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I am in search of another planet in the universe where life exists.
譯者: Qian Zhang 審譯者: 易帆 余
I can't see this planet with my naked eyes
我一直在尋找宇宙中 另一顆存在生命的行星。
or even with the most powerful telescopes
we currently possess.
甚至也無法借助我們現有的 最先進的望遠鏡觀測到這顆行星。
But I know that it's there.
And understanding contradictions that occur in nature
will help us find it.
On our planet,
where there's water, there's life.
So we look for planets that orbit at just the right distance
因此,我們所要尋找的就是 按照某個適當的距離, 圍繞著恆星旋轉的那種行星。
from their stars.
At this distance,
標示了行星與不同溫度恆星 之間的適當距離,
shown in blue on this diagram for stars of different temperatures,
行星的溫度就足夠溫暖, 從而能使水源在它們的表面流動起來
planets could be warm enough for water to flow on their surfaces
as lakes and oceans
where life might reside.
一些天文學家 便把他們的目光及精力集中在
Some astronomers focus their time and energy on finding planets
尋找這種與恆星有 維持適當距離的行星研究上。
at these distances from their stars.
而我的工作則是基於 這些天文學家們的研究結果而展開的。
What I do picks up where their job ends.
我通過構建模型來模擬 太陽系以外的行星上可能出現的氣候。
I model the possible climates of exoplanets.
And here's why that's important:
there are many factors besides distance from its star
還有其他很多因素會決定 一個行星是否能夠維繫生命的存在。
that control whether a planet can support life.
Take the planet Venus.
金星這個名字來源於古羅馬 的愛神、美神維納斯,
It's named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty,
because of its benign, ethereal appearance in the sky.
但宇宙飛船的數據卻揭示了 金星另一個不同的故事。
But spacecraft measurements revealed a different story.
The surface temperature is close to 900 degrees Fahrenheit,
500 Celsius.
That's hot enough to melt lead.
造成高溫的原因不是 金星與太陽之間的距離近, 而是金星自身厚重的大氣層。
Its thick atmosphere, not its distance from the sun, is the reason.
它造成了類似施打了 類固醇的溫室效應,
It causes a greenhouse effect on steroids,
這大氣層困住了來自太陽的熱量 並烘烤著行星表面,
trapping heat from the sun and scorching the planet's surface.
這一事實完全違背了 (人們對於金星)最初的認識。
The reality totally contradicted initial perceptions of this planet.
From these lessons from our own solar system,
we've learned that a planet's atmosphere
以及它是否可能維繫生命 有著決定性的作用。
is crucial to its climate and potential to host life.
我們無從知道這些行星 究竟有什麼樣的大氣層。
We don't know what the atmospheres of these planets are like
因為,相對於恆星而言, 這些行星不僅太小還昏暗不清,
because the planets are so small and dim compared to their stars
and so far away from us.
比如,距離我們最近的一顆 可能存在地表水的行星,
For example, one of the closest planets that could support surface water --
它叫“格利澤667 CC”。
it's called Gliese 667 Cc --
多棒的一個名字, 對,跟電話號碼一樣的有趣的名字。
such a glamorous name, right, nice phone number for a name --
it's 23 light years away.
那也就是100萬億英里 (約161萬億千米)以外。
So that's more than 100 trillion miles.
對這樣一顆繞行與某顆恆星的 系外行星而言, 測量它的大氣層成分非常困難。
Trying to measure the atmospheric composition
這就像是試圖去看清楚 一隻飛過車燈果蠅一樣。
of an exoplanet passing in front of its host star is hard.
那麼,現在試想一下, 當那輛車離你有100萬億英里那麼遠,
It's like trying to see a fruit fly
而妳還想知道那隻飛過(車燈前)的果蠅 是什麼精確的顏色。
passing in front of a car's headlight.
OK, now imagine that car is 100 trillion miles away,
去計算哪樣的行星大氣層 可能產生出一種適宜的氣候。
and you want to know the precise color of that fly.
這種適宜的氣候 可以保證水源和生命的存在。
So I use computer models
這是來自於一位藝術家的關於(行星) “卡普勒62F”的一個概念(作品),
to calculate the kind of atmosphere a planet would need
to have a suitable climate for water and life.
Here's an artist's concept of the planet Kepler-62f,
with the Earth for reference.
我們這項得到美國國家科學基金會資助 的研究發現這顆行星可能足夠溫暖 從而存在水源,
It's 1,200 light years away,
在很多種類型的大氣層和很多 不同方向的運行軌道的情形下都是這樣。
and just 40 percent larger than Earth.
因此,我希望未來的望遠鏡 可以跟蹤這顆行星,
Our NSF-funded work found that it could be warm enough for open water
from many types of atmospheres and orientations of its orbit.
行星表面上存在的冰 對於氣候也有重要的影響。
So I'd like future telescopes to follow up on this planet
冰會吸收光譜中波長 更長、更紅的那些光,
to look for signs of life.
Ice on a planet's surface is also important for climate.
照片上的冰山之所以會顯得那麼藍 正是因為這個原因。
Ice absorbs longer, redder wavelengths of light,
太陽光中更紅的光 會在穿透冰塊的過程中被(冰塊)吸收,
and reflects shorter, bluer light.
That's why the iceberg in this photo looks so blue.
這樣一來,它(藍光)就會反射出來, 反射到我們的眼睛裡,
The redder light from the sun is absorbed on its way through the ice.
Only the blue light makes it all the way to the bottom.
我的模型顯示, 圍繞溫度較冷的恆星旋轉的行星
Then it gets reflected back to up to our eyes
會實際上比那些圍繞 溫度較高的恆星旋轉的行星溫度更高。
and we see blue ice.
My models show that planets orbiting cooler stars
那就是,冰會吸收從溫度較低的恆星上 發射出來的波長較長光;
could actually be warmer than planets orbiting hotter stars.
而這些(被吸收的)光,這些能量, 會使冰本身的溫度升高。
There's another contradiction --
借助氣象模型去探索 這些矛盾如何影響行星上的氣候
that ice absorbs the longer wavelength light from cooler stars,
對於尋找(地球以外的)生命 有至關重要的意義。
and that light, that energy, heats the ice.
這也解釋了為什麼這 (借助模型尋找生命的研究方法) 成為了我的研究專長。
Using climate models to explore
how these contradictions can affect planetary climate
is vital to the search for life elsewhere.
我愛化妝, 愛讀時尚雜誌。
And it's no surprise that this is my specialty.
所以,我特別適合去欣賞 和領悟自然中的矛盾。
I'm an African-American female astronomer
and a classically trained actor
who loves to wear makeup and read fashion magazines,
而且認識到這些矛盾 可以引領我們尋找 存在於另一顆行星的生命。
so I am uniquely positioned to appreciate contradictions in nature --
我的一個組織名為Rising Stargirls。
它利用劇院、文字著作和視覺藝術去教 那些有色種族的中學女生天文學知識。
這裡還有另一個矛盾—— 科學和藝術並不是經常同時出現的。
... and how they can inform our search for the next planet where life exists.
但是,將這兩者結合起來是可以幫助 這些女孩們全身心地投入到 她們的所學中去的。
My organization, Rising Stargirls,
teaches astronomy to middle-school girls of color,
using theater, writing and visual art.
去發現原來我們真的 不是浩瀚宇宙中唯一的生命。
That's another contradiction -- science and art don't often go together,
but interweaving them can help these girls bring their whole selves
to what they learn,
and maybe one day join the ranks of astronomers
who are full of contradictions,
and use their backgrounds to discover, once and for all,
that we are truly not alone in the universe.
Thank you.