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  • Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome to OneShot

  • Now, OneShot is easily one of the highest rated games I've ever seen on Steam.

  • It has over a thousand reviews, all glowing, saying it's an amazingly immersive world,

  • that breaks the fourth wall and pulls you in, and it's got a 98%

  • So... by all standards, people say that it's very, very good...

  • so I'm eager to see what we have in store for us here.

  • Should I use.... a GAME PAD? Nah I think I'm good.

  • Let's do this. LET'S DO THIS!

  • 'Explore and interact with the environment and characters.

  • Sometimes you may find an item.

  • Once you have picked up an item, you may select it from your inventory.

  • When the item is active, you can combine it with other items in your inventory,

  • or use it at certain locations in order to progress.'

  • 'Although fullscreen mode is an option, the game is best experienced in windowed mode'

  • 'closing the game will save your progress,

  • this game also autosaves after some key events.'

  • Really?

  • This is what I'm thinking - I don't know a lot about the game but it said something about breaking

  • the fourth wall. Is that why it's best experienced in

  • windowed mode? Is it going to do something to me?

  • Hello- okay hi how you doin'?

  • *whisper* oh shit

  • *Aggressively huffs*

  • H-hello?

  • Hellooo...

  • Is anybody there? I can't move - there we go

  • *softly* okay,

  • "Input password" I don't know the password to my own computer so I'm going to go with th-hm...-That?

  • Access denied. I can't imagine why.

  • Hello..

  • "Dusty books.. It's too dark to read in here."

  • Really is it?

  • Well I could turn on the light but that'd just be a waste of power.

  • "There's a TV remote here. Niko picks it up."

  • So my name is Niko, huh.

  • Welll... What am I doing in this destitute room, is this my room?

  • Oh, hello bathroom. How you doin'?

  • *Every time text comes on-screen, Mark reads it aloud. make sure to read it friends!*

  • Do I take that?

  • *Mark reads whats on screen*

  • Are those my eyes?

  • *reads on screen*

  • This place is a shit hole!

  • What are we doing here?!

  • *reads*

  • Well I guess I'm gonna be stuck here for a while.

  • Maybe I can just go back to bed...

  • Maybe I don't even remember where I came from.

  • Maybe I don't even remember who I am.

  • So I got a television remote...

  • It's too hard to read in the dark light.

  • A flaky, dry branch from the bathroom.

  • So I do have that branch.

  • That's gunna help me in the long run.

  • I know I'm going to be doing a lot with this branch.

  • But maybe I can read... Maybe I can read the, uh...

  • "These can't be combined."


  • *reads on screen*

  • So...if I remember the order correctly...

  • 9, 8, 1 and 4...

  • 9 is red, 8 is blue, 1 is yellow, green is 4.

  • 9 is red, 8 is

  • [stammers]

  • 8 is blue, 1 is yellow, green is 4.

  • 8 is blue.

  • 4...

  • This is 1, and that's 9.

  • Got it!

  • Got it!!

  • *triumphantly yelling* I did a puzzle!

  • Everybody be happy for me!

  • Yeah I don't- you don't have to be happy for me, I'm just saying like everybody in my head: be happy for me.

  • Oh shit, hello.

  • Yeah I did. Hide and seeks over lets get back to home.

  • *reads on screen*

  • Whoa, I thought you were talking to, Niko there.

  • You're talking to me?

  • *reads on screen*

  • "..You only have one shot, Mark." Don't do that to me!

  • Don't you do that to me!

  • No, no, no! That's bad!

  • Ohh, okay..

  • Ah, I only have one shot

  • I was wondering..

  • If the name in this game was going to be anything like "You only have one chance" flash game

  • Oh boy.

  • Oh no, oh no

  • Helloooo? Everybody my name is Markiplier!

  • How are you doing?

  • *reads screen*

  • So, I gotta be careful with this. Because if I only have one shot..

  • I could mess everything up very easily.

  • *reads on screen*

  • [mark adds 'FAM' after the word 'lit']

  • Maybe..

  • Hmm.. Locked.. Tasty.

  • Alright so let's skedaddle over here.

  • *reads on screen*

  • Time to party the night away because this world is going to hell.

  • *reading onscreen*

  • Alright then.

  • Sink won't turn on, nothing over there..

  • I think I've looked at pretty much everything in here.

  • What is that?

  • Alright that's a big keyhole, that's the biggest keyhole I've ever seen.

  • Maybe I can poke my branch in there.

  • Oops, sorry hang on.

  • Get this. Put that- stick it in there. Get it in there. Stick it in there.

  • Go on don't be shy, come on!

  • Alright, fine then.

  • So, there's gotta be something else that I can do.

  • Niko readies the branch.

  • *reads screen*

  • OH! I forgot there was a spark coming from that,

  • but maybe if I combine...

  • *reads screen*

  • Niko dabs it in there.

  • So if I use that on this...

  • It'll light on fire.

  • *Mark 'ah's' gleefully*

  • Alright, and then I've got a lit flame

  • Oh- that- that didn't look good...

  • *reads screen*

  • What did I get?

  • A basement key???

  • Ok, and an empty bottle.

  • Wait did the sink run, I can't even remember if it ran.

  • Let me see if I can put it in there.

  • Nooope it didn't work at all, but maybe I could put it over here?

  • Yes I can- Oh I don't want to go in there just yet I wanted to see if I could fill the bottle up.

  • Oh man.

  • This is so cool, by the way.

  • "The sink won't turn on." So, there's no point on doing that but I do have an empty bottle and I could remember that as I go farther into this.

  • Also if you notice there's seem to be no save mechanic

  • Which I assuming it means it saves... auto-magically.

  • But I don't know what I'm getting at myself into so...

  • I even don't know if I'm gonna come across a decision... it's that a light bulb?

  • Hello?

  • Alrighty then, grab that.

  • Sweet!

  • Nice!

  • A light bulb!

  • Whoa!

  • Niko has some magic powers that I didn't know about!

  • Bibbity bobbidy bippidy bobiddy~ I got liight~

  • It's really quiet now all of sudden. I thought it was a little less quieter here last time I when through this.

  • Nah I-it's it's just it's really quiet. Why is so quiet down here?

  • Ohh I can put it in there.

  • Light bulb... "It's the sun."

  • Do you mean that legitimately like... IT'S the SUN?

  • I don't know if I want to put it in here just yet, because I can go into the other room and I can read the books.

  • Now I should be able to anyway...

  • "Ad infinitum."

  • Ad.... infinitum...

  • I don't know what that means...

  • Alright then.

  • I just don't know if there's an absolutely anything else that I need to see.

  • Maybe I could shine a light out the window and someone could find me here...

  • Ad Infinitum...

  • Okay. Alright so, I just take this light bulb and I POP it in that bad boy

  • BOOP!


  • Hello?

  • *something squeaks in-game*

  • Squeaky squanky

  • Where am I now?

  • "What's left of a computer terminal"?

  • How did I get here? There's no door.

  • How did I get here??

  • What is that? It's just the- the edge of the abyss?

  • Alright

  • Ooh

  • Hello

  • What is that? That is HUGEE and TALLL and

  • probably a metaphor for something....

  • 'You can quickly travel to locations you already visited by selecting the "Fast Travel" option in the menu.'

  • 'The default key for opening the menu is "A".'

  • 'Fast travel cannot be used indoors.'

  • Okay

  • Good then?

  • "A robot. It no longer has power"

  • So this world has technology for robots then

  • Weird shimmering lights on the walls

  • "What's left of a robot"

  • eugh

  • Fascinating

  • Weird

  • So...

  • Why are woooooo- whaa?

  • I guess that was a loading screen

  • Oh man. What a- what am I doing here?

  • Is this...

  • "AH!"

  • "That lightbulb...! You are here!"

  • "Me?"

  • "Yes!"

  • "Welcome to our world, friend!"

  • "I am most humbled by your presence. Yes!"

  • "Uh, thanks.."

  • "Sorry... I'm little lost..."

  • "Ah right! Allow me to explain some things."

  • "May I first ask how you arrived here?"

  • "I'm... not sure..."

  • "I woke up in this... weird house. It was really dark!"

  • "Oh!"

  • "So you woke up in an unfamiliar, dark location?"

  • "Mhm!"

  • "Just as my prophecy foretold. Yes!"

  • "You are the savior we've been waiting for!"

  • "You'll be the one to save our world from the eternal darkness."

  • Ah.. that's a lot to put on my shoulders.

  • "I will now provide you with vital information!"

  • "Please ask me anything!"

  • I'm like a reddit AMA.

  • "Ah, well.. can you tell me about...

  • -this world?"

  • "I'm not sure where I am, exactly..."

  • "I can't see too far off, everything's so dark..."

  • "Our world was not always this dim"

  • "Nor was it so broken"

  • "But time waits for nobody, not even saviors"

  • "The world is divided into three regions."

  • "You're on the Fringe right now, the Barrens."

  • "That tower you see in the distance once held our sun."

  • "Oh, so that's what the tall thing was..."

  • "As you go further towards the center, you will cross the other regions."

  • "There should be a map still in this outpost somewhere..."

  • "Ooo..."

  • "Can you tell me about...

  • -the lightbulb?"

  • "I found it in the house I woke up in..."

  • "Within your hands i-is our new sun."

  • "Your sun?"

  • "Yes!"

  • "Years ago, our previous sun sat atop that tower and spilled its life into the land."

  • "But one day, the light went out."

  • "Oh..."

  • "The world is still hanging on by a thread."

  • "The surface of this world is abundant with an element called Phosphor."

  • "Fortunately for us, this element stored light energy from our previous sun."

  • "It's now our only source of illumination, but its energy is finite."

  • "When the last of the light dies, our world will too."

  • Oh.. I missed that, sorry.

  • "But now that you are here with the new sun, all is well."

  • "You will need to restore it to the tower."

  • "That looks... pretty far off!"

  • "Yes. So begins your pilgrimage."

  • "Also, the sun is fragile, so pl-please be careful."

  • "If the sun shatters, the world will end in an instant."

  • "Oh.."

  • "Can you tell me about... the computer?"

  • "In the house, I found

  • "It kept saying stuff like 'your actions here will affect Niko'...

  • But I'm Niko!"

  • "Are those messages meant for someone else?"

  • "Hm...

  • "If I had to guess, they might be trying to pass the message to Mark." *incredulous laugh*

  • "Mark...?"

  • "Ah! that would be our god!"

  • YAYYY!!!


  • "If you are here, that means Mark is here also!

  • "Mark will provide guidance for your journey."

  • "In fact... they already have."

  • "Really? I haven't seen anyone though..."

  • "Have you... not contacted Mark yet?"

  • "I don't think so."

  • "Being the bringer of sun, you have the sacred ability to communicate

  • directly with Mark."

  • "An ability that no one else possesses, certainly not I..."

  • "Please, close your eyes and focus."

  • Alright.

  • I'm gonna talk to Mark.

  • Me.

  • "Hello...?"

  • "Mark... are you... there?"

  • *shouting* Hey how's it going? It's me, Markiplier! Wazzup!

  • Yes--

  • That is not my name...!

  • That is not my name at all!!

  • "Oh! Well..."

  • "What is your name then?"

  • Uh-

  • Pfff-

  • *gibberish C and K sounds*

  • Pff-

  • It is- it is- simply...

  • MaaAAAaarkipliiiiiierrr

  • Your lord!

  • Markiplier!

  • "N- nice to meet you Markiplier! My name is Niko."

  • HA!

  • Got it.

  • "I actually heard someone!"

  • "They said their name is Markiplier, though..."

  • "This is incredible.."

  • "It seems the recorded name was incorrect."

  • "Updating database..."

  • "Hmm?"

  • *Mark mocking blooping noise in-game*

  • "Update complete!"

  • "Do not be afraid to ask Markiplier for assistance."

  • *looks at camera* And neither should you.

  • "You are the messiah after all."

  • "Can you tell me about..."

  • "Going home?

  • "Oh!.."

  • "I don't mean to be rude, but... I'm not sure about this."

  • "I still don't know how I got here!"

  • "I was just with my mama a few hours ago..."

  • "And now it feels like I'm in a bad dream."

  • "I just wanna go home..."

  • "Your mission is to save our world!"

  • "Just as my mission is to tell you about our world!"

  • "I am unable to help you beyond my programming"

  • "I am sorry."

  • "oh..."

  • "I think that's all I have to ask for now."

  • "Excellent!"

  • "I wish you luck!"

  • Alrighty then

  • "Hello again!"

  • "Are there more questions you wish to ask?

  • Hmm?

  • "Can you tell me about........ the barrens?"

  • "It's so empty here."

  • "That's why it's called the barrens."

  • "Are there..ANY people living in this area?"

  • "Besides robots, I mean."

  • "I do not know. I was not built to wander."

  • "Not built to? So, you just stand here?"

  • "Must be boring..."

  • "Do you at least have friends?"

  • "...Robot friends?"

  • "I cannot desire companionship."

  • "I have not been tamed."

  • "Not...tamed?"

  • "There was no time."

  • "I see.."

  • "Hello again"

  • "Are there more questions?"

  • Ah man this is kinda sad for this guy.

  • "So, what is this prophecy exactly?"

  • "The prophet predicted that a savior will arrive from another land."

  • "The savior will wake up in a strange house, find the sun, and illuminate the world."

  • "Oh"

  • "What else did you foresee?"

  • "What do you mean?"

  • "What else did you see in the prophecy?"

  • uh-EUGH?

  • "Wait, you are the prophet, right?"

  • "Good heavens, no!"

  • "But you called it 'my prophecy' earlier..."

  • "That just means it was build into my programming."

  • "Your- what?"

  • "Ah, my programming is what guides me."

  • "I am a robot after all."

  • "I see."

  • One last question to ask...

  • "How tall is the tower?"

  • "I can't even see the top..."

  • "I am not allowed to answer that- question..."

  • "But- how do I get up there..?"

  • "In time, Markiplier will know what to do."

  • "I see..."

  • Yeah, Markiplier never really knows what to do.

  • Alrighty then.

  • This is so weird!

  • God, it's blowing my mind right now!

  • "A robot without power."

  • Oh!

  • "It won't turn on."

  • There's just no power in general.

  • "It seems to be ok, it just doesn't have power."

  • Alright then, that's good to know.

  • "This box looks interesting!"

  • "I wish I had something to pry it open with!"

  • I have.. what do I have? I have an empty bottle, I'm going to smash it over it!

  • Alright, I'm gonna smash it with the light-bulb!

  • Ok, alright then, never mind.

  • "Self-charging solar battery model number 87, one year warranty included."

  • "Simply place your self-charging battery in full daylight with the lens facing up."

  • "Charges in seconds, no external power is needed."

  • "If the battery fails to charge, check to see if the lens on the side has not been dislodged during transport."

  • "One charge cycle will last about ten days."

  • "If you notice a decline in the charge cycle within the warranty period, please contact the manufacturer."

  • Alll righty then.

  • Weird.

  • "A robot may not injure a living person or, through inaction, allow a person to come to harm."

  • "Two, A robot must obey the orders given to it by people,

  • Except where such orders would conflict with the first law."

  • "A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the

  • First or second law."

  • So, those are the three laws of robotics- woah

  • Map of the world.

  • The tower just keeps going up, holy shit.

  • This is so cool

  • Like, already, I am barely scratching the surface of this game and I-

  • The world is HUGE.

  • It's hard to do that so quickly.

  • "The use of a robot as our replacement head engineer seems unorthodox."

  • "Especially the one responsible for last year's incident."

  • "I suppose they had to get her away from the city, but that doesn't make it easier to swallow for those of us who work here!"

  • "I hope that man knows what he's doing."

  • I mean ....Maybe

  • I don't know

  • I don't know who you're talking about so...

  • I don't know

  • "It's a faded poster"

  • "REMINDER TO ALL WORKERS: The rarest form of blue phosphor is found during the phosphor shrimp's spawn period."

  • "If you observe a pond with a bubbled-over surface, please contact management immediately!"

  • "We will dispatch a harvest team ASAP."

  • Alright

  • They need phosphor

  • "It's a faded poster."

  • "Five new positions available at the mines. Housing and other provisions are included upon hiring. First come, first serve."

  • I bet that's because people died.

  • Oh boy...

  • "Dusty shelves."

  • There's nothing but dusty shelves all through here.

  • Hello. What do we have here

  • "A page with faded ink."

  • "Able to provide power to all robots and machinery in the area via a large electromagnetic field. Maintenance efforts are quite high, as expected."

  • "We have provided customized backup cells for the few most important robots. Their electromagnetic fields are much weaker, and the signals are highly specific."

  • "In other words, these small cells can only charge one single-"

  • Probably one single time

  • "There are a lot of small, glowing shrimp swimming in the jar."

  • Interesting.

  • "Some sort a small machine. I wonder what it does?"

  • "I can feel my hair standing up a little..."

  • So that's probably providing power.

  • "It's a big machine! It doesn't seem to be doing anything, though..."

  • "There's a rectangle-shaped hole in the middle. Looks like something used to fit in here..."

  • I bet that's what those- one of those- uh- rechargeable batteries fits in there. That's what they were talking about before.

  • Nothing but dusty shelves.

  • So, I've got to find a battery. Maybe I can take it out of here?

  • Maybe I can take the power out of there.

  • Nope. Okay, I'm going to move on- try to find something else.

  • Man... the mines of the barren.

  • Hello, What is this?

  • Uhh, I don't like this

  • "Robot sitting on a conveyor belt. " No power...

  • Robot, okay. "Just doesn't have power"

  • Man, none of these things have power. Everything just ran out. Like when the light goes out, I guess everything just stops.

  • Makes you wonder what has- what's going to happen when our sun runs out

  • "...Press used to crush metal." Maybe a recycling plant of some-sort or an assembly plant.

  • "...Robot... beyond repair..."

  • What's that sound?

  • Ohh, it's still working. I don't know why

  • Hello, can I stomp you?

  • "Why.. Would you want to smash a bottle here, Markiplier?"

  • "The shards would get everywhere."

  • Well I could smash the light bulb...

  • "...Markiplier!"

  • "I am NOT going to put the sun here."

  • Oh Ok, haha I just got an achievement: Chaotic Evil.

  • Good for me!

  • All righty then, didn't mean to do that.

  • Alright so there's gotta be some sort of metal piece that I can crush in that thing.

  • Just not the bottle or the bulb.

  • 'Cause that would be...

  • That would be reckless, and probably kill EVERYBODY in this entire world and I don't want to do that.

  • Oh, hello.


  • That must be where the shrimp go.

  • Those tracks seem a lil wonky.

  • No, nothing there.

  • Where does that lead?

  • I don't even know where I'm going, I don't even know if there's a place that I'm supposed to be going!

  • All I know is that I'm going.

  • "Although the poisonous gas is highly localized to the vent zones, Barren workers were still recommended to wear gas masks."

  • "These gas masks were mandatory around active vent sites, of course."

  • "As more and more of the workforce got replaced by robots, we found ourselves with a surplus of abandoned gas masks."

  • "It seemed like a waste to get rid of them all, so we kept a few for emergencies."

  • Alright, good to know...

  • I guess.

  • So does that mean that there's going to be gas masks that I might need in the future?

  • I-I I don't know.

  • Oh wait, there's something over there

  • Helloo, what do we have here?

  • 'A metal safe. Seems like it's locked with a 6-digit code.'

  • Nah, ain't got nothin'

  • Alright nah that wasn't it

  • I KNOW, my guidance has led you astray

  • I'm sorry i'm not all-knowing

  • Man, where am I going? Why is this just a labyrinth of mazes?

  • 'xxxxxx with the mining operations going smoothly,'

  • 'materials are no longer our limiting factor.'

  • 'We will be able to build more resilient robots, both in body and mind.'

  • 'Specifically, the discovery of metal alloy 291'

  • 'will likely allow the development of highly efficient circuitry.'

  • Okay good thing for metal alloy 291 then I guess.

  • To what end? Y'know?

  • Like to what end?

  • Why did the light go out in the first place?

  • Who put it out?

  • Did someone put it out or did it just burn out?

  • Why is their sun just a light bulb?

  • Woah, hello.

  • "A robot. No power just like the rest."

  • I'm in a field of clovers?

  • Wait, what is that? What is that?

  • Oh, is that like a shovel digger thing?

  • Yeah...

  • Weird...

  • Where am I going?

  • Hello- hi- who are you?

  • "The light bulb..."

  • "So, are you the messiah?"

  • "That's what I've been told."

  • "I expected someone... taller."

  • That's what I hear every time I walk in the room!

  • "Or at least someone who doesn't look like a kitten."

  • "That's what you are right? Some sort of cat?"

  • "Nu-uh! I'm a person!"

  • "You've got the eyes of a cat..."

  • "But cats walk on four legs!"

  • "Well. either way... A child like you being the messiah.. just doesn't feel right."

  • "But that robot back there says there's no mistake..."

  • "I know."

  • *sigh* "This is going to sound cold but..."

  • "I honestly think you are better off just... leaving and letting the world die naturally."

  • "The world has been falling apart for a long time."

  • "This manner of decay.. its highly unprobable that the sun can fix it."

  • "You've already seen how bad it can get, right?"

  • "We haven't seen much of anything, actually..

  • And we can't really just leave."

  • "Oh, so you just got here?

  • Then you must be headed towards the tower."

  • "Mhm, that's where I'm supposed to put the light bulb.. err sun, isn't it?"

  • "Yes. At the very top."

  • "We know that the tower contains a force that nobody could comprehend,

  • and the power is strongest at the summit."

  • "Maybe it will send you back home after you complete your mission."

  • "Oh!"

  • "Don't take my word for it, though."

  • Alright well what should I do then? alright

  • thanks for talking to me

  • Sorry for intruding on your house

  • "Dear Silver, I heard the news about the mines."

  • "I'm sorry.. I can't imagine what you're feeling."

  • "It's been two weeks.. I know it must be hard"

  • "but maybe its better that you came back.."

  • "it's only a matter of time before the robots are recalled."

  • "At least let me know you got my message, okay? -Kip."

  • Wow.. "Please do not touch that."

  • "Sorry... I got curious.. What is this thing?"

  • "Back-up power cell. It keeps me functional."

  • "The main generator for the Barrens ran out of power some time ago."

  • "It could not even last a week without the sun."

  • "Sorry to hear that..."

  • "All we can do is make use of the light we have."

  • Really?

  • "reading descriptions onscreen*

  • "... it's a screwdriver."

  • "You can take it if you want. It may help you."

  • "Are you sure?"

  • "Yes. I have many."

  • "Thank you!"

  • So i got a screwdriver YAY!

  • Maybe I can crush it in the metal crusher.

  • *reading descriptions*

  • Huh, that's so weird.

  • "What's inside the tower?"

  • "I don't know. Nobody's ever entered it before."

  • "At least, nobody history knows."

  • "Then.. Who built it?"

  • "Built? As far as anyone can tell, it's been there since the beginning of time."

  • "I know someone who wanted to study it before, but..."

  • "Oh?"

  • "He never told me if it went anywhere."

  • ...Oh. Did he die?

  • *reading more descriptions*

  • "I haven't played chess with anyone for a very long time."

  • "Not even... With the other robots?"

  • "No. Nobody in the Barrens have that capacity in their programming."

  • "Nobody here is tamed, for that matter."

  • What is taming?

  • Is that... Is that person a robot?

  • *quietly reading descriptions of items*

  • Well, I'm guessing a robot wouldn't need comfort.

  • "Do you need any further assistance?"

  • "We're good, thanks!"

  • Don't speak for me, Niko!

  • I want to ask questions! Okay.

  • Well, I got a screwdriver.

  • I guess I could head back.

  • I have a feeling, like I missed a lot of stuff back there,

  • so I might as well take this and reconvene,

  • But... I'm so confused about this world.

  • Like, what does it entail?

  • What's happening here? And like, it's so weird...

  • 'Cause... It's acknowledging that I'M literally helping!

  • To do something in this world. I don't even know what, but I'm doing SOMETHING.

  • "Markiplier, there something in ther air here... It hurts to breathe."

  • Ah, we need a GAS MASK for that!

  • Me and my DIVINE KNOWLEDGE gleaned something from a note that you may have missed about a surplus of gas masks.

  • MAYBE you wanna go find that.

  • But first, there's a note over here on this twisty, windy road...

  • And then I'll...

  • Never mind. I guess I already got that one. I must have got that one.

  • I think...? I don't even remember where I've been on this windy road.

  • Aw, this is just a dead-end! Well, dammit!

  • Markiplier should have known about that! Markiplier apologizes for oversight.

  • Markiplier should have a better memory about these things.

  • Okay, yeah. I've been here...

  • Maybe I could use the jar, or like, the bottle that I have...

  • Now just take that, try to scoop up some? Nah.

  • 'Cause I imagine that's full of shrimp,

  • and the only source of light that they have are these weird glowing shrimp.

  • And that's literally all they have for solar energy.

  • Besides the tower, and this SUN that I'm holding in my hands.

  • Which is such a weird concept to think about.

  • Why is that tower there? Why does that tower only run...

  • with this light bulb?

  • And where did I come from to make it happen?

  • And where do I, the person, the player, fall into all this?

  • like what does it mean? Why is it all here?

  • like what's my purpose here?

  • Oh hello.

  • Oh that's where I came from

  • So what's

  • the rest of it?

  • Is there anything even over here?

  • Apparently the answer is yes!

  • Okay

  • The answer is yes!

  • I don't know where I'm going but

  • Alright.

  • Man...

  • 00:29:05,180 --> 00:29:07,020 So is there still more light

  • as you go towards the center?

  • *reading descriptions still*

  • Well I got some metal to smash!

  • Imma smash it up!

  • "I'm a little tired from walking. Is it alright if I take a nap?"

  • Yeah go ahead

  • Go for it!

  • Oooh my god!

  • Whaa?? The game just closed...

  • I'm tryna load it back up...

  • It's not working...

  • Why is it not working?

  • Load..

  • Load please...

  • Load the game!

  • Okay!

  • Hello.

  • Hi...

  • Ohh

  • Hello...

  • Oh it's beautiful!

  • Hi!

  • "Markiplier? Are you still there?"

  • Yes! I am here.

  • I was worried for a moment...

  • "Ah. I'm awake. I had a dream just now."

  • I saw--

  • *laughs* I was watching!

  • "You did? Wow!"

  • "I... I really thought I was back home..."

  • "Oh. the sun back in my home world isn't a light bulb. It's a big ball of fire in the sky!"

  • "I don't think I would be able to hold it like I do with the sun from your word."

  • This isn't my world.

  • "Huh?"

  • This isn't the world I live in.

  • "Really?... ah, I guess not. If you're the god of this world you wouldn't necessarily be in it."

  • "What's you're home called?"

  • That's a secret!--

  • No! It's called Earth!

  • "Like the stuff on the ground? Wait, do you live underground?"

  • Yeah-sorr-lif-say-s NO!

  • "Ah, neither do we! but shrews and field mice and stuff do."

  • "Do your world have a sun?

  • *reading options*

  • Why wouldn't I be able to tell Niko that?

  • What would happen if I lied to him?

  • I'm not mentally prepared for these choices!

  • "Really? Wow! Can you hold it?"

  • No! "That was a silly question, wasn't it..."

  • Yeah! Very silly.

  • "The sun in my home world is very bright. Warm too! You saw, right?"

  • "But it goes away sometimes, at night. Everything gets dark, kinda like how this world is now."

  • "But it's okay because the sun always comes back the next day. That's good, don't you think?"

  • Yeah. My world is like that too.

  • "Ah! Do you sleep during the night?"

  • "We go to sleep, usually. But some people stay up and use computers!"

  • I wouldn't know anything about that!

  • I'm very productive and sleep...fulled

  • "I don't have to explain what they are, do I? there's a bunch of them on this world!"

  • "Anyway, we should probably get going..."

  • Ohh, okay!?

  • I GUESS?

  • Mannn, Ahh! So cool!!

  • God, that's cool!

  • How freaking cool ?!!

  • UGhh, that's cool!

  • I like it already but I know,

  • I know I'm going to find some way, to mess this up

  • and I really don't want to. I want to play this so carefully.

  • Cuz I'm, I'm willing to bet I'm only reminded of the game 'You Only Have One Chance

  • to save the world from that disease that you made, that killed your whole family'

  • You remember that game that I played a while back? Oh, man...

  • I wasn't prepared for that one either.

  • But I'm gonna do my best here, I really am so

  • Let me know what you think of this game down in the comments below

  • Ahh, try not to spoil it for anybody else,

  • Uh, just keep in mind, there's a lot of new experiences coming out of this and I'm

  • I'm really excited to see this. I really am excited to see this.

  • Cuz this is something special and I can already tell it's gonna blow my mind right now

  • Cuz ohh, it already is. I'm the god of this world and yet I'm so scared.

  • So thank you everybody so much for watching, let me know down in the comments below

  • and as always I will see you in the next video. Bye-Bye !

  • ...

  • *Markimoo reads screen*

  • Proceed? ... Sure....

  • Oh my god...Oh no! Did I just kill Niko?!?

  • Ahhh god! I have no idea!


  • Ok, alright. I'm assuming everything's okay.

  • Ahh, AHHH,

  • Ok...I'm fine. I'm fine. Bye

Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome to OneShot


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你只有一次機會 - 一拍即合 - 第一部分 (YOU ONLY HAVE ONE CHANCE | OneShot - Part 1)

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    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日