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  • They're a metal band here in Brooklyn.

  • Sal: All right, baby boy. You're at the front door.

  • You're collecting cover charges.

  • You got that fanny pack stacked with cashola.

  • Yep, the unofficial staff badge. You're all set.

  • How's it going, man? How are you?

  • Here we go!

  • Good. Good.

  • We're collecting for the band tonight.

  • Uh. $5. All right. Thank you. Thanks.

  • So, what Q doesn't know

  • is there's no cover tonight.

  • This is a free show.

  • It's a free show.

  • We are collecting for the band tonight.

  • Thanks, brother. Thank you. Thank you very much.

  • Enjoy the show. Thanks very much.

  • The power of a damn lanyard.

  • Enjoy the show. Thanks very much.

  • Wow. That's great.

  • Joe: That fanny pack's getting fat.

  • Oh. Thanks so much. Enjoy the show, sir.

  • Every single person is giving him money.

  • Oh. Cool. Thank you.

  • Well, that's a lot of money.

  • I never thought I was gonna say this,

  • but am I gonna get punished any time soon?

  • We're punishing you with boredom.

  • Sal: Yo, this place is jam packed.

  • All right, Q.

  • You can come on back here.

  • Murr: Great job, bub. Excellent job.

  • Joe: There you go. Your shift's over.

  • We'll take the fanny pack.

  • You don't have to work

  • the door anymore.

  • You did good, though. You got a lot of money.

  • Thanks. Now what?

  • Go back into the club.

  • You'll know what to do when the time comes.

  • Am I singing?

  • You might be.

  • Good luck, Tight Fright.

  • There he is.

  • I'll take a beer.

  • Joe: All right, get a beer. That's fine.

  • Settle in, buddy. Settle in.

  • Yeah. I am.

  • All right. Hey, everybody.

  • Can I have your attention for one quick minute here,

  • real quick?

  • Murr: Here we go!

  • Tight Fright is gonna come out here in just a few minutes,

  • but I have a quick announcement that

  • it's been brought to my attention that somebody

  • was outside collecting money for the venue here.

  • There's no cover charge tonight,

  • so if you find that person, please...

  • Man #2: Let's get him!

  • ...try to get your money back.

  • [Bleep] you guys.

  • [ Crowd booing ]

  • The money's gone.

  • You are in the lion's den now!

  • The place is in an uproar right now.

  • I don't even have

  • the fanny pack.

  • It's in the fanny pack, and the fanny pack is somewhere else.

  • No, it's cool.

  • It's in the fanny pack, and the fanny pack is somewhere else.

  • Oh, my God!

  • Oh, no, I'm cool. I'm gonna watch the show.

  • Joe: It's getting a little

  • hairy in there, buddy.

  • Don't worry. The bag of money's at the bar.

  • Yeah, I'm gonna go by the bar.

  • The thing's over there.

  • Ohh! Threw a beer can at him.

  • He threw a beer can at him!

  • Oh, my God. It's only $5!

  • And let's not devolve into animals.

  • Oh, here we go.

  • [ Crowd booing ]

  • [ Laughter ]

  • A sack of quarters!

  • Give people their money back!

  • Damn you guys. I'm covered in beer.

  • Count it out! Go through the crowd!

  • Go through the crowd and hand out quarters.

  • Guys, I got the money here.

  • Just put in here.

  • Here we go.

  • No one's questioning why the bag has a huge dollar sign on it.

  • They had $3. $3? Oh! Oh, oh, oh!

  • [ Shouting ]

  • I got to give these

  • people their money back!

  • You animals!

  • Oh, my God.

  • m a?

  • I gave you the money back!

  • I'm so sorry about this. -"Big misunderstanding.

  • I thought I was gonna get away with this."

  • It was a big misunderstanding.

  • I didn't think I was gonna get caught.

  • It's a big misunderstanding.

  • $4...

  • $5. Yeah.

  • Q, last thing

  • you have to do --

  • Jump up on stage and ask everybody if you're all square.

  • Guys, we're all square, right?

  • We're all square?

  • [ Crowd booing ]

  • You survived, buddy. You survived.

  • But you do look like a real ass[bleep]

They're a metal band here in Brooklyn.


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A2 初級 美國腔

不切實際的笑話 - Q對憤怒的暴徒(懲罰)| truTV (Impractical Jokers - Q vs. the Angry Mob (Punishment) | truTV)

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    林邑泉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日