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Twitch is gonna ask a question that he's gonna have us name three
of something in a category, like three types of cars.
And we have five seconds to answer and
then hit that, cuz we have to beat it in five seconds.
I guess I'll go first to show you how it's going.
>> Okay Ellen, name three Kardashians.
>> Khloe, Kim, Kris [SOUND].
>> Kris?
>> Nice, Kris.
>> Is that the mom?
>> The mother, yeah.
>> [LAUGH] >> I'm watching OJ, I know this.
Yeah. >> Okay.
>> Okay.
>> Yeah.
Me too.
>> All right, Julie,
name three TV shows with family in the title.
>> Modern Family, Family Ties and [SOUND] The Brady Bunch.
>> All in the Family.
>> [LAUGH] >> My God.
>> I know, it's hard.
Like when you get- >> This is hard.
>> You're gonna be laying awake at night, going All in the Family.
>> I know. >> Okay, okay.
>> All right, Ellen tell us three reasons why you would want to have kids.
>> Well, because there's cute clothing for them and they can sweep and
>> [LAUGH]
>> Can we make tiny sweepers?
>> Yep.
>> They're so cool.
>> They love to sweep, they make them for kids.
>> [LAUGH] >> And
then the last one was I can cut their hair.
>> That's good too, that's good too >> Okay Julie.
Tell us three reasons why you wish you didn't have kids.
>> My gosh, I would like to laugh and not pee.
I would like to sleep eight hours through the night.
I would like to not have to wear a bra like a holster.
[APPLAUSE] Did I do it? I got that one. >> No, you did not.
>> I didn't? >> No.
>> You didn't.
>> I really thought I was knick knack.
>> No, you were out of time after
the first one, but. >> Dagnabbit.
>> [LAUGH]
>> All right.
>> Okay, Ellen, name three things you
can do in the kitchen besides cook. >> Uh-oh.
>> You can clean counters,
you can count paper towels. >> [LAUGH]
>> [LAUGH]
>> That's a fun one.
And look.
>> The amount of times I've sat there
counting paper towels.
>> Okay Julie. >> What else can you do in a kitchen?
>> Okay.
>> Read?
Do it. >> Do it.
>> Yeah, that was the obvious.
>> You can do it.
>> [LAUGH] >> You can cut hair.
You can cut the hair of tiny children.
And them to have them sweep it up.
>> Yep. >> [LAUGH]
>> Okay, Julie?
>> Yes. >> Name three places besides the bedroom
where you've been intimate.
>> [LAUGH] >> Nowhere, nowhere, and a car.
>> [APPLAUSE] I'm boring.
I wouldn't, I'm like warm gin and cashews.
People are not excited.
Waspy and dull, you know, bed.
>> [LAUGH] >> Okay, Ellen.
Name three acceptable excuses for being late.
>> I was doing it in the kitchen, and I was
>> [LAUGH]
>> I overslept.
[SOUND] And something else.
>> [APPLAUSE] >> [LAUGH] I was doing it in-
>> I'm sorry,
I was- >> I was doing it in the kitchen.
>> I was doing it in the kitchen.
>> [LAUGH] >> You know.
You don't wanna sit on that counter now.
[LAUGH] This is good, this is a great segway.
Julie, name three things that are sticky.
[LAUGH] >> Hair spray, jam, syrup.
>> Good one, you got it.
>> Nice, nice.
>> You finally got one! [APPLAUSE] I got one.
Man, this is hard.
>> No, Andy.
We'll stop when we want to.
You're always trying to boss me around.
>> OK.
Ellen, name three animals you wish you could have as a pet.
>> Monkey, goat, and a bunny.
>> Can we challenge the goat?
Do you really want a goat?
>> I do. A little tiny I'd love to have a goat.
>> It can mow for you.
>> No they just [SOUND].
They. >> [LAUGH]
>> And they hop on all fours not just two
at a time just all fours.
All right. >> Yes.
>> One more okay last one.
>> Okay ready?
>> All right Julie.
>> Yeah. >> In your best Sophia Vergara voice
>> Tell us three of your costars' names.
>> Eric Stonestreet, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, and Ty,
I don't know his last name it don't matter.