字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello everyone 哈囉大家好 Welcome to Taiwan Bar 歡迎光臨臺灣吧 Today we're going to talk about selling out Taiwan 今天我們來聊聊這個賣臺 Which um 說到賣臺 Everyone seems to think is a new thing 大家似乎以為是最近的事情 Goto Shinpei thought Taiwanese people were nothing but a bunch of 後藤新平認為,臺灣人的民族性就是 To Taiwanese people nowadays, this description is 愛錢、怕死、愛面子 Yeah, it's pretty on point 這句話此時此刻身為臺灣人的我們聽起來 Who is this Goto Shinpei? 好像有點中肯呢~ That's Kudō Shin-ichi 額?等一下 Their names don't even sound alike! 後藤新平是哪位? As an intro for Goto Shinpei 那是工藤新一 Let's start our story with 關於後藤新平 The Taiwanese were so close 我們可以從Bonjour開始說起 from bonjouring each other like the French The Taiwanese were so close 只差那麼一點點 from bonjouring each other like the French 我們見面就要像法國人一樣Bonjour Bonjour地喊了 Because 因為 To understand the importance of this 臺灣一度差點被日本賣給法國 Selling Taiwan incident with Mr. Goto Shinpei 紅~豆~~~? Let's start from how the Japanese Rule in Taiwan started 為了讓大家更了解這個 In 1895 好重要的賣臺事件以及好重要的後藤新平先生 Japan took over Taiwan according to the Treaty of Shimonoseki 我們就先來聊聊好重要的日治初期吧 But couldn't handle Taiwan's crimes 咳咳 開始囉 All the armed resistances 1895年 gave the first few governor-generals a big headache 日本剛以馬關條約接手臺灣 During the first three years of the Japanese Rule 卻完全無法掌握臺灣的治安狀況 governor-generals changed back to back to back 各種大大小小的武裝抗日 Even when the fourth governor-general came to office 讓前幾任總督非常頭痛 He could still hear them blaka blaka blakas 例如總督乃木希典桑就曾經抱怨說 Like Chinese New Year 治理臺灣就好像是 In fact, apart from the resistance 叫化子討到一批馬 The Japanese also got the heebie-jeebies from 又會被踢得半死 --- 得司 Taiwan was hot and wet and filled with cutie little diseases 日治初期總督在短短三年內 Just to give you an idea 換了又換 不停地換 When Japanese troops were busy invading the south in 1895 一路從第一任的樺山資紀 160 people were killed in action 換成桂太郎 More than 500 people were wounded 再換到乃木希典 But those who died from diseases were up to 就算到了第四任的總督兒玉源太郎 You can tell by the numbers how serious the epidemics were 白天辦公外面還可以聽到槍聲四起 On top of the casualties 劈哩啪啦好不快樂呀~ Expenditures were also a big problem 事實上除了春風吹又生的抗日勢力以外 For example, in 1896 還有一個更讓日本皮皮銼的事情 也就是瘟疫 Taiwan's public finance-revenue was less than 臺灣又濕又熱充滿各式各樣五顏六色的傳染病 But the expenditures were up to 像是瘧疾、鼠疫等等等 How are you supposed to make ends meet 舉例來說 when you're spending three times what you make? 日軍在1895年南進掃蕩的時候 Let's clarify something real quick 有160多人戰死 あの 500多人受傷 The Japanese people that came to Taiwan at that time 但因為疾病而死亡的日本人卻有 May be a little different 4 6 0 0 多人!! from the clean and polite people we know them to be 整整比戰死的人數多了30倍 Because of the hot weather 欸~~超多的 Some Japanese folks stripped down and strolled around 光從人數就可以看出臺灣的傳染病有多嚴重了 Making Taiwanese people feel 除了死很多人 Not to mention 花太多錢也是一大問題 Corruption 舉例來說1896年 Robbery 臺灣的財政收入不到700萬日圓 Messed up po-po's 但支出卻高達2300萬日圓 Let's just say Taiwanese people didn't have a 啊這樣你是要怎麼收支平衡啦! very high opinion of the Japanese back then 支出整個就是收入的三倍之多 Making it even worse to be colonized by them 等一等 As for the Japanese who were sent there 這裡我們要來小小澄清一下 They felt like soldiers being sent to the Spratly Islands 啊no~ Taiwan didn't have any decent schools, hospitals or houses 當時來臺灣的日本人可能跟我們印象中 But it DID have a bunch of diseases 愛清潔、有禮貌的日本人不太一樣 It was like being in exile 除了臺灣天氣太熱 In fact it was 讓有些日本人只好脫光光晃來晃去 People dying 搞得臺灣人看了覺得羞羞臉以外 Money spending 更不用說 Both made Mr. Nogi Maresuke 貪汙 When people back in Japan started throwing shade at Taiwan 搶劫 The National Diet wanted to sell Taiwan 軍紀敗壞一堆有的沒的壞習慣 for a meager 100 million yen to France 讓臺灣人民打從心裡瞧不起當時的日本人 A debate we call 也加深了臺灣人不爽被殖民的情緒 If Taiwan was actually sold to France 而當時被派來的日本人 We could've ended up eating croissants for breakfast 就像好好一個人,沒事當個大頭兵 And building Eiffel 101's in Taipei 卻抽到南沙指揮部一樣 Just when Taiwan was about to go full bonjour 嗄?南沙指揮部是什麼? 可以吃嗎? Even though Taiwan is a hard little nut to crack 不能吃 If we do 臺灣不只沒有合適的學校、醫院、像樣的房子 In the end, the Diet decided to give the government one last chance 傳染病還一大堆 And Kodama took his right hand man to Taiwan 來臺灣就像被流放到邊疆一樣 But at that time, Kodama was also 真的就是 呵呵 So most of the time he wasn't even in Taiwan 話說回來 And the hard work just became Goto Shinpei's job 死太多人 Goto believed that Taiwan must be ruled by 花太多錢 For example 這兩個大問題搞得我們的乃木希典桑 Flatfish have their eyes on the same side 心情非常非常差 But sea breams have their eyes on opposite sides 終於臺灣賠了夫人又折兵的消息傳回日本 How could you force a flatfish to grow its eyes on both sides? 日本國會決定 So let Japanese be Japanese, and Taiwanese be Taiwanese 用大約1億日圓把臺灣賤價賣給Bonjour Bonjour的法國 There's no need to impose Japan's rules on Taiwan 這就是所謂的 Like when you date someone 臺 灣 賣 卻 論 論論論 You also need to get to know them first 如果當時真的賣給法國 Goto decided to take understand the habits of the Taiwanese population 我們現在早餐吃的可能就是可頌 before creating corresponding policies 站在臺北信義區的大概就是101鐵塔了 First of all 而就在臺灣準備要開始Bonjour Bonjour的時候 He started with a bunch of investigations 出現了個兒玉源太郎 Land 兒玉源太郎認為 臺灣是日本南端的屏障,軍事價值高 Demographics 當初為了臺灣我們已經花了那麼多力量 Forestry 死了那麼多人 and old habits to understand Taiwan 絕對不能賣掉 Well...you know 而且雖然治理臺灣非常挫敗 Goto observed how marriage and ownership worked in Taiwan 但是如果把臺灣搞好 as a reference for legislative and judicial systems 日本就可以向船堅炮利的歐美列強證明 blending in like a chameleon on a rainbow 自己也擁有治理殖民地的能力 Now we can finally tell you guys 並以此拿到脫亞入歐的門票 how Goto Shinpei solved the two major problems 最後被說服的國會決定再給政府一次機會 to prevent Taiwan from being sold 誇下海口的兒玉源太郎帶著一個好幫手後藤新平來到臺灣 First off, the money problem 不過因為當時的兒玉源太郎同時兼任了 Thanks to the land investigations 日本國內陸雞 Goto bumped the land rent revenue from 拍謝~日本國內內 to a whopping 入本…嗯… A threefold growing spurt 日本國路內朱….哈哈哈哈 On the other hand 日本國內陸軍大臣 The Monopoly Bureau was also a huge driving force 根本很少待在臺灣 towards Taiwan's financial autonomy 所以治理臺灣的辛苦工作 大多都在身為民政長官的後藤新平身上啦 The monopoly system meant that 開始囉 only the government could sell certain things 後藤新平主張所謂的生物學原理 and it brought in an average annual income of 舉例來說 mainly from selling 比目魚的眼睛長在同一邊 Especially from opium 可是鯛魚的眼睛長在兩邊啊 Opium got the whole team on his back, 怎麼可以要求比目魚的眼睛硬要分在兩邊呢 LeBron James 所以說日本人就是日本人 、臺灣人就是臺灣人 Filling up the scoreboard 也就不能拿同一種方式來治理 Carrying half the sales 就好像想追人家 By the way 就要先從了解人家的個性開始啊 At that time, opium addiction 是不是啊 was a deeeeep-rooted social problem in Taiwan 後藤新平決定要先好好觀察臺灣人的習性 But to the government 再想出一套因地制宜的治理方式 The business was just easy money 首先 Anyway 他進行了一連串的調查來認識臺灣 Goto Shinpei finally made Taiwan economically self-sufficient 像是土地 What about the public safety problem? 人口 Goto sent a kajillion cops 林野 Like, a lot of cops 還有舊慣調查等等 Like, an ant army of cops 嗄?什麼是舊慣調查? along with community-based watch systems 臺灣舊有の風俗民情與習慣の調查 and local militia to protect the world from devastation 臺灣舊有の風俗民情與習慣の調查 But Taiwan paid a high price for this so-called “peace” 臺灣舊有…… Taiwanese people lived under police surveillance 藉由日常的觀察試著了解臺灣人的婚姻、財產等等 Common folks had to call the police “Sir” 老老實實地因地制宜 Parents threatened their kids by saying 接下來我們終於可以告訴大家 “The cops are coming!” 為了不讓臺灣被賣掉 And just by seeing the police 後藤新平如何改善日治初期的兩大問題 Everyone wet their pants 首先是錢的部分 Later on, Goto proclaimed the Bandit Punishment Ordinance 後藤新平透過土地調查 giving the police even greater power 讓臺灣的地租收入從原本的86萬日圓 More than 5900 people were arrested 暴增到300萬日圓 and more than 3200 of them were executed 成長3倍多厲害厲害 You can probably guess that Taiwanese people were 另一方面 pretty well behaved after that 專賣事業更是臺灣財政獨立的第一大推手 Now, you probably understand a little bit more about how Kudo 所謂「專賣」就是只有 How Goto Shinpei prevented Taiwan from being sold to France 政府可以賣、民間不行 To sell or not to sell 專賣的年均收入有500萬日圓 Japan weighed its options rationally from a colonial perspective 主要來自 鴉片、食鹽跟樟腦三種 but also with a romantic touch 其中鴉片甚至佔了一半左右 to prove itself to Western countries 順帶一提 Anyhow 當時吸食鴉片 When we look back at specific parts of history 在臺灣一直是很大的社會問題 Avoiding emotional judgments is really important 但因為對政府來說 for us to get closer to the truth 專賣的錢實在是太好賺啦 If Taiwan was actually sold to France 才不會放棄你呢 What would our lives be like now? 總而言之 If you still think that's an easy question to answer... 後藤新平終於使臺灣的財政走向自給自足 Well, we just wasted 7 minutes! 那治安問題呢 Okay 後藤新平改用鋪天蓋地的警察 After all that talking, I'm a bit thirsty 也就是很多很多的警察 Let me drink this sake 比螞蟻還多...的警察 And we'll see you next time 不時搭配保甲制度 Bye! 與壯丁團來維護世界的和平
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 臺灣 臺灣人 日圓 日本 日本人 治理 《動畫臺灣史》 EP0『賣台?後藤桑の如意算盤 』 (Taiwan for Sale? History of Taiwan) 504 47 kiki 發佈於 2018 年 03 月 23 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字