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Beimen is a place full of cultural history, 北門是一個充滿文化歷史的地方
where the stories of salt 這裡有鹽的故事
and century-old heritage are told. 也有百年的文化資產
Nankunshen serves as a center of faith among locals. 南鯤鯓也是許多民眾的信仰中心
In recent years, in order to promote tourism development, 近年來推動觀光
many historic buildings have been restored 修復許多歷史建築
for more visitors to have a glimpse of Beimen - the town of salt. 讓更多人能了解「鹽鄉」──北門的故事
Because of producing salt, 因當地盛產鹽
Beimen has been known as the town of salt. 北門又有鹽鄉之稱
Besides, Beimen is the place full of history, seafood, and ecosystem. 也充滿許多歷史故事、海鮮以及自然生態
Now, take a walk with me in Beimen, 現在,就跟著我一同漫步北門
the town of salt. 鹽的故鄉
Hello, everyone. I'm Leon. I'm now in Beimen, 哈囉,我是Leon,我現在在北門
the place of salt. Although they don't produce salt anymore, 北門是鹽的故鄉,雖然現在已經沒有產鹽
there are still many culture of salt well preserved in Beimen 但是鹽的文化仍被保留下來
Look, what a beautiful day! 你看,今天天氣多好
I'm looking forward to checking it out. 我等不及去瞧瞧了
Let's go! 一起出發吧!
Beimen Visitor Center is a place you must visit. 北門遊客中心是你絕不可錯過的景點,
In this center, there are many regular exhibitions you can enjoy 這裡除了有定期的展覽供民眾參觀之外
as well as much information available. 更提供各種當地旅遊資訊
Next time when you arrive in Beimen, go to the Beimen Visitor Center first. 下次來到北門,別忘了先到遊客中心走走。
Hi, Mrs. Lin. Hi,導遊你好
Hello, how do you do? 哈囉 你好
Beimen Visitor Center 北門遊客中心
is located in front of the management of Southwest Coast National Scenic Area, 位在雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處前
offering tourist information 除了提供旅遊資訊外
and regular exhibitions. 現場還有展覽喔!
Here, you could find all the attractions within the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area. 這個就是我們雲嘉南濱海國家風景區的景點
Beimen Visitor Center is host to a conference room, 北門遊客中心設有簡報室
where virtual tours of Beimen are provided 提供北門的虛擬導覽
and give visitors an overview of some important spots of Beimen, 讓遊客一覽北門的重要景點
allowing them to have a basic understanding 也可以先了解
of the town beforehand. 北門的故事
I've heard that there is a sperm whale here very worth a look. 聽說這裡有一隻非常厲害的抹香鯨
Would you mind telling me a bit about it? 可以為我介紹一下嗎
The excavation of this sperm whale 這個抹香鯨 牠的挖掘過程
is shown in the picture. 你看 前面那個圖就是
That's how it was swept into shore by the waves. 牠被海浪衝上來的樣子
This sperm whale was stranded on the beach of Beimen in 2005. 2005年時 這隻抹香鯨擱淺在北門海邊
It reached a length of 14 meters and a weight of 50 tons. 身長約14公尺、重達50公噸
Due to its sheer size and weight, people had to bury it on site. 由於體積和重量過於龐大 當時先就地掩埋
In 2008, it was dug out and made into a specimen, 2008年才破土重出 製作成標本
touring around the country 製成標本後 陸續在外地展出
until 2009 when it finally returned to Beimen. 到2009年才重回北門
Here, you can access the detailed information 在這裡有抹香鯨的
about the sperm whale, 完整資訊
whose specimen is also prepared in full view of the public. 也可以看到完整的標本
Wow, it's huge. Is it real? 哇!好大喔!這是真的嗎?
Or is it a replica? 還是複製出來的
Of course it is real. 這當然是真的啊
Hey, Leon. Believe what you see here. 嘿!Leon 別懷疑你的眼睛
This is a genuine specimen of the sperm whale. 這是真的抹香鯨標本
It is also an important event that local people 也是北門人心中的
will remember for years to come. 重要記憶
From its burial, excavation, specimen processing, and finally, its return to Beimen, 從掩埋 出土 製成標本 及重新回到北門的過程
locals have been there along the way. 北門人可說是全程參與
Beimen Visitor Center 北門遊客中心
also lays out the history of local salt industry. 還記錄了完整的鹽業歷史
In the past, salt was boiled out of brine. 早期鹽的製作方式是用煮的
It was not until the Zheng era 一直到明朝鄭成功來台之後
that the solar salt production was introduced to Taiwan. 才改用曬鹽的方式
The Beimen Visitor Center we see today 現在的北門遊客中心就是早期的
was renovated from the warehouses lying on the southwest side 北門洗滌鹽工廠舊建物群中的
of the Beimen salt-washing plant complex. 西南側倉庫群所改建
Beimen boasts the history of salt industry, wetland ecology, 北門有鹽業歷史、濕地生態、
religious temples, local businesses, literature and the arts. 宗教人文、地方產業與文學藝術
It is a diverse and vibrant place to visit. 是個多元又充滿活力的地方
Outside the Beimen Visitor Center, 在北門遊客中心的外面
you will find many graffiti and art installations. 有許多塗鴉及裝置
It is like walking into an outdoor photographic studio 就像是走在戶外的攝影棚
with each wall serving as a different scene. 每一面牆都有不同的風景
This place is not to be missed especially for photography enthusiasts. 喜歡拍照的朋友當然不能錯過這個地方
The exterior walls of Beimen Visitor Center 北門遊客中心的外圍
are graced with paintings of Hong Tong. 還有許多洪通的畫作
Born in Beimen, 洪通是北門人
Hong Tong was a famed amateur artist in Taiwan. 是臺灣非常有名的素人畫家
Hong Tong, Taiwan Picasso, 被譽為「臺灣畢卡索」的洪通,
once lived in Beimen. 曾居住於北門
He is very famous. 是位非常著名的畫家
There's even a Hong Tong Painting Village. 北門甚至有個洪通故居彩繪村
Let's go and check it out. 我們一起去瞧瞧吧
Hong Tong used to live 洪通住在廟宇(南鯤鯓代天府)
100 meters away from the Nankunshen Temple. 附近一百公尺左右的地方
Hong Tong only started painting at the age of 50 洪通50歲才開始學習作畫
and developed a very unique style of art. 他的畫風獨特
His surreal vision 超現實的異想世界
and vivid colorful imagination 富含色彩的想像力
probably have something to do with his background. 作品也跟他的生活背景有關
His paintings were not 當時洪通畫的圖
particularly popular here. 並不受當地的歡迎
People found it pretty strange 但是很奇怪的是
that he only painted human faces without ears. 他都畫人頭 卻都沒有耳朵
Someone once asked him, 有人曾問過他
“What's the reason why these human faces you painted don't have ears?” 為什麼你畫的人頭都沒有耳朵
He responded, “There is too much noise these days. 他說現在的雜音太多啦
Too much noise in the society. We'd better not listen.” 社會雜音太多了 不要聽
If the neighbors of Hong Tong 早期洪通看到左鄰右舍
were celebrating occasions such as weddings or housewarming events, 舉辦婚禮或者入厝等喜事時
he would kindly offer his painting as a gift. 都會贈送他的畫作
However, back at that time, people didn't appreciate his works of art. 但是當時大家並不願意將作品掛出來
Hon Tong even tried to display his own works 早期洪通還會將自己的畫作
inside the Lingxiao Hall, 掛在現在的凌霄寶殿那個位置
which didn't get much appreciation, either. 當時也不被欣賞
Until one day, the artist's works were featured in the ECHO Magazine of Things, 一直到有一天洪通被漢聲雜誌報導
and from this point forth, he began receiving extensive coverage in art magazines 之後又陸續被媒體爭相報導
and became a household name overnight. 知名度大開造成轟動
Unfortunately, his rise to fame 洪通雖然聲名大噪
didn't help him have a better life. 他的生活並沒有因此而改善
After the death of his wife, Hong Tong couldn't move on 直到他的妻子過世受到太大的打擊
and passed away the next year, 隔年洪通也去世
leaving more than 300 paintings behind. 留下畫作三百多幅
This place is very interesting 這是個相當有趣的地方
and very suitable for taking pictures. 也非常適合拍照
You definitely don't want to miss the chance to visit here in Beimen. 有機會來到北門,可千萬別錯過
In Beimen, there are many historic buildings 在北門還有很多歷史建築
constructed in different periods of time 在不同時期建造
for different functions 有不同的用途
and telling different stories. 也藏了許多不同的故事
Taiwan Blackfoot Disease Socio-Medical Service Memorial House 臺灣烏腳病醫療紀念館
carries the memories of the times. 承載著時代的記憶
Now, let's go take a look at this memorial house! 一起進去瞧瞧吧!
The memorial house not only records what happened back then 烏腳病紀念館記錄過往的歷史
but has also preserved the original look of the treatment room. 保留當時診療間的樣貌
It is dedicated to honor 也透過烏腳病紀念館
the commitment of Dr. Wang King-ho. 彰顯王金河醫生的奉獻
There are four major areas in this memorial house, 烏腳病紀念館 分為四大展區
and let me show you around. 讓我帶你到處走走吧
The first area provides a brief history of the events. 第一展區便是導覽區
The second area is the witness area. 第二展區則是見證區
The third area is the treatment room. 接著我們來到第三展區的診療室
It is a ghastly sight to see these feet and palms 看到當時為了求生而截肢的腳或手掌
that were amputated for survival. 真是怵目驚心
Luckily, even in times when medicine was at a comparatively primitive stage, 在醫療不發達的年代
there were kind souls like Dr. Wang King-ho 幸好有這樣的醫生
who took good care of patients, 細心照料病患
accompanied them in life after their amputation 並且陪伴他們截肢後的生活
and comforted their hearts 也透過信仰的力量
through the power of faith. 撫慰患者的心靈
The fourth area is the pharmacy area 最後第四展區是藥房區
Walking on the streets of Beimen 走在北門的巷弄內
seems to allow us to glimpse the local history. 似乎能讓我們一瞥在地的歷史
Here, you also get to experience 在這裡也可以體驗
what life is like in a coastal area. 濱海地區的生活樣貌
While in Beimen, be sure to take a stroll through the alleys. 來北門別忘了逛一逛巷弄
It will give you a completely different perspective of the town. 會有不同的感受喔!
You will never want to miss the local dishes in Beimen. 你絕不會想錯過北門的當地美食
I can't wait to give it a try. 我都等不及要來嚐嚐了
Let's go! 我們出發吧!
Hello, everyone. 大家好
The mister with me here is the owner of this restaurant. 坐在我旁邊的這位呢,是這間餐廳的老闆
Hello. 你好
Hello, everybody. 哈囉 主持人 各位觀眾大家好
Would you please tell us a bit 老闆可以幫我們介紹一下
what the local dishes are in Beimen? 北門這邊的特有的家常菜嗎
Of course. 可以啊
Today, I've prepared 今天我為大家準備的是
the well-known milkfish of Beimen. 我們北門當地最有名的虱目魚
The owner told us that most customers go for milkfish belly 老闆說大多數的人都會點虱目魚的魚肚
simply because this part has less bones than others. 因為魚肚的魚刺比較少
Therefore, he would remove all the bones from the milkfish, 因此老闆貼心的幫客戶將整隻魚的魚刺都剔除了
so his patrons don't have to worry about these annoying fishbones anymore. 不管吃哪個部位都不用擔心吃到魚刺
See which part you would like to start first and give it a try. 你先吃吃看 看你想要吃哪個部位
We've removed all the fishbones. 我們都把刺抽完了
So we don't have to worry about them. That's very thoughtful. 就不用怕有刺了 好棒
Because the milkfish do have a lot (of bones)… 因為虱目魚真的(很多刺)...
There's no need to play it safe. Eat as much as you like. 大口的吃 沒關係
Hmm, it smells so good. 嗯 好香喔 煎得好香
Here in Beimen, we grow milkfish 我們北門這裡養殖虱目魚
in seawater pools. 都是用海水養殖
There are two ways to farm milkfish: 虱目魚 兩種養殖方式
in freshwater or in seawater. 有淡水跟海水
The saltwater fish usually have less earthy tastes. 海水的比較不會有土味
It looks like Leon is already addicted. 看Leon一口接一口像上癮一樣
It must be really delicious. 一定是非常的美味
Anything else besides the milkfish? 除了虱目魚還有什麼美味料理呢
Let's try the oyster vermicelli here. 在來前面的蚵仔麵線
These oysters are fished out from the lagoons in Beimen, 蚵仔麵線 是用北門潟湖的蚵仔
which are quite special 這邊的蚵仔很特別
because they are exposed to the sun. 牠們是有曬過日光浴的
These oysters are springy 蚵仔吃起來很Q彈
and succulent. 也非常的鮮甜
You can almost taste the tang of the ocean. 可以吃到海的鮮味
And this one is pickled watermelon. 這一道是西瓜綿
Have a sip. 你可以先喝一下看看
The fresh milkfish paired with the sour crunchy pickled watermelon 虱目魚搭上酸酸脆脆的西瓜棉
is an excellent combination. 真的非常對味
The milkfish soup with pickled watermelon is very appetizing. 西瓜綿虱目魚湯非常地開胃喔
The next dish 再來這一道
is the dried radish and egg frittata 我們當地講的菜脯蛋
unlike any other recipe out there. 但是它學問很大
Featuring brown native eggs 它主要是用紅色的土雞蛋
and radish from the coastal areas like Budai, 再搭配布袋 沿海這裡的菜脯
the dish becomes the fluffy omelet 下去把它做成現在網路很有名的
that has created a buzz on the Internet these days. 烘蛋這道料理
The silky omelet and the crunchy radish 滑嫩的蛋配上清脆的菜脯
allow you to enjoy two different textures at the same time. 一口品嚐到兩種口感
If you go with the rice, 配著飯一起吃
it will taste just like omurice. 還有蛋包飯的口感喔!
And these are the local dishes 北門道地的家常菜
that you can't miss in Beimen! 千萬不能錯過啊!
A itinerary of Tainan trip should not be busy. 來臺南的行程不要太匆忙
You can stay in Beimen for at least a night 可以來這裡過一夜
to experience the wonderful local life. 體驗鹽鄉生活
You can always see milkfish being dried under the sun 在臺南沿海地區
in the coastal areas of Tainan. 常看到曬虱目魚的景象
But what's the purpose of this? 但是,為什麼曬魚呢?
Follow me for better understanding. Let's go! 跟我去了解一下!
Hello, Mr. Huang. 阿良老闆你好
My name is Leon. 我是Leon
Would you please tell us a bit about milkfish 今天可以請你為我們介紹虱目魚的特色
and the whole point of sun-drying them? 跟曬魚的特點
In the early days, people were short of freezers, 早期因為冷凍設備不足
but milkfish can't stand the cold. 虱目魚又是很怕寒冷的魚
So if a cold spell struck, 所以只要寒流一來
there would be a sudden death of milkfish. 虱目魚就會有暴斃的現象
In the past, people would 早期為了保存魚
cure the fish with salt 會用鹽巴來醃製魚
and dry them in the sun to preserve the flavor. 並且將它曬乾來保存魚的風味
The sun-dried milkfish has a unique taste. 曬過的虱目魚有獨特的風味
However, with the changes of the times and the environment, 但是隨著時代與環境的改變
overall interest in healthy living has increased. 大家開始注重養生
A diet that is low in fat and sodium is being promoted. 推廣低油低鹽的飲食習慣
The sun-drying method has also evolved 曬魚的方式也隨著科技的改變
with new technology, 有了新的方法
being replaced by the aging method. 運用熟成的方式來製作
The aging process is actually quite simple: 其實熟成的方式很簡單
Proteins are broken down to amino acids. 就是把蛋白質轉換成氨基酸
In the old days, 那其實以前醃魚乾的做法
proteins are forced to be broken down to amino acids 雖然也是強迫把蛋白質轉換成氨基酸
by a large quantity of salt 但它是用大量的鹽巴
as a curing agent. 去誘發轉換
What we do nowadays is the natural breakdown. 那我們現在的做法是做自然轉換
We offer an environment 就是我們給牠一個環境
that allows the proteins in the meat 讓牠本身肉質的蛋白質
to be broken down into amino acids naturally. 自然轉換成氨基酸
During the breakdown, 在轉換的過程當中
the unique flavor of the fish will be brought out. 會誘發這個魚種本身特有的風味
So we get to taste 所以我們可以品嚐到
the flavor of the dried milkfish 虱目魚魚乾的風味
as well as the texture and sweetness of the fresh milkfish. 我們又可以吃到新鮮虱目魚的口感跟甜度
Wow, the owner prepares his fish 哇!老闆可是用科學的方式
in a very scientific way. 來處理魚喔!
He even managed to fry fish without oil splattering everywhere. 甚至解決了煎魚會出現油爆的問題
Is it even possible? 真的不會油爆嗎?
There is no one who dares to do this while frying the milkfish. 煎虱目魚沒有人敢做這個動作
No oil popping everywhere. 牠完全不會油爆
Not at all. 完全不會有油爆的狀況
Wow, impressive. 哇!真的非常厲害
We will have to give it a try. 當然要品嘗一下囉!
The milkfish collar is anchored to the collarbone, 虱目魚領的刺大部份都在側邊的皮上面
which can be removed easily. 可以整片撥開也非常的方便
The milkfish sausage here is also very rich in flavor. 另外,這裡的虱目魚香腸也非常入味
It is quite easy to separate the meat and bones 後熟成的虱目魚肚
of the aged milkfish belly 肉和刺很容易分離
that is bouncy in texture 而且肉質鮮美彈牙
and wonderful in taste. 真的非常美味
In Beimen, you get to try milkfish with different textures 在北門可以吃到不同口感的虱目魚
as well as the oyster vermicelli. 及蚵仔麵線
They boast different flavors 風味各有不同
but are all tasty. 但是都非常美味
You can't miss out in Beimen! 來北門當然不能錯過喔!
The traditional street vendors selling tofu pudding 傳統的豆花攤販
is the childhood memory of most people in Tainan. 是許多台南人的童年回憶
It is said that tofu pudding in Beimen is very famous. 據說北門當地的豆花非常有名
I can't wait to try it. 我等不及要來嚐嚐了
The tofu pudding is dancing in my mouth right now. 這豆花好吃到像是在我嘴裡跳舞似的
I love it, especially the salty flavor. 我愛死了,尤其是鹹豆花
Beimen is a place full of history and culture 北門是個有歷史 有文化的地方
that offers experiences worth reflecting upon, 帶給我們不同於城市的
There is something completely different from what you see in the city. 獨特風貌
If you ever have a chance to visit Beimen, 有機會來北門
why not stay the night 不妨住在這裡
and experience the local way of living? 體驗鹽鄉生活