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The design of this soy sauce bottle goes back to 1945 in Japan.
這瓶醬油瓶子的設計可以回溯到 1945 年的日本
A teenager named Kenji Ekuan had witnessed the aftermath of the atomic bomb falling on his hometown hiroshima
一個叫做 Kenji Ekuan 的青少年在目睹了原子彈的餘威襲擊了他的家園 - 廣島
and was mourning the loss of his sister and father.
After seeing the devastation, Ekuan's path changed.
在看見如此慘烈的景況,Ekuan 的人生從此不同
He first enrolled as a Buddhist monk following in the footsteps of his father.
But instead he decided to become a "creator of things" and bring happiness to people.
As a young designer, Ekuan got a contract to design a table top soy sauce bottle for food company Kikkoman.
身為一個年輕設計師,Ekuan 獲得 Kikkoman 食品公司的合約,要設計一個餐桌上使用的醬油瓶子
Soy sauce is a must for Japanese meals, but it was originally sold in big bottles that were hard to hold.
It took Ekuan three years and about a hundred prototypes to complete the design in 1961.
這花了 Ekuan 三年的時間,以及約一百種原型設計嘗試後終於在 1961 年完成了
The result is a small glass bottle with a narrow neck -- a shape reminiscent of traditional Japanese sake flasks.
It allows you to see how much sauce is left.
It's stable on surfaces and comfortable to hold.
The inward angle of the tip of the spout is also perfect at preventing drips and controlling flow.
The design of the little soy sauce bottle was just the start of Ekuan's great journey.
這個小小醬油瓶只是 Ekuan 偉大旅程的序幕
He also went on to create other icons of Japanese design.
In Japan Ekuan has become almost as recognisable as his bottle
在日本,Ekuan 幾乎與他的醬油瓶設計一樣知名
and fifty years later still appeared in commercials for the soy sauce.
Today the bottle can be found on the tables of homes and restaurants in more than a hundred countries.
And in 2015 the bottle was even exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
而 2015 年的時候,這個醬油瓶甚至被紐約當地藝術館展出
Simple but elegant, this is the design made to create a small moment of happiness,
without you even knowing it.