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  • What do you remember about perfect competition?


  • I mean, how would you recognize a perfectly competitive industry if you ran across one?

    我的意思是,你怎麼會認識一個完美的 競爭激烈的行業,如果你碰到了?

  • In perfect competition, 1) there are a large number of sellers (there are a large number

    在完美的競爭中,1)有大量的 賣家數量(有大量的)。

  • of buyers too, but we won't be worrying about that just now).

    的買家,但我們不會擔心。 那剛才)。)

  • No individual is large enough to affect the market.

    沒有任何一個個體大到足以影響 市場。

  • 2) the product is homogeneous, or identical, or non-differentiated.

    2)產品是同質的,或相同的。 或無差別的。

  • For example, milk.


  • When you go to buy 2% milk at the supermarket, what brand do you buy?

    當你去超市買2%的牛奶時。 你買什麼牌子的?

  • If you're like me, you buy whatever's on sale.


  • I have no brand loyalty whatsoever, because milk is milk.

    我沒有任何品牌忠誠度,因為... 牛奶就是牛奶。

  • 3) There's perfect information.


  • It's actually not enough for products to be identical; everyone has to know that the products

    其實光有產品是不夠的,還要有 一模一樣;每個人都必須知道,這些產品

  • are identical.


  • Otherwise, we can be fooled by things like pretty packaging, or celebrity endorsements.

    否則,我們就會被一些東西所矇蔽,比如說 漂亮的包裝,或者明星代言。

  • In a perfectly competitive industry, firm versus firm advertising is useless.

    在一個完全競爭的行業中,公司 與公司廣告是沒有用的。

  • All you'd be doing is driving up your own costs, and then customers would just buy from

    你所做的一切只是在抬高自己的身價。 成本,然後客戶就會直接從

  • a cheaper competitor.


  • However, you may see industry-wide advertising, like a “Got milk?”

    不過,你可能會看到全行業的廣告。 像 "有牛奶嗎?"

  • campaign, “pork, the other white meat,” orbeef -- it's what's for dinner.”

    運動,"豬肉,另一種白肉" 或 "牛肉... ... 這就是晚餐的內容。"

  • These kinds of campaigns raise demand for each firm's product across the industry.

    這類運動提高了對 每家公司的產品在行業內。

  • 4) Easy entry and exit.


  • Because firms can enter and exit the industry at will, long-term profits would be affected,

    因為企業可以進入和退出這個行業 隨意,長期利潤會受到影響。

  • but we'll get to that in just a bit.


  • For the individual firm owner, the combined effect of these characteristics is that he/she

    對於個體工商戶來說,合 這些特徵的影響是,他/她

  • has no power to control price, and will earn zero economic profit in the long run.

    沒有控制價格的權力,將賺取。 長期來看,經濟利潤為零。

  • Let me ask you this: If the individual firm cannot set the price, then where does the

    讓我問你這個問題。如果個別公司 不能確定價格,那麼哪裡來的

  • price come from?


  • Think back to our market activity earlier in the semester: in a market with lots of

    回想一下我們之前的市場活動 學期中:在市場上有很多的

  • buyers and sellers, the price is determined collectively by the market supply and market

    買賣雙方,價格決定 由市場供應和市場

  • demand.


  • This, then, is the prevailing price for each firm.

    那麼,這就是每一個人的現行價格。 堅定的。

  • What happens if the firm doesn't like this price?

    如果公司不喜歡這樣做會怎樣? 價格?

  • If it tries to charge more than P*, all of the customers will go someplace else.

    如果它試圖收取超過P*的費用,所有的 客戶會去別的地方。

  • So, the firm would be forced back down to P*.

    所以,該公司將被迫回落到。 P*.

  • If it tries to charge less than P*, then all customers in the industry will come to this

    如果它試圖收取低於P*的費用,那麼所有的 業內客戶會來此

  • firm.


  • Sounds good, right?


  • Wrong.


  • This firm cannot accommodate the entire industry demand -- costs would skyrocket, and the firm

    這家公司不能容納整個行業 需求--成本會急劇上升,而該公司

  • would be forced back up to P* to get rid of some of the customers.

    將被迫回升到P*,以擺脫。 的一些客戶。

  • All of this means that the firm is a price taker, forced to accept P*, the market-determined

    所有這些都意味著該公司是一個價 購房者,被迫接受市場決定的P*。

  • equilibrium price.


  • Note that this also means, because the firm charges P* regardless of the quantity demanded,

    請注意,這也意味著,由於該公司 無論需求量多少,均收取P*。

  • that P* represents the firm's demand, as well.


  • Remember that perfectly elastic demand curve from earlier this semester, where consumers

    記住,完全彈性的需求曲線 從本學期初,消費者

  • are so hypersensitive to price that price is all that matters?

    對價格過於敏感,以至於價格 是所有的問題?

  • Well that's this market structure.


  • OK, so -- you're producer in a perfectly competitive market, and you have no control

    好吧,所以... ...你是一個完美的製作人。 競爭市場,而你無法控制

  • over the price that you can charge.


  • Is there anything you do have control over, that you can make decisions about?

    有什麼事情是你能控制的嗎。 你可以做決定的?

  • A perfectly competitive firm may not be able to choose its price, but it can choose how

    一個完全競爭的公司可能無法 選擇它的價格,但它可以選擇如何。

  • much output to produce.


  • The firm owner will choose the level of output that will maximize his/her profits (see episode

    企業主將選擇產出水準 將使他/她的利潤最大化(見劇情

  • 26B to see why marginal revenue equals marginal cost will always be the profit maximizing

    26B來看為什麼邊際收入等於邊際收入? 成本永遠是利潤最大化

  • rule).


  • Soyou're a firm owner in a perfectly competitive industry, you can't choose the

    所以--你是一個完美的公司老闆。 競爭激烈的行業,你不能選擇

  • price that you charge, but you can select the amount of output that you produce.

    的價格,但您可以選擇 你的產出量。

  • In order to maximize profit, you will always choose the level of output were marginal revenue

    為了實現利潤最大化,您將始終 選擇邊際收入的產出水準

  • equals marginal cost.


  • Take a look at the perfectly competitive firm and see where this occurs.

    看看這個具有完美競爭力的公司 並看看這種情況發生在哪裡。

  • Hmmm


  • I need to choose output such that marginal revenue equals marginal cost, but right now

    我需要選擇產出,使邊際 收益等於邊際成本,但現在

  • I don't see marginal revenue OR marginal cost!


  • Let's start with marginal revenue.


  • Marginal revenue is the additional revenue that you earn when you sell an additional

    邊際收入是指額外收入 當您賣出一個額外的

  • unit of output.


  • For a perfectly competitive firm, since all units are sold for the same price, each unit

    對於一個完全競爭的公司,因為所有 組織、部門售價相同,每組織、部門

  • sold always adds the same amount of revenue, P*.

    賣出的總是增加同樣的收入。 P*.

  • For example, if price is $5, then the total revenue for zero units is $0, for one unit

    例如,如果價格是5元,那麼總的來說 0臺的收入為0元,1臺的收入為0元

  • is $5, for two units is $10, and so on.


  • Selling one more unit generates five additional dollars of revenue each time.

    多賣出一個組織、部門就會多出5個 元的收入,每次。

  • Therefore marginal revenue is equal to the equilibrium price.

    是以邊際收入等於 平衡價格。

  • Note that this is only true for perfect competition.


  • What about marginal cost?


  • Well, marginal cost is actually pretty easy -- we constructed the cost curves, marginal

    嗯,邊際成本其實很簡單 -- 我們構築了成本曲線,邊際成本

  • cost included, before knowing anything about market structures.

    費用包括,在瞭解任何關於 市場結構;

  • Those cost curves in the same regardless of the structure we're operating in.

    這些成本曲線是一樣的,無論 的結構,我們在經營。

  • This means that the marginal cost for the perfectly competitive firm is justmarginal

    這意味著 完全競爭的公司只是... 邊際的

  • cost (remember that J-shaped, Nike-swish thing), and now all we need to do is select the level

    成本(還記得那個J型,Nike-swish的東西)。 現在我們需要做的就是選擇級別的問題。

  • of output were marginal revenue equals marginal cost.

    邊際收入等於邊際收入的產出。 費用:

  • Now, because there are no average cost curves in this diagram yet, I can't actually show

    現在,因為沒有平均成本曲線。 在這張圖中,我還不能真正顯示出

  • you how large or small the profits are; only that q* will be the best level of output for

    你的利潤有多大或有多小;只是 的最佳產出水準,即q*。

  • this particular producer, based on the profit-maximizing rule.

    根據利潤最大化的原則,這個特定的生產者。 規矩

  • Let's look at just one example of how to find profit using this model, then we'll do more

    讓我們看一個例子,如何找到 用這個模型來盈利,那麼我們會做更多的。

  • cases in class.


  • What if my perfectly competitive producer is operating in an industry where price is

    如果我的完美競爭生產商 是在一個價格是

  • greater than the cost per unit?


  • I can already tell that this producer will be making profits, since there's more coming

    我已經看出,這個製作人將 賺錢,因為有更多的人要來了

  • in for each unit than there is being paid out in cost, but let's see what it looks like.

    每組織、部門的收入比支付 出在成本上,但讓我們看看它是什麼樣子的。

  • Notice that I positioned the average cost curves below the price line.

    請注意,我將平均成本定位為 價格線以下的曲線。

  • Where is MR = MC?


  • This gives me q*.


  • At q*, what is the total revenue coming in?


  • Revenue is the price I can charge times the number of units that I sell.

    收入是我可以收取的價格乘以 我銷售的組織、部門數量。

  • In this case, the green area.


  • At q*, what's the total cost of producing this output?

    在q*,生產的總成本是多少? 這個輸出?

  • It's the cost per unit, ATC, times the number of units I sell -- in this case the red area.

    它是單位成本,ATC,乘以數量。 的組織、部門 -- 在這種情況下,紅色區域。

  • The amount of revenue (in green) that doesn't get chewed up by the costs (in red) is profit.

    收入的數量(綠色),不包括: 被成本(紅色)吞噬的是利潤。

  • In this case, I've indicated profit by the blue area.

    在這種情況下,我已經表示利潤由 藍色區域。

  • In the short run, this producer earns positive profits.

    在短期內,該生產商賺取正 的利潤。

  • Why do I sayin the short run”?

    為什麼我說 "短期內"?

  • Because those short run profits attract the sharks -- other outside firms see the profits

    因為這些短期利潤吸引了 高利貸 -- 其他外部公司看到了利潤

  • and enter the industry to set up shop.


  • This causes industry supply increase, driving the price downward.

    這就造成行業供給增加,帶動 的價格下調。

  • In the end, the entry only stops when there are no more profits to attract the sharks;

    最後,只有當有以下情況時才會停止進入 是沒有更多的利潤來吸引鯊魚。

  • until price is equal to average total cost, and the firms just break even.

    直到價格等於平均總成本。 而公司只是收支平衡。

  • In the long run, a perfectly competitive firm's profits are always equal to zero.

    從長遠來看,一個完全競爭的公司的。 利潤永遠等於零。



What do you remember about perfect competition?


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