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Oh, wow, that's so big.
I never knew it could be so huge.
Hey, Jane, what are you looking at?
Oh, my gosh, you have to come here and see this.
It's pictures of yesterday's winner
of the school's annual vegetable growing contest.
Sometimes when you are on the internet,
you might accidentally or intentionally
end up on a website that features pornography, sometimes
called porn.
Being curious about sex and looking
at pictures or films of naked bodies or people
engaging in sexual behaviors is perfectly normal.
But you have to remember that porn contains
some misleading messages, like bigger is better
when it comes to breasts, penises,
or the duration of sex.
Pornography often shows women as only
existing to give men pleasure.
Lastly, porn might make you think
that being sexual with another person
has nothing to do with having an intimate, trustful,
or respectful relationship.
Pornography can also contain violent images
or strange-looking behavior that may be scary or disturbing.
Don't forget, porn is like many movies.
It's completely made up, a fantasy that could never
exist in real life and does not show
realistic, healthy, intimate, or loving sexual relationships
between two equal partners.
I wonder how long the longest cucumber in the world is.
Hey, that's not a cucumber.
OK, guys, so if you do come across something
on the internet that makes you feel uncomfortable or confused,
talk to an adult you trust.
Til next time, and don't forget to come and visit me
at amaze.org.