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  • Hoh, here he is.

  • This is the man I wanted you to see.

  • Izzy Mandelbaum.

  • He's eighty years old, but strong as an ox.

  • Watch this.

  • See that?

  • You couldn't do that.

  • I could, but I choose not to.

  • Hey Morty.

  • Who's this?

  • This is my son Jerry, from New York.

  • He thinks he can lift more than Izzy.

  • I..I didn't say that.

  • Hey, Izzy, this kid says he can lift more than you can.

  • Your kid's pretty funny, Morty.

  • Should be a comedian.

  • Actually, I am a comedian.

  • That's not so funny.

  • Think you're better than me, huh?

  • Izzy used to work out with Charles Atlas in the fifties.

  • Eighteen-fifties?

  • Yeah, that's it.

  • It's go time.

  • Let's see you lift that.

  • Mr Mandelbaum, I...

  • C'mon, c'mon.

  • Pump it!

  • Alright.

  • Yeah, wrong attitude.

  • you're not bringing that trash into my house.

  • There.

  • Alright?

  • Step aside, stringbean.

  • I'll show you.

  • I'm gonna take it up a notch.

  • Ah!

  • My back.

  • Ugh.

  • Aaaahh.

  • Somebody, call an ambulance.

  • There's already an ambulance here for Mrs Glickman.

  • There's room for one more.

  • How could you do that to Mr. Mandelbaum?

  • You Should be ashamed of yourself.

  • He egged me on!

  • You should be more mature.

  • He's 80! Ok, tomorrow Jerry and I will visit Izzy and apologize.

  • This is quite a condo.

  • The Mandelbaums own the Magic Pan restaurants.

  • The crepe place?

  • Yeah.

  • This is all big crepe money.

  • There's crepe money?

  • What are you doing here?

  • Aw, Mr Mandelbaum, I just wanted to come by and tell you

  • how sorry I was that you hurt yourself.

  • What the hell is that?

  • What?

  • That shirt.

  • You think that you are the number one dad?

  • This was a gift from my son.

  • Oh, I see how it works now.

  • He knocks me outta commission, so you can strut around in your

  • fancy number one shirt.

  • Well, I'll show you who's number one.

  • Mr Mandelbaum, please.

  • It's go time.

  • Ahh.

  • My back.

  • I can't move.

  • Call an ambulance.

  • Again, Mr Mandelbaum, this back specialist is supposed to be the best.

  • So if there's anything else I can do, please don't hesitate to, uh, try and

  • find my number.

  • Uh, oh, wait.

  • How 'bout that, huh?

  • The World's Greatest Dad.

  • My son made it for me.

  • That's very nice.

  • The best in the world.

  • Which means I'm better than just number one.

  • Well, I don't know how official any of these rankings really are.

  • Hi, son.

  • Hi daddy.

  • This is your son?

  • I got married in high school.

  • Hey, who are you?

  • This is Seinfeld's kid.

  • Oh, you think you're tough, picking on an old man?

  • Maybe you'd like to try taking on somebody your own age.

  • You got any kids?

  • Oh, you think you're better than me?

  • Go ahead, pick out anything in the room here.

  • I'll lift it up over my head.

  • Look, no-one is lifting anything.

  • The television.

  • Oh no.

  • This one's for you, Pop.

  • It's go time.

  • Ohh!

  • My back!

  • Call an ambulance.

  • We're already in a hospital.

  • I swear to you, I didn't know they TV was bolted to the table.

  • I bet you pulled that trick on my daddy, in Florida.

  • He couldn't handle the weight.

  • Oh, so now you think you're better than me?

  • You think you're better than him?!

  • Look, let me just state for the record, I think you're

  • both better than me.

  • Okay.

  • My boys.

  • My dad.

  • My grandpa.

  • Oh, come on!

  • What happened to him?

  • He was trying to lift the TV.

  • That TV?

  • Oh no.

  • It's go time.

  • Oohh!

  • Why didn't anybody tell me?

  • It was bolted down!

  • I still thought you could do it.

  • Me too.

  • Mandelbaum, Mandelbaum, Mandelbaum...

  • Fellas, fellas, look, I gotta go.

  • Oh yeah, that's right. Go!

  • Put us all in the hospital. And you've ruined our business with all your

  • macho head games.

  • I think I can help you out. I'll see you later.

  • Hey, I can't see the TV.

  • Here!

  • You think you're better than us,don't you?!

Hoh, here he is.


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A2 初級 美國腔

用電視劇學習英語。Seinfeld (Learn English with TV Series: Seinfeld)

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    Lisa 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日