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Facts verse presents things.
You did not know the use of number one, the lettering on a makeup jar.
If you have ever bought a bottle of face makeup, you might have noticed that there's a mark on the bottle that could read six M 12 M 18 M or 24 M.
如果你買過一瓶化妝品,你可能會注意到瓶子上有一個標記,可能寫著 6 M 12 M 18 M 或 24 M。
These are not markings that are needed in the factory.
They're actually the expiration dates.
If you use face makeup for too long, it can result in a break out a rash or an infection.
These marks are to let you know when it's time to toss your old makeup and replace it with new.
Number two, the small hole between the iphone flash and the camera.
第二,iPhone 閃光燈和攝像頭之間的小孔。
If you have one of the newer versions of the iphone, you'll notice that there is a tiny black.in between the camera's back camera and the flash that's not there for show and it's not a mistake.
如果你使用的是較新版本的 iPhone,你會發現在攝像頭的後置攝像頭和閃光燈之間有一個小黑點,這不是擺設,也不是錯誤。
It's actually a tiny microphone, Apple added this to the newer iphones so that you can get better sound quality when you're taking videos.
它實際上是一個微型麥克風,蘋果公司在新款 iPhone 中加入了這個麥克風,以便在拍攝視頻時獲得更好的音質。
Number three, the lines on an Exacto knife.
If you've ever used an Exacto knife, you might have noticed the horizontal lines that run up and down the blade.
These are there to extend the life of the razor.
When the razor begins to get dull, you can just snap it off at one of those lines and you'll have a fresh new razor to work with and that can be done up to 10 times depending on the knife that you have.
當刮鬚刀開始變鈍時,你只需在其中一條線上把它折斷,就會有一把嶄新的刮鬚刀供你使用,根據你所使用的刀,這樣做最多可以進行 10 次。
Number four, the tabs on the ends of an aluminum foil box, there is nothing worse than needing aluminum foil only to have it fall out of the box and roll out onto the ground.
What you might not know is that there are two tabs on each side of the box that you're supposed to push in.
When they're pushed in, they will go right into the holes in the tube, holding the foil in place when you use it.
Number five, the extra piece of fabric that comes with new clothes.
If you've ever bought a new shirt or a new pair of pants that came with a small piece of fabric in the bag, you might have thought that it was a patch.
If you were to rip your clothing, you'd have a small piece of material to patch the hole with.
Well, that's not the real reason.
The clothing manufacturers include this piece of fabric.
It's actually so you can put it in the washing machine so that you'll see what the washer and the soap will do to your clothing.
So that you don't end up ruining it.
It actually is just a test piece of fabric.
The button that comes with the fabric that is often included just in case you lose one number six, the extra holes in converse sneakers.
Many people who wear converse sneakers know that there are two extra holes on the sides of the feet.
They're not there for decoration.
Like most people think some people think that they are there to lace the sneaker up tighter and offer more support.
Well, both of those theories sound plausible but they are both wrong.
The holes are actually there for added ventilation.
Since many styles of converse are high tops, the more ventilation, the better number seven, the hole at the end of a ruler.
Many people think that the holes at the end of the ruler are there to help you make a perfect circle.
Well, yeah, you can use it for that.
The hole is small.
So the explanation is kind of silly if you think about it, there aren't too many people who would need to draw a circle that tiny the hole is actually there so that you can have a way to hang the ruler up rather than trying to fit it inside a desk drawer.
Number eight, the hole at the end of a panhandle of all the things you did not know the use of this could be the most useful.
Most sauce pans and skillets have a hole at the end of the handle, most people think the hole is there so that they can hang their pan on the wall and they are half right about that.
The hole at the end of the handle is a great way to hang a pan.
If that's what you choose to do with it.
The other purpose of the hole is to put a spoon handle through.
If you're cooking and you stir your food, whatever your cooking is going to get all over the counter.
Unless you rinse off that spoon every time you need to set it down.
But if you put the spoon through that hole, it will hover over the pan and that would prevent anything from dripping.
Number nine, the arrow on the side of the gas gauge icon, many vehicles will have a small arrow on the side of the gas gauge icon, the icons there to let the driver know which side the gas tank is on, whichever way the arrow is pointing.
That's the side the gas gauge is on.
Since most drivers know which side the tank is on.
This little arrow is more helpful to people who are borrowing a car number 10 p.m. Palm and backpack loop.
這個小箭頭對晚上 10 點 Palm 和揹包圈借車號的人更有幫助。
The pom pom on a hat goes all the way back to the 19 hundreds.
帽子上的絨球可以追溯到 1900 年。
When sailors were living aboard ships, sailors would wear the hats.
And if the pom pom scraped the ceiling, they'd know that they needed to duck and they would not scrape their head the loop on a pocket of a backpack that's called a hauling loop.
They come in handy with people out in the wilderness.
However, there's really no need to put them on a kid's backpack.
There aren't too many kids out there who are going to be hauling heavy items to school.
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