字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 My name is Ellsworth Wareham. 我叫 Ellsworth Wareham I'm a cardiothoracic surgeon, 我是一位心臟與胸腔外科醫生 and practice that is my specialty all my professional life. 而我的職業生涯也全獻給心臟與胸腔外科 I'm 98 years of age, and I 現在我 98 歲 practiced the cardiothoracic surgery until I was 95. 直到我 95 歲,都還在心臟與胸腔外科的手術台上操刀 I have first try to be active by working around my yard, 一開始,我試著主動清理庭院 doing my pruning of my bushes, and I mow my own lawn. 修剪枝枒、自己用除草機除草 so I try to get a little exercise doing that. 這樣我就有做些簡單的運動 As far as my dietary program is concerned. 說到我的飲食習慣 I happen to be a vegan. I've been a vegan now for about half my life. 我吃素,直至今日,我的大半人生都貫徹素食主義 I think that's a healthy form of nutrition 我想吃素算是一種健康型態 I try to maintain the calm approach to the problems of life and 面臨生活所遇到的問題,我試著冷靜處理 not worry and fret over problems that come along. 對於隨之而來的事物,不過於憂慮、煩惱 I get a good night's sleep, 晚上睡得很安穩 and if I feel like it, I take a nap during the day 如果睡意來襲,我就小睡片刻 So I really try to be caught as careful as I can and 所以對於生活,我盡我所能地謹慎 preserving what energy I have 儲存自己的能量 I quit work when I was 95 我在 95 歲時卸下白袍 And because of this of course I attracted some publicity from the national geographic 也因為工作到這個年紀,國家地理頻道的訪談吸引到許多大眾來關注我 and incidentally the people I've worked with very much wanted me to continue 我的同事也十分希望我可以繼續待在心臟與胸腔外科 but I felt I should spend a little more time at home with my family 但我覺得自己應該多花些時間在家,陪伴我的家人 I could be working right now, 現在我仍可以重新披上白袍 I could do anything that I did then and now 98, 我仍可勝任一位醫生的職務,如今我 98 歲了 but I picked 95 as an arbitrary time when I would quit. 我自己選擇在 95 歲的時候退休 I have always been inclined to be a vegetarian my folks were farmers and 我一直都傾向吃素。我的家人是農夫 we had quite a bit of meat available, 所以我們很容易就拿得到肉 but it never appealed to me to eat animal products. 但動物製品一向吸引不了我 I never did drink milk by the glass 我從來都沒有喝過玻璃杯裝的鮮奶 I would use it on my cereal and 儘管吃麥片的時候會加些鮮奶 Of course my mother and then later on my wife, would use it in cooking 我的母親和我的老婆,無可避免地都會在烹飪時使用牛奶 So I was naturally inclined toward a vegetable type of diet 所以我會說我「傾向」吃素的飲食模式 But I was concerned about the adequacy of the nutrition 但我也會擔心吃素是否有足夠養分供給身體 when I found out that I could get by...by taking a little vitamin B12, 當我發現,只要吃維他命 B12 就可以解決這個疑惑時 of course I then became entirely vegan, 我就成為一個十足的素食主義者了 and I think that it has been a very fine form of nutrition. 而我認為這是個很棒的營養攝取方式 It's a little extreme to tell a person who is 或許這樣有點極端 —— 直接告訴一個人 using flesh foods and that you're going to take everything entirely away from them 叫他不要再吃肉,就此跟肉斷捨離 But I have... when I was in practice in medicine, 不過,當我開藥給病患時 I would tell the patients that the 我會告訴病患 vegetable based diet was the healthy way to go 以蔬菜為主的飲食比較健康 and as much as possible we keep away from the animal products. 而我們應該盡可能避開使用動物製品 It has to be something that the person wants to cooperate in and 這必須要是人們想要互相合作 people are very sensitive about what they eat 目前大眾對於自己攝取的食物非常敏感 now you can talk to people about exercising, 如今你可以跟人談論運動 and you can talk to people about relaxation 談有關怎麼放鬆 and good mental attitude and life things like that and 討論什麼是好的心態與生活種種,諸如此類的話題 they will accept that. 大家都會接受 But you talk to them about what they're eating and people are very sensitive about that 但當你和大家談論到他們攝取的食物,大家對這話題通常比較敏感 if... if an individual is willing to listen, 假如我的談話對象願意聽我說 I will try to explain to them on a scientific basis of how I think it's better for them 我會站在科學的角度,解釋給他聽,告訴他怎樣的飲食模式比較適合他 I read a statement in the Wall Street Journal last year. 去年,我讀了一篇華爾街日報的文章 I think it was in January of last year that 大概是去年一月的報紙 I thought was quite significant, and it was this, 我覺得那篇的內容寫得切中要害,我引用出來給大家: "That all tastes are acquired except for breast milk." 「除了母乳以外,所有的味覺都是後天習得的」 now this means you see that 所以你看 if you as a parent 假如你為人父母 will start your child on a healthy nutrition, 讓你的孩子從健康飲食開始 they'll like it. 他們一定從小開始喜歡這樣的飲食模式 But an individual let us say, who is old even my age 但身為一個人,我們這樣說,甚至跟我差不多年紀 can change their taste buds 還是可以改變他們的味蕾 there are a lot of people that take too much salt and 有太多人攝入過多的鹽分 Their food they think is flat unless they have a lot of salt in it, 除非在他們的食物放很多鹽,否則他們會覺得味如嚼蠟 but if you will diminish the amount of salt gradually 但假如逐次減少放入食物的鹽量 after a while they won't know the difference 經過一段時間後,飲食者無法察覺與過往飲食的差別 and in a matter of three months or so 大概經過三個多月後 you can do a great deal to change your taste habits 你就可以為改變自己的飲食習慣邁進一大步 if you are willing to do it 假如你願意改變 if a person is willing to go through the change and give himself time 假如一個人願意經歷改變的過程,並給自己一段時間試驗 he will enjoy foods that are healthy for him 他會從中享受那些帶給他健康的食物 as you know 你也知道 cholesterol is the chief problem you have to be concerned about 你最需要擔心的問題就是膽固醇 as far as development coronary occlusion and coronary disease is concerned 一談到如何導致冠狀動脈閉塞和冠心病就免不了提到膽固醇 if your cholesterol is under a hundred and forty 假如你的膽固醇數值低於 140 very very seldom that anybody has a heart attack with a cholesterol of 140 十分少見有膽固醇值低於 140 者罹患心臟病 now the factors that Influence your cholesterol are things that we should know about 目前影響膽固醇多寡的因素就是我們所該了解的 and one of the factors is the amount of saturated fat 其中一個原因就是飽和脂肪量 and most animal fat is saturated 而多數動物脂肪為飽和脂肪 Whereas the vegetable fat is unsaturated or mono saturated 反之,蔬菜內含不飽和脂肪或單元不飽和脂肪(譯註:單元不飽和脂肪如橄欖油) so you have to avoid the animal fats. 所以你必須避開攝取動物脂肪 Now there are those scientists 現在也有一些科學家 including Dr. Colin Campbell of Cornell University 包含康乃爾大學的坎培爾教授 that say that animal proteins will also affect your cholesterol, 提及動物蛋白質也會影響到膽固醇 not just the fat in other words you pour off the cream off your milk and 而不是只有脂肪而已。換句話說,就算拿掉牛奶裡面的乳脂 drink the skim milk even the casein of the milk will raise your cholesterol 只喝脫脂鮮奶,脫脂鮮奶內的酪蛋白還是會讓你的膽固醇指數上升 and then people say also high intake of sugar will affect your cholesterol 而人們也說,攝取大量的糖分也會影響你的膽固醇 so if you can keep your cholesterol under 140 所以假如你可以維持膽固醇值低於 140 Your chances of developed coronary disease are very small 你罹患冠狀動脈疾病的機率微乎其微 exercise is beneficial in reducing cholesterol 運動對降低膽固醇有所助益 But if you're taking in a considerable amount of saturated fat, 但假如你攝取相當程度的飽和脂肪 you can't exercise enough to lower it as much as it should be lowered 運動再多都不夠降低膽固醇值 The easiest way to get your cholesterol down is to 降低膽固醇值最簡單的方法就是 watch what you eat 監控自己的飲食 Now you can lower your cholesterol by exercise, 現在你可以藉由運動來降低自己的膽固醇 but now I'm talking about no 15 or 20 milligrams something like that, 不過,我現在談的不是只降低 15 或 20 毫克這樣的事 but if you get on a vegan diet which is low fat 而是假如你開始吃素,也就是低脂飲食 you can drop it much more 你可以更為降低膽固醇值 when we went abroad 我們手術團隊曾經出國 We had an open heart surgery team that 我們有個心臟外科手術團隊 this would be maybe a dozen to two dozen people that would go with team and 團隊成員差不多有十幾二十個人 do open heart surgery in overseas countries, 在海外國家執行心臟外科手術 but this was back 50 years ago 不過這已經是五十年前的事了 You see when open heart surgery is first starting out 五十年前剛開始心臟外科手術 now there's no no need to do anything like that 而現在已經不需要動這樣的手術了 now most of the surgery we did when we went abroad 如今需要我們出國動的手術 it was for congenital heart disease 都是先天性心臟病的狀況 that is defects of the heart with which a person is born 就是說一個人一出生,心臟可能就有缺陷 holes in the heart and malformations the valves fourth 心臟有孔洞、瓣膜形狀異常 and the other was valvular heart disease due to rheumatic fever. 而其他像是風濕熱引起的心臟瓣膜的疾病 We didn't do very many coronary cases when we were overseas 我們在海外的時候並沒有進行非常多冠狀手術 coronary disease is a disease of the 冠狀疾病較常見於 more developed countries. 多數已開發國家 That's being a little bit discriminatory I presume, 或許這樣講有點偏頗 but America, undoubtedly, in my opinion 在我看來,美國無疑是 has been the leader in the development of coronary disease 在冠狀疾病發展的領頭羊 I mean in development of treatment of heart disease 我指的是,治療心臟病的技術發展 and I think has also led out in the research of cause disease 而我想這也是引出疾病研究的原因 We have a lot of information in this country 在這個國家,我們還有很多已知的資訊 which is not being applied, 沒有將它們付諸實踐 which would greatly reduce the incidence we have of coronary disease. 而這些尚未應用的資訊可以大大協助我們降低冠狀疾病 I don't know whether you've been following the news, 我不知道你是否有持續在關注新聞 but Mayor Bloomberg of New York as you know 但紐約市長彭博 made certain laws 曾制定相關法律 establishing the size of the soft drinks which you can buy and so forth so on 規定民眾所能購買的無酒精飲料容量等等 and he has other areas in which he is also enforcing by law. Healthful habits 彭博市長也在其他方面執行法律所允許的事項。健康的習慣 many people question whether you should have your individual freedom limited by laws, 許多人質疑法律是否可以限制個人自由 but there's no question about it 但在健康面前,實在無庸置疑 that there are certain things that we could implement in this country 在美國,還有許多我們可以做的事 to greatly reduce heart disease 來大量降低心臟疾病的人數 you know The Cleveland Clinic is the world's great center for coronary artery disease 克利夫蘭診所在治療心臟動脈疾病可說是全球最棒的機構 Coronary angiography the study of the coronary arteries 冠狀動脈造影,冠狀動脈的研究 was developed at Cleveland Clinic 就是在克利夫蘭診所開展的 and you can't diagnose where the stoppages in your coronary arteries 沒有冠狀動脈造影,就無法知道患者的冠狀動脈 without coronary angiography 在哪裡阻塞 now we have some newer methods, 如今我們雖然有更新的治療方法 but that's still sort of the gold standard 但克利夫蘭診所的研究貢獻仍是最重要的基準 and Dr. Esselstyn of The Cleveland Clinic 克利夫蘭診所的愛色斯坦醫生 He says that coronary artery disease does not need to exist 他說冠狀動脈疾病理應不該存在 and it doesn't need to progress 也不該讓它有慢慢形成的機會 and he does it on a low-fat vegan diet. 他透過低脂素食飲食方式辦到了 There have been only two people in the world that I know of 在這世界上,我知道只有這兩人 they've demonstrated that they can arrest and reverse coronary artery disease 他們示範如何逮住和翻轉冠狀動脈疾病 and they are Dr. Dean Ornish of San Francisco 他們分別是舊金山的 Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Esselstyn of the Cleveland clinic 和克利夫蘭診所的 Dr. Esselstyn and they both did it on a low-fat vegan diet 兩位都是低脂素食飲食的實踐者 if you would go on a low fat vegan diet and you exercise, 假如你願意施行低脂素食飲食並且運動 the chances of developing coronary disease will be very low 那麼形成冠狀疾病的機會就會微乎其微 get that cholesterol under a hundred and forty 維持膽固醇值低於 140 and you can. 你辦得到 My cholesterol is a hundred and seventeen 我目前的膽固醇值是 170 if I have some pain in my chest, I know it is not the coronary disease, 假如我有胸悶,我知道那並不是冠狀疾病所造成 maybe due to some something in my esophagus 或許是跟我的食道有關 Hiatus Hernia from my stomach or something else, 可能跟食道裂孔疝氣(譯註:一種胃食道逆流病)或是其他因素造成 but it's not coronary disease 但和冠狀疾病毫無關聯 because of a hundred and seventeen I'm not going to develop it 因為目前的膽固醇值約 170,所以不是冠狀疾病的危險群 Anybody can do those things, 人人都做得到這些變長壽的生活模式 very simple. 一點都不難
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 飲食 膽固醇 心臟 脂肪 冠狀 外科 Ellsworth Wareham:最古老的素食醫生 (Ellsworth Wareham: The Oldest Vegan Doctor) 296 24 羊奶 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字