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  • That is an awkward question, but it's one that's being asked

    這是一個尷尬的問題。 但這是一個被問及

  • on every major news network in America.


  • President Trump's fitness for office is now the top story in the country.

    特朗普總統的健康狀況 現在是全國的頭條新聞。

  • Reports suggest that even Trump's advisers are worried about it.

    報道稱,即使 特朗普的顧問們對此感到擔憂。

  • Everyone around the president questions his intelligence and fitness for office.

    每個人都圍繞著總統的問題 他的聰明才智和任職資格。

  • 100 percent of the people around him.


  • Concerns have gotten so bad that Trump agreed to be screened for dementia

    擔心的問題已經嚴重到特朗普 同意接受痴呆症檢查

  • as part of his last health exam.


  • None of this has to do with Trump's political positions.

    這一切都與特朗普的。 政治立場。

  • They have to do with his ability to understand the world around him

    它們與他的能力有關 瞭解周圍的世界

  • and make good decisions.


  • Everybody wants to know: is this president of sound mind?


  • And if talking about this kind of thing makes you uncomfortable,

    而如果說到這種事情 讓你不舒服。

  • wait 'til you see how much it's stressing out actual mental health experts.

    等到你看到它有多大的壓力 出真正的心理健康專家。

  • In a series of tweets, the president insisted that he is "like really smart" and a "very stable genius."

    在一系列推文中,總統堅持認為 他是 "像真正的聰明 "和 "非常穩定的天才"。

  • Last October, a group of 27 mental health experts

    去年10月,由27名精神衛生工作者組成的 專家

  • published this book: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.

    出版了這本書,"唐納德・特朗普的危險案例"。 《唐納德・特朗普的危險案例》

  • In it, they warn that Trump's behavior shows him to be dangerously unstable,

    在其中,他們警告說,特朗普的行為 這說明他是危險的不穩定的。

  • describing him as a pathological narcissist who's delusional, suffers from paranoid ideation,

    把他說成是一個病態的自戀狂。 誰的妄想症, 患有偏執的想法。

  • lacks conscience and empathy, and exhibits a host of destructive and dangerous psychiatric symptoms.

    缺乏良知和同情心,並表現出以下特點 一系列破壞性和危險的精神症狀。

  • Yeah, it's rough.


  • Two months after its publishing, the book's editor met with 12 US senators

    出版後兩個月。 該書的編輯與12名美國參議員進行了會面。

  • to talk about Trump's mental fitness.


  • That editor's name?


  • Dr. Bandy Lee.


  • I am a forensic psychiatrist at Yale School of Medicine

    我是耶魯大學法學院的法醫精神病學家。 醫學

  • and an internationally recognized expert on violence.

    和國際公認的專家 暴力行為;

  • Since the book came out, Dr. Lee has become kind of the face of mental health experts

    自從這本書問世後,李博士就成了。 精神衛生專家的臉

  • warning about Trump.


  • We express our consensus view that


  • Some of the psychological signs are:


  • All of these are highly associated with violence.


  • One thing I noticed is that she starts almost every interview about Trump by saying

    我注意到一件事,她開始 幾乎每一次關於特朗普的採訪,都會說

  • this: I'd like to make clear that I speak for myself

    這一點。 我想說明一下,我是代表我自己說話的

  • She did it in our interview too.


  • That's because what Dr. Lee and her colleagues are doing,

    這是因為李博士和她的同事們... 正在做。

  • discussing the mental health of a politician who isn't their patient,

    談心 誰不是他們的病人。

  • is pretty controversial.


  • And to understand why, we have to go back to 1964.

    要想知道為什麼,我們必須回到過去 至1964年。

  • Don't tune out.


  • I'll make this quick.


  • Back then, Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater was running for president.

    當年,共和黨參議員巴里-戈德華特。 是競選總統。

  • He was a far-right candidate who talked openly about wanting to use nuclear weapons

    他是一個極右翼的候選人,公開談論 想使用核武器

  • and was endorsed by the KKK.


  • I know, time is a flat circle.


  • In response to Goldwater's candidacy, Fact Magazine published this piece,

    針對戈德華特的參選。 事實上雜誌發表了這篇報道。

  • in which over 1,000 psychiatrists argued that he was psychologically unfit to be president.

    其中有超過1,000名精神科醫生爭論說 他在心理上不適合當總統。

  • Goldwater lost the election, but he sued the magazine's publisher for libel

    戈德華特輸掉了選舉。 但他卻以誹謗罪起訴雜誌社

  • and won, causing the magazine to shut down.


  • In response, the American Psychiatric Association created this guideline,

    對此,美國精神病學協會 制定了這一準則。

  • which states that when it comes to public figures,

    其中指出,當涉及到公共 數字。

  • it is unethical for psychiatrists to offer a professional opinion

    精神病醫生提供以下服務是不道德的。 專業意見

  • unless they've conducted an examination on that person.

    除非他們已經對 那個人。

  • They called it: the Goldwater Rule.

    他們稱之為: 戈德華特規則

  • Well, I was going to say it.


  • But yeah, the Goldwater Rule.


  • Which brings us back to this book.


  • Lee and her colleagues argue that they're not violating the Goldwater Rule because

    李和她的同事們認為,他們是。 沒有違反 "戈德華特規則",因為

  • We're not interested in making a diagnosis.


  • They're assessing how dangerous he might be based on his public behavior.

    他們正在評估他的危險程度 根據他的公開行為。

  • Most of the information that you get about dangerousness

    你得到的大部分資訊都是關於 危險性

  • comes from observation of their behavior, watching their interactions with people,

    來自於對他們行為的觀察。 觀察他們與人的互動。

  • assessing them in real situations, reports of how they respond,

    在實際情況下評估它們; 報告他們如何應對。

  • objective signs that we can still evaluate even if it's not enough to make a diagnosis.

    客觀跡象,我們仍然可以評價 即使不足以做出診斷。

  • But in March, the APA expanded the Goldwater Rule,

    但在3月,APA擴大了Goldwater 規則:

  • clarifying that rendering any professional opinion

    澄清,提供任何專業 意見

  • about a public figure's affect, behavior, speech,

    關於公眾人物的情感、行為。 講話。

  • or other presentation is unethical.


  • In other words, unless Trump agrees to a full mental health screening

    換句話說,除非特朗普同意 接受全面心理健康檢查

  • never going to happentons of psychiatrists are basically barred

    - 不可能 大量的精神科醫生基本被禁止進入

  • from commenting on his mental health.


  • And that is very alarming to me.


  • Many people call it a gag rule.


  • Gag rule, I'm into it.


  • You would be.


  • That gag rule has a big impact on how the media

    這條禁言規則對如何。 媒體

  • talks about Trump's mental fitness.


  • Lee worries that if they can't talk to mental health experts,

    李先生擔心,如果他們不能和精神上的。 健康專家;

  • journalists are more likely to normalize Trump's abnormal behavior.

    記者們更有可能將其正常化 特朗普的異常行為。

  • Most people are not used to seeing impaired individuals

    大多數人都不習慣看到障礙物 個人

  • day in and day out, so


  • It's tough to grapple with the possibility that

    這是很難處理的可能性。 該

  • the person in charge of our nuclear arsenal might be deeply unstable.

    我國核武庫的掌門人 可能深陷不穩定。

  • So instead, our brains look for other explanations for Trump's behavior.

    所以,我們的大腦反而會尋找其他的解釋。 對於特朗普的行為。

  • I want to believe he's just dishonest, not delusional.


  • Trump peddles conspiracy theories about Obama's birth certificate, and he's just playing

    特朗普兜售關於陰謀的理論 奧巴馬的出生證明,他只是在玩耍

  • to his base.


  • Is there some strategy in bringing up the Obama birth certificate thing again?

    是否有一些策略在提出 奧巴馬的出生證明的事情了嗎?

  • Trump is not delusional.


  • He's being very politically savvy.


  • What should be evidence of a serious emergency gets downplayed as just Trump being Trump.

    嚴重突發事件的證據應該是什麼 被淡化為特朗普就是特朗普。

  • Donald Trump's a different type of guy.


  • I mean, he operates differently.


  • That difference has made him very successful.


  • One of Lee's colleagues has a great name for this phenomenon.

    李先生的一個同事名字很好聽 對於這種現象。

  • He calls it "malignant normality."

    他稱之為 "惡性常態"。

  • Ooh. I know.


  • It's a great drag name.


  • The result is that journalists end up missing big danger signs,

    結果是,記者最終錯過了 大的危險信號。

  • signs that mental health experts could catch.


  • Pundits will simply say, “That's just Trump being Trump,”

    專家們只會說:"這只是特朗普的說法 作為特朗普,"。

  • or, “It's tough talk.”


  • One crucial contribution that mental health professionals can make is to

    一個重要貢獻 心理健康專業人員可以做的是

  • But the bigger problem with the APA's gag order

    但APA的禁言更大的問題在於 秩序

  • is that it surrenders debates about Trump's mental fitness

    是,它交出了關於特朗普的辯論。 精神狀態

  • to non-experts.


  • Isn't it remarkable that we're talking about the president's mental state?

    是不是很了不起,我們在談論的是 總統的精神狀態?

  • To political commentators or partisan pundits who actually aren't qualified to talk about this.

    對政治評論員或黨派評論員來說。 誰其實沒有資格談論這個問題。

  • I'm not a doctor, but I can tell you what I see and hear.

    我不是醫生,但我可以告訴你什麼? 我看到和聽到。

  • I'm not a doctor, but I can see that he is not the sharp mind that he was.

    我不是醫生,但我看得出他是... ... 不像他那樣頭腦敏銳。

  • I'm not a doctor, but his behavior is erratic.


  • To me, that's classic narcissism.


  • I'm not a doctor but...

    我不是醫生,但是... ...

  • Leaving mental health issues to pundits, non-professionals,


  • can keep the public in the dark and keep them


  • confused.


  • These discussions can quickly become train wrecks,

    這些討論很快就會變成培訓 沉船。

  • where mental fitness is used as a weapon to smear political opponents.

    矯枉過正 抹黑政治對手。

  • So many of the traits of a sociopath this man is displaying.

    這麼多反社會者的特徵,這個 男子正在展示。

  • I can't explain this crazy behavior, but I can call it crazy.

    我無法解釋這種瘋狂的行為,但我... ... 可以說是瘋狂。

  • You saw it during the Obama years, when Fox News

    你看到它在奧巴馬年,當福克斯... 新聞中心

  • regularly made wild accusations about Obama's mental state.

    經常對奧巴馬進行瘋狂的指責。 精神狀態。

  • We all know that Obama is a narcissist, but this is bordering on the pathological.

    我們都知道奧巴馬是個自戀狂。 但這是近乎病態的。

  • He doesn't seem to have empathy or feelings for Americans.

    他似乎沒有同情心,也沒有感情 對美國人來說。

  • He is certainly unfit to be president.


  • And Lee worries that this kind of coverage trivializes real concerns

    而李先生擔心,這種報道 小題大做

  • about Trump's mental fitness, reducing them to

    關於特朗普的心理健康,減少他們的。 到

  • just another talking point for pundits to argue about.

    只不過是專家們的另一個談話點 爭論。

  • As this conversation escalates, both sides sort of retreating to their corners.

    隨著這次談話的升級。 雙方都有點退避三舍的意思。

  • The more that mental fitness sounds like a left-wing talking point,

    心理素質越聽越像 一個左翼的話題。

  • the harder it is to take it seriously.


  • To now say, “Oh, well, look, he seems unhinged,” does seem like you're not willing to accept

    現在說,"哦,好吧,你看,他似乎不正常," 看來你確實不願意接受

  • the political reality that you are living with.

    你們所處的政治現實 與:

  • To accept that it is simply a political issue or a partisan issue

    接受這只是一個政治問題 或黨派問題

  • is an attempt to normalize the discourse.


  • No one's a doctor tonight that I've seen.


  • And somehow say, because you don't like what he said tonight in his speech,

    並莫名其妙地說,因為你不喜歡。 他今晚在演講中說的話。

  • that he's somehow unfit to be commander in chief,

    說他不適合當指揮官 負責人:

  • that is the most ridiculous...


  • Whoa, whoa, whoa, everybody stop, stop.


  • The original goal of the Goldwater Rule was to help prevent mental health from being politicized.

    戈德華特規則的最初目標 是為了幫助防止心理健康被政治化。

  • But if the last few months have shown anything, it's that silencing mental health experts

    但如果過去幾個月有什麼表現的話。 這是,沉默的心理健康專家

  • does the opposite.


  • Politicization is almost inevitable without expert input.

    政治化幾乎是不可避免的,沒有 專家意見。

  • Mental health expertise, just like medical expertise,

    心理健康專業知識,就像醫學一樣 專業知識;

  • is neutral on all those grounds.


  • Trump has made questions about his mental fitness unavoidable.

    特朗普讓人質疑他的精神 健身不可避免。

  • What remains to be seen is whether actual experts

    還有待觀察的是,是否實際 專家

  • will be allowed to answer them.


That is an awkward question, but it's one that's being asked

這是一個尷尬的問題。 但這是一個被問及

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