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Good morning John. OK.
約翰,早安。 OK。
That's a weird word.
By which I mean, "OK."
我是指 ,"OK"。
"OK" means like fine, good, satisfactory, approved.
"OK" 意味著美好的,愉快的,令人滿意的,被認可的。
None of those words even have K's in them!
這些單詞中甚至沒有一個含有 K 這個字母!
There aren't any words that are just capital letters.
This isn't normal!
And yet, "OK" is possibly the most spoken word on the planet.
Not because we say it a lot in the US, which we do,
but also because we say it a lot everywhere.
So many other languages have been like,
"Yeah, actually, that one's good. We'll take that."
"Yeah, actually, that one's good. We'll take that." 這些語詞來表達
So from Mandarin to Hebrew to Flemish to Russian to Indian to Portuguese,
"OK" is "OK"!
"OK" 就是 "OK"!
It's a common, affirmative word.
What does "OK" even mean?
It's like you want to approve of something, but not a lot.
The way we have a word for "good" without all the GOOD tied up in it.
Like if I fall down, you say, "Are you OK?"
All you're really asking is, "Is there something wrong?"
It's like an acceptance without any values or perspective or opinions laid on top of it.
OK 就像是一種,不包含任何價值觀,或觀點或意見的同意。
And I want that! I can just be OK, and that's OK!
我想要那樣!我可以簡單的用 OK 表示,這樣也很好!
But where did it actually come from, though?
然而,OK 實際上是源自於何處呢?
Allow me to introduce you to the only Wikipedia page that is a list of potential etymologies for a word.
And it's very long!
Maybe it comes from "och aye". Like, Scottish. Oh yes.
也許它源自於 "och aye" 。就像,蘇格蘭語。 哦,是的。
Or from the Greek phrase, "ola kala," meaning "all good." Maybe!
或源自於希臘語“ola kala”,意思是「一切都好」。 也許吧!
But etymologists and historians have settled on three prime theories.
We'll get to the most settled-upon one last, but let's start with a West African origin.
Thus brought to the US by slaves.
A 1784 verified use of the word "K," rather than "OK,"
1784 年,在北卡羅萊納州,一個奴隸說過的話的抄本
is a transcription of something a slave said in North Carolina.
被證實是 "K," 而不是 "OK,"。
And this may come from a common West African phrase "o ke," or "waw-kay," depending on the language,
這可能來自一個常見的西非短語“o ke”或“waw-kay”
that's basically an affirmative or a backchannel.
A backchannel is what linguists call that thing that you do where you make a noise or you say a phrase or a word
語言學家對 "backchannel" 的解釋是,你用一種聲音,或說一個單詞字或短語
just to let somebody know that you understood what they said.
And among the many uses for the word "OK" remains backchanneling.
"OK" 有許多用法,但最主要還是拿來當做對發話者的應答語。
Like you're on the phone and you're like, "OK, uh-huh, yup, mhm, OK," - Like that!
就像你在打電話說,「好吧,嗯,嗯,嗯,好吧,」 - 就像那樣!
Second, the Choctaw word "okeh", which maybe was also somewhat similar and other Native American languages,
第二,源自於喬克托 (美洲原住民) 語“okeh”,也許與其他美洲原住民語言有些相似
and from what I can tell this is not particularly easy to translate,
but probably it means something to the effect of "it is so,"
and is also apparently sometimes used as a backchannel, weirdly enough.
The definite thing that we do know is when it entered into the popular lexicon of average Americans as the letter O and the letter K:
我們可以確定的是,當它以字母 O 和 K 的形式,成為一般美國人的流行詞彙時:
In the late 1830s, there was this weird fad for comically misspelling things in newspapers --
在19世紀30年代後期,當時有一種奇怪的時尚,就是報紙詼諧地將一些字故意拼錯 --
I don't know...
我不知道 ...
-- and then you would take those common misspellings and create acronyms from them.
-- 然後你會把這些常見的錯誤拼寫記下來,並從中創造出字首縮略詞。
Like another example of a similar word was "OW", which was for "oll wright".
Later, they had "oll korrect" - "OK."
後來,他們就有了 "oll korrect" - 寫成 "OK."
Now this, like all of the other weird comical misspelling acronyms, would have been completely forgotten
if not for Martin Van Buren.
The democratic party decided to take this weird "OK" meme and apply it to Martin Van Buren,
民主黨决定把這個奇怪又流行的 "OK" 應用到馬丁.范布倫身上
whose name sounded too Dutch, I guess?
But he was from Kinderhook, New York and they called him "Ole Kinderhook",
but that probably also wouldn't have stuck around if people hadn't been looking for ways to save characters on telegrams because you payed by the letter.
And then "OK" continued to trundle down the decades until we got to where we are now.
然後 "OK" 繼續苟延殘喘了幾十年,ㄧ直到發展成今天的樣貌。
For me, the amazing thing about this word is how normal and everyday it is,
despite the fact that it is very weird and unusual and we never noticed that.
And it sort of exists in the background as part of the fabric of culture,
not as something that we immediately identify as something that we're confused and amazed by.
But it is confusing and amazing,
and I guess that's OK.
但我想這是 OK 的。
John, I'll see you on Tuesday.