字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 How's it going? 最近好嗎? Going good. 很好。 It's decent. 還行。 Is that it? 就這樣? So, I grew up in Russia. I lived there from age 3 to 15. 我在俄羅斯長大。我從 3 歲到 15 歲住在那裡。 Ever since we moved to the US, I've always been confused by this question: "How's it going?" 從我們搬到美國以後,我對一個人們常問的問題一直感到很困惑,那就是:「最近好嗎?」 Like, no one ever answers the question. 好像沒有人真正回答過這個問題。 All right, I'm going to prove it to you. 好,就讓我來證明給你看。 How's it going? 最近好嗎? Nothing. 沒有反應。 How's it going? 最近好嗎? What's up? 近來如何? Not even a little detail. 完全沒有任何細節。 How's it going? 最近好嗎? How's it going? 最近好嗎? Again, nothing. 又來了,沒反應。 How's it going? 最近好嗎? I got this. 我得到這樣的回應。 What does that mean? 那是什麼意思? How's it going? 最近好嗎? How's it going? 最近好嗎? He answered my, "How's it going?", with a "How's it going?" 他用「最近好嗎?」來回答我問的「最近好嗎?」。 So now that I've proved to you that nobody ever answers the question, "How's it going?", 所以我已經證明了沒有人會真正回答「最近好嗎?」這個問題。 I'm going to actually take some time to sit down next to someone and see if we can have a genuine conversation. 接下來我想來實際坐到一個陌生人旁邊,看看我們能不能來場真誠的對話。 How's it going, man? 老兄,最近好嗎? How you doing? 你好嗎? Good, dude. Busy. 我很好,老兄,就是忙。 Yeah, it's been cra, I mean, it's been crazy. 是啊,最近很瘋,我的意思是,最近很瘋狂。 How's it going? Good? 最近好嗎?還好? Yeah, yeah, good. Thanks. 是啊,很好。謝謝。 Cool. 很好。 Aw, this is my... 噢,這是我的... Nice to meet you. 很高興認識你。 Hi. 嗨。 How's it going? 最近好嗎? Hey. 嘿。 How's your day? 你今天如何? Nice to meet you. 很高興認識你。 Good? 你好嗎? Good. 很好。 Yeah, I give up. That wa—that was the most awkward thing I've ever experienced. 好吧,我放棄。那真是我經歷過最尷尬的狀況了。 I thought it was going to be a video where I like, met all these people. 我以為這會是一部我能在最後介紹一下我都藉此認識了哪些人的影片。 No, it's extremely uncomfortable. It's awkward. 不,整個對話超級不舒服的。有夠尷尬。 No one wants to talk about their day or like, open up their feelings. 沒有人想要真的談論他們一天過得如何,或者是敞開心扉。 So instead of putting myself through more awkward interactions, I'm going to go around with a microphone. 因此與其讓自己經歷更多尷尬的對話,我接來要拿著麥克風訪問。 I'm going to see why people think no one answers the question: "How's it going?" 我要來瞭解為什麼大家認為沒有人願意回答「最近好嗎?」這個問題。 Sarah, do you have time for an interview? 莎拉,妳有時間接受採訪嗎? I... 我... Too late, we're gonna do it, so... 來不及了,我們就要採訪妳,所以... It's a one question interview. 這個採訪只有一個問題。 How's it going? 你最近好嗎? It's going good. 最近不錯。 Eh, it's all right. 呃,還可以。 How... how's it going with you? 你最近好不好? It's good. 很好。 Good. 不錯。 So how many times have you heard "How's it going?" in the past week? 所以在這個星期當中,你聽到過幾次「最近好嗎?」這個問題? Not everyday. 也沒到每一天那麼誇張啦。 How many times have you answered it other than saying it's fine? 那有幾次你的回答是除了「還不錯。」以外的答案? Never. 從來沒有。 Why do you think no one ever answers the question, how's it going? 你認為為什麼沒有人想要回答「最近好嗎?」這個問題? I just had this problem! I was in LA and everybody was answering me. 我之前也遇到過這問題!我還住在洛杉磯的時候每個人都鉅細靡遺地回答我。 You don't want to get too personal I guess. 我猜或許是不想要回答太私人的問題吧。 I think it's because usually the answer is too depressing. 我認為是因為通常答案太令人沮喪。 I mean, go to a therapist. 我覺得要那樣,不如去找個治療師吧! Nobody's ever going to say it's going bad. 沒有人會告訴你他過得不好。 I once tried changing "How are you?" to "Are you good?" 我曾經嘗試把問題從「你好嗎?」改成「你還好嗎?」 And everyone was like, do I not look okay? Is there something wrong? 然後每個人都回答,我看起來不好嗎?是不是有什麼地方不對勁? I hate when people, like if people were to really ask me that because it would like, uncork some deep shit. 我最討厭人們認真地問這個問題,因為我很可能會透露自己一些不為人知的辛酸爛事。 I never ask. 我從來不問。 Oh, you never ask? 哦,你從來不問? I just give like the head nod and if you give it back, then I know you're good. 我只會點個頭致意,而如果你也點頭回應我,那麼我就知道你過得很好。 I honestly think the world would be better if we just didn't talk to people at all. 我認真覺得如果我們乾脆不和彼此說話,世界會比較美好。 What I'm realizing is that everyone at Buzzfeed hates interaction and is bitter, and I'm the only one who cares about connecting with other human beings. 我體認到一件事,那就是在 Buzzfeed 的每一個人都討厭互動而且尖酸刻薄,而我是唯一一個在乎和其他人類有互動的人。 I guess I could get rid of how's it going completely. 我想我可以徹底地擺脫「最近好嗎?」這個問題。 My problem with how's it going is when people ask and immediately stop listening. 我對「最近好嗎?」這個問題的不滿在於當人們問了這個問題以後,其實就沒在聽你的回應了。 So, so how was your day? 所以你今天好嗎? It's good. 還不錯。 Ding! 叮! So I'm currently editing this video and I just watched back all the footage. 我目前正在編輯這支影片,而我剛看完所有的片段。 Even though this video is silly and funny and it's not supposed to be serious, I feel like there's actually a pretty important lesson to be learned from this video. 雖然這支影片本來就偏向耍蠢的搞笑性質,不是什麼需要嚴肅地探討的內容,但我覺得我們仍能從這個影片當中學習到一個非常重要的課題。 I think there's something so important about listening and talking to the people around you, 我認為傾聽周遭人的心聲並和他們談心是非常重要的, because you never know who needs to be talked to, or who wants to be heard, or who has some problems that they need to share. 因為你永遠不會知道有誰需要有人可以說說話,或者有想要向他人傾訴的心事,或是有著必須和他人商量的問題。 So it's really important to listen, and you should take the time to sit down and talk to the people you care about and really ask people how's it going. 因此傾聽是非常重要的,而且你應該花一些時間和你關心的人坐下來聊一聊,並認真問他們最近過得好不好。 So if you guys feel like it, in the comments below, just tell me how it's going. 如果你願意,就在下面的留言欄中告訴我你最近好嗎?
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 BuzzFeed 回答 問題 回應 影片 尷尬 測試看看問「最近好嗎?」會收到什麼回應 (People Answer "How's It Going" Honestly) 98959 2571 Samuel 發佈於 2021 年 11 月 24 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字