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Hi everybody, and welcome back to EnglishClass101.com's Youtube channel.
大家好,歡迎回到英語課件101網。 Youtube頻道。
My name is Alisha, and today I'm going to talk about some common prefixes in English.
我的名字是阿麗莎,今天我要去 談談英語中一些常見的前綴。
So common prefixes refer to these few prefixes I chose for today's lesson.
所以常見的前綴指的就是這幾個前綴。 今天的課我選擇了。
If you don't know though, I included a definition of the word prefix here.
如果你不知道的話,我給你下了一個定義。 的詞前綴在這裡。
So a prefix means letters added to the beginning of a word to change the meaning of a word.
所以前綴的意思是在開頭加上字母 的一個詞,以改變一個詞的意思。
So a prefix is usually maybe one, two, three, or four letters, kind of a short, you can
所以一個前綴通常可能是一、二、三。 或四個字母,有點短,你可以用
think of it like a smaller word, actually.
We add a prefix to the beginning of a word and it changes the meaning of the entire word.
我們在一個詞的開頭加一個前綴。 而且它改變了整個詞的意思。
So just by adding a short beginning to a word, you can actually create a different word with
所以只要在一個詞上加一個簡短的開頭。 其實你可以用
a different meaning.
So today I want to introduce a few common prefixes that maybe you can use and maybe
所以今天小編要介紹幾個常見的 也許你可以使用的前綴,也許是
you have seen before, and I also want to talk about some of the ways to pronounce these.
你以前見過的,我也想談一談 關於這些的一些發音方式。
So let's get started!
Okay, the first prefix I want to talk about is re-, the prefix RE-, the meaning of re-
好吧,我想說的第一個前綴是什麼? 是re,前綴RE-,re-的意思是:重新
as a prefix is, again, this is the nuance, so when we attach re- to the beginning of
作為前綴的是,這又是細微的差別。 所以當我們在
a word, it means that word plus again.
So let's look at a few examples of this, we have the word "redo" here, so the original
那麼,我們來看幾個例子,我們。 這裡有 "重做 "二字,所以原
word is "do" but I attached the prefix re- and it becomes "do again."
詞是 "做",但我在前面加上了重新 而變成了 "再做一次"。
So redo a task, redo my homework.
Redo a test, it means to do something again, redo.
重做測試,它的意思是重新做一件事。 重做。
The second example here is "replay."
這裡的第二個例子是 "重播"。
So you can see the base word here is "play," we use this word "replay" for sports, for
所以你可以看到這裡的基礎詞是 "玩" 我們用 "重播 "這個詞來形容體育,對於
a video, for something that we can watch or listen to, usually.
視頻,對於我們可以觀看的東西或 聽,通常。
So, for example, replay a video, replay a song, replay this YouTube content, for example.
所以,比如說,重播一個視頻,重播一個 歌曲,重播這個YouTube內容,例如。
So we use replay to play something again.
Okay, the next word is "reunite."
好吧,下一個詞是 "重聚"。
So "unite" means come together, we use unite for when people come together, for example,
所以 "團結 "的意思是走到一起,我們用的是 "團結 例如,當人們聚集在一起時。
so this word reunite means to unite again.
We use this word when we haven't seen someone for a long time and we get to see them one
當我們沒有看到某人的時候,我們就用這個詞。 長久以來,我們可以看到他們的一個。
more time.
So, for example, I reunited with my classmates at a reunion party, or I'm excited to reunite
所以,比如說,我和我的同學們重逢了。 同學會上,或者說我很高興能重逢。
with my family next month.
We use reunite to come together, reunite means to unite again.
我們用的是團聚,團聚的意思是... 要再次團結起來。
Ok, the last example is "recapture."
好吧,最後一個例子是 "奪回"。
So "capture" is like to take something and keep it, to capture something, like, to capture
所以,"捕捉 "就像把一些東西和 保持它,捕捉一些東西,像,捕捉。
a flag, if you know that game, or to capture a person, may be in serious situations like
一面旗幟,如果你知道那場比賽,或捕獲 一個人,可能會有嚴重的情況,比如
wartime, but we also use capture to talk about emotions, so to capture a sad emotion, to
戰時,但我們也用抓捕來談論。 情緒,所以要捕捉到悲傷的情緒,以
capture a happy emotion, especially in movies or in songs, to capture an emotion is considered
喜氣洋洋 或在歌曲中,捕捉一種情感被認為是。
a skill.
So when we say recapture, for example, we could mean something recaptures in emotion,
所以,當我們說奪回的時候,例如,我們 可能意味著一些東西在情感上的再現。
like that movie really recaptured some memories of my childhood, or that song really recaptured
就像那部電影真的勾起了一些回憶 我的童年,或者說這首歌真的讓我想起了。
the feeling of the original composer.
So re + capture means capture again.
so remember the prefix re- has the nuance, the meaning of, again.
所以記住前綴re--有細微的差別。 的意思,又。
You attach it to a word to mean that word plus again.
你把它附在一個詞上,表示那個詞的意思 再加上。
Ok, let's go to the next common prefix for today.
好吧,讓我們去下一個常見的前綴為 今天。
The next one is anti-.
You might hear anti- or anti-, both are correct, it depends a little bit on the word and it
你可能會聽到反或反,都是正確的。 這有點取決於這個詞,它
depends a little bit on what your preferred style of pronunciation is, but you might hear
這要看你喜歡什麼 的發音風格,但你可能會聽到。
anti- or anti-.
Let's look at a few examples and what it means.
So anti- or anti- means against, against something; so you'll see in a few examples, anti- or
所以反或反的意思是反對,反對某事。 所以你會看到在一些例子中,反或反的意思是
anti- means against something, to oppose something else.
反的意思是反對什麼,反對什麼 其他。
So let's look at the first example.
First, I have antifreeze.
So the base word here is "freeze," and I have anti-, meaning against or opposing, so antifreeze
所以這裡的基詞是 "凍結",我有。 防凍劑
is a product that we use for cars, for example, to prevent the machinery, to prevent the fluids
是我們用在汽車上的產品,比如說。 防止機械、防止液體的流動。
in the car from freezing and therefore becoming unable to move.
車內的物品,以免凍結,從而成為 動不了。
So antifreeze is the name of a product, it's against freezing or it opposes freezing, it
所以,防凍劑是產品的名稱,它是 反對凍結或它反對凍結,它
stops fluids from freezing, this is antifreeze.
Okay, let's look at one more example, anti-aging.
So "aging" is our base here, aging is the process of getting older, the process of aging,
所以,"老齡化 "是我們這裡的基礎,老齡化是。 老去的過程,衰老的過程。
the process of getting higher and higher in the number of years we've been alive.
遞升 我們已經活了多少年。
So anti-aging, against aging, this is a word that's commonly used for, for example, skin
所以抗衰老,抗衰老,這是一個詞。 常用於,例如,皮膚
care products or other, maybe, food products.
These are used, this word is usually used for products that are supposed to help you
這些都是用的,這個詞通常是用 的產品,應該是幫助你
slow down the process of aging or try to make it appear as though aging has stopped.
延緩衰老或試圖讓 顯得好像停止了衰老。
So anti-aging is opposing aging, it's against aging; this is the meaning of anti-aging or
所以抗衰老是反對衰老,是反對 衰老;這就是抗衰老或
Okay, the next word is anticlimactic.
So "climactic" here is the base word, so a climax, a climactic moment, for example, is
所以這裡的 "高潮 "是基礎詞,所以一個 高潮,高潮時刻,比如說,是指
the peak of a moment, like the peak level of excitement in a movie, for example.
巔峰之境 的興奮點,例如電影中。
The climax of a movie is the most exciting part of the movie or the most dramatic part
一部電影的高潮是最激動人心的。 重頭戲
of the movie, so a climactic moment is a very exciting moment, therefore when we look at
的電影,所以高潮時刻是一個非常的 激動人心的時刻,是以當我們看到
the word anticlimactic, anti- means against, so it's the opposite of climactic, it's not
反字,反的意思是反對。 所以它是相反的高潮,它是不
exciting, it's not dramatic, it's not important.
We might say that movie's climax was actually really anticlimactic, or I was really excited
我們可以說,電影的高潮其實是... ... 真的很矛盾,或者說我真的很興奮。
to do something this weekend but my plans fell through, it was really anticlimactic.
週末要做的事情,但我的計劃 落空了,真是逆天了。
So anticlimactic means not climactic or it's the opposite of climactic.
所以,反高潮的意思是不高潮,否則就是 與高潮相反的是。
Okay, one more example, antihistamine.
So "histamine" here is the base word, this is a word that's commonly found in allergy
所以這裡的 "組胺 "是基礎詞,這個。 是一個常見於過敏症的詞。
products, so if you have allergies you might know about this word.
產品,所以如果你有過敏症,你可能會 知道這個詞。
Histamine, it's a chemical, it's a compound that when you come in contact with, something
組胺,這是一種化學物質,是一種化合物。 當你接觸到的東西
that gives you allergies.
It creates your symptoms, it makes you, for example, have a runny nose or itchy eyes,
它創造了你的症狀,它讓你,為。 比如,流鼻涕或眼睛發癢。
or maybe some skin problem, for example.
Histamine causes that reaction, that allergic reaction.
組胺會引起這種反應,過敏性的。 的反應。
So antihistamines, this is a very common type of medicine, a very common drug, antihistamines
所以抗組胺藥,這是一種很常見的類型。 的藥物,一種很常見的藥物,抗組胺藥。
stops the histamine reaction, the allergic reaction, so anti- meaning against, and histamine,
阻止組織胺反應,過敏性疾病。 反應,所以反的意思是反對,而組胺。
that thing, that compound in you that causes an allergic reaction.
那件事,你體內的化合物,導致 過敏反應。
So this is an antihistamine, against histamine, commonly found in allergy drugs and medicines.
所以這是一種抗組胺,對抗組胺。 常見於過敏性藥物和藥品中。
Okay, so let's remember anti- or anti- means against or the opposite, opposing something.
好了,讓我們記住反或反的意思吧 反對或相反的,反對的東西。
Okay, let's go to the next one for today.
The next one I want to talk about is dis-.
Dis- is the next prefix.
So this means opposite or not something, opposite or not is dis-.
所以,這意味著相反的或不是什麼,相反的 與否是不-。
So the first word here I have is "disagree."
所以我這裡的第一個詞是 "不同意"。
The base word here is "agree," agreed to have the same opinion as someone else, for example.
這裡的基礎詞是 "同意",同意有 比如說,和別人的意見一樣。
But here I have dis-, meaning opposite or not, which means disagree, meaning I do not
但在這裡我有dis-,意思是相反的或 不即不離
have the same opinion, the opinion is different from someone else.
同病相憐 從別人那裡。
I disagree with you, I disagree with that.
Dis- shows it's not agreement here.
Let's look at one more example, I have the word disable here.
我們再看一個例子,我有一個 詞屾這裡。
Able, of course, means able to do something or maybe available, for example.
當然,Able是指能做某件事的意思。 或者說可以或許獲得,例如。
This is a word you might see a lot on computers, like, disable a function, or disable a device,
這是一個你可能經常在電腦上看到的詞。 像,禁用一個功能,或者禁用一個設備。
for example.
But "able" means we can use, able means is available, for example.
但 "能 "是指我們能用,能用的意思就是 比如說,可。
Dis-, however, shows that it's not able to be used or we cannot use it.
然而,Dis-卻表明,它無法。 要用,否則我們就不能用。
Dis- makes it a negative, so we could say disable a USB device or disable my access
Dis-使它成為一個負數,所以我們可以說是。 禁用USB設備或禁用我的訪問權限。
to this file, for example.
It means become unable to do something as a verb.
意思是不能做某事,因為 一個動詞。
Okay, let's go to the next example, disrespect.
So "respect" is the base here, respect meaning to be humble to or to show respect for someone;
所以這裡的 "尊重 "是基礎,尊重的意思是指 謙讓或尊重某人。
but disrespect shows not respect here.
So, don't disrespect your boss, or don't disrespect your parents, or she really disrespected me.
所以,不要不尊重你的老闆,也不要不尊重... ... 你的父母,或者她真的不尊重我。
Showing lack of respect, no respect, is what disrespect refers to.
表現出不尊重,不尊重,是什麼? 不敬指的是:
Okay, one more.
"Obey" is the base word here for disobey.
"服從 "在這裡是不服從的基礎詞。
So obey means to listen to, to listen to a command and to do that command is obey, the
所以,服從的意思是聽從,聽從一個。 命令,而執行該命令就是服從,的。
meaning of obey.
However, disobey means not obey or the opposite of obey.
然而,不服從的意思是不服從或相反的意思 的服從。
So, to disobey a command is to listen to a command and not do that, to do something different.
所以,違抗命令就是聽從 命令,而不是這樣做,做一些不同的事情。
So the military personnel disobeyed the president's orders, for example.
所以軍方人員不服從總統的命令。 比如說,訂單。
Or I disobeyed my boss's requests last week, for example.
或者說我上週違背了老闆的要求。 例如:
So disobey means to not obey something.
So each of these we see, this dis- means opposite or not, this is the prefix in each of these
所以每一個我們看到的這些,這個dis-意思是相反的。 或不,這是每一個前綴在這些
Ok, let's continue to the next one.
The next one is ex-.
Maybe many of you are familiar with ex- already, but ex- means former, past or former.
也許很多人對前-已經很熟悉了。 但前-是指以前、過去或以前。
So it used to be, but is no longer the case.
This is the meaning of ex- as a prefix.
So some examples, ex-girlfriend, for example, ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, ex-husband, ex-wife,
所以有些例子,比如說前女友。 前女友,前男友,前夫,前妻。
we can use these for a former relationship.
My ex-girlfriend, my ex-boyfriend, my ex-partner, maybe for some of you.
我的前女友,我的前男友,我的前伴侶。 也許對你們中的一些人來說。
So whatever word you choose to use for your romantic relationships, you can say ex- to
所以無論你選擇用什麼詞來形容你的 戀愛關係,你可以說前
talk about your past or your former romantic relationships.
談古論今 的關係。
In a work setting, you can use ex-boss, the base here is "boss" so your former boss; if
在工作環境中,你可以使用前老闆,即 這裡的基數是 "老闆",所以你的前老闆;如果是
your job changed or your boss changed, you can use ex-boss to talk about that.
你的工作變了,或者你的老闆變了,你 可以用前老闆來談。
Here, for maybe more government or maybe more company related vocabulary words, we have
在這裡,對於也許更多的政府或也許更多的 公司相關詞彙,我們有
So ex-president is the former president of an organization, ex-president.
所以,前總統是前總統的。 一個組織,前總裁。
We could use this for governments as well, the ex-president of the United States, the
我們也可以把這個用於政府。 美國前總統......
former president.
Okay, finally, ex-roommate is another one.
So someone you used to share a room with, your ex-roommate, your former roommate, we
所以,你曾經和你同住一個房間的人。 你的前室友,你的前室友,我們
use ex- to talk about the former of this case.
Alright, so please remember ex- as a prefix, it means former.
好吧,所以請記住ex-作為前綴。 它的意思是前。
Let's go to the last one for today.
The last prefix here is mid-.
So the meaning of mid- as a prefix is middle.
So we use this a lot for time periods or times of day, seasons, for example.
所以我們經常用這個來表示時間段或時間 的一天,季節,例如。
Let's look at some example, so the first example here is mid-summer.
我們來看一些例子,那麼第一個例子是這樣的 這裡是仲夏。
Summer is the season, so mid- means in the middle of summer.
夏天是季節,所以中的意思是在。 仲夏時節。
So you might be familiar with a Shakespeare play called a Midsummer Night's Dream, that
所以,你可能對莎士比亞的一篇文章很熟悉 一部叫《仲夏夜之夢》的劇目。
play occurs in the middle of summer.
In the middle of summer, mid-summer, during, in the middle.
仲夏,仲夏,期間。 在中間。
Okay, another example is mid-air.
The base here is "air."
這裡的基礎是 "空氣"。
Mid-air is used for something that is flying, so for example, planes, as they fly are cruising
半空中是用來形容正在飛行的東西。 所以,比如說,飛機在飛行的過程中,都是在巡航
mid-air, for example.
Something that is in the air, it is in the middle of the air, we say mid-air for that.
有些東西是在空氣中,它是在 半空中,我們說半空中為。
Okay, another common word is midnight.
So middle, mid-, night, in the middle of the night.
所以中,中,夜,中,中。 晚上,
This is usually around twelve o'clock a.m. or, like, zero o'clock, if you use military
通常是在凌晨12點左右 或者,像,零點,如果你用軍用的。
time, too.
Then the opposite is also true, midday.
Midday is the middle of the day, midday, maybe, about twelve o'clock p.m. or noon, for example.
中午是一天中的中午,中午,也許。 比如說中午十二點左右。
Midday is the middle of the day.
So let's remember that the prefix mid- means middle.
所以我們要記住,前綴中的意思是 中間。
Okay, so these are a few common prefixes there, a lot, actually, there are a lot of different
好了,這些都是一些常見的前綴了。 很多,其實,有很多不同的。
prefixes but these are a few that are fairly common, so try them out.
前綴,但這些都是一些相當的 常見的,所以試一試。
Of course, not every word can be paired with a prefix, try it out and see what the correct
當然,並不是每一個字都能配得上 前綴,試一試,看看正確的
one is.
These are some examples of some correct words that you can use, but not all words can be
這些都是一些正確的詞語的例子 你可以使用的,但不是所有的詞都可以是
paired with every prefix, so please be careful about that.
搭配每一個前綴,所以請小心 關於這一點。
Thanks very much for watching this episode, I hope that this was helpful for you.
非常感謝您觀看本期節目。 希望對你有所幫助。
If you have any questions or comments or want to try out a word, please let us know in the
如果你有任何問題或意見,或想 想試聽一個詞,請讓我們知道在
comment section of this video.
Also, please be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel.
此外,請一定要喜歡這個視頻和 訂閱我們的頻道。
Check us out, too, at EnglishClass101.com.
Thanks very much for watching this episode, and we'll see you again soon. Bye!
非常感謝您觀看本期節目。 我們很快會再見面的再見!