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  • Nankunshen is a famous spot in Tainan, 「南鯤鯓」在臺南非常有名

  • not as an area but as a temple. 非因地名,而是一間廟宇的名字而出名

  • It is a popular attraction 也是非常知名的觀光景點

  • where myriads of TV series were shot. 許多電視劇會來這裡取景拍攝

  • I bet the temple is pretty spectacular. 可見這裡一定非常漂亮

  • Wow, it's really huge here, but where should we start? 哇!這裡真的非常寬闊,但是要怎麼逛呢?

  • Let our host Leon show you around! 讓Leon帶大家去了解一下吧!

  • Hello, Director-General Hou. 侯總幹事您好

  • How do you do? My name is Leon. 你好 我是Leon

  • have a proper tour around Nankunshen Temple? 來南鯤鯓參觀的動線嗎?

  • There are two routes 南鯤鯓代天府參觀的動線

  • to walk around Nankunshen Temple: 這分成兩個部分

  • one focused on the natural landscapes, 一個部分是參觀我們的風景

  • and the other, the cultural arts. 還有我們的藝術文化

  • Nankunshen Temple can be divided into three different parts: 南鯤鯓代天府大致上可分成三個部分

  • the landscape garden and the park on both sides, 左右兩邊為景觀園區

  • and the worship hall in the middle. 中間是拜殿

  • The five-gate and six-post Chinese ancient archway at the entrance 首先映入眼簾的是入口處的大山門

  • is a mortise and tenon joint construction made from cypress wood. 而廟前的牌樓是用檜木榫接而成的

  • On the north side lies Grand Kun Garden. 代天府的左邊是大鯤園

  • It is a Jiangnan-style landscape garden 大鯤園以江南林園為藍圖的設計

  • highlighted by bridges, water streams, and beautiful landscapes, 有小橋 流水 及美麗造景

  • whose quaint atmosphere has drawn many 具有古意 吸引很多

  • productions of ancient Chinese dramas to film here. 古裝劇來這裡拍攝

  • On the south side lies Wanshan Park. 代天府的右側有萬善公園

  • Another garden can also be found right next to the Kanglang Lodge. 後面的槺榔山莊旁也有花園

  • It is a wonderful place for a leisurely stroll. 非常適合來這裡散步遊憩

  • This place is magnificent and full of history. 這座寺廟不僅壯觀,還有著深厚的歷史

  • You could start your tour from the hall 從五王殿開始進入拜神區

  • where five royal lords are enshrined (Li, Chi, Wu, Zhu, and Fan). 五王殿供奉五府千歲(李、池、吳、朱、范)

  • It's an ancient architecture. 它是一個古建築

  • The structure of Nankunshen Temple itself 南鯤鯓代天府的建築本體

  • is worth a closer look. 非常值得一看

  • It is a masterpiece by Wang Yi-shun, 也是泉州匠師

  • a master carpenter from Quanzhou. 王益順的代表作

  • The eastern octagonal roof of the worship hall 其中拜殿裡的藻井

  • is one of the very few that still exist in Taiwan. 更是全臺灣碩果僅存

  • Besides the octagonal roof, other temple decorations and carving 除了藻井外 無論是廟宇彩繪、

  • inclusive of fragmented ceramic art, 剪黏、

  • wood carving, and stone relief works 木雕、石刻...等藝術,

  • were all created by the best craftsmen of their time. 都是邀請當時最有名的匠師來製作

  • What's most commendable here is 更難人可貴的是

  • the stone relief work by the prestigious 它有鄭板橋的

  • Chinese painter Zheng Ban-qiao. 竹畫(石雕)在那裡

  • Judging from the architecture of Nankunshen Temple, 從代天府的建築

  • it is fair to say that the management does place 可以看出人們

  • a great emphasis on cultural arts. 對文化藝術的重視

  • Every single traditional craft here 這裡的每一樣傳統工藝

  • is incredibly valuable. 都非常珍貴

  • The plaques also have their own significance to the period, 匾額也非常具有時代意義

  • one of which was bestowed in 1823 其中一塊是道光三年

  • by a Qing general Wang De-lu. 由「太子太保」王得祿所捐獻的「靈佑東瀛」

  • The Lingxiao Hall in the rear of the temple is a recent addition 代天府後面的凌霄寶殿是近幾年才完工的建築

  • that took more than 20 years to build. 歷時二十多年的工程更是令人嘆為觀止

  • The walls of the main hall are adorned with 主殿四周壁堵是以

  • natural jade stones in different colors 天然彩玉鑲嵌

  • with a giant jade carving work on display. 其中百神朝天圖用玉雕製作

  • The eaves of the temple boast fine copper ornaments 第一重簷 第二重簷等均為銅雕

  • made from precision investment casting 採用精密脫蠟鑄造而成

  • and could last up to five or six hundred years. 可保存五、六百年

  • There is also a piece of koji pottery artwork in the temple 另外,還有一面交趾陶

  • that is believed to be the largest one in Taiwan. 可說是全臺最大的交趾陶

  • This one-of-a-kind temple 所以這個可能全臺灣的廟宇

  • is probably nowhere else to be found in Taiwan. 沒有人能這麼做

  • The Wang Yeh venerated at Nankunshen Temple has been divided 臺灣許多王爺系統

  • to many other temples in Taiwan for 都是從南鯤鯓代天府

  • local worshippers to pray for mercy towards them. 分支出去

  • Therefore, Nankunshen Temple is commonly known 因此南鯤鯓代天府

  • as themain Wang Ye temple.” 有王爺總廟之尊稱

  • It was established in 1662. 南鯤鯓代天府建廟於1662年

  • Back in the old days, temples were not common in Taiwan, 那時臺灣的廟宇很少

  • which is why Nankunshen Temple is 所以我們(代天府)也

  • often dubbed thepioneering temple.” 被尊稱為「開山廟」

  • Nankunshen Temple was recognized as a 南鯤鯓代天府於

  • historic site at the national level in 1985, 1985年公告為國定古蹟

  • whose pilgrimage has also become 南鯤鯓代天府「五府千歲進香期」

  • a significant tradition since 2013. 也在2013年公告為重要民俗

  • Are there any special festivals or events 代天府有沒有

  • that take place regularly at Nankunshen Temple? 什麼固定的節慶活動?

  • Four major festivals are held every year. 南鯤鯓每年都有四大節慶

  • Five royal lords include Li, Chi, Wu, Zhu, and Fan. 五王分別為 李、池、吳、朱、范

  • In addition to these four major pilgrimage periods, 除了這四個主要節慶為主要進香期外

  • during the first lunar month, worshippers are invited to 每年農曆一月的

  • cross the centipede bridge for good fortune, 「百足真人蜈蚣陣七星平安橋」

  • and in late September (lunar month), 和農曆九月下旬

  • the temple partners with the management of 與雲嘉南

  • Southwest Coast National Scenic Area 濱海國家風景區管理處所

  • to organize the Kungshen Wangye's Salt for Peace Festival. 共同主辦的「鯤鯓王平安鹽祭」

  • Both are very important events in the temple's calendar. 也非常重要的活動

  • The golden tablet, 那時有提到玉旨牌

  • which weighs 10,800 taels (equivalent to 405 KG) 是用一萬八百兩黃金

  • of whole pure gold, 所雕塑

  • was produced by gilding 當然他是用鎏金的方法

  • because gold leaf is so fragile that it will break apart easily. 不然你只用黃金下去一下子就敲掉了

  • The gilding is intended to be very solid. 用鎏金的就動彈不得

  • There's a reason why the tablet weighs 10,800 taels. 使用一萬八百兩的黃金是有意義的

  • It's probably the largest golden tablet in the whole wide world. 用黃金打造這麼大的玉旨大概是全球唯一的一個

  • Try not to just enjoy the beauty of history here in Nankunshen. 有機會來到南鯤鯓,除了當地珍貴的歷史文化引人入勝

  • Go and get some delicious food in Beimen. 也不妨到鄰近的北門嚐嚐道地的美食

  • I'm Leon. 我是Leon

  • Bye-bye. 下次再會

Nankunshen is a famous spot in Tainan, 「南鯤鯓」在臺南非常有名


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2017熱播臺南EP11南鯤鯓寺 (2017 Hot Tainan EP11 Nankunshen Temple)

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    Hot Tainan 哈臺南 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日