字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (light techno music) (輕快的電子音樂) Hello everyone, and welcome back to English with Lucy. 哈囉!大家好,歡迎回到一起和露西學英語 I've got a pronunciation video for you today, 今天我準備了英語發音的影片給你們 no I haven't, I haven't. 哈,開玩笑的啦! I don't, it's not a pronunciation video. 這次準備的不是英語發音 Hello everyone, and welcome back to English with Lucy. 哈囉!大家好,歡迎回到一起和露西學英語 Today I've got an American versus British 今天要教大家的是 video for you today. 關於美國及英國的飲食 I did one ages ago, 我很久之前有做過類似的主題 I think it was just a video on American English 是關於美語 versus British English, I'll put a card up here. 及英語之間的差異,我等等也會在螢幕上標註 But, recently I was looking at the names of foods 不過最近我在準備的是我們很常見會唸錯的 that we commonly mispronounce. 食物名稱 That video will come out soon, if it's not already out. 這部分也還在籌備當中 Then, I started to think about the differences 我開始思考美國飲食及英國飲食 between American food and British food, 之間的不同 and how we have different names for the same thing. 以及同樣的事物但同時擁有不一樣不同說法 So, I thought I would go through 所以我今天要來和大家分享 that list with you today. 我整理好的資料 Quickly, before we get started, 在我們開始之前 I'd just like to remind you 我想先和你們分享 how useful Audible is. 一個很好用的工具叫做 Audible You can click on the link below, 你可以點以下的連結 and get a 30 day free trial, that's a free audio book, 它有 30 天的免費試用,是一個提供有聲書的學習平台 and it will seriously help you with your listening 它對你的聽力 and your speaking, because you can read an actual book, 和口說有很大的幫助,因為它不僅有電子化的書面資料 and then you can listen to how the words are pronounced. 還能讓你聽詞彙的發音 Reading is great, but it doesn't improve your pronunciation, 閱讀的確也很棒,但對於你發音的進步不會這麼明顯的效果 because English isn't a phonetic language. 因為英文不是表音的語言 So, if you team up reading with listening as well, 所以如果你能結合閱讀和聽力 it will also improve your pronunciation, 對你的發音會大有進展 because you can hear how the words are pronounced. 因為你能知道正確的發音 The link is in the description, 連結就在影片說明裡 along with some audiobook recommendations 還附有有聲書的推薦清單 for English learners. 供英文學習者使用 Right, let's get on with the lesson. 好,回歸今天的主題 Okay, so I'm going to say the American word first, 那每個單字我都會先從美國用語開始說明 and then I'm going to the say 接下來就會附上 the word that we use in British English. 英國的用詞 So, number one. 第一個 In America, this would be cilantro. 美語是 cilantro (香菜) cilantro. cilantro Do I need to do an American accent, cilantro. 有需要用美國的發音展現一下嗎? cilantro Dreadful I know, my American accent is so cringe worthy. 很尷尬我知道,我的美國腔不是這麼自然 (chuckles) (笑) Feel free to punch the screen. 你們可以打我沒有關係 In the UK, in British English, we call this coriander. 在英國,我們說 coriander coriander. coriander So, if you're reading a British recipe book, 所以如果你看英國的食譜 something by Gordon Ramsey or Jamie Oliver, 像是戈登·拉姆齊或是杰米·奧利弗出的書 and it says coriander, you know that that's cilantro. 他們所提到的 coriander 就是 cilantro Comment down below, do you love it do you hate it? 提供一下你們的想法,你們喜歡還是不喜歡香菜? Because I love it, and my boyfriend hates it, 我很喜歡,但是我男朋友很討厭香菜 and it makes meal times so stressful. 這樣我在用餐時很為難 The next one, I did mention this in the previous video, 接下來這個我之前在別部影片也有提到 but I think it's important because it's related to food. 我覺得很重要,因為跟我們歐美的飲食文化很有關係 It is cookies. 就是 cookies (餅乾) Cookies in American English. 這是美國人的說法 In British English, we say biscuits, 英國人則習慣說 biscuits which I understand is something that Americans, 據我了解,美國人在吃餅乾時 it's a sort of thing you have with gravy? 會搭配一些湯品 Biscuits and gravy, am I right there? 對嗎? Yeah, but for us, biscuits are cookies. 不過對我們而言 biscuits 就是 cookies So, we always have tea and biscuits. 所以午茶配餅乾 Tea and cookies. 也是蠻不錯的 Next, we have 再來就是 eggplant. eggplant (茄子) eggplant. eggplant So, the Americans call it eggplant, 美國人說 eggplant and I found out recently why they it call it eggplant. 我後來才去研究了一下為什麼叫 eggplant It's because, I think it's when the flowers, 我想應該是它的花 or the fruit is growing, it does look like an egg. 和果實在成長時外貌看起來很像雞蛋的形狀 But in British English, we tend to call it aubergine. 不過在英語的部分,我們叫 aubergine aubergine, which I think is a beautiful word. aubergine ,我覺得這個字很優美 I love any word with the, 我喜歡有 g 發音的字詞 sound in it, aubergine. aubergine It's even sexier in Spanish though, 甚至比西班牙文來得性感些 berenjenas. berenjenas (sighs) Berenjena, what a sexy plant, who would've thought. 天啊!多麼誘人的發音 aubergine. aubergine On to another vegetable. 接下來也是一種蔬菜 In America, they say zucchini. 美國人說 zucchini (櫛瓜) In the UK, we say courgette. 在英國叫做 courgette It's another one of those sexy sounds. .也是一個有 g 發音的詞彙 courgette, both lovely words I think you'll agree. courgette ,很漂亮的詞你說是不是? Next. 下一個 In America, they're called shrimp. 在美國稱為 shrimp (蝦仁) But in England, we might use the word shrimp 在英國,我們說的 shrimp for very small shrimp. 是指很小很小隻的蝦子 But, in general we will saw prawns. 不過我們大部分都說 prawns prawns. prawns So, the big ones, we'll call them king prawns, 如果很大隻的話我們會說 king prawns or tiger prawns, but the small ones 或是 tiger prawns ,但是一般來說 that Americans would refer to as shrimp, 美國人說 shrimp we just call them prawns. 英國人則會說 prawns That's actually one of my favourite sandwich fillings. 這也是我在三明治裡加的餡料 Prawn mayo, prawn and mayonnaise. 美乃滋蝦仁 The next one is 下一個是 candy. candy (糖果) Now of course, we would understand 當然我們現在知道 when you're talking about candy in America. 美國人說 candy But in British English, 對於英國人而言 we tend to refer to candy 他們習慣說 as sweets, or sweeties. sweets 或是 sweeties I think sweeties is a little bit more for children. 我想 sweeties 是比較偏小孩子的說法 But sweets, and that normally refers to candy, 不過就一般而言 sweets 就是指 candy rather than putting the deserts as a whole. 而不是指下午茶那種一盤盤的甜點 If I said do you want a sweet? 如果我說你要來點甜的嗎? I wouldn't be offering you desert, 我不會給你甜點 I would be offering you candy. 而是糖果 another one which goes along the same lines, 另一個跟這個用法很像的 in America they would refer to it as cotton candy. 在美國叫做 cotton candy (棉花糖) In the UK, we call it candy floss. 在英國稱為 candy floss Candy floss. Candy floss. Which I actually prefer, because the thought 其實我沒有很喜歡 of putting cotton in my mouth, 當我把棉花糖吃進嘴裡時 it gives me the heebie-jeebies, it makes me feel weird. 那種黏膩的口感讓我覺得很焦躁怪異 Another vegetable, sort of salad this time, 接下來我們會提到的蔬菜,是生菜裡很常見的 in American English, it's arugula. 美國人說 arugula (芝麻菜/火箭菜) But in British English, we call it rocket. 英國人則說 rocket A bit random. 很不一樣,對吧? The last two I have mentioned in a previous video. 最後兩個要介紹的字詞我也有在其他影片裡有提到過 The first of the two being fries, 一, fries (薯條) in America it's fries, but we would call it chips. 這是美國的用法,英國則是說 chips Then in America, they would the word chips 美國人說的 chips (洋芋片) for what we call crisps. 英國人稱之為 crisps So they're all potatoes, 同樣都是馬鈴薯製成的 they're all different forms of fried potatoes. 字詞組成就有很大的不同 But American fries is in McDonald's fries, we call chips, 在麥當勞我們說的 fries 等同於英國人說的 chips and then what they refer to as chips, a hard potato snacks, 美國人說的 chips 這種小點心 we call them crisps. 英國人說 crisps Crisps, which a lot of English learners Crisps ,許多英文學習者 tend to struggle with, 不是很會這個字 the pronunciation of crisps. 的發音 I hear a lot of crips going on, but crisps. crips 還好但是 crisps 就不常聽到有人使用 Right, that's it for today's lesson, 好,我們今天的介紹就到這邊 I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you learnt something. 希望你會喜歡,並且對你的英文學習有些幫助 If you can think of any other food-related 你也可以找找其他有關美國及英國 American and English differences, 飲食不一樣的用法 write it in the comments below. 也歡迎留言和我們互動 I also want to know if you like coriander or not, 我也很想知道你們喜不喜歡香菜 let's have a vote. 我們來個小小票選好了 Comment below, and let me know, and share the knowledge. 歡迎大家在影片下方留言,我們可以互相交流一下 Don't forget to check out Audible, 別忘了去用用看 Audible the link is in the description box, 連結就附在影片說明那邊 along with my audiobook recommendations. 還可以參考看看有聲書推薦清單 Don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media, 更重要的是可以去我的社群看看其他作品 I've got my Facebook, I've got my Instagram, 我有臉書和 IG and I've got my Twitter, 還有推特 and I really recommend checking out my Instagram, 尤其是我的 IG because I've got some really exciting give aways. 我有很多很多東西想和大家分享 English related give aways, 像是英語學習相關 world wide give aways coming very, very soon, 或是國際其他議題等等之類的 with some awesome companies. 也和很棒的公司合作 We did a great book give away the other day, 當然也有書籍推薦的分享 we had some very happy winners, 有些甚至有獲得獎項的 so I really recommend looking at my Instagram. 很建議大家上去看看 That being said, I will see you soon 接著希望我們在下個主題 for another lesson. 再見囉! (light techno music) (輕快的電子樂)
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 發音 美國人 英國人 香菜 飲食 英語 十樣食物英美說法大不同 (TOP 10 AMERICAN vs BRITISH FOOD DIFFERENCES | English Vocabulary Lesson) 4627 732 Samuel 發佈於 2018 年 05 月 17 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字