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Here we go. All the fellows on stage,
you're gonna realize on the count of 3
that you are all professional pornstars
auditioning for a porn movie.
You've got the best porn moves in the business.
Every good pornstar needs a great pornstar name.
Think of your pornstar name right now and good luck.
What about you? What do you go by
when you do the porn?
Chocolate Dumper?
Chocolate Dumper.
Beware of the horn.
Brenda Rider? Okay.
Coochie Destroyer. Coochie Destroyer.
Cream Machine
I don't speak Spanish, so probably doesn't translate well, does it?
Yeah, it sounds much better in Spanish.
Spelled like Benjamin, I would imagine, yeah, yeah, of course.
Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video.
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you could do that by clicking here.
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Tennis superstar Anna Kournikova.
I want to put you all the way on the far end over here.
Thanks, and we'll see you soon.