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  • Now we turn

  • Now we turn to the hardest philosopher we're going to read in this course.

  • Today we turn to Immanuel Kant

  • who offers a different account

  • of why we have a categorical duty

  • to respect the dignity of persons

  • and not to use people as means merely

  • even for good ends.

  • Kant excelled at the University of Konigsberg

  • at the age of 16.

  • At age of 31, he got his first job as an unsalaried lecturer

  • paid on commission based on the number of students

  • who showed up at his lectures.

  • This is a sensible system that Harvard would do well to consider.

  • Luckily for Kant, he was a popular lecturer

  • and also an industrious one

  • and so he eked out a meager living.

  • It wasn't until he was 57 that he published his first major work.

  • But, it was worth the wait,

  • the book was theCritique of Pure Reason

  • perhaps the most important work in all of modern philosophy.

  • And a few years later, Kant wrote the groundwork forMetaphysics of Morals

  • which we read in this course.

  • I want to acknowledge even before we start

  • that Kant is a difficult thinker

  • but it's important to try to figure what he's saying

  • because what this book is about

  • is what the supreme principle of morality is,

  • number one,

  • and it also gives us an account

  • one of the most powerful accounts we have

  • of what freedom really is.

  • So, let me start today,

  • Kant rejects utilitarianism.

  • He thinks that

  • the individual person,

  • all human beings,

  • have a certain dignity that commands our respect.

  • The reason the individual is sacred or the bearer of rights,

  • according to Kant,

  • doesn't stem from the idea that we own ourselves

  • but instead from the idea that we are all rational beings.

  • We're all rational beings, which simply means

  • that we are beings who are capable of reason.

  • We are also autonomous beings,

  • which is to say that we are beings capable of acting and choosing freely.

  • Now, this capacity for reason and freedom

  • isn't the only capacity we have.

  • We also have the capacity for pain and pleasure,

  • for suffering and satisfaction.

  • Kant admits the utilitarians were half right.

  • Of course, we seek to avoid pain

  • and we like pleasure,

  • Kant doesn't deny this.

  • What he does deny

  • is Bentham's claim

  • that pain and pleasure are our sovereign masters.

  • He thinks that's wrong.

  • Kant thinks that it's our rational capacity

  • that makes us distinctive,

  • that makes us special,

  • that sets us apart from and above mere animal existence.

  • It makes us something more than just physical creatures with appetites.

  • We often think of freedom as simply consisting in doing what we want

  • or in the absence of obstacles to getting what we want,

  • that's one way of thinking about freedom.

  • But this isn't Kant's idea of freedom.

  • Kant has a more stringent demanding notion

  • of what it means to be free.

  • And though it's stringent and demanding,

  • if you think it through, it's actually pretty persuasive.

  • Kant reasons as follows:

  • when we, like animals,

  • seek after pleasure or the satisfaction of our desires

  • or the avoidance of pain,

  • when we do that we aren't really acting freely.

  • Why not?

  • We're really acting as the slaves of those appetites and impulses.

  • I didn't choose this particular hunger or that particular appetite

  • and so when I act to satisfy it,

  • I'm just acting according to natural necessity.

  • And for Kant, freedom is the opposite of necessity.

  • There was an advertising slogan for the soft drink Sprite a few years ago.

  • The slogan was, “Obey your thirst.”

  • There's a Kantain insight buried in that Sprite advertising slogan

  • that in a way is Kant's point.

  • When you go for Sprite or Pepsi, you're really

  • you might think that you're choosing freely,

  • Sprite versus Pepsi,

  • but you're actually obeying something,

  • a thirst or maybe a desire manufactured or massaged by advertising,

  • you're obeying a prompting that you yourself haven't chosen or created.

  • And here it is worth noticing Kant's specially demanding idea of freedom.

  • What way of actinghow can my will be determined

  • if not by the promptings of nature

  • or my hunger or my appetite or my desires?

  • Kant's answer?

  • To act freely is to act autonomously,

  • and to act autonomously is to act according to a law

  • that I give myself

  • not according to the physical laws of nature

  • or the laws of cause and effect

  • which include my desire to eat or to drink

  • or to choose this

  • food in a restaurant over that.

  • Now, what is the opposite

  • of autonomy for Kant?

  • He invents a special term

  • to describe the opposite of autonomy.

  • Heteronomy is the opposite of autonomy.

  • When I act heteronomously, I'm acting according to an inclination,

  • or a desire, that I haven't chosen for myself.

  • So, freedom as autonomy is an especially stringent idea that Kant insists on.

  • Now, why is autonomy the opposite of acting heteronomously

  • or according to the dictates of nature?

  • Kant's point is that nature is governed by laws,

  • laws of cause and effect for example.

  • Suppose you drop a billiard ball,

  • it falls to the ground;

  • we wouldn't say the billiard ball is acting freely.

  • Why not?

  • It's acting according to the law of nature,

  • according to the laws of cause of effect,

  • the law of gravity.

  • And just as he has an unusually demanding and stringent

  • conception of freedom,

  • freedom as autonomy,

  • he also has a demanding conception of morality.

  • To act freely is not to choose the best means to a given end;

  • it's to choose the end itself for its own sake.

  • And that's something that human beings can do

  • and that billiard balls can't.

  • In so far as we act on inclination or pursue pleasure,

  • we act as means to the realization of ends given outside us.

  • We are instruments rather than authors of the purposes we pursue,

  • that's the heteronymous determination of the will.

  • On the other hand, in so far as we act autonomously,

  • according to a law we give ourselves,

  • we do something for its own sake as an end in itself.

  • When we act autonomously, we seize to be instruments

  • to purposes given outside us,

  • we become, or we can come to think of ourselves

  • as ends in ourselves.

  • This capacity to act freely, Kant tells us,

  • is what gives human life its special dignity.

  • Respecting human dignity means regarding persons

  • not just as means but also as ends in themselves.

  • And this is why it's wrong to use people

  • for the sake of other peoples' well-being or happiness.

  • This is the real reason, Kant says,

  • that utilitarianism goes wrong.

  • This is the reason it's important to respect the dignity of persons

  • and to uphold their rights.

  • So, even if there are cases, remember John Stewart Mill said,

  • Well, in the long run, if we uphold justice

  • and respect the dignity of persons,

  • we will maximize human happiness.”

  • What would Kant's answer be to that?

  • What would his answer be?

  • Even if that were true,

  • even if the calculus worked out that way,

  • even if you shouldn't throw the Christian's to the lions

  • because in the long run fear will spread,

  • the overall utility will decline.

  • The utilitarian would be upholding justice and right

  • and respect for persons for the wrong reason,

  • for a purely a contingent reason,

  • for an instrumental reason.

  • It would still be using people,

  • even where the calculus works out for the best in the long run,

  • it would still be using people as means

  • rather than respecting them as ends in themselves.

  • So, that's Kant's idea of freedom as autonomy

  • and you can begin to see how it's connected to his idea of morality.

  • But we still have to answer one more question,

  • what gives an act its moral worth in the first place?

  • If it can't be directed,

  • that utility or satisfying wants and desires,

  • what gives an action its moral worth?

  • This leads us from Kant's demanding idea of freedom

  • to his demanding idea of morality.

  • What does Kant say?

  • What makes an action morally worthy

  • consists not in the consequences or in the results that flow from it,

  • what makes an action morally worthy has to do with the motive,

  • with the quality of the will,

  • with the intention for which the act is done.

  • What matters is the motive

  • and the motive must be of a certain kind.

  • So, the moral worth of an action

  • depends on the motive for which it's done

  • and the important thing is that the person

  • do the right thing for the right reason.

  • "A good will isn't good because of what it affects or accomplishes,"

  • Kant writes, "it's good in itself.

  • Even if by its utmost effort, the goodwill accomplishes nothing,

  • it would still shine like a jewel for its own sake

  • as something which has its full value in itself."

  • And so, for any action to be morally good,

  • it's not enough that it should conform to the moral law,

  • it must also be done for the sake of the moral law.

  • The idea is that the motive confers the moral worth on an action

  • and the only kind of motive that can confer moral worth on an action

  • is the motive of duty.

  • Well, what's the opposite of doing something out of a sense of duty

  • because it's right?

  • Well for Kant,

  • the opposite would be all of those motives

  • having to do with our inclinations.

  • And inclinations refer to all of our desires,

  • all of our contingently given wants,

  • preferences, impulses, and the like.

  • Only actions done for the sake of the moral law,

  • for the sake of duty,

  • only these actions have moral worth.

  • Now, I want to see what you think about this idea

  • but first let's consider a few examples.

  • Kant begins with an example of a shopkeeper.

  • He wants to bring out the intuition

  • and make plausible the idea

  • that what confers moral worth on an action

  • is that it be done because it's right.

  • He says suppose there's a shopkeeper

  • and an inexperienced customer comes in.

  • The shopkeeper knows that he could give the customer the wrong change,

  • could shortchange the customer and get away with it;

  • at least that customer wouldn't know.

  • But the shopkeeper nonetheless says,

  • Well, if I shortchange this customer, word may get out,

  • my reputation would be damaged,

  • and I would loose business,

  • so I won't shortchange this customer.”

  • The shopkeeper does nothing wrong,

  • he gives the correct change,

  • but does his action have moral worth?

  • Kant says no, it doesn't have moral worth

  • because the shopkeeper only did the right thing for the wrong reason,

  • out of self-interest.

  • That's a pretty straightforward case.

  • Then he takes another case, the case of suicide.

  • He says we have a duty to preserve ourselves.

  • Now, for most people who love life,

  • we have multiple reasons for not taking our own lives.

  • So, the only way we can really tell,

  • the only way we can isolate the operative motive

  • for someone who doesn't take his or her life

  • is to thinkto imagine someone who's miserable

  • and who despite having an absolutely miserable life

  • nonetheless recognizes the duty to preserve one's self

  • and so does not commit suicide.

  • The force of the example is to bring out the motive that matters

  • and the motive that matters for morality

  • is doing the right thing for the sake of duty.

  • Let me just give you a couple of other examples.

  • The Better Business Bureau, what's their slogan?

  • The slogan of the Better Business Bureau:

  • "Honesty is the best policy.

  • It's also the most profitable."

  • This is the Better Business Bureau's full page ad in the New York Times,

  • "Honesty, it's as important as any other asset

  • because a business that deals in truth, openness, and fair value

  • cannot help but do well.

  • Come join us and profit from it."

  • What would Kant say about the moral worth

  • of the honest dealings of members of the Better Business Bureau?

  • What would he say?

  • That here's a perfect example that if this is the reason

  • that these companies deal honestly with their customers,

  • their action lacks moral worth, this is Kant's point.

  • A couple of years ago, at the University of Maryland,

  • there was a problem with cheating

  • and so they initiated an honor system

  • and they created a program with local merchants

  • that if you signed the honor pledge, a pledge not to cheat,

  • you would get discounts of 10% to 25% at local shops.

  • Well what would you think of someone motivated to uphold an honor code

  • with the hope of discounts?

  • It's the same as Kant's shopkeeper.

  • The point is, what matters is the quality of the will,

  • the character of the motive

  • and the relative motive to morality can only be the motive of duty,

  • not the motive of inclination.

  • And when I act out of duty,

  • when I resist as my motive for acting inclinations

  • or self-interest,

  • even sympathy and altruism,

  • only then am I acting freely,

  • only then am I acting autonomously,

  • only then is my will not determined or governed

  • by external considerations,

  • that's the link between Kant's idea of freedom and of morality.

  • Now, I want to pause here to see if all of this is clear

  • or if you have some questions or puzzles.

  • They can be questions of clarification

  • or they can be challenges.

  • If you want to challenge this idea that only the motive of duty

  • confers moral worth on the action.

  • What do you think?

  • Yes.

  • Yeah, I actually have two questions of clarification.

  • The first is, there seems to be an aspect of this

  • that makes it sort of self-defeating

  • in that once you're conscious of what morality is

  • you can sort of alter your motive to achieve that end of morality.

  • Give me an example of what you have in mind.

  • The shopkeeper example.

  • If he decides that he wants to give the person the money

  • to do the right thing

  • and he decides that it's his motive to do so

  • because he wants to be moral

  • then isn't that sort of defeating trying to

  • isn't that sort of defeating the purity of his action

  • if morality is determined by his motive?

  • His motive is then to act morally.

  • I see. So, you're imagining a case

  • not of the purely selfish calculating shopkeeper

  • but of one who says,

  • well, he may consider shortchanging the customer.

  • But then he says, "Not,

  • or my reputation might suffer if word gets out."

  • But instead he says,

  • "Actually, I would like to be the kind of honest person

  • who gives the right change to customers

  • simply because it's the right thing to do."

  • Or simply, "Because I want to be moral."

  • "Because I want to be moral, I want to be a good person,

  • and so I'm going to conform all of my actions

  • to what morality requires."

  • It's a subtle point, it's a good question.

  • Kant does acknowledge,

  • you're pressing Kant on an important point here,

  • Kant does say there has to be some incentive

  • to obey the moral law,

  • it can't be a self-interested incentive

  • that would defeat it by definition.

  • So, he speaks of a different kind of incentive from that inclination,

  • he speaks of reverence for the moral law.

  • So, if that shopkeeper says,

  • “I want to develop a reverence for the moral law

  • and so I'm going to do the right thing

  • then I think he's there,

  • he's there as far as Kant's concerned

  • because he's formed his motive,

  • his will is conforming to the moral law

  • once he sees the importance of it.

  • So, it would count, it would count.

  • All right, then, secondly, very quickly,

  • what stops morality from becoming completely objective in this point?

  • What stops morality from becoming subjective?

  • Yeah, like how canif morality is completely determined by your morals

  • then how can you apply this or how can it be enforced?

  • All right, that's also a great question.

  • -- What's your name? -- My name is Amady.

  • -- Amady? -- Yes.

  • All right, if acting morally

  • means acting according to a moral law out of duty

  • and if it's also to act freely in the sense of autonomously,

  • it must mean that I'm acting according to a law that I give myself,

  • that's what it means to act autonomously,

  • Amady is right about that,

  • but that does raise a really interesting question.

  • If acting autonomously means acting according to a law I give myself,

  • that's how I escape the chain of cause and effect and the laws of nature.

  • What's the guarantee that the law I give myself

  • when I'm acting out of duty

  • is the same as the law that Amady is giving himself

  • and that each of you gives yourselves?

  • Well, here's the question,

  • how many moral laws, from Kant's point of view,

  • are there in this room?

  • Are there a thousand or is there one?

  • He thinks there's one, which in a way does go back to this question:

  • all right, what is the moral law?

  • What does it tell us?

  • So, what guaranteesit sounds like to act autonomously

  • is to act according to one's conscience,

  • according to a law one gives oneself,

  • but what guarantees that we

  • if we all exercise our reason,

  • we will come up with one and the same moral law?

  • That's what Amady wants to know.

  • Here's Kant's answer:

  • the reason that leads us to the law we give ourselves

  • as autonomous beings is a reason,

  • it's a kind of practical reason that we share as human beings.

  • It's not idiosyncratic.

  • The reason we need to respect the dignity of persons

  • is that we're all rational beings,

  • we all have the capacity for reason

  • and it's the exercise of that capacity for reason

  • which exists undifferentiated in all of us

  • that makes us worthy of dignity, all of us,

  • and since it's the same capacity for reason,

  • unqualified by particular autobiographies and life circumstance,

  • it's the same universal capacity for reason

  • that delivers the moral law,

  • it turns out that to act autonomously

  • is to act according to a law we give ourselves exercising our reason,

  • but it's the reason we share with everyone as rational beings,

  • not the particular reasons we have given our upbringings,

  • our particular values, our particular interests.

  • It's pure practical reason, in Kant's terms,

  • which legislates a priori regardless of any particular contingent

  • or empirical ends.

  • Well, what moral law would that kind of reason deliver?

  • What is its content?

  • To answer that question, you have to read the groundwork

  • and we'll continue with that question next time.

  • For Kant, morally speaking, suicide is on a par with murder.

  • It's on a par with murder because what we violate

  • when we take a life,

  • when we take someone's life, ours or somebody else's,

  • we use that person, we use a rational being,

  • be use humanity as a means

  • and so we fail to respect humanity as an end.

  • Today we turn back to Kant.

  • Before we do, remember this is the week

  • by the end of which all of you will basically get Kant,

  • figure out what he's up to.

  • You're laughing.

  • No, it will happen.

  • Kant's groundwork is about two big questions.

  • First, what is the supreme principle of morality?

  • Second, how is freedom possible?

  • Two big questions.

  • Now, one way of making your way through this dense philosophical book

  • is to bear in mind a set of oppositions

  • or contrasts or dualisms

  • that are related.

  • Today I'd like to talk about them.

  • Today we're going to answer the question,

  • what, according to Kant, is the supreme principle of morality?

  • And in answering that question,

  • in working our way up to Kant's answer to that question

  • it will help to bear in mind

  • three contrasts, or dualisms,

  • that Kant sets out.

  • The first, you'll remember,

  • had to do with the motive according to which we act.

  • And according to Kant, only one kind of motive

  • is consistent with morality, the motive of duty,

  • doing the right thing for the right reason.

  • What other kind of motives are there?

  • Kant sums them up in the category of inclination.

  • Every time the motive for what we do is to satisfy a desire or a preference

  • that we may have, to pursue some interest,

  • we're acting out of inclination.

  • Now, let me pause to see if in thinking about the question

  • of the motive of duty, the goodwill,

  • see if any of you has a question about that much of Kant's claim.

  • Or is everybody happy with this distinction?

  • What do you think? Go ahead.

  • When you make that distinction between duty and inclination

  • is there ever any moral action ever?

  • I mean you could always, kind of, probably find some selfish motive, can't you?

  • Maybe, very often people do have self-interested motives when they act.

  • Kant wouldn't dispute that

  • but what Kant is saying is that in so far as we act morally,

  • that is in so far as our actions have moral worth,

  • what confers moral worth is precisely our capacity

  • to rise above self-interest and prudence and inclination

  • and to act out of duty.

  • Some years ago I read about a spelling bee

  • and there was a young man who was declared the winner

  • of the spelling bee,

  • a kid named Andrew, 13 years old.

  • The winning word, the word that he was able to spell,

  • wasecholalia.”

  • Does anyone know what echolalia is? What?

  • Some type of flower?

  • It's not some type of flower. No.

  • It means the tendency to repeat as in echo,

  • to repeat what you've heard.

  • Anyhow, he misspelled it actually but the judges misheard him,

  • they thought he had spelled it correctly

  • and awarded him the championship of the National Spelling Bee

  • and he went to the judges afterward and said,

  • Actually, I misspelled it, I don't deserve the prize.”

  • And he was regarded as a moral hero

  • and he was written up in the New York Times,

  • Misspeller is Spelling Bee Hero.”

  • There's Andrew with his proud mother

  • and when he was interviewed afterwards, listen to this,

  • when he was interviewed afterwards, he said,

  • The judges said I had a lot of integrity,”

  • but then he added that part of his motive was,

  • “I didn't want to feel like a slime.”

  • All right. What would Kant say?

  • Go ahead.

  • I guess it would depend on whether or not

  • that was a marginal reason or the predominant reason

  • and whether or notand why he decided to confess

  • that he didn't actually spell the word correctly.

  • Good. And what's your name?

  • Bosco.

  • That's very interesting.

  • Is there anyone else who has a view about this?

  • Does this show that Kant's principle is too stringent, too demanding?

  • What would Kant say about this?

  • Yes.

  • I think that Kant actually says that it is the pure motivation

  • that comes out of duty which gives the action moral worth.

  • So, it's like, for example in this case,

  • he might have more than one motive,

  • he might have the motive of not feeling like a slime

  • and he might have the motive of doing the right thing itself out of duty

  • and so, while there's more than one motivation going on there

  • doesn't mean that the action is devoid of moral worth

  • just because he has one other motive

  • because the motive which involves duty is what gives it the moral worth.

  • Good. And what's your name:

  • Judith.

  • Well Judith, I think that your account actually is true to Kant.

  • It's fine to have sentiments and feelings

  • that support doing the right thing provided they don't provide

  • the reason for acting.

  • So, I think Judith actually has mounted a pretty good defense of Kant

  • on this question of the motive of duty.

  • Thank you.

  • Now, let's go back to the three contrasts.

  • It's clear at least what Kant means when he says

  • that for an action to have moral worth, it must be done for the sake of duty,

  • not out of inclination.

  • But as we began to see last time,

  • there's a connection between Kant's stringent notion of morality

  • and his specially demanding understanding of freedom.

  • And that leads us to the second contrast,

  • the link between morality and freedom

  • The second contrast describes two different ways

  • that my will can be determined;

  • autonomously and heteronomously.

  • According to Kant, I'm only free when my will is determined autonomously.

  • Which means what?

  • According to a law that I give myself.

  • We must be capable, if we're capable of freedom as autonomy,

  • we must be capable of acting according not to a law

  • that's given or imposed on us

  • but according to a law we give ourselves.

  • But where could such a law come from?

  • A law that we give ourselves.

  • Reason.

  • If reason determines my will

  • then the will becomes a power to choose independent of the dictates of nature

  • or inclination or circumstance.

  • So, connected with Kant's demanding notions of morality and freedom

  • is a specially demanding notion of reason.

  • Well, how can reason determine the will?

  • There are two ways and this leads to the third contrast.

  • Kant says there are two different commands of reason

  • and a command of reason Kant calls an imperative

  • an imperative is simply an ought.

  • One kind of imperative, perhaps the most familiar kind,

  • is a hypothetical imperative.

  • Hypothetical imperatives use instrumental reason.

  • If you want x then do y.

  • It's means-ends reasoning.

  • If you want a good business reputation then don't shortchange your customers,

  • word may get out.

  • That's a hypothetical imperative.

  • "If the action would be good solely as a means to something else,"

  • Kant writes, "the imperative is hypothetical.

  • If the action is represented as good in itself

  • and therefore is necessary for a will which of itself accords with reason,

  • then the imperative is categorical."

  • That's the difference between a categorical imperative

  • and a hypothetical one.

  • A categorical imperative commands categorically,

  • which just means without reference to or dependence on any further purpose

  • and so you see the connection

  • among these three parallel contrasts.

  • To be free, in the sense of autonomous,

  • requires that I act not out of a hypothetical imperative

  • but out of a categorical imperative.

  • And so you see by these three contrasts Kant reasons his way,

  • brings us up to his derivation of the categorical imperative.

  • Well, this leaves us one big question:

  • what is the categorical imperative?

  • What is the supreme principle of morality?

  • What does it command of us?

  • Kant gives three versions, three formulations,

  • of the categorical imperative.

  • I want to mention two and then see what you think of them.

  • The first version, the first formula,

  • he calls the formula of the universal law;

  • "Act only on that maxim whereby you can at the same time will

  • that it should become a universal law."

  • And by maxim, what does Kant mean?

  • He means a rule that explains the reason for what you're doing,

  • a principle.

  • For example, promise keeping.

  • Suppose I need money, I need $100 desperately

  • and I know I can't pay it back anytime soon.

  • I come to you and make you a promise,

  • a false promise, one I know I can't keep,

  • Please give me $100 today, lend me the money,

  • I will repay you next week.”

  • Is that consistent with the categorical imperative,

  • that false promise?

  • Kant says no.

  • And the test, the way we can determine

  • that the false promise is at odds with the categorical imperative

  • is try to universalize it,

  • universalize the maxim upon which you're about to act.

  • If everybody made false promises when they needed money

  • then nobody would believe those promises,

  • there would be no such thing as a promise,

  • and so there would be a contradiction.

  • The maxim universalized would undermine itself.

  • That's the test.

  • That's how we can know that the false promise is wrong.

  • Well what about the formula of the universal law?

  • You find it persuasive?

  • What do you think? Go ahead.

  • I have a question about the difference between categoricalism

  • and a hypothesis that if you're going to act . . .

  • Between categorical and hypothetical.

  • Hypothetical, yeah.

  • Imperatives.

  • Right. If you're going to act with a categorical imperative

  • so that the maxim doesn't undermine itself,

  • it sounds like I am going to do x because I want y,

  • I'm going to not lie in dire need because I want the world to function

  • in such a way that promises are kept.

  • I don't want to liquidate the practice of promises.

  • Right, it sounds like justifying a means by an ends.

  • It seems like an instance of consequentialist reasoning,

  • you're saying. -- Right.

  • -- And what's your name? -- Tim.

  • Well Tim, John Stewart Mill agreed with you.

  • He made this criticism of Kant.

  • He said, “If I universalize the maxim and find that the whole practice

  • of promise keeping would be destroyed if universalized,

  • I must be appealing somehow to consequences

  • if that's the reason not to tell a false promise.”

  • So, John Stewart Mill agreed with that criticism against Kant

  • but John Stewart Mill was wrong.

  • You're in good company though. You're in good company, Tim.

  • Kant has often read, as Tim just read him,

  • as appealing to consequences.

  • The world would be worse off if everybody lied

  • because then no one could rely on anybody else's word

  • therefore you shouldn't lie.

  • That's not what Kant is saying exactly.

  • Although, it's easy to interpret him as saying that.

  • I think what he's saying is that this is the test,

  • this is the test of whether the maxim corresponds

  • with the categorical imperative.

  • It isn't exactly the reason, it's not the reason,

  • the reason you should universalize to test your maxim

  • is to see whether you are privileging your particular needs and desires

  • over everybody else's.

  • It's a way of pointing to this feature,

  • this demand of the categorical imperative

  • that the reasons for your action shouldn't depend

  • for their justification on your interests, your needs,

  • your special circumstances being more important than somebody else's.

  • That, I think, is the moral intuition lying behind the universalization test.

  • So, let me spell out the second,

  • Kant's second version of the categorical imperative,

  • perhaps in a way that's more intuitively accessible

  • than the formula of universal law.

  • It's the formula of humanity as an end.

  • Kant introduces the second version of the categorical imperative

  • with the following line of argument:

  • "We can't base the categorical imperative

  • on any particular interests, purposes, or ends

  • because then it would be only relative to the person whose ends they were.

  • But suppose, however, there was something whose existence has in itself

  • an absolute value . . . an end in itself . . .

  • then in it, and in it alone,

  • would there be the ground of a possible categorical imperative."

  • Well, what is there that we can think of

  • as having its end in itself?

  • Kant's answer is this, “I say that man,

  • and in general every rational being, exists as and end in himself,

  • not merely as a means for arbitrary use by this or that will.”

  • And here Kant distinguishes between persons on the one hand

  • and things on the other.

  • Rational beings are persons,

  • they don't just have a relative value for us

  • but if anything has they have an absolute value,

  • an intrinsic value, that is rational beings have dignity.

  • They're worthy of reverence or respect.

  • This line of reasoning leads Kant to the second formulation

  • of the categorical imperative which is this:

  • "Act in such a way that you always treat humanity,

  • whether in your own person or in the person of any other,

  • never simply as a means,

  • but always at the same time, as an end."

  • So, that's the formula of humanity as an end,

  • the idea that human beings as rational beings are ends in themselves,

  • not open to use merely as a means.

  • When I make a false promise to you,

  • I'm using you as a means to my ends,

  • to my desire for the $100,

  • and so I'm failing to respect you,

  • I'm failing to respect your dignity,

  • I'm manipulating you.

  • Now, consider the example of the duty against suicide.

  • Murder and suicide are at odds with the categorical imperative.

  • Why?

  • If I murder someone, I'm taking their life for some purpose,

  • either because I'm a hired killer

  • or I'm in the throes of some great anger passion,

  • I have some interest, some purpose,

  • that's particular for the sake which I'm using them as a means.

  • Murder violates the categorical imperative.

  • For Kant, morally speaking, suicide is on a par with murder.

  • It's on a par with murder because what we violate when we take a life,

  • when we take someone's life, ours or somebody else's,

  • we use that person, we use a rational being,

  • we use humanity as a means

  • and so we fail to respect humanity as an end.

  • And that capacity for reason, that humanity that commands respect,

  • that is the ground of dignity,

  • that humanity, that capacity for reason

  • resides undifferentiated in all of us

  • and so I violate that dignity in my own person, if I commit suicide,

  • and in murder if I take somebody else's life.

  • From a moral point of view they're the same

  • and the reason they're the same has to do with the universal character

  • and ground of the moral law.

  • The reason that we have to respect the dignity of other people

  • has not to do with anything in particular about them

  • and so respect, Kantian respect, unlike love in this way.

  • It's unlike sympathy.

  • It's unlike solidarity or fellow feeling or altruism

  • because love and those other particular virtues or reasons

  • for caring about other people have to do with who they are in particular.

  • But respect, for Kant,

  • respect is respect for humanity which is universal,

  • for a rational capacity which is universal,

  • and that's why violating it, in my own case,

  • is as objectionable as violating it in the case of any other.

  • Questions or objections?

  • Go ahead.

  • I guess I'm somewhat worried about Kant's statement

  • that you cannot use a person as a means

  • because every person is an end of themselves,

  • because it seems that everyday,

  • in order to get something accomplished for that day,

  • I must use myself as a means to some end

  • and I must use the people around me as a means to some end as well.

  • For instance, suppose that I want to do well in a class

  • and I have to write a paper.

  • I have to use myself as a means to write the paper.

  • Suppose I want to buy something, food,

  • I must go to the store and use the person working behind the counter

  • as a means for me to purchase my food.

  • Right. That's true, you do.

  • What's your name?

  • Patrick.

  • Patrick, you're not doing anything wrong.

  • You're not violating the categorical imperative

  • when you use other people as means,

  • that's not objectionable

  • provided when we deal with other people

  • for the sake of advancing our projects and purposes and interests,

  • which we all do,

  • provided we treat them in a way that is consistent

  • with respect for their dignity

  • and what it means to respect them

  • is given by the categorical imperative.

  • Are you persuaded?

  • Do you think that Kant has given a compelling account,

  • a persuasive account, of the supreme principle of morality?

  • Reread the groundwork and we'll try to answer that question next time.

Now we turn


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邁克爾-桑德爾正義什麼是正確的事第06集 MIND YOUR MOTIVE (Michael Sandel Justice What's The Right Thing To Do Episode 06 MIND YOUR MOTIVE)

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