字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 At 7:50 a.m.. On the morning of August the 9th 1945 早上7點50分1945年8月9日上午 air-raid sirens began to ring out in the Japanese city of Nagasaki 日本長崎市的防空警報開始響起。 However a short while later the sirens rang out again 然而不一會兒,警笛聲又響了起來 Indicating that there was no danger and people began to climb out of their shelters to carry on about their daily business 表明沒有危險,人們開始爬出避難所,繼續做日常的工作 Japanese spotters had only cited two us AAF b-29 bombers 日本間諜只提到了兩架美國空軍的B-29轟炸機。 Not enough for an air raid on a major city and presumed, they were merely on a reconnaissance mission. 不夠空襲一座大城市,估計,他們只是在執行偵察任務。 At 1101 hours a single bomb was dropped into the city's industrial area 11時1分,一枚炸彈被投進該市工業區。 the bomb detonated with the equivalent force of 22,000 sticks of TNT 炸彈爆炸的威力相當於22,000根TNT炸藥 Which resulted in a blast so bright that was seen by observers over a hundred miles away. 爆炸的結果是如此明亮,以至於一百多英里外的觀察者都看到了。 the fireball generated temperatures in excess of three thousand nine hundred degrees centigrade and 火球產生的溫度超過了三千九百攝氏度,而且還在不斷地增加。 Generated winds of up to six hundred miles per hour that added to the destruction 產生了高達每小時六百英里的風,加劇了破壞。 exact figures are unclear, but at least 具體數字不詳,但至少 129 thousand people were either killed on the day, or would die in the weeks and even years that followed 12.9萬人要麼在當天被殺,要麼在隨後的幾周甚至幾年內死亡。 six days after this attack 六天後 Japan surrendered to the Allies 日本向盟軍投降 Bringing to a close the most destructive conflict ever recorded 結束了有史以來最具破壞性的衝突。 that ended with the first two and so far only nuclear attacks in history 歷史上唯一的一次核攻擊,以前兩次也是迄今為止唯一的一次核攻擊而告終 It was the Second World War 那是第二次世界大戰 It's impossible to disect the causes of the second world war 第二次世界大戰的原因是無法剖析的 without discussing the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany and its leader, Adolf Hitler 而不討論德國納粹黨的崛起及其領袖阿道夫-希特勒。 Hitler was himself of Austrian birth, but he fought in the German army during the first world war 希特勒本人是奧地利出生,但他在第一次世界大戰期間參加了德國軍隊的戰鬥 When the war ended with Germany's humiliation Hitler felt especially bitter about it 當戰爭以德國的屈辱而結束時,希特勒對此感到特別痛苦 unlike many in Europe he feared communism spreading beyond the borders of 與許多歐洲人不同,他擔心共產主義會蔓延到歐洲以外的地方。 post-revolutionary Russia 革命後的俄羅斯 In 1919 a year after the end of the war he joined a new and little-known political group 戰爭結束一年後的1919年,他加入了一個新的、鮮為人知的政治團體。 called the German Workers Party and used his great ability as a speaker to stir up crowds and gain support a 稱為德國工人黨,並利用他作為一個演講者的強大能力來煽動人群,並獲得支持a Year later the party was renamed the National Socialist, German Workers Party 年後該黨改名為國家社會主義德國工人黨。 more commonly known by its English abbreviation Nazi 納粹分子 In 1921 Hitler rose to become leader of the party and again using his magnetic personality he continued to garner more and more support 1921年,希特勒上升為黨的領袖,他再次利用自己的磁性人格,不斷獲得更多的支持。 Until 1923 the Nazis were confident enough to attempt a coup in Munich and seize power 直到1923年,納粹有足夠的信心在慕尼黑髮動政變,奪取政權。 Known as the Beer Hall Putsch the effort failed and Hitler was arrested before being put on trial, but this only furthered the Nazi cause 被稱為 "啤酒館政變 "的努力失敗了,希特勒在受審前被逮捕,但這只是進一步推動了納粹的事業。 Hitler used the trial to gain even more supporters and despite him spending a year in prison in which he wrote his autobiography Mein Kampf 希特勒利用這次審判獲得了更多的支持者,儘管他在監獄裡呆了一年,在這一年裡他寫了自傳《我的奮鬥》。 The Nazis continued to establish themselves in German politics 納粹黨繼續在德國政治中確立自己的地位。 Mein Kampf not only outlined his own story, but it also set about establishing his vision for the future of the German people and 我的奮鬥》不僅勾勒出他自己的故事,而且還確立了他對德國人民未來的願景和 how he believed subversive groups were holding them back from achieving their destiny through measures such as the Treaty of Versailles 他認為顛覆集團如何通過《凡爾賽條約》等措施阻礙他們實現自己的命運。 Which outlined Germany's surrender terms 其中概述了德國的投降條件 He specifically identified Jews and communists as being leaders of this great international 他特別指出猶太人和共產黨人是這個偉大的國際組織的領導人。 Conspiracy to keep the German people down after the war 陰謀使德國人民在戰後被打倒。 Highlighting the harsh conditions imposed on the country by the victorious Allies 強調戰勝國盟軍對該國施加的苛刻條件; 4. Such as the dissolution of Germany's Empire and armed forces 如德意志帝國和武裝力量的解體。 The loss of territory to newly created countries in the East and France in the West and having to pray crippling war reparations 東邊新成立的國家和西邊的法國失去了領土,不得不祈求殘缺的戰爭賠償。 the book effectively became the Nazi Bible 這本書實際上成了納粹的聖經 by 由 1933 the Nazi Party had secured enough political support, but Hitler legally became Chancellor of Germany 1933年納粹黨獲得了足夠的政治支持,但希特勒在法律上成為了德國總理。 He quickly began passing legislation that would transform Germany into Nazi Germany and the swastika would symbolize this 他很快就開始通過立法,將德國變成納粹德國,而 "卍 "字將象徵著這一點。 reinvigorated country 重振國力 the prosecution of Jews Gypsies and political opponents soon became government policy as 對猶太人、吉普賽人和政治反對派的起訴很快就成為政府的政策。 Hitler began preparing Nazi Germany to attain what he saw as his destiny cantered around the concept of the Aryan race 希特勒開始準備讓納粹德國實現他認為的命運,圍繞著雅利安人種的概念展開。 With himself as the undisputed leader the Fuehrer 以他自己為無可爭議的領袖,元首。 History records that the Second World War began in 1939 史料記載,第二次世界大戰開始於1939年。 However some historians now argue that it began in 1931 with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in China 然而現在有的歷史學家認為,它始於1931年日本對中國滿洲的侵略。 The Japanese deliberately detonated a bomb by Chinese railway line used by Japanese 日本人在中國鐵路旁故意引爆日軍使用的炸彈。 citizens in order to blame it on Chinese dissidents 歸罪於中國異見者。 This was then used as a pretext to invade the country and Japan would occupy the land there until liberated by the Allies in 1945 然後以此為藉口入侵該國,日本將佔領那裡的土地,直到1945年盟軍解放。 Japanese occupation of Chinese territory was extraordinarily harsh 日軍對中國領土的佔領異常慘烈。 Rape and murder were widespread and often encouraged by the Japanese leadership 強姦和謀殺非常普遍,而且經常受到日本領導人的鼓勵。 While at Pingfang in northeast China a military research unit was set up with a special mission 在中國東北平房時,成立了一個軍事研究組織、部門,擔負著特殊的使命。 designated unit 731 指定組織、部門 731 thousands of Chinese civilians were used in nightmarish medical experiments to develop biological and chemical weapons 數以千計的中國平民被用於噩夢般的醫學實驗,以發展生物和化學武器。 As well as carry out experimental surgeries often without anesthesia for fear of corrupting the data 以及進行實驗性手術時往往不需要麻醉,因為害怕破壞數據。 In 1922 Benito Mussolini and his national fascist party rose to power in Italy 1922年,貝尼託-墨索里尼和他的國家法西斯黨在意大利上臺。 Very soon he began reshaping the Democratic political landscape of the country, into a dictatorship counted around himself 很快,他就開始重塑國家的民主政治格局,變成了一個以他自己為中心的獨裁政權。 Mussolini like Hitler in Germany 墨索里尼 Believed his country had a destiny and wanted to build a new Roman Empire 相信自己的國家是有命運的,想建立一個新的羅馬帝國。 beginning with a massive buildup of his armed forces 大興土木 he was not afraid to use them and prove this when he sent his forces into Abyssinia modern-day Ethiopia in 他不懼怕使用它們,並證明了這一點,當他在2009年派兵進入阿比西尼亞(今衣索匹亞)的時候,他就開始使用它們。 1935 to start the construction of his new empire in Africa 1935年,開始在非洲建立他的新帝國。 If Manchuria can be considered the first battle friend of World War two then Abyssinia was the second 如果說滿洲可以算是第二次世界大戰的第一個戰友,那麼阿比西尼亞就是第二個戰友。 As the 1930s grew on Hitler's Nazi Party became firmly embedded 隨著20世紀30年代的發展,希特勒的納粹黨變得根深蒂固。 Not just in German politics but into German society on a whole 不僅僅是在德國政治中,而是進入整個德國社會中 The German people had much to thank the Nazi Party for since they had pulled the country after the disparate feat and reinvigorated it 德國人民要感謝納粹黨,因為他們在異樣的壯舉之後,拉動了國家的發展,使國家重新煥發了活力。 Promising that Germany would soon be attaining its destiny of becoming a great power again 承諾德國將很快實現其再次成為大國的命運。 Hitler's appeal and influence was not lost on foreign observers 希特勒的吸引力和影響力對外國觀察家來說並不陌生 Many of whom admired him and even began to sympathize with the Treaty of Germany after the war 其中很多人都很佩服他,甚至在戰後開始同情德國條約 Proof of this was given when Hitler became Time Magazine's Man of the Year 當希特勒成為《時代》雜誌的年度風雲人物時,就證明了這一點。 This played perfectly into Hitler's hands as he began making notions of regaining lost territory in the east and west of the country 這對希特勒起到了完美的作用,他開始做出收復我國東西部失地的設想。 The first test of how the Allied powers of Britain and France would respond to his new Germany came in 1935 英法聯軍如何應對新德國的第一次考驗是在1935年。 When Hitler introduced military conscription which saw the German armed forces swell many times beyond the number permitted by the Treaty of Versailles 當希特勒實行徵兵制時,德國武裝部隊的人數比《凡爾賽條約》允許的人數膨脹了許多倍。 But the Allies did nothing 但盟軍什麼也沒做 Encouraged by this he then ordered his troops into the Rhineland in 1936 在此鼓勵下,他又於1936年命令部隊進入萊茵地區 the Rhineland had been demilitarized in 萊茵蘭地區已實現非軍事化。 1925 1925 In order to create a safety zone for France 為了給法國建立一個安全區 Who along with Belgium had occupied it for a time due to Germany's inability to pay war reparations 由於德國無力支付戰爭賠款,他和比利時曾一度佔領了它。 Hitler had given secret orders to his men that should they encounter French military resistance 希特勒給他的部下下達了密令 如果他們遇到法國的軍事抵抗 They were to retreat because Germany was still in no condition to fight a war 他們要撤退,因為德國仍然不具備打仗的條件。 Despite protests by France had the Legion of Nations the precursor to modern-day UN again. They did nothing 儘管法國提出抗議,但國際軍團又成了現代聯合國的前身。他們什麼也沒做 In 1937 British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin stood down and was succeeded by Neville Chamberlain 1937年,英國首相斯坦利-鮑德溫下臺,由內維爾-張伯倫接任。 Meanwhile Germany continued to rearm and now set their sights on reclaiming the German state land 與此同時,德國繼續重整軍備,現在他們的目標是奪回德國國土 Which had been absorbed into Czechoslovakia after the war at 戰後被捷克斯洛伐克吞併,並於2007年12月1日被納入捷克斯洛伐克。 The same time Hitler looked to his own birth country of Austria to become a part of his new Germany 同時希特勒也希望自己的出生國奧地利能成為他新德國的一部分。 Although this was again forbidden by the Versailles Treaty 雖然《凡爾賽條約》再次禁止這樣做。 Austria and Germany had long had an almost symbiotic relationship and both countries people view the other as cousins 長期以來,奧地利和德國幾乎是共生關係,兩國人民都把對方視為表親 Austria even had its own Nazi Party and in January 1938 奧地利甚至有自己的納粹黨,1938年1月。 they attempted their own purge much like Hitler had tried in 1923 the 他們試圖進行自己的清洗,就像希特勒在1923年嘗試的那樣。 purge failed and many leading Austrian Nazis were imprisoned 肅反失敗,許多奧地利納粹頭目被關進了監獄 Hitler's propaganda machine went to work creating a false impression that Austrians were rising up in support of their imprisoned Nazis and 希特勒的宣傳機器開始工作了 製造了一個錯誤的印象,即奧地利人正在起義支持他們被監禁的納粹分子和 so on March the 12th 所以在三月十二日 1938 1938 German troops entered Austrian territory on the pretense of restoring order 德軍以恢復秩序為名進入奧地利境內。 Within weeks the Austrian government was gone, and the country was absorbed into Germany as the province of Ostmark 幾周之內,奧地利政府就消失了,這個國家被吸收到德國,成為奧斯特馬克省。 a vote on joining Germany claims that 99% of the population 在加入德國的投票中,聲稱99%的人口都在投票 Supported the move which was known as Anschluss 支持被稱為Anschluss的行動。 Having secured his home nation under greater Germany 他的祖國在大德國的統治下得到了保障 Hitler declared himself as the advocate of all ethnic Germans in Europe and 希特勒宣稱自己是歐洲所有德意志族人的代言人,並。 primarily of those in sedate inland 主要是內陸沉澱地區的人 making clear his intention to absorb the region into Germany a 清楚地表明他打算將該地區併入德國。 Diplomatic crisis was sparked when just like in Austria a sedate inland Nazi Party rose armed and began demanding autonomy from 就像在奧地利一樣,一個沉穩的內陸納粹黨武裝起來,開始要求自治,引發了外交危機。 Czechoslovakia 捷克斯洛伐克 the Czech government tried to negotiate with the sedating Germans while a series of meetings were held between Germany Britain and France to 捷克政府試圖與鎮靜的德國人進行談判,同時德國、英國和法國之間舉行了一系列會議,以確保捷克政府的安全。 reach an agreement on the crisis 達成危機協議 Culminating in the Munich Agreement, which effectively gave a free hand to Germany's ambitions 最終在慕尼黑協議中,該協議有效地給德國的野心提供了自由之手。 No Czech, representative was present 捷克代表未出席 First Hitler took the Sudetenland and then in January 1939 希特勒先是佔領了蘇臺德地區,然後在1939年1月又佔領了蘇臺德地區 He invaded and captured the rest of Czechoslovakia in his first act of truly open aggression towards a neighbor 他入侵併佔領了捷克斯洛伐克的其餘部分,這是他第一次真正公開侵略一個鄰國的行為。 The conquest of Czechoslovakia raised concerns with the mighty Soviet Union which was in the grip of the paranoid Joseph Stalin 對捷克斯洛伐克的征服引起了強大的蘇聯的關注,它被偏執的約瑟夫-斯大林所控制。 Hitler had written in Mein Kampf that having to fight a war on two fronts was one of the reasons the Kaiser's Germany was defeated 希特勒在《我的奮鬥》中寫道,不得不在兩條戰線上打仗是德皇的德國被打敗的原因之一。 And so having already antagonized London and Paris 所以在已經與倫敦和巴黎對立之後 He was far more careful with Moscow and began a diplomatic effort with the Soviet Union to keep them out of events in the West 他對莫斯科更加小心翼翼,並開始與蘇聯進行外交努力,不讓他們參與西方的事件。 in 在 August 1939 1939年8月 German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop met with his German counterpart 德國外長約阿希姆-馮-裡賓特洛甫會見了德國同行。 Vyacheslav Molotov in Moscow 維亞切斯拉夫-莫洛托夫在莫斯科 Where the two of them effectively divided up Eastern Europe into two on 在那裡,他們兩人有效地將東歐一分為二,在上 The promise that neither would interfere with the other in those areas 承諾雙方都不干涉對方在這些領域的工作; The Soviet Union had its own interests in Poland and Finland and so was happy to abide by this agreement 蘇聯在波蘭和芬蘭有自己的利益,所以很樂意遵守這個協議。 even though Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were ideological enemies 儘管納粹德國和蘇聯在意識形態上是敵對的,但是 Despite this period of cooperation many fouled that it wouldn't last 儘管這段時間的合作,許多人都擔心它不會持續下去。 But with Russia at bay Hitler ordered his troops into Poland on September the 1st 但由於俄國被牽制住了,希特勒在9月1日命令他的部隊進入波蘭。 1939 1939 The invasion of Poland was the final straw for Britain and France 入侵波蘭是英法兩國的最後一根稻草 there was no justification for the invasion other than to simply capture territory from a foreign land and 除了簡單地從異國他鄉奪取領土之外,沒有任何入侵的理由。 so Britain and France delivered an ultimatum to Hitler 於是英法兩國向希特勒下達了最後通牒 Withdraw his troops, or there would be war 撤軍,否則就會發生戰爭 The demand was refused and on September the 3rd Neville Chamberlain told the British people they were at war with Germany 這個要求被拒絕了 9月3日,內維爾-張伯倫告訴英國人民,他們正在與德國開戰。 unless we heard from them by 除非我們從他們那裡聽到 11 o'clock 十一點鐘 That they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland a state of war 他們準備立即從波蘭撤出他們的軍隊,這是戰爭狀態。 Would exist between us I? 我們之間會存在I? Have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received and that 現在不得不告訴你,沒有收到這樣的承諾,而且...。 Consequently this country is at war with Germany 是以,這個國家與德國開戰了 Some of Germany's more cautious generals had warned Hitler that the country was not yet ready for a second massive European confrontation 德國的一些比較謹慎的將軍曾警告希特勒,德國還沒有準備好進行第二次大規模的歐洲對峙 Germany's rearmament plans predicted war with Britain and France breaking out in 1945 德國的重整軍備計劃預示著1945年與英國和法國的戰爭將爆發。 By which time they would have their own aircraft carrier large u-boat fleets and powerful tank forces 屆時他們將擁有自己的航空母艦 大型U型潛艇艦隊和強大的坦克部隊。 the generals therefore concocted their blitzkrieg style of war 諸將是以炮製出閃電戰的戰法 Blitzkrieg meant lightning war and called for the widespread use of tanks and aircraft to break through enemy 閃電戰意味著閃電戰,並要求廣泛使用坦克和飛機來突破敵人的防線 Formations to capture a key strategic areas and divide enemy forces up to make them easy to destroy 形成攻佔關鍵戰略區域的陣型,將敵軍分割開來,使其易於被消滅 Above all it was intended to achieve a quick victory rather than a drawn-out war of attrition which Germany could not afford it 最重要的是,它的目的是為了迅速取得勝利,而不是德國無法承受的一場曠日持久的消耗戰。 Was first used in Poland and the Polish army proved totally inadequate for this new form of warfare in 首次在波蘭使用,而事實證明,波蘭軍隊完全不適合這種新形式的戰爭,在波蘭的戰爭中,波蘭軍隊的戰鬥力是很強的。 Less than a month the Polish army was annihilated and the German army the viewmarq 不到一個月,波蘭軍隊就被消滅了,德國軍隊也被消滅了。 Began consolidating their positions in western Poland as the Soviet Union invaded the east of the country on 在蘇聯入侵波蘭東部時,開始鞏固其在波蘭西部的陣地。 September the 17th as von Ribbentrop had agreed to and was something that was all but ignored by Britain and France who? 馮-裡賓特洛甫約定的9月17日,而且是被英法全盤忽略的事情,誰? concentrated on Germany 集中在德國 Poland ceased to exist as a free country on October the 6th 1939 and 1939年10月6日,波蘭作為一個自由國家不復存在。 Nazi Germany now shared a land border with the Communist Soviet Union 納粹德國現在與蘇聯共產黨的陸地邊界相接。 Britain and Frances declaration of war on Germany sends shockwaves across Europe that were felt politically but appear to do very little ounce 英國和弗蘭西斯對德國宣戰,給整個歐洲帶來了衝擊波,在政治上是有感覺的,但似乎沒有什麼作用 Belgium Holland and Norway joined a chorus of European voices declaring themselves neutral in the fighting 比利時、荷蘭和挪威加入了歐洲的大合唱,宣佈在戰鬥中保持中立。 But in fact this seemed to be very little fighting at all in 但事實上這似乎根本就沒有什麼戰鬥力,在。 Terms of helping defend Poland Britain and France could do very little and instead they prepared for when Hitler would charge West 在幫助保衛波蘭的條件下 英國和法國能做的事情很少 相反,他們為希特勒什麼時候向西邊進攻做了準備。 This was the start of the phoney war a period with both sides seemed to be doing everything 這是一場虛假戰爭的開始 雙方似乎都在做著一切的事情 They would normally do in a war except all-out warfare 他們在戰爭中通常會做的事情,除了全面戰爭之外。 the French mobilized their armed forces and sent them to the border while Britain created the British Expeditionary Force or 法國動員他們的武裝力量,並將其派往邊境,而英國則建立了英國遠征軍,即 BEF to be sent to France to support them BEF將被派往法國支持他們。 Mirroring how the country went to war in 1914 反映了1914年國家是如何參戰的。 at sea German u-boats and surface Raiders did sink unprotected merchant ships 在海上,德國的U型潛艇和水面突擊隊確實擊沉了沒有保護的商船。 While in the air British aircraft made attacks on German shipping or conducted leaflet drops over the Ruhr region 在空中時,英國飛機對德國航運進行了攻擊,或在魯爾地區上空投放傳單。 During one such leaflet dropping mission on September the 9th a formation of RAF Whitley bombers 在9月9日的一次這樣的傳單投放任務中,英國皇家空軍惠特利轟炸機編隊 Strayed into Belgian airspace and were attacked by Belgian Fighters 誤入比利時領空,遭到比利時戰鬥機的攻擊。 This forced one of them to land and they lost two aircrafts to British defensive fire 這迫使其中一架飛機降落,他們在英國人的防禦火力下損失了兩架飛機。 However in the South Atlantic a drama was about to unfold that would become a naval legend 然而在南大西洋,一場將成為海軍傳奇的戲劇即將上演。 The German pocket battleship Graf Spee was attacking British merchant ships capturing their cruise and then sinking them 德國袖珍戰列艦 "格拉夫-斯佩 "號正在攻擊英國商船 俘虜他們的巡航,然後將其擊沉。 The crews were then put on the Graf Spee support ship the Altmark for returning to Germany 隊員們隨後被送上 "阿爾特馬克 "號支援船,返回德國。 three British cruisers met German ship in the battle and 三艘英軍巡洋艦在戰鬥中與德軍艦艇相遇,並 Managed to inflict enough damage to force the German battleship to put into neutral, Montevideo 給德國戰艦造成了足夠的傷害,迫使其進入中立狀態,蒙得維的亞。 modern-day Uruguay for repairs 現代烏拉圭修理廠 while there the British began flooding local media sources 而在那裡,英國人開始充斥著當地的媒體資源。 That a huge British Armada was assembling to destroy the pocket battleship when it left port 當袖珍戰列艦離開港口時,一支龐大的英國艦隊正在集結,準備摧毀它。 The German captain learned of this and believing the situation was hopeless he scuttled his mighty warship 德國艦長得知後,認為形勢無望,便將其強大的戰艦擊沉了。 in reality there was no Armada, but the deception meant potentially thousands of sailors lives were saved a 實際上並沒有什麼艦隊, 但這個騙局意味著成千上萬的水手的生命被挽救了。 Few weeks later British special forces raided the Altmark and rescued a number of captured merchant crews 幾周後,英國特種部隊突襲了 "阿爾特馬克 "號,解救了一些被俘的商船船員。 Everyone knew the phony war couldn't last forever, and it would only be a matter of time before Hitler struck west of France 每個人都知道這場虛假的戰爭不可能永遠持續下去,希特勒打到法國西部是遲早的事 In the meantime Britain and France decided to embark on a campaign in Norway then a neutral country 與此同時,英國和法國決定在當時的中立國挪威展開一場戰役。 but one that along with Sweden helped supply Germany with vital iron all the 但它和瑞典一起幫助德國提供了重要的鐵。 eyes mined 挖眼 Norwegian harbors from where German ships operated which provoked Hitler to send his forces in on April the 9th to secure them 挪威港口是德國船隻活動的地方,希特勒在4月9日派他的部隊進入挪威港口以確保它們的安全。 The battle for Norway would last until June a 10th by which time France and Britain had long retreated 挪威戰役將持續到6月10日,那時法國和英國早已撤退了。 Leaving the country to its feint 把國家留給它的佯攻 The disaster in Norway forced Chamberlain to stand down as Prime Minister on May the 10th and 挪威的災難迫使張伯倫於5月10日辭去首相一職,並且 After Lord Halifax refused the post it was offered to Winston Churchill 在哈利法克斯勳爵拒絕後,這個職位被提供給了溫斯頓-丘吉爾。 Who as a First Lord of the Admiralty was still basking in the success of the Graf Spee operatiom 作為海軍上將,誰還沉浸在 "格拉夫-斯佩 "行動的成功中呢? Churchill was something of a surprise having more friends than enemies in the establishment Bert was a popular figure amongst the people 丘吉爾是個驚喜,他在體制內的朋友比敵人多,伯特是個受歡迎的人物。 He would eventually form a new government made up of members of the main political parties 他最終將組建一個由主要政黨成員組成的新政府。 But in doing so effectively suspended British democracy for the foreseeable future 但這樣做實際上是在可預見的未來中止了英國的民主制度。 He told the British people rather bluntly that he had nothing to offer them but blood toil tears and sweat 他相當直白地告訴英國人民,除了血淚和汗水,他沒有任何東西可以提供給他們。 Across the channel the French had been preparing for another war against Germany for over a decade 在海峽對岸,法國人已經準備對德國的另一場戰爭超過十年了 By constructing the Maginot Line a series of turf fortifications along the border with Germany 通過在與德國的邊境地區修建馬奇諾防線,構築了一系列草皮工事。 It was designed and constructed in the belief that the war would be reminiscent of the static nature of World War one 它的設計和建造相信會讓人聯想到第一次世界大戰的靜止性 But it was fundamentally flawed 但它有根本性的缺陷 It only went as far as north of the Belgian border and despite popular belief at the time 它只走到比利時邊境以北,儘管當時人們普遍認為 It was not a continuous fortification 它不是一個連續的防禦工事 Having several gaps where it was believed that nature obstacles such as forests and Hills would provide protection 有幾個缺口,相信森林和山丘等自然障礙物會提供保護; It consumed huge amounts of men and resources 它消耗了大量的人力和資源 Leaving some to worry the French were putting all their eggs into one basket as far as defence was concerned 讓一些人擔心法國人把所有的雞蛋都放在一個籃子裡,就防守而言。 Hitler looked at the situation and immediately saw what had to be done 希特勒看了看形勢,馬上就明白了要做的事 He was simply going to bypass it by going through Belgium, Holland 他只是打算繞過比利時、荷蘭 Like the Kaiser before him in 1914 就像1914年的德皇一樣。 He paid little interest Belgium's or anyone else's declaration of neutrality if it served his purpose on 他對比利時或其他任何人的中立宣言都不感興趣,如果這對他的目的有幫助的話。 May the 10th 1940 Germany struck west quickly over running Belgium Luxembourg and the Netherlands and 1940年5月10日,德國向西迅速出擊,佔領了比利時、盧森堡和荷蘭,並將其打成了一片。 Turning inwards to the heart of France 向內走到法國的中心地帶 All the Maginot Line had achieved was to swell the fighting in the neighboring countries and effectively hand even more of Europe to Hitler 馬奇諾防線所取得的一切成果就是擴大了周邊國家的戰事,實際上把更多的歐洲交給了希特勒。 The Germans flooded France making good use of their tanks and air forces despite being outnumbered on paper 德國人淹沒了法國 儘管紙面上的人數超過了他們的坦克和空軍,但他們還是很好地利用了他們的力量 Indeed Germans tank forces were in many ways 事實上德國人的坦克部隊在很多方面 technologically inferior to the Allies in 1940 but the Germans had far superior tactics in 在1940年,德國人在技術上不如盟軍,但德國人在戰術上遠勝於盟軍。 the end the British and French found themselves heavily outclassed by the vaunted German Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter and 英國和法國發現他們自己在很大程度上被德國梅塞施米特Bf109戰鬥機和德國的Bf109戰鬥機所取代。 sustained heavy losses but 損失慘重,但 It would be another German plane that would gain notoriety during the Battle of France 這將是另一架在法國戰役中名聲大噪的德國飛機。 The Ju 87 Stuka was a famed dive bomber, but could attacked Tanks and Bridges with extraordinary accuracy and potency Ju 87 Stuka是一種著名的俯衝轟炸機,但能以非凡的精度和威力攻擊坦克和橋樑。 striking terror into ground units 驚動地面部隊 Later the aircraft would be fitted with a siren ears wings that would create a terrifying howl when entered a dive 後來,飛機將安裝一個海妖耳翼,當進入俯衝時,會產生可怕的嚎叫聲。 Making it as much as a psychological weapon as a bomber 使其成為和轟炸機一樣的心理武器。 To compound problems for the allies the quick German succession and the failure of the Maginot Line 對盟軍來說,更復雜的問題是德國人的快速繼承和馬奇諾防線的失敗。 To keep Hitler's forces at bay saw French morale in particular suffer terribly 為了阻擋希特勒的部隊,法國人的士氣尤其受到了極大的影響。 Despite spirited resistance by the French army and the British Expeditionary Force a sense of defeatism quickly overwhelmed them 儘管法國陸軍和英國遠征軍進行了激烈的抵抗,但失敗主義的意識很快就淹沒了他們 It soon became apparent that France would fall and 很快,法國顯然會淪陷,而且 So in Britain plans began to be drawn up to evacuate the BEF back to the British mainland 於是在英國開始制定計劃,將BEF撤回英國本土。 So they could defend Britain from what now seemed like an inevitable invasion 這樣他們就可以保護英國免受現在看來不可避免的入侵了。 dubbed Operation Dynamo a huge armada of fishing boats pleasure crafts and even row boats were assembled on the southeast coast of England 被稱為 "迪納摩行動 "的一支由漁船、遊艇甚至划艇組成的龐大艦隊在英國東南海岸集結完畢 to make the trip across the channel to Dunkirk with the remnants of the BEF and 帶著BEF的殘餘部隊渡過海峽前往敦刻爾克。 elements of the surviving French and Belgian armies were assembling in 殘存的法國和比利時軍隊的成員正在集結在這裡。 This small pocket of French coastline the British and French troops at Dunkirk were surrounded by German troops and waited for either rescue 這個法國海岸線上的小口袋 英法軍隊在敦刻爾克被德軍包圍,等待救援的是 capture or death 俘虜或死亡 Hitler wanted to send his troops to wipe them out once and for all but the head of the German Luftwaffe Hermann Goering 希特勒想派兵將他們一網打盡,但德國德國空軍的首腦赫爾曼-戈林 Convinced him that the air force which had so far proved almost unstoppable could smash them on the beaches with fewer losses to German forces 使他相信到目前為止已被證明幾乎不可阻擋的空軍可以在海灘上以較少的德軍損失粉碎他們的進攻 Goering hoped that by doing this he would gain favour with Hitler over some of his rivals within a Nazi High Command 戈林希望,通過這樣做,他將獲得希特勒的青睞,而不是他在納粹最高指揮部內的一些競爭對手。 The evacuation began on May the 27th 5月27日開始撤離。 1940 with the fleet of little boats bearing down on the beaches to take men out awaiting British warships the 1940年,隨著小船隊在海灘上俯衝而下,把人帶出海灘,等待英國軍艦的到來。 German Luftwaffe launched a fierce aerial bombardment and inflicted painful losses on the British 德國空軍展開了猛烈的空中轟炸,給英國人造成了慘重的損失。 However for the first time in war the superiority of the Luftwaffe was finally challenged 然而德國空軍的優勢終於在戰爭中第一次受到了挑戰。 Since Dunkirk was in range of Fighters flying from Britain itself 因為敦刻爾克在從英國本土飛來的戰鬥機的航程內。 The sea and sky thus became a brutal killing field until the evacuation ended nearly a week later on June the 4th 於是,海天一色成了殘酷的殺戮場,直到近一週後的6月4日撤離結束為止 By which time a staggering three hundred and thirty-eight thousand men had been rescued 到那時,已經救出了驚人的33萬8千人。 The evacuation was seen as a victory for Britain, but those in the offices of power knew the truth 撤離被視為英國的勝利, 但那些掌權的人知道事實的真相 The defeat in France had not only cost the relatively small British Army sixty-eight thousand men 在法國的失敗不僅讓規模相對較小的英軍損失了六萬八千人 But it had lost huge amounts of equipment such as artillery tanks and other assorted vehicles. That would be vital in repelling a German invasion 但它損失了大量的裝備,如火炮坦克和其他各種車輛。這對於擊退德國人的入侵是至關重要的 Churchill warned against the optimistic mood after Dunkirk noting that Wars were not won by evacuations in 丘吉爾在敦刻爾克事件後對樂觀情緒提出了警告,指出戰爭不是靠撤離來贏得的。 The wake of the success of the evacuation a tragedy would occur that has been largely glossed over by history 撤僑成功後,會發生一場被歷史掩蓋的悲劇。 When the British ocean liner the RMS Lancastrian attempted to escape the French port of San Nazaire 當英國遠洋輪船 "蘭卡斯特里安號 "試圖逃離法國的聖納澤爾港時。 The liner was taking part in operation Arial, which aimed to evacuate British nationals from France 這艘郵輪參加了 "Arial "行動,該行動旨在從法國撤離英國國民。 When a 10 Minister for on June the 17th it was bombed by German aircraft 6月17日,當一個10部長的時候,它被德國飛機轟炸了。 Exact numbers of how many men women and children were on board is unknown because in the chaos of the evacuation 船上有多少男女老少的確切數字不得而知,因為在疏散的混亂中。 People were crammed into every available space 人們擠在每一個可用的空間裡 But it's estimated that between 3 and 6 thousand people were killed making it the worst maritime disaster in British history 但據估計,有3千到6千人遇難,成為英國曆史上最嚴重的海難。 To put this into perspective the most conservative estimates put the death toll as being twice that of the Titanic the 最保守的估計是,死亡人數是泰坦尼克號的兩倍。 disaster was quickly covered up for fear of damaging national morale On 災難很快就被掩蓋了,怕影響國家士氣 On June the 10th 1940 Mussolini waded in on the side of Nazi Germany declaring war on Britain and France 1940年6月10日 墨索里尼站在納粹德國一邊向英法宣戰。 although Italian forces would play only a token part in the fight for France On June 25th 1940 儘管意大利軍隊在對法國的戰鬥中只是象徵性地發揮了作用。 After just 46 days of fighting Hitler's troops achieved. What the Kaiser had failed to do in four years by defeating and occupying France 經過短短46天的戰鬥,希特勒的部隊實現了。德皇在四年中未能做到的事情,打敗並佔領了法國。 France was not wholly occupied by Germany, but instead the country was split in two 法國並沒有被德國完全佔領,而是被一分為二。 With Germany occupying the northern half and the South being ruled by the Vichy French government who were essentially German puppets 德國佔領了北半部,而南方則由維希法國政府統治,他們基本上是德國的傀儡。 the French surrender also gave Churchill concerns that France's fleet would be absorbed into Germans Navy and 法國的投降也讓丘吉爾擔心法國的艦隊會被吸收到德國海軍中去,並被吸收到德國海軍中去 Used to try and blockade Britain in one of the most controversial acts during the war on July the 3rd 在7月3日的戰爭中最有爭議的行為之一,用來試圖封鎖英國。 He ordered the Royal Navy to demand the French warships atmail Kerber in french algeria to surrender to them 他命令皇家海軍要求法國在法屬阿爾及爾的梅爾-克爾伯號戰艦向他們投降。 And when they refused the Royal Navy bombarded them with shall fire killing 當他們拒絕時,皇家海軍就用淺火轟炸他們,殺死他們。 1297 French soldiers and sinking or damaging 8 ships 1297名法國阿兵哥,擊沉或損壞8艘船隻 With France dully suppressed Hitler was now concerned with what to do with Britain 在法國被打壓的情況下,希特勒現在關心的是如何處理英國的問題。 It wasn't in his favor to destroy them as he believed that would only hand her Empire to the Americans who were becoming increasingly 摧毀他們對他並不有利,因為他認為這隻會把她的帝國交給越來越多的美國人。 Hostile to him after Poland 敵視他的波蘭後 Believing Britain was spent after the fall of France he sued for peace 他認為英國在法國滅亡後已被耗盡,於是他請求和平。 But Churchill refused even though. He knew Britain's chances of repelling a full German invasion was slim at best 但丘吉爾還是拒絕了他知道英國擊退德國人全面入侵的機會充其量也是微乎其微的 Hitler therefore ordered his generals to draw up plans for operation sea lion the invasion of Britain 是以,希特勒命令他的將軍們制定了入侵英國的海獅行動計劃 At the same time Germany along with Mussolini's Italy met with representatives of Japan to begin negotiations 同時,德國與墨索里尼的意大利一起與日本代表會面,開始談判。 For an alliance that was meant to counter the United States 對於一個旨在對抗美國的聯盟來說 this ultimately culminated in the tripod pact signed on September the 27th 1940 and 這最終導致了1940年9月27日簽署的《三國演義》,並且 Saw the birth of WOD history now remembers as the Axis forces 看到了WOD的誕生,歷史上現在回憶起來,軸心國軍隊的誕生 Unlike Germany's previous military endeavours the invasion of Britain had a serious obstacle in the way namely the English Channel 與德國以往的軍事行動不同,入侵英國有一個嚴重的障礙,即英吉利海峽。 Hitler's military leadership agreed that it would only be possible to cross the channel in the summer 希特勒的軍事領導層同意,只有在夏季才有可能渡過海峽。 Since the weather during the autumn and winter months would be too poor to cross safely 由於秋冬季節天氣太差,無法安全穿越 First however you would have to destroy Britain's air force 不過首先你要摧毀英國的空軍。 Otherwise his troops would be sitting ducks to British aircraft as they sat in their invasion barges during the crossings 否則他的部隊將成為英國飛機的坐騎 當他們坐在他們的入侵駁船上時 他們將成為英國飛機的坐騎 As Germany made their invasion preparations Churchill readied the country to do what to be done to defend themselves 在德國進行入侵準備時 丘吉爾準備好了國家要做的自衛工作 Declassified documents 解密文件 Show just how far he was prepared to go to repeal Hitler's forces should they land in Britain 顯示出如果希特勒的部隊在英國登陸,他準備走多遠去廢除他們的部隊。 He ordered that British forces would use chemical and even biological weapons at any German landing zone in Britain 他下令,英國軍隊將在英國的任何一個德國登陸區使用化學甚至生物武器 Frequently saying that is our country and we can do what we want to defend it on 經常說那是我們的國家,我們可以做我們想做的事情來保衛它,在。 July the 10th 1940 the German Luftwaffe began their offensive to destroy the RAF 1940年7月10日,德國空軍開始了他們的進攻,以摧毀皇家空軍。 It was the start of the Battle of Britain and German confidence was still high after their swift defeat of Poland and Western Europe 這是不列顛之戰的開始,德國人在迅速擊敗波蘭和西歐之後,信心依然很足。 However unlike much of the fighting in Europe the Luftwaffe now had to be content with a well-organized and highly integrated air defense Network 然而與歐洲的大部分戰鬥不同的是,德國空軍現在不得不滿足於一個組織嚴密、高度統一的防空網絡。 Centered around the re s fighting command led by Sir Hugh Dowding 圍繞著休-道丁爵士所上司的重新戰鬥指揮部展開 They were equipped with two of the best fighter aircraft in the world at the time 他們裝備了兩架當時世界上最好的戰鬥機。 Namely the Hawker hurricane and the more advanced Supermarine Spitfire 也就是霍克颶風和更先進的超馬林噴火戰機。 Fighter commands ranks also swelled with an influx of British Commonwealth French Dutch polish and even American pilots 戰鬥機指揮部的隊伍也隨著英聯邦法國荷蘭波蘭甚至美國飛行員的湧入而膨脹起來 volunteering to fight with them 自告奮勇 Many of whom already had combat experience during the battles for their own countries 他們中的許多人在為自己國家的戰鬥中已經有了戰鬥經驗。 Over the coming weeks the RAF would rise to face the overwhelming German aircraft 在接下來的幾周裡,英國皇家空軍將面對壓倒性的德國飛機而奮起直追 But they were suffering for it as the Luftwaffe blasted their airfields in an effort to destroy their support infrastructure 但他們正在為此而受苦,因為德國空軍轟炸了他們的機場,試圖摧毀他們的支持基礎設施 on August 13 to 1940 so many German aircraft attacked Britain 1940年8月13日,許多德國飛機襲擊了英國。 But Churchill was warned that the invasion was finally under way 但丘吉爾被警告說入侵終於開始了 but despite a great deal of damage being done the RAF was still holding out against the Germans who were joined by the 但儘管造成了巨大的損失 皇家空軍仍在抵抗德國人的進攻 他們加入了德國空軍的行列... ... contingents of Italian aircraft 意大利飛機特遣隊 By September Fighter Command was at its weakest point in terms of men and machines 到了9月,戰鬥機司令部在人員和機器方面已經到了最薄弱的時候了 But then British fighter production ramped up to the point where it outstripped Lawson's a newly trained pilots began to join the fight 但後來英國戰鬥機的產量增加到了超過勞森的程度 一個新訓練的飛行員開始加入戰鬥 However the damage to the airfields was proving more problematic 然而,事實證明,對機場的破壞更成問題。 Hitler on the other hand was unaware that the RAF was once again growing in strength and 而希特勒卻不知道,英國皇家空軍的實力再次增長,而且。 Was taught by Goering that it was barely able to put any aircraft into the air 被戈林教導說,它幾乎無法將任何飛機投入空中。 after British bombers hit targets in Berlin in response to an accidental bombing by German aircrafts of London 在英國轟炸機因德國飛機誤炸倫敦而擊中柏林目標之後 Hitler decided to order his bombers to turn their attention away from the airfields in order to devastate London and other British cities 希特勒決定命令他的轟炸機將他們的注意力從機場轉移到其他地方,以便摧毀倫敦和其他英國的城市。 His belief was that British morale would be so shaken by these terror attacks, that the country would collapse 他認為英國人的士氣會因為這些恐怖襲擊而大受打擊,以至於國家會崩潰 Forcing Churchill to surrender thus making an armed invasion 迫使丘吉爾投降,從而進行武裝入侵。 unnecessary 非必要 It was a colossal mistake 這是一個巨大的錯誤 Fighter Command effectively rebuilt and reorganized itself and by the time Hitler realized his mistake the summer was coming to an end 戰鬥機司令部有效地進行了重建和重組,而當希特勒意識到他的錯誤時,夏天即將結束了 The weather was worsening RAF Fighter Command was still a potent threat 天氣越來越差 皇家空軍戰鬥機司令部仍然是一個有力的威脅 And the country's defenses had been built up to where it was no longer practical to invade 而國家的防禦體系已經建立起來,入侵已經不現實了 While the Germans had successfully captured the British Channel Islands Britain herself was spared 雖然德國人已經成功地佔領了英吉利海峽群島 英國自己也未能倖免於難。 Just as it had been in the first world war 就像在第一次世界大戰中一樣。 The outbreak of war in Europe again saw the fighting spill over into the territories 歐洲戰爭的爆發,戰火再次蔓延到了境內 But European imperial powers held control of elsewhere around the world 但歐洲帝國主義列強卻控制了世界上其他地方。 Britain and France held territory across Africa, which Italy's Mussolini eyed jealously and 英國和法國擁有橫跨非洲的領土,意大利的墨索里尼對其虎視眈眈,並對其虎視眈眈。 When Italy declared war on Britain and France in support of Germany it 當意大利為支持德國而向英法宣戰時,它 Gave him the opportunity to invade those territories from Italian possessions 讓他有機會從意大利屬地入侵這些領土。 Such as Ethiopia Somaliland and most significantly Libya which bordered British Egypt 如衣索匹亞、索馬里蘭和最重要的與英屬埃及接壤的利比亞。 Egypt was vital to British interests because of the Suez Canal 埃及對英國的利益至關重要,因為蘇伊士運河。 Which linked Britain to its Far East possessions such as Hong Kong and India as well as the oil-rich Middle? 這將英國與香港、印度等遠東屬地以及石油資源豐富的中? East which both sides desperately needed access to on 雙方都急需進入的東面。 September 13th 九月十三日 1948 a lien forces launched an invasion in Egypt 1948年某聯軍入侵埃及 with Britain herself still preparing for an invasion it was left to the small contingent of British and Commonwealth troops stationed there to 由於英國自己仍在為入侵做準備,所以只能由駐紮在那裡的一小部分英國和英聯邦部隊來完成這一任務 Defend the large border against the numerically superior Italians 保衛大邊境,抵禦數量上的意大利人。 At first the Italians made good progress eventually capturing the important airfield at Sidi Bharani 起初,意大利人取得了良好的進展,最終佔領了西迪巴拉尼的重要機場 However when Hitler forced to cancel the invasion of Britain fresh troops and equipment 然而當希特勒被迫取消對英國的入侵時,新的部隊和設備。 Began to be mobilized for North Africa under the command of Lieutenant General Sir Richard, O'Connor 在奧康納中將理查德爵士的指揮下,開始向北非動員。 firstly however 不過首先 They would have to make the Paradis sea voyage down the North Atlantic and into the Mediterranean 他們將不得不進行帕拉迪斯號的海上航行,沿著北大西洋進入地中海。 Where the Italian fleet was still the dominant air force after Frances surrender 在弗蘭西斯投降後,意大利艦隊仍然是主導性的空軍。 Heavily outnumbered the British concocted a daring plan to attack the Italian fleet while it was still moored in Port Toronto 寡不敵眾的英國人制定了一個大膽的計劃,當意大利艦隊還停泊在多倫多港的時候,就對其發動攻擊。 Using obsolete Fairey swordfish biplane bombers on the night of November the 11th 11月11日晚,使用過時的 "飛魚 "雙翼轟炸機。 1940 the force of swordfish bombers took off from HMS Illustrious and caught the Italians completely by surprise 1940年 箭魚轟炸機部隊從英國皇家海軍 "畫像號 "上起飛 打了意大利人一個措手不及。 the attack inflicted severe damage on a large number of the Italians capital ships 攻擊對意大利人的大量軍艦造成了嚴重的破壞。 taking them out of the war for several months in order to be repaired and 使它們退出戰爭幾個月,以便進行修理和。 their severely hampering Italy's efforts to disrupt supplies to North Africa 破壞意大利對北非的供應的努力的嚴重阻礙。 Unfortunately the British still had to contend with air and submarine attacks 不幸的是,英國人仍然不得不面對空中和潛艇的攻擊 the task of expelling Italian forces from Egypt seemed immense in the late 1914 and 在1914年末,將意大利軍隊從埃及驅逐出去的任務顯得非常艱鉅。 Yet, the newly arrived British forces managed to achieve just that 然而,新到達的英軍卻成功地實現了這一目標 the British retook Sidi Bahrani and by January the 3rd 1941 were already pushing forward into Libya in 英國人重新奪回了西迪-巴赫拉尼,並在1941年1月3日已經向利比亞挺進,在這一過程中,英國人還在不斷地努力。 Two months a British force comprising of just two whole divisions had advanced 500 miles 兩個月後一支僅由兩個整師組成的英國部隊已經前進了500英里。 destroyed 10 Italian divisions and taken 摧毀了10個意大利師,奪取了 130,000 prisoners as well as capturing over a thousand tanks and artillery pieces 俘虜130,000人,並繳獲了一千多輛坦克和大炮。 Operating from Italy the German Luftwaffe began supporting the Italian operations from the air 德國空軍從意大利開始行動,從空中支援意大利的行動。 But things on the ground continue to go badly for the Italians with British forces 但地面上的事情對意大利人來說繼續很糟糕,英國部隊 capturing the strategic port of Tobruk on January the 22nd 1月22日攻佔託布魯克戰略要塞 Confident of Italian defeat Churchill began his plans for helping to defend Greece and the Balkans from a joint German and Italian invasion 丘吉爾對意大利的失敗充滿信心,開始了他幫助保衛希臘和巴爾幹地區免受德國和意大利聯合入侵的計劃 However Germany decided to send two of its own divisions to help shore up Italian forces in North Africa 然而德國決定派遣自己的兩個師去幫助支援北非的意大利軍隊。 Which would form the nucleus of its Africa core under the command of Aaron Rommel 在亞倫-隆美爾的指揮下,這將構成其非洲核心。 Rommel was a gifted leader and tactician who understood tank warfare better than most generals in 1941 隆美爾是一位天才的領袖和戰術家,他比1941年的大多數將軍都更瞭解坦克戰。 The plans of North Africa were ideal for tank combat and Rommel"s influence was almost immediately felt 北非的計劃是坦克作戰的理想選擇,隆美爾的影響幾乎是立刻就能感受到的。 He attacked El Agheila on March 24, and then pushed east across Libya back towards Egypt 3月24日,他襲擊了阿蓋拉,然後向東推進,越過利比亞回到埃及。 However, he failed to retake Tobruk and instead laid siege to British garrison there, which held out for a staggering 240 days 然而,他未能奪回託布魯克,而是圍困了那裡的英國駐軍,英國駐軍在那裡堅持了240天之久。 Providing a severe thorn in the side of the Axis forces and tying up resources 為軸心國軍隊提供了一根嚴重的刺,並佔用了資源。 on 關於 April the 14th British and Commonwealth forces had been pushed back to the border and had even captured General Connor and his replacement 4月14日 英軍和英聯邦部隊已經被逼退到邊境,甚至俘虜了康納將軍和他的替代者。 General Neem 一般楝樹 but Rommels forces were struggling with the logistic problems, which Hitler feared the British could take advantage of 但羅明斯的部隊正在努力解決後勤問題, 而希特勒擔心英國人可能會利用這個問題 Fuel was such a concern for the Germans that they began efforts to steal it from the British 燃料是德國人如此關注的問題,以至於他們開始努力從英國人那裡偷取燃料。 Which resulted in British troops referring to their fuel cans as jerrycans 這導致英軍把他們的燃料罐稱為 "偷工減料罐"。 By May Rommel was forced to halt his advance at hellfire pass in egypt while he resupplied his forces under 到了5月,隆美爾被迫在埃及的地獄火關口停止了他的前進,同時他在他的部隊下進行補給。 General Wavell the british did indeed counterattack in June hoping to cut off Rommel's supplies and force him to surrender 韋維爾將軍 英國人確實在6月進行了反擊 希望切斷隆美爾的補給,迫使他投降。 but Rommel outmaneuvered him and the attack failed as 但是隆美爾比他更聰明,進攻失敗了,因為 the year went on the British became obsessed with killing Rommel had earned the nickname desert fox and 一年過去了,英國人開始痴迷於殺死隆美爾贏得了 "沙漠之狐 "的綽號,並且... ... Even send a commando raid to assassinate him which ultimately failed 甚至派突擊隊去刺殺他,結果失敗了 For the next few months the battle lines fluctuated 在接下來的幾個月裡,戰線起伏不定。 But Rommel's logistical problems continued to hold him back and worsened when Hitler began to focus more on other fronts 但隆美爾的後勤問題繼續阻礙著他,當希特勒開始把更多的精力放在其他戰線上時,問題就更加嚴重了。 With Hitler being forced to call off operation Sea Lion in 1940 隨著希特勒在1940年被迫叫停 "海獅行動 The Germans recognized that their window to invade Britain had closed, and it would now be impractical to attempt another invasion 德國人認識到他們入侵英國的窗口已經關閉, 而現在試圖再次入侵將是不切實際的了 Britain was becoming fortress Britain and so Hitler turned to a medieval method of warfare the siege 英國正在成為英國的堡壘,所以希特勒轉而採用中世紀的戰法--攻城掠地 Hitler knew that Britain relied extremely heavily on war supplies material and even food coming from her empire and North America 希特勒知道英國極度依賴來自其帝國和北美的戰爭物資材料甚至是糧食。 Therefore he turned to his navy the creeks marina and tasked them to cut off this vital supply 是以,他向他的海軍求助於小溪碼頭,並責成他們切斷這一重要的供應。 The Royal Navy was still the most powerful surface fleet in the world in 英國皇家海軍仍然是世界上最強大的水面艦隊,在。 1940 and while Germany had advanced warships like the Tirpitz and Bismarck 1940年,當德國擁有 "提爾皮茨 "號和 "俾斯麥 "號等先進戰艦時 They couldn't hope to meet the Royal Navy in a pitched battle like the Kaiser's fleet had in World War one 他們不可能像德皇的艦隊在第一次世界大戰中那樣,希望在尖銳的戰鬥中與皇家海軍交手。 without being overwhelmed by British numbers 不被英國人壓倒 Therefore the German Navy used their new boat to besiege Britain the kaisers u-boats had proved how vulnerable 是以德國海軍用他們的新船來圍攻英國 凱澤斯的U型潛艇已經證明了它的脆弱之處 Britain was to such a weapon, but it seems Britain had learned very little from this during the interwar years 英國是這樣的武器,但似乎英國在戰爭間歇期從中學到的東西很少。 Tactics to combat the u-boats had changed very little and new technologies such as ASDIC an early form of sonar 對付U型潛艇的戰術變化不大,而新的技術,如ASDIC,一種早期的聲納形式。 Had yet to take prevalence in the fleet meaning the main method to detect a u-boat was to spot it on the surface 在艦隊中還沒有普及,這意味著發現U型潛艇的主要方法是在水面上發現它。 Recharging its batteries or when using its periscope 為電池充電或使用潛望鏡時。 Aircraft was seen as ideal platforms for this, but RAF Coastal Command had aircraft inadequate for the job at the start of the war 飛機被認為是理想的平臺,但在戰爭開始時,英國皇家空軍海岸司令部的飛機不足以勝任這項工作。 Lacking range and weaponry, but also having to rely solely on the air crews eyes for detection 缺少射程和武器,還只能依靠空勤人員的眼睛來探測 meanwhile the Royal Navy began organizing merchant ships into convoys in order to provide them protection and 與此同時,皇家海軍開始將商船組織成護航船隊,以便為他們提供保護,同時也為他們提供更多的機會。 Also began taking on trawlers from Britain's fishing fleets and arming them to hunt u-boats 還開始對英國漁船隊的拖網漁船進行攻擊,並將其武裝起來,以獵殺U型船。 Nevertheless the u-boats began to inflict painful losses on Britain while efforts to destroy them at sea met with mixed success 儘管如此,U型潛艇開始給英國造成慘重的損失,而在海上摧毀U型潛艇的努力也取得了不同程度的成功。 as did RAF Bomber commands efforts to bomb the u-boats yards in France and Norway 就像英國皇家空軍轟炸機司令部轟炸法國和挪威的U型潛艇船塢一樣。 Churchill would later admit that the u-boats were the only thing that truly scared him during the war 丘吉爾後來承認,在戰爭期間,U型潛艇是唯一真正讓他害怕的東西 However the u-boats needed help in locating the convoys and so the Luftwaffe used long-range Condor patrol aircraft 然而,U型潛艇需要幫助找到護航船隊的位置,所以德國空軍使用了遠程 "禿鷹 "巡邏機。 to organize the u-boat attacks 組織U型潛艇攻擊 Realizing this Britain began looking of ways of destroying these aircraft 意識到這一點的英國開始尋找銷燬這些飛機的方法。 they weren't enough aircraft carriers in the Royal Navy during the early years to protect every convoy and 早年皇家海軍的航空母艦不足以保護每一個護航隊和 So they came up with a novel solution 於是他們想出了一個新穎的解決方案 catapult merchantman or cam ships 彈射商船 These were merchant ships equipped with a catapult to launch a single Hawker hurricane or ferry form a fighter 這些商船配備了彈射器,可以發射單架霍克颶風或渡輪,形成戰鬥機。 To attack the Condors when they were sighted it was a one-way mission there being no way to recover the aircraft 在禿鷹被發現時攻擊它們是一個單程任務 沒有辦法收回飛機。 Which had to ditch alongside the convoy with the pilot hoping to be picked up by a passing ship 飛行員不得不在護航隊旁邊拋錨,希望被路過的船接走。 Which made it one of the most dangerous jobs in the war 這使得它成為戰爭中最危險的工作之一。 The urgency to combat the new bones saw the rapid development of technology particularly in the field of radar 迫切需要打擊新的骨子裡,技術尤其是雷達領域的技術得到了快速發展 The u-boats had to ride on the surface to charge their batteries that powered them U型潛艇必須在海面上航行,為它們的電池充電。 And this was often carried out under the safety of night 而這往往是在夜晚安全的情況下進行的。 However radar had been used to combat night bomber raids and was now being trialed against u-boats on 然而,雷達已被用來對付夜間轟炸機的突襲,現在正在對U型潛艇進行試驗,以打擊U型潛艇. December the 22nd 1941 a u-boat was sunk by a Royal Navy plane on the surface under the cover of darkness 1941年12月22日 一艘U型潛艇在黑暗的掩護下被英國海軍的飛機擊沉了。 From that point on you boats could be attacked anytime anywhere 從那時候開始,你們的船就可以隨時隨地被攻擊了 The situation was made worse for the u-boats by the addition of new 由於增加了新的U型船,情況變得更糟。 longer-ranged aircraft equipment with radar which left fewer and fewer places for them to hide 帶雷達的較遠距離的飛機設備,使他們的藏身之處越來越少。 At the same time Mussolini's Italy opened the North African campaign 同時墨索里尼的意大利開啟了北非戰役 His troops also opened up another front this time against Greece 他的部隊也開闢了另一條戰線,這次是針對希臘的。 Mussolini felt he was playing second fiddle to Hitler in Europe and wanted to establish himself as an equal 墨索里尼覺得他在歐洲是希特勒的二把手,他想建立自己的平等地位。 He viewed Greece as an easy target and began putting pressure on the country's own facet like dictator 他認為希臘是一個容易的目標,並開始像獨裁者一樣對希臘自己的方面施加壓力。 Ioannis Metaxas on August 15th 1940 an Italian submarine sank the Greek warship Elli Ioannis Metaxas 1940年8月15日 意大利潛艇擊沉了希臘戰艦Elli號 Italian troops finally attacked on October the 28th 1914 but like in North Africa they were beaten back despite the odds 意大利軍隊終於在1914年10月28日發動了進攻,但就像在北非一樣,儘管困難重重,他們還是被擊退了。 seemingly being in their favor 似乎對他們有利 the Italian attack pushed Greece closer to Britain who had desperate for allies after the fall of Western Europe 意大利的進攻使希臘與英國走得更近,英國在西歐衰落後急需盟友。 This in turn made Hitler take an interest in Greece 這又使希特勒對希臘產生了興趣。 And he had his General Staff start drawing up plans for his own troops to once again come to the aid of the Italians 而他讓他的總參謀部開始制定計劃,讓自己的部隊再次來援助意大利人。 The problem was that Germany had no land border with Greece it being blocked by Yugoslavia and Bulgaria 問題是德國與希臘沒有陸地邊界 它被南斯拉夫和保加利亞封鎖了 Hitler demanded cooperation from both nations to allow his forces to pass through 希特勒要求兩國合作,允許他的部隊通過。 Bulgaria greed and so too Did Yugoslavia both of whom joined the Axis forces 保加利亞貪婪,南斯拉夫也貪婪,他們都加入了軸心國的軍隊。 But public opinion in the latter was strongly anti German leading to a coup against the government and the rejection of any alliance 但後者的民意強烈反德,導致反政府的政變和拒絕任何聯盟。 outraged Hitler ordered that when his troops invaded Greece from Bulgaria on April the 6th 1941 憤怒的希特勒下令,當他的部隊在1941年4月6日從保加利亞入侵希臘時,他的部隊就會在希臘境內。 But they were to concurrently invade Yugoslavia 但他們將同時入侵南斯拉夫。 despite stiff resistance 堅壁清野 Yugoslavia was overrun in just over a week and a half 南斯拉夫在一個半星期內就被佔領了 Two weeks later the Greek surrendered having been overwhelmed by the combined might of the German and Italians 兩週後,希臘人投降了,因為他們被德國人和意大利人的聯合力量壓倒了。 British assistance could do little to repel the invaders and along with the Greek forces. They retreated to the island of Crete 英國的援助對擊退入侵者幾乎無濟於事,隨著希臘軍隊的。他們撤退到克里特島。 consolidating his position on the Greek mainland 鞏固其在希臘本土的地位 Hitler ordered the invasion of Crete to begin on May the 20th and was opened with a massive attack by German paratroopers 5月20日,希特勒下令開始入侵克里特島,並以德國傘兵的大規模進攻為開端 after nearly two weeks of fierce fighting the island fell 鏖戰近兩週,該島淪陷 But while British and observers in Washington were impressed with the effectiveness of a paratrooper invasion launched against them 但是,當英國人和華盛頓的觀察家們對對他們發動的傘兵入侵的有效性印象深刻時 Hitler was appalled at the cost of his forces and never again ordered a large-scale airborne invasion 希特勒對他的部隊所付出的代價感到震驚,再也沒有下令進行大規模的空降入侵了。 Nazi Germany's army seemed unstoppable by mid 1941 and no-one became more convinced of this than Hitler himself 納粹德國的軍隊在1941年中期似乎是不可阻擋的 而沒有人比希特勒本人更相信這一點了 Who after defeating the British on mainland Europe in France and Greece and while Rommel continued pushing them back in North Africa 誰在法國和希臘擊敗了歐洲大陸的英國人,而隆美爾卻在北非繼續把他們逼退。 Decided that it was time to achieve his ultimate goal 決定是時候實現他的最終目標了。 the destruction of the Soviet Union 蘇聯的毀滅 Hitler view the Soviet Union as a way of not only eradicating communism 希特勒認為蘇聯不僅是剷除共產主義的途徑 But of feeding his thousand-year Reich by providing vast areas of agricultural land and vital resources such as oil and metals 但是,通過提供廣闊的農田和重要的資源,如石油和金屬,來養活他的千年帝國。 However, Germany's generals warned the Führer against invading the Soviet Union unless Moscow attacked first 然而,德國的將軍們警告元首不要入侵蘇聯,除非莫斯科首先進攻 Britain herself remained unconquered and worse still was now sending fleets of oh bombers into Europe to attack German industry 英國自己仍然沒有被征服,更糟糕的是,現在正派遣轟炸機艦隊進入歐洲攻擊德國的工業。 Also, the job of defending British and British Commonwealth forces in Africa 另外,保衛英國和英聯邦在非洲的軍隊的工作。 Required the resources Hitler wanted to commit to fighting the Soviet Union they believed 需要希特勒想投入的資源來對抗他們認為的蘇聯。 It was better to send those forces to destroy British resistance in Africa and then seize British possessions in the Middle East 最好是派這些部隊去摧毀英國在非洲的抵抗,然後奪取英國在中東的財產。 Which would afford them oil which would starve Britain offer supplies, and eventually helped force London to surrender 這將為他們提供石油,這將使英國提供的補給餓死,並最終幫助迫使倫敦投降。 But Hitler was impatient 但希特勒很不耐煩 He argued that the German people would not be as supportive for a war on Russia after a few more years of fighting 他認為,德國人民再打幾年,就不會那麼支持對俄戰爭了。 also, he believed the Soviet Army was incompetent after his poor showing against Finland in the winter war of 1939 if 同時,他認為蘇軍在1939年冬季戰爭中對芬蘭的糟糕表現後是無能的,如果說 He waited then the Soviet leadership might learn from their mistakes and become a more credible threat 他在等待 蘇聯領導層可能會從他們的錯誤中吸取教訓 併成為一個更可信的威脅。 Hitler would say we only have to kick in the front door and the whole rotten Russian air defense will come tumbling down 希特勒會說,我們只要一腳踢進前門,整個俄國的防空系統就會轟然倒塌。 He defied his generals and gave the order to attack the Soviet Union 他不顧將士們的反對,下達了進攻蘇聯的命令。 dubbed Operation Barbarossa 巴巴羅薩行動 Germany committed a huge force of troops that included Romanian Finnish and Hungarian units who were by now signed up members of the Axis forces 德國投入了一支龐大的部隊,其中包括羅馬尼亞的芬蘭和匈牙利部隊,他們現在是軸心國部隊的簽約成員。 The attack was launched from occupy polish territory at 0:00 300 hours on Sunday the 22nd of June 6月22日星期日零時30分從波蘭佔領區發動攻擊。 1941 and 1941年和 involved a staggering 3.8 million personnel launched across a 2,900 kilometre front 在2 900公里長的戰線上,發動了380萬名人員,人數之多令人咋舌。 The German forces were arranged in three key army groups north center and south 德軍被安排在北中南三個重要的軍團中 The Soviet Army had warnings that the Germans were massing for an invasion 蘇軍曾發出警告說,德國人正在集結準備入侵 But Stalin refused to believe it in the days after the invasion Stalin retreated into his own mind 但在入侵後的幾天裡,斯大林拒絕相信,斯大林退縮到自己的腦海裡去了 He being unable to comprehend. Just what was happening which left his government 他無法理解究竟發生了什麼,讓他的政府 That was terrified to act against him following his brutal purges unsure what to do 在他的殘酷清洗之後,他不敢對他採取任何行動,不知道該怎麼辦。 The Soviet army sustained incredible losses in the early years of the war while the Soviet Air Force was largely smashed on the ground 蘇聯軍隊在戰爭初期遭受了難以置信的損失,而蘇聯空軍則基本被砸在了地上 The aircraft that did get airborne who often obsolete types or their pilots poorly trained 空降的飛機往往是過時的機型,或者是飛行員訓練不足的機型。 making them easy targets for skilled and experienced German fighter pilots 使得它們很容易成為熟練和有經驗的德國戰鬥機飛行員的目標 The Soviets also had to contend with anti-communist forces conducting sabotage and intelligence-gathering operations from the Germans 蘇聯人還必須對付反共勢力進行破壞和收集德國人情報的行動。 the fighting in the east was particularly brutal 東征西討 Hitler had told his forces that a war against the Soviet Union could not be fought along civilised lines and 希特勒曾告訴他的部隊,對蘇聯的戰爭不可能按照文明的路線進行,而且... ... As such he promised no German would ever be held accountable for his conduct against the enemy in 是以,他承諾,任何德國人都不會因為他在對敵的行為而被追究責任。 A sense they were given a free hand to rape plunder and murder 某種意義上說,他們可以自由地進行強姦、掠奪和謀殺 When Soviet units were overwhelmed many of them surrendered as their command structure collapsed and these soldiers were led into captivity 當蘇軍部隊不堪重負時,由於指揮機構的崩潰,許多人投降了,這些阿兵哥被帶入了俘虜區 Where there was an actual plan in place to starve them to death 有一個實際的計劃,讓他們餓死。 behind the German troops advanced German death squads began murdering so-called undesirables such as Jews 在德軍前進的背後 德國行刑隊開始殺害所謂的不受歡迎的人,如猶太人。 The speed of the German advance took everyone by surprise including the Germans themselves 德國人的推進速度讓所有人都大吃一驚,包括德國人自己在內 The vast areas of land Germany's forces took proved a logistical nightmare and on several occasions 事實證明,德國軍隊佔領的大片土地是後勤的噩夢,有幾次 They lost the initiative as they waited for supplies of food fuel and re armaments to catch up with them 他們失去了主動權,因為他們在等待糧食、燃料和軍備的供應追上他們。 the Germans advanced across eastern Poland Belarus Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Ukraine and into Russia itself 橫掃波蘭東部,白俄羅斯,愛沙尼亞,拉脫維亞,立陶宛,烏克蘭,進入俄國境內。 proving almost unstoppable 勢如破竹 But everyone knew that the biggest obstacle the Germans would have to face was rapidly approaching the Russian winter 但每個人都知道,德國人將不得不面對的最大障礙是迅速逼近俄國人的冬天 By December 1941 the snow was setting in but German troops were on the verge of taking Moscow itself 到了1941年12月,大雪初霽,但德軍已經快要佔領莫斯科了 However, they failed to take the embattled city and their advanced ground to a halt 然而,他們未能攻下這座受困的城市,他們的推進也停滯不前。 The soviet union's leadership meanwhile had relocated their major weapons production 蘇聯的領導層同時將他們的主要武器生產基地轉移到了北京。 Facilities further east out at the range of German bombers which allowed them to build tanks and aircraft unmolested 在德國轟炸機的射程範圍內再往東的設施使他們能夠不受干擾地製造坦克和飛機。 They were also getting supplies from Britain. Thanks to the efforts of the men on the perilous Arctic convoys 他們還從英國獲得補給。由於在危險的北極船隊上的人的努力。 The German army leadership knew the truth even if Hitler remained convinced of Germany's superiority 德軍領導層知道真相,即使希特勒仍然堅信德國的優勢。 They had lost their window of opportunity to destroy the Soviet Union quickly 他們已經失去了迅速摧毀蘇聯的機會之窗。 Now the Soviets were engaged committed and far more prepared for the coming war of attrition than Germany was in 現在,蘇聯人正致力於為即將到來的消耗戰做準備,而且準備得比德國的準備要充分得多 Mein Kampf Hitler had outlined that Germany could not fight a prolonged war on two fronts 我的奮鬥》希特勒曾概述,德國不可能在兩條戰線上打持久戰。 Yet at the end of 1941 he was effectively committed to three fronts 然而在1941年年底,他實際上已經投入到三條戰線上了 Britain in the West British Commonwealth forces in North Africa and now the Soviet Union in the East and 英國在西方的英聯邦軍隊在北非和現在的蘇聯在東方和。 while the snow fell on German soldiers in Russia ill-equipped for winter warfare they whirled away in the tropical climate of Hawaii a 當雪落在俄國的德國阿兵哥身上時,他們不具備冬季戰爭的裝備,他們在夏威夷的熱帶氣候中打著旋兒走了。 Fleet of Japanese ships were closing in on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor 日軍艦隊正在向珍珠港的美國海軍基地逼近。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 德國 希特勒 英國 部隊 法國 入侵 二戰 (The Complete History of the Second World War | World War II Documentary | Part 1) 432 28 louis 發佈於 2018 年 03 月 28 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字