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  • We've evolved with tools, and tools have evolved with us.

    譯者: Gentian Pan 審譯者: Ariel Hsu

  • Our ancestors created these hand axes 1.5 million years ago,

    我們因工具而進化, 工具因我們而演進。

  • shaping them to not only fit the task at hand

    我們的祖先在 150 萬年前 創造了這些手斧,

  • but also their hand.


  • However, over the years,


  • tools have become more and more specialized.


  • These sculpting tools have evolved through their use,


  • and each one has a different form which matches its function.

    這些雕刻工具隨著 它們的使用而發展,

  • And they leverage the dexterity of our hands

    而且,針對不同的功能, 每一個都有不同的形狀。

  • in order to manipulate things with much more precision.


  • But as tools have become more and more complex,

    使得操控任務時,能達到 更高的精確度。

  • we need more complex controls to control them.

    但隨著工具變得 越來越複雜,

  • And so designers have become very adept at creating interfaces

    我們需要更複雜的 操控機制來控制它們。

  • that allow you to manipulate parameters while you're attending to other things,


  • such as taking a photograph and changing the focus

    當你參與不同場合時 允許你調整參數。

  • or the aperture.

    譬如拍照, 改變焦距

  • But the computer has fundamentally changed the way we think about tools


  • because computation is dynamic.

    然而,電腦從根本上 改變了我們對工具的看法。

  • So it can do a million different things


  • and run a million different applications.

    所以,它可以做 1百萬種不同的事,

  • However, computers have the same static physical form


  • for all of these different applications


  • and the same static interface elements as well.


  • And I believe that this is fundamentally a problem,


  • because it doesn't really allow us to interact with our hands

    而且我相信,這會是 根本性的一個問題是。

  • and capture the rich dexterity that we have in our bodies.

    因為這些介面元素不是 真的可以和我們雙手互動,

  • And my belief is that, then, we must need new types of interfaces

    以展現出我們身體擁有 豐富的充靈巧性。

  • that can capture these rich abilities that we have

    而我的信念是,那麼我們 必須開發新類型的介面。

  • and that can physically adapt to us

    可以充分展現我們 所擁有的豐富能力。

  • and allow us to interact in new ways.

    而且,是可以為我們 動態調整的「實體」,

  • And so that's what I've been doing at the MIT Media Lab


  • and now at Stanford.

    所以這就是我在麻省理工學院 媒體實驗室一直在做的事,

  • So with my colleagues, Daniel Leithinger and Hiroshi Ishii,


  • we created inFORM,

    因此,與我的同事, 丹尼爾和石井浩,

  • where the interface can actually come off the screen


  • and you can physically manipulate it.

    這介面,實際上可以從 「屏幕」中跳脫出來,

  • Or you can visualize 3D information physically


  • and touch it and feel it to understand it in new ways.

    或者,你可以看到電腦3D資訊 以「實體」的型態來呈現。

  • Or you can interact through gestures and direct deformations

    可以觸摸它、感覺它, 以新的方式了解它。

  • to sculpt digital clay.

    或者,你可以透過 手勢的互動,指揮變形,

  • Or interface elements can arise out of the surface


  • and change on demand.

    或是展現「從表面浮出」 的人機介面元素,

  • And the idea is that for each individual application,


  • the physical form can be matched to the application.

    這個想法是,對於 每支應用程式,

  • And I believe this represents a new way


  • that we can interact with information,


  • by making it physical.


  • So the question is, how can we use this?


  • Traditionally, urban planners and architects build physical models


  • of cities and buildings to better understand them.

    傳統上,都市規劃者與建築師 會建立城市和建物的「實體」模型,

  • So with Tony Tang at the Media Lab, we created an interface built on inFORM


  • to allow urban planners to design and view entire cities.

    所以,我與東尼.唐,我們在媒體實驗室, 建立了 inFORM 介面。

  • And now you can walk around it, but it's dynamic, it's physical,

    讓都市規劃者用它來設計, 並觀看整個城市面貌。

  • and you can also interact directly.

    現在,你可以四處走動, 它是動態的、它是「實體」的,

  • Or you can look at different views,


  • such as population or traffic information,

    或者,你可以看看 不同瀏覽模式,

  • but it's made physical.


  • We also believe that these dynamic shape displays can really change


  • the ways that we remotely collaborate with people.

    我們也相信,這些 動態外形的顯示真的可以

  • So when we're working together in person,

    改變我們以遠距離的方式 與人合力執行任務的方式。

  • I'm not only looking at your face


  • but I'm also gesturing and manipulating objects,


  • and that's really hard to do when you're using tools like Skype.

    我還與你比手勢, 同時操控物件,

  • And so using inFORM, you can reach out from the screen

    這種工作方式 很難以 Skype 工具來取代。

  • and manipulate things at a distance.

    然而使用 inFORM 介面, 你可以從屏幕伸出你的「手」

  • So we used the pins of the display to represent people's hands,


  • allowing them to actually touch and manipulate objects at a distance.

    因此,我們使用的顯示器 上的「圖針」來代替我們的手,

  • And you can also manipulate and collaborate on 3D data sets as well,

    使他們能夠實際接觸物件, 並且以遠距離的方式來操控物件。

  • so you can gesture around them as well as manipulate them.

    而且你還可以操控和與人合力 處理三維空間的資料,

  • And that allows people to collaborate on these new types of 3D information

    所以你可以在周圍比手勢 以及操控它們。

  • in a richer way than might be possible with traditional tools.

    這使人們能夠和人合力 處理三維空間的資料,

  • And so you can also bring in existing objects,

    這比使用傳統工具的 處理方式更為豐富。

  • and those will be captured on one side and transmitted to the other.


  • Or you can have an object that's linked between two places,

    讓另一方捕捉, 再傳送到對方。

  • so as I move a ball on one side,

    或者,你可以擁有 一個「連結兩方」的物件:

  • the ball moves on the other as well.


  • And so we do this by capturing the remote user


  • using a depth-sensing camera like a Microsoft Kinect.

    我們利用深度感應攝影機 捕獲遠程使用者的動作,

  • Now, you might be wondering how does this all work,

    就像微軟Kinect。(time calibration because of merge and sequence)

  • and essentially, what it is, is 900 linear actuators

    現在,你可能想知道 這一切是如何運作。

  • that are connected to these mechanical linkages


  • that allow motion down here to be propagated in these pins above.


  • So it's not that complex compared to what's going on at CERN,

    讓底下產生的運動 傳遞到上面的「圖針」。

  • but it did take a long time for us to build it.

    並非像CERN協會的 核子研究那麼複雜,

  • And so we started with a single motor,


  • a single linear actuator,


  • and then we had to design a custom circuit board to control them.


  • And then we had to make a lot of them.

    然後我們必須訂製設計 「線路框」來控制它們。

  • And so the problem with having 900 of something


  • is that you have to do every step 900 times.

    要製造900 多套的問題是

  • And so that meant that we had a lot of work to do.

    每一步驟必須執行900 多次。

  • So we sort of set up a mini-sweatshop in the Media Lab

    這意味著我們有 大量的工作要做。

  • and brought undergrads in and convinced them to do "research" --

    所以,有點像是在媒體實驗室 設立了迷你血汗工廠,

  • (Laughter)

    招募大學在校生, 說服他們做「研究」 。

  • and had late nights watching movies, eating pizza


  • and screwing in thousands of screws.


  • You know -- research.


  • (Laughter)

    你知道的 - 「研究」。

  • But anyway, I think that we were really excited by the things


  • that inFORM allowed us to do.

    但無論如何,我認為我們 興奮的事是

  • Increasingly, we're using mobile devices, and we interact on the go.

    inFORM 介面技術 可以做到很多事情。

  • But mobile devices, just like computers,

    我們可應用在更多「隨身攜帶」的 的行動裝置,與之互動。

  • are used for so many different applications.


  • So you use them to talk on the phone,


  • to surf the web, to play games, to take pictures


  • or even a million different things.


  • But again, they have the same static physical form


  • for each of these applications.


  • And so we wanted to know how can we take some of the same interactions


  • that we developed for inFORM


  • and bring them to mobile devices.

    將我們開發的 inFORM 互動介面

  • So at Stanford, we created this haptic edge display,


  • which is a mobile device with an array of linear actuators

    因此,在史丹佛大學, 我們建立「觸感邊緣顯示器」,

  • that can change shape,

    它是一個搭配「線性傳動器」 的陣列行動裝置,

  • so you can feel in your hand where you are as you're reading a book.


  • Or you can feel in your pocket new types of tactile sensations

    你可以在手中感覺到它的變化, 因而知道書閱讀至何處。

  • that are richer than the vibration.

    或者;你可以從口袋 感受到新觸感,

  • Or buttons can emerge from the side that allow you to interact


  • where you want them to be.


  • Or you can play games and have actual buttons.

    出現在你要的位置, 讓你與之互動。

  • And so we were able to do this

    或者,讓你在玩遊戲時 有真實的按鈕可按。

  • by embedding 40 small, tiny linear actuators inside the device,


  • and that allow you not only to touch them

    在裝置內部嵌入 40個微小「線性驅動器」,

  • but also back-drive them as well.


  • But we've also looked at other ways to create more complex shape change.


  • So we've used pneumatic actuation to create a morphing device

    但我們也想看看其它 建立更複雜的形狀變化。

  • where you can go from something that looks a lot like a phone ...

    我們採用氣動式傳動器 建立一個變形裝置,

  • to a wristband on the go.


  • And so together with Ken Nakagaki at the Media Lab,


  • we created this new high-resolution version

    所以,我與肯中垣 在媒體實驗室

  • that uses an array of servomotors to change from interactive wristband


  • to a touch-input device

    使用一些伺服馬達, 改變了不只是互動式腕帶,

  • to a phone.


  • (Laughter)


  • And we're also interested in looking at ways


  • that users can actually deform the interfaces


  • to shape them into the devices that they want to use.

    使用者在實際應用上 可以隨意變形的方法,

  • So you can make something like a game controller,


  • and then the system will understand what shape it's in


  • and change to that mode.

    然後系統偵到測目前 是處於什麼形狀,

  • So, where does this point?


  • How do we move forward from here?


  • I think, really, where we are today


  • is in this new age of the Internet of Things,


  • where we have computers everywhere --


  • they're in our pockets, they're in our walls,


  • they're in almost every device that you'll buy in the next five years.

    他們在我們的口袋裡、 他們在我們的牆壁、

  • But what if we stopped thinking about devices

    他們幾乎存在於未來五年內 你會購買的每一個裝置裡。

  • and think instead about environments?


  • And so how can we have smart furniture


  • or smart rooms or smart environments


  • or cities that can adapt to us physically,

    智能房間 或 智能環境

  • and allow us to do new ways of collaborating with people


  • and doing new types of tasks?


  • So for the Milan Design Week, we created TRANSFORM,


  • which is an interactive table-scale version of these shape displays,

    所以在米蘭設計週, 我們建立了 《蛻變》 TRANSFORM,

  • which can move physical objects on the surface; for example,

    這是一個桌面互動的 「模形顯示器」版本,

  • reminding you to take your keys.

    可在表面上移動 實體物件,例如:

  • But it can also transform to fit different ways of interacting.


  • So if you want to work,

    但它也可以變形以調整 不同互動模式。

  • then it can change to sort of set up your work system.


  • And so as you bring a device over,

    那麼,它可以改變成 你想要的工作環境。

  • it creates all the affordances you need


  • and brings other objects to help you accomplish those goals.


  • So, in conclusion,

    並帶來其他物件 幫你實現這些目的。

  • I really think that we need to think about a new, fundamentally different way


  • of interacting with computers.

    我真的認為需要思考一下, 一個嶄新的、從根本上改變的

  • We need computers that can physically adapt to us


  • and adapt to the ways that we want to use them

    我們需要電腦可以在「實體」上 隨時配合我們調整,

  • and really harness the rich dexterity that we have of our hands,


  • and our ability to think spatially about information by making it physical.

    真正充分利用我們 手的豐富靈巧性,

  • But looking forward, I think we need to go beyond this, beyond devices,

    並且我們有能力透過 「實體」化的呈現,來思考空間資訊。

  • to really think about new ways that we can bring people together,

    但是,期待未來,我認為 我們可以超越這個裝置技術,

  • and bring our information into the world,

    認真思考如何 結合所有人的力量,

  • and think about smart environments that can adapt to us physically.

    並把我們的資訊 帶入這個世界,

  • So with that, I will leave you.

    想想智能環境,可以 隨時配合我們調整。

  • Thank you very much.


  • (Applause)


We've evolved with tools, and tools have evolved with us.

譯者: Gentian Pan 審譯者: Ariel Hsu


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B1 中級 中文 美國腔 TED 介面 實體 裝置 物件 操控

【TED】肖恩-福爾默:變形技術將改變我們所知道的工作(變形技術將改變我們所知道的工作|肖恩-福爾默)。 (【TED】Sean Follmer: Shape-shifting tech will change work as we know it (Shape-shifting tech will change work as we know it | Sean Follmer))

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    Zenn 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日