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  • Loretta: Hey everybody, what's up? My name's Loretta. This is Ava and this is Anthony.

  • Ava: Hi.

  • Anthony: How's it going?

  • Loretta: Right now, we're going to teach you three simple moves for beginners. If you're

  • a beginner and you haven't really danced before...

  • Ava: Which is totally okay.

  • Loretta: Totally fine. The basic thing is just to have some confidence, even if you

  • feel like you're doing something wrong, but you look like you're doing it right, you're

  • going to do it right, okay? First thing we do, we show you three simple, easy moves.

  • We can just do a step -- clap. Simple, easy; step -- clap, step -- clap, step -- clap,

  • step -- clap.

  • What's so great about this move is that we can make it bigger, bigger. Hey, hey, bring

  • it up. We can bring it down, awesome. And you really just start it from here, step -- clap,

  • step -- clap, step -- clap, step -- clap. So this is a simple move for beginners and

  • you can really put your own groove and your own energy into it.

  • Ava: Once you get more comfortable, because that's what dancing's all about, right?

  • Anthony: So our second move, what we're going to do is we're going to step and drop the

  • shoulder. It's going to go one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. This is just

  • a simple, cool, calm, and collected dance move that will get everybody dancing with

  • you. You can put your own spin on it, too. We can go one drop, two drop, three drop,

  • four drop.

  • Ava: Awesome. Awesome.

  • Loretta: Okay, I'm going to show you one more. We're going to stand with our feet together.

  • Our arms are going to come up, and we're going to circle, circle. And while we're doing that,

  • we're going to turn with our right.

  • So we're going to go one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Easy, and just like

  • the step -- clap you can make it bigger, too. Let's turn; five, six, seven, eight; one,

  • two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight; awesome.

  • So those are three easy, simple dance moves for any beginner to do. Step -- clap, step

  • -- clap, step -- clap, step -- clap, step -- drop, step -- drop, step -- drop, step

  • -- drop, circle, circle, circle, circle; awesome.

Loretta: Hey everybody, what's up? My name's Loretta. This is Ava and this is Anthony.


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B1 中級 美國腔

3個簡單的舞蹈動作|初學舞蹈 (3 Easy Dance Moves | Beginner Dancing)

  • 79 2
    Caurora 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日