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have you ever dreamed of being a seller on a Porsche do you want to know what
Have you ever dreamed of being a sailor on a warship? 你也有過軍艦夢嗎?
it's like to live on the Navy worship their lives around every corner but have
Do you want to know what it’s like to live on a navy warship? 想知道海軍的船上生活是什麼樣子嗎?
you ever visit to the worship museum on the water
There are museums around every corner, 到處都有博物館
let's visit it together hello everyone its Katey here right now I'm in the
but have you ever visited a warship museum on the water? 但你看過在水上的軍艦博物館嗎?
coolest place in Tainan the dae-jung destroyed museum and now let me
Let’s visit it together! 就讓我們一起來參觀吧
introduce you the manager of this museum mr. Lee welcome him
Hello, everyone. It’s Katie here. 哈囉 大家好 我是 Katie
hi Nene how okay my funny bone which is also a deep American tetanus it's how to
Right now I’m in the coolest place in Tainan, 現在我在全臺南最酷的地方
use the knowledge a 90s artist artists are enormous each of soon to see in
the Deyang Destroyer Museum. 德陽艦驅逐艦展示館
South Africa are 13 Gio she's earning the goodies but I still manage in Taiwan
And now, let me introduce you the manager of this museum, 現在我們歡迎博物館經理
the holy solder youngsters how a fine tatiana fedorova oh let's go
Mr. Li. Welcome him! 歡迎博物館經理 李先生
the boat is divided into five sections this is the main deck where the bow is
Hello, Mr. Li! 嗨 經理你好
located here are five and thirty eight caliber guns triple mark 32 service
Welcome! 歡迎
vessel torpedoes tubes and treble Shinzon first empty ship mussels in the
Can you please tell us about this place? 可以麻煩你介紹一下這個地方嗎?
past these weapons were ro these men firepower in the Taiwan Strait careful
Because it looks like it’s very, very special. 這個地方看起來真的超級有特色
don't break anything next is the captain's cabin
OK. 好的
or we entering we pass through the hole and the watertight door inside there's a
Now I’ll briefly introduce you to the ship. 那我簡單來介紹一下這艘船
table a photo a bag a sofa and an independent bathroom the facility is
Launched in 1945, the boat has a 72-year history. 它在1945年下水服役 已經有72年的歷史了
small but complete the captain could rest easy here you know what's
It’s last “Yang” Series destroyer in Taiwan. 也是臺灣最後一艘的「陽」字號艦
interesting in there the shower room and a toilet they're all separated
Welcome everyone – follow me! 歡迎大家 跟著我走吧
here are stories from history we can look back on the tale 75 years of
OK, let’s go. 好,我們走吧
service these frames hold records of important periods in the ship's past
The boat is divided into five sections. 德陽艦分為五區
from its launch in 1945 to 1977 providing a overview of history in those
This is the main deck, where the bow is located. 這裡是主甲板 也就是艦艏的位置
years this is the picture of our sec on when it was commissioned in the US as
Here are 5/38 caliber guns, triple Mark 32 surface vessel torpedo tubes, 這裡有5吋38倍單管炮、三聯裝Mark32魚雷發射管
the ussr's file in 1957 the United States President Harry asked Sherman for
and triple Hsiung Feng I (HF-1) anti-ship missiles. 三聯裝雄風一型飛彈等作戰武器
the 2tt a37 for a visit in 1972 the USS farce field earned one better start in
In the past, 保留了許多當年臺海主要戰力的武器
1977 the USSR's field was shocked from the US Navy and was transferred to
these weapons were the ROC’s main firepower in the Taiwan Strait. 當年臺海主要戰力的武器
Taiwan it was later reclassified as a DDG 95 I knew it it has its own history
Be careful. Don’t break anything. 小心點 可別弄壞這些武器囉
and right here is all recorded on this wall that's so interesting
Next, is the captain’s cabin. 接著是艦長室
I found a mysterious place this is Morse code the military once used it to send
Before we entering we pass through the hold and a watertight door. 途中會先經過船艙通道和水密門
messages in secret code to avoid discovered by the enemy this is serious
Inside there is a table, a foldaway bed,and a sofa. 裡面有桌子、簡便收納的床、沙發等
how the Morse code machine works
And an independent bathroom. 還有獨立的浴廁
this is the bridge where the captain steered the ship special warship selling
The facility is small but complete. 裡面設備麻雀雖小五臟俱全
instruments are kept here visitors may try the mouse to experience
The captain could rest easy here. 讓艦長可以在這好好休息
the rail of captaining the ship this is a feat that the captain from here you
Wow, you know what’s interesting in there? 哇 你知道這裡面有什麼有趣的東西嗎?
can see creep on bridge if you walk down onto the tag you can take in the beauty
The shower room and the toilet, they’re all separated. 淋浴間和馬桶 是分離式的呢
of MP port a general priest glides over the water for new ripples on the surface
Here are stories from history. 這裡是歷史故事區
in creating a soothing spin here we have the ship's Bell odd numbers mark the
We can look back on the Te Yang’s 72 years of service. 帶我們回顧德陽艦72年的一生
half hour even numbers mark the hour here's the maritime signal platform in
These frames hold records of important periods in the ship’s past, 一個一個相框 記錄著德陽艦的重要階段
wartime wireless communications can be each drop on so flags are used to
from its launch in 1945 從1945年下水服役
transmit messages each movement represents an English letter or Roman
to 1977, providing a overview of ROC naval history in those years. 這是當年德陽艦
numerals okay so that's like the signal bow love
This is the picture of ROCS Te Yang when it was commissioned 至1977年交給中華民國海軍的歷史過程回顧
here I come is the place that we should love drugs here and I think people
in the US as the USS Sarsfield. 於美國下水服役的照片
believe that locks come on each other together and I'm coming one analogy that
In 1957, the United States’ President 1957年美國總統
each story did not everyone of this tell me you're coming here with your lovers
Harry S. Truman boarded the DD-837 for a visit. 杜魯門曾登艦參訪
to get a chance to change your love together whether it is a destroyer that
In 1972, the USS Sarsfield earned one battle star 1972年在東京灣參與越戰
protects Taiwan territorial waters or the lost ship that protects love that is
In 1977, the USS Sarsfield was struck from the US Navy 1977年從美國海軍除役
always sinus treasures fortress next time you're in MV in addition visiting
and was transferred to Taiwan. 移交給我國
amping castle don't forget to stop by timelines only battleship museums
It was later reclassified as a DDG925. 並將其舷號改為DDG925
I knew it! 我懂了