字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - Which one should you focus on, which one is better? 哪一個是你該使用的,而哪一個比較好呢? Well, I recommend that you do both. 我建議你兩種都做。 (upbeat music) 快活的音樂。 Hello, this is Jack from tofluency.com. 哈囉!我是 tofluency.com 的 Jack。 Thank you so much for being here today. 感謝你們今天收看我的影片。 Now, in this lesson, you're going to learn all about books, and how you can improve your English through reading. 在這門課程裡,你將會學習到有關書的知識,並且學到如何透過閱讀來增強英文能力。 I have a very powerful method to share with you, and at the end I need your feedback. 我有個很有效的方法想跟各位分享,並且最後,我會需要你們的意見回饋。 But first, let's talk about a problem that many of you face when it comes to reading in English. 但首先,我們先來談一個每當讀英文時,你們很多人都會遇到的問題。 The problem is this: when you are reading and you see a word that you don't understand, should you stop reading and look up the definition of this word or, should you just continue? 這個問題就是:當你在閱讀時讀到一個你不懂的單字時,你應該停止閱讀、並去查這個單字的定義,還是你該繼續讀下去? When you stop and look up new words, or you analyze the language, this is called intensive reading. 當你停下來去查新單字或解析文句時,這就叫作「精讀」。 Intensive reading. 「精讀」。 So you focus on the language, and you stop when you need to learn something new. 你將聚焦在文字上,並在你需要學新東西時停住。 Extensive reading is when you don't stop, and you just read for pleasure. 「泛讀」是指,在閱讀期間你不會停住,並且你是單純為了娛樂而讀。 You're reading to enjoy the book. 你是為了享受樂趣而去閱讀這本書。 We're going to talk about which one is best soon. But first, let's discuss what type of books you should be reading. 我們等會來談談哪種方式比較好。但首先,我們先來探討哪種書適合你閱讀。 There are three things to consider when choosing a book: the genre, the level of the book, and how enjoyable it is. 當你在挑書時,必須考量三件事:種類、書的程度、以及它的娛樂性。 The genre means the category. 「種類」這詞意指「不同書的類型」。 So when you go to the library, or a book store, you'll notice that books are categorized into different sections. Things like novels, history, science, et cetera. 所以當你去一間圖書館或書店時,你會發現書籍會被分類到不同的區域。例如小說、歷史、科學......等等。 So, if you love novels, then consider getting a novel. 如果你喜歡小說的話,那就可以考慮拿一本小說。 If you are studying business English, then get books based on business English. 如果你在讀商用英文的話,就買與商用英文相關的書。 This is important to say because I find that a lot of learners feel like they have to read a certain type of book. 這件事很重要,因為我發現:許多學習者覺得他們必須去閱讀特定種類的書籍。 But it's important to know that everyone is different, and the book that is right for you might not be right for someone else. 但重要的是,我們必須了解每個人都是不同的,而且對你有意義的書,也許不會對其他人有幫助。 The level of the book is key too. 書的等級也是個關鍵。 If it is too difficult to understand, then it won't be useful. 如果讓人太難以理解的話,那麼這方法就不會有幫助。 If you have to stop at every sentence and look up a new word, then you're not going to enjoy reading the book. 如果你必須每句話都停下來查生字的話,那麼你將不會享受閱讀這本書。 A great solution here, and I've mentioned this many times, is to look at graded readers. 一個好的、而且我也已提過很多遍的辦法,就是去查閱「分級讀本」。 And these are books that are specifically adapted for English learners to make them easier to understand. 這些書有特別改編給英語學習者,讓他們更輕鬆去理解。 They also tend to use everyday English, which is good because this is the type of English used in everyday life. 書中容易使用一些日常的英文,且因為這種英文是每天生活中會用到的,所以這類書真的很讚。 Finally, find a book that you are going to enjoy. 最後,找一本你會讓你開心讀的書。 And if you start reading a book and you're not enjoying it, put it down and find a different one instead. 如果你讀了一本你不感興趣的書,建議你將它放下,然後找一本不同的來代替。 We want to enjoy reading because then we'll read more. 我們會想去享受閱讀,因為這樣我們才會讀得更多。 Here is a great way that you can find books that you're going to enjoy before buying them. 這裡有個好方法,讓你在購買前就找到你會喜歡的書。 Now go to amazon.com to do this. 我們上亞馬遜的網站試試。 And I've just chosen this book. 我已經選定這本書。 I searched for history books and found this one. 我查詢了歷史書並找到了這本。 And you can see it says, Look Inside. 你可以看到裡面寫著:請看裡面。 And if you click on it, you can actually start reading it. 當你點選它,你就可以開始閱讀了。 And this is a way for you to know if the book is going to be good for you or not. 這就是讓你知道這本書是否對你有幫助的方法。 So, let's just go to the introduction. 我們來閱讀一下書的序章。 The man was seated at a desk in a windowless basement office. 這名男子坐在一個沒有窗戶的地下辦公室的書桌前。 Two aides had just left the room. 兩位行政助理剛離開這個房間。 I was now alone with a new U.S. Senator from Illinois. 我現在獨自與一位新的伊利諾州參議員處於一室。 It was January 5, 2005. 今天是 2005 年 1 月 5 號。 And you can continue reading this, to see if this book is going to help you, and if you think it's going to be interesting. 你可以繼續閱讀下去,看看這本書是否會對你有幫助,以及你是否覺得它會很有趣。 So before you choose a book, be sure to read a few pages first. 所以在你選書以前,記得要閱讀幾頁在先。 A bonus tip is to find books with audio versions too. 一個很讚的小秘訣是:你也可以去找有聲書。 As you know, English isn't a phonetic language, which means that you can't infer how a word sounds by reading it. 你也知道,英文並不是一個表音的語言,代表說你不能光靠閱讀來推測一個字的發音。 So getting an audio book will help you greatly. 因此買一部有聲書對你大有好處。 And it also means that you can go from reading a book to listening to a book, or doing both at the same time. 這也代表著你可以先讀再聽,或是同時用這兩種方法。 Okay, once you have found your book, now it's time to start reading. 好,當你找到你想要的書時,便是開始讀書的時候啦。 And let's go back to whether intensive or extensive reading is better. 讓我們回到剛剛的話題,就是到底精讀和泛讀哪個比較好。 As a recap, intensive reading is when you focus on the language, and look up new words, and extensive reading is when you continue reading for pleasure. 重點回顧一下,精讀就是專注於文字上,並且去查詢生字。而泛讀則是你要持續開心地讀下去。 Which one should you focus on, which one is better? 哪一個是你該使用的,而哪一個比較好呢? Well, I recommend that you do both, and I recommend that you do both in a smart way. 我推薦你兩種都做,並且我希望你這兩種都能靈巧運用。 Here is how. 以下是我提供的方法。 What I want you to do is this: read extensively, but highlight any words that you don't understand while reading. 我想要你做的就是:廣泛地去閱讀,但要標記你閱讀時不懂的任何字詞。 Don't stop to look them up, but just highlight them for now. 別停下來去查,當下做劃記就好。 Do this for a chapter, or a specific number of pages. 用這方法來讀一個章節就好,或是讀到一個特定的頁數。 And then once you have finished a chapter, go back and look up the highlighted words. 當你讀完一個章節時,回去查你劃記的字。 This allows you to continue reading extensively, but, you can then go back and look up these new words and phrases so that you can acquire new language. 這讓你能持續廣泛地閱讀,但是你便能回頭去查這些新的生字和片語,這樣你就能學會這個新語言。 Here is a very key point about this method. Don't just highlight a single word, but instead highlight the whole sentence. 這個方法有個很重要的核心:不要只標記一個字,而是要劃下整句話。 And here is how to take it one step further. Take those sentences and create flashcards from them. 以下是個更高端的做法:將那些句子寫在字卡上。 I recommend using an app like Anki, so that you can get smart repetition. 我推薦可以使用像 Anki 這類的 app ,這樣你就可以更精準地重複練習。 And I've talked about this a lot in past lessons. And I'm going to talk about it more. 我已經在之前的課程中重複很多次了,而我將再加以闡述。 And this is a method that I use in my program too. 這也是我應用在我頻道裡的方法。 It's where you repeat a sentence today, then tomorrow, then in two days, four days, and eight days, so that you can acquire this language over the long term. 就是你今天重複這個句子,然後明天也是,再來兩天、四天、八天後也這麼做,這樣你長期下來便能掌握這個語言。 And once you have done this over two or three months, and you've gone through the entire book, what you can do next is go back and read it again. 當你做了二或三個月、並且已經讀完整本書後,你能做的下一步就是回頭再重讀一次。 And you'll be amazed at how much more language you'll understand. 而你將會為自己學會更多文字這件事感到大為驚奇。 And then you can read extensively and complete the entire book without stopping. 接下來你就可以廣泛地閱讀,並且不中斷地讀完整本書。 So this is a reading method that will allow you to acquire vocabulary, learn grammar, and also read for pleasure. 這個閱讀方法能讓你學會單字、文法,以及快樂地閱讀。 But now, I need your help. 但現在,我需要你的幫忙。 In the comment section below, share books that you have found to be useful for learning English. Okay? 請在下方的留言區,分享你覺得對英語學習有幫助的書籍。好嗎? Your book recommendations. 你推薦的閱讀書目。 And let us know if these books are best for beginners, intermediate speakers, or advanced learners. 然後讓我們知道這些書是否對初階、中階、或是進階的學習者有極大助益。 And I might feature some of these recommendations in a future video. 我可能會以一些推薦書籍作為主軸,於日後做一支影片。 Once you have left your recommendation, be sure to click over here and watch another one of my videos on this subject. 一旦你留下了你的推薦留言,記得點這裡,觀看我做的關於這個主題的其他影片。 If you've enjoyed this, then please share it, and thank you so much for being here. 如果你喜歡這支影片,就麻煩幫我分享。非常感謝各位的收看。 (upbeat music) (愉快的音樂)
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 閱讀 方法 影片 單字 小說 停下來 每個英文學習者都該知道的【閱讀鍛煉策略】 (The Reading Strategy Every English Learner Needs to Know (Step-by-Step Guide)) 600 79 kiki 發佈於 2018 年 03 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字