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  • The President: Good afternoon, everybody.

  • Please have a seat.

  • Before I begin, let me say a few words

  • about the tragedy that's unfolding not far away from here

  • at the Washington Navy Yard.

  • That's part of why our event today was delayed.

  • I've been briefed by my team on the situation.

  • We still don't know all the facts,

  • but we do know that several people have been shot,

  • and some have been killed.

  • So we are confronting yet another mass shooting --

  • and today, it happened on a military installation

  • in our nation's capital.

  • It's a shooting that targeted

  • our military and civilian personnel.

  • These are men and women who were going to work,

  • doing their job, protecting all of us.

  • They're patriots, and they know the dangers of serving abroad --

  • but today, they faced unimaginable violence

  • that they wouldn't have expected here at home.

  • So we offer our gratitude to the Navy

  • and local law enforcement, federal authorities,

  • and the doctors who've responded with skill and bravery.

  • I've made it clear to my team that I want the investigation

  • to be seamless, so that federal and local authorities

  • are working together.

  • And as this investigation moves forward,

  • we will do everything in our power

  • to make sure whoever carried out this cowardly act

  • is held responsible.

  • In the meantime, we send our thoughts and prayers to all

  • at the Navy Yard who've been touched by this tragedy.

  • We thank them for their service.

  • We stand with the families of those who've been harmed.

  • They're going to need our love and support.

  • And as we learn more about the courageous Americans

  • who died today -- their lives, their families,

  • their patriotism -- we will honor their service

  • to the nation they helped to make great.

  • And obviously, we're going to be

  • investigating thoroughly what happened,

  • as we do so many of these shootings, sadly,

  • that have happened,

  • and do everything that we can to try to prevent them.

The President: Good afternoon, everybody.


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B1 中級

美國總統歐巴馬對華盛頓海軍工廠槍擊案發表評論(President Obama Makes a Statement on the Situation at the Washington Navy Yard)

  • 303 37
    Solomon Wolf 發佈於 2013 年 09 月 18 日