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  • Hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

  • in this video we are going to talk about how to practice your English with native

  • English speakers okay so the first thing I want to say though is that I truly

  • believe you don't have to only practice with native English speakers to improve

  • your English you can practice with any English speaker so whether they're a

  • non-native English speaker or a native English speaker just speaking English in

  • general even with someone who is at your you know your level of English even that

  • will help you improve but what I realized happens is a lot of you guys

  • want to practice with native speakers so badly but you don't know any native

  • speakers and you're not surrounded by native speakers so it's almost like you

  • give up you just say well I have no one to practice with and so you don't

  • practice at all so before we even talk about practicing with native speakers

  • you have to understand that just practicing in general even if it's with

  • your friends or your family or people that you know go to your school or work

  • with you even just practicing in general will help okay

  • even if you're not practicing with a native speaker now that I got that out

  • of the way now I can tell you how to practice your English with native

  • speakers and it's not as hard as you think it is and that's the good news so

  • here's the deal native speakers are all over the world

  • native English speakers are all over the world and we're all over the internet

  • and we all use the same platforms on the Internet you guys myself other native

  • English speakers I mean we use YouTube Facebook reddit snapchat Instagram all

  • of the platforms that you guys already use the thing is you're probably using

  • those platforms in your language and you're probably following people that

  • speak your language so you're surrounding yourself essentially with

  • native speakers of your own language in order to meet native speakers the

  • easiest way to do that is to first do it online okay and in order to do that you

  • have to start following people and interacting with people that are native

  • English speakers and you have to reduce the amount of time you spend chatting

  • with speakers of your own language or interacting

  • with pages and profiles that are all in your language so let me give you an

  • example of how to do this okay let's say you love learning about diet health and

  • nutrition that's you know an example because that's what I love learning

  • about but let's say you use Instagram okay instead of following a bunch of

  • profiles on Instagram about you know exercise diet health nutrition in your

  • own language look for people you can follow in English okay so look for

  • people that you can follow in English and you can search for people by using

  • hashtags now this is a strategy that is specific to Instagram I don't know how

  • well this works on other platforms okay but on Instagram you can look up

  • hashtags so for example you can start with the hashtag exercise then once you

  • go to that hashtag you know there will probably be millions and millions and

  • millions of posts within the hashtag try and narrow it down Instagram will

  • automatically show you other hashtags related to that hashtag so then go

  • explore those hashtags until you can find a hashtag that has maybe between

  • 50,000 and you know hundred thousand or a million posts because then you know

  • that those communities are more tight-knit now on Instagram people use

  • hashtags to form communities okay so you can go really deep into the different

  • hashtags that people use and then go explore the profiles when you find a

  • profile that's public that you like follow it and then start interacting

  • with the person that runs the profile okay you can once a day or every other

  • day make a nice comment on one of their photos and say hey you know this was a

  • you know great photo I like it because of X Y & Z or whatever don't start

  • commenting on all of their things at once because then they're going to freak

  • out and think you're weird okay they're going to be like oh my gosh this person

  • is a stalker but no if you can just find profiles of people that have between

  • like five hundred and five thousand followers those are people that are

  • trying to grow their following they're trying to share what they love with

  • other people so they're really going to appreciate you supporting them and then

  • you can take the opportunity when you feel ready to maybe introduce yourself

  • via direct message and say hey I really want to just introduce

  • myself and say that I appreciate what you're doing it's been so inspiring to

  • me every day and if you do that okay with like 10 to 20 people over the

  • course of a couple months eventually you're going to be involved in networks

  • with native English speakers you're going to have friends that are native

  • English speakers you're going to have people to chat with you're going to be

  • able to talk about the things you love and enjoy and the point is that you know

  • that was just one strategy you can use with Instagram but think about all the

  • other platforms that we have and we always form communities on these

  • platforms so in facebook there's groups about anything you can imagine that are

  • full of native English speakers there are groups and communities on reddit as

  • well okay so this is what I want to encourage you guys to do if you want to

  • meet native English speakers and if you want to practice your English with them

  • don't just say hey will you practice you know English with me or do you want to

  • do an exchange I'll teach you Spanish you teach me English just get beyond

  • that just go where people are already interacting in English and then use your

  • English to interact you're going to be nervous in the beginning you're going to

  • be afraid of messing up but guess what after doing this for a while you're

  • going to be so much more confident okay you're going to build confidence as you

  • go and just think about it this way if you mess up or if somebody blocks you

  • and thinks oh my gosh that guy is creepy like just move on go find somebody else

  • there are millions of us for you to interact with okay and again you will

  • get better as you go so if you want to know more about how to practice your

  • English with native speakers I made you guys a guide that breaks everything down

  • kind of step by step so you can really just absorb the information quickly if

  • you would like that guide feel free to download it I will put the link in the

  • description okay so anyhow that's it you guys it's super simple go where the

  • native speakers are okay and then start interacting with us and go with the

  • communities that are about things that you already love and enjoy so you

  • already have something to talk about okay don't think that this won't work

  • for you because of where you live what your native language is what your

  • nationality is or anything like that don't don't think it's not going to work

  • you it will as long as you can find ways to support other people and give your

  • time your energy your thoughts your nice words people will appreciate that and

  • they'll talk with you so again for more information just go ahead and download

  • the guide and that will get you started okay talk to you guys later and I'll see

  • you in another video bye hey guys thanks so much for watching this video if you

  • liked it go ahead and give it a thumbs up make sure to subscribe too if you're

  • new here so you get more videos from me and also go ahead and check out the

  • description because I often include extra tips there or resources or links

  • to other things that I think you might find helpful so go ahead and check that

  • out so for more English stuff from me you

  • can also go ahead and follow me on Facebook and check me out at my website

  • all the links are in the description thanks again and I'll

  • see you guys in another video bye

Hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何與母語人士練習英語 (How To Practice English With Native Speakers)

  • 91 11
    april 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日