在做東西 - [Ben] Oh, what you got there? [班] 你在做什麼? - I'm making something. [班] 他們看起來好棒 - What are you making? (由上到下) 蟹肉棒, 醃蘿蔔, 蘿蔔, 小黃瓜 This looks amazing. 紫菜 (pleasant music) 糙米 - [Jenn] Ta-da! 把它填滿 And we're all set. 捲起來 (car engine revving) 刷上芝麻油 Alright, now we're at the park. 切小段 - Made it. 好了 Look at this. 然後這樣我們就完成了 - [Jenn] Look at our spread. 00:03:03,981 --> 00:03:06,106 好的, 我們現在在公園 - [Ben] Delightful little spread. 成功了! - [Jenn] We've got kimbap, Korean melon 看看這個! and a side of kimchi and radish. 看看我們的這些東西 - What a lovely day. [班] 令人愉快的小小組合 - [Jenn] I know. 我們有紫菜包飯, 水梨 - We come here a lot. 還有一個有泡菜和醃蘿蔔的小菜 - [Jenn] We do, we really really utilize this spot [班] 真是一個美好的一天 but this is just a gorgeous place 我知道 that's in the middle of L.A. [班] 我們常常來這裡 (groovy music) 真的, 我們真的很常利用這個地點 - [Ben] It's coming for you. 因為這個地方真的超級漂亮 - Korean melon. 就位於洛杉磯的中心 So tasty. 00:03:30,802 --> 00:03:33,135 [班] 它要來找你了 - [Ben] So fresh aren't they? 水梨 Did you get a photo of this? 超好吃 - Yes. [班] 它們真的很新鮮, 對吧? - [Ben] Oh, I've got the phone hang on. [班] 你有沒有把這一切照下來? Okay google, take a selfie. 對了 There we go. [班] 好了, 我把手機架好了 (camera shutter clicks) [班] 好的, Google, 拍一張自拍 (groovy music) [班] 好了 準備 - So I'm back home from the picnic (喀嚓) and I'm so happy we did this because 00:03:53,251 --> 00:03:54,585 好的, 我從野餐回來了 I just feel rejuvenated. 然後我很開心我們這麼做了 Something about eating outdoors. 因為我真的覺得很青春而且很有活力 And I also feel like little moments like this 在戶外吃飯就會有這種感覺 really keep a relationship on its toes 而且我真的覺得像這樣小小的時光 and keeps the spark alive. 真的很能夠幫助滋潤這段感情 I want to thank the Google Assistant for partnering 製造一些小火花 with me and making this video possible. 我想要謝謝 "Google個人助理"跟我合作 I also want to thank you for watching 才能讓這個影片成真 and I'll see you guys in the next one. 我也想要謝謝你們的收看 Bye. 我們下次見 Mwa. 掰掰 (funky music) (飛吻)
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 助理 超市 蘿蔔 小小 韓國 購物 完美的約會 (The Perfect Date) 1761 178 ziting228228 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字