字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 *Loud WAPOOSH noise* 早安啊女士們 Top of the mornin' to you laddies! 我叫Jacksepticeye,歡迎來到這個遊戲「與Bennet Foddy一起度過難關」~ My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome to a game called Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. 應該已經有很多人看過這遊戲了因為它已經成為 A lot of you have probably seen this game 史上最讓人崩潰的遊戲之一...聽起來很合理因為這遊戲看起來超級不可理喻 already because it's been doing the rounds as one of the 當大家都在玩的時候我其實已經很想玩了 ragiest games that people have ever played, and rightly so because it looks ridiculous 但之前想玩這遊戲你要嘛得跟開發者要原始碼 And I wanted to play it when everyone else was playing it, 要嘛要去一個Humble.... But apparently you needed to either get a code from the developer 一陣子前才出現的Humble Bundle(註:一個將遊戲打包出售的網站) Or you needed to get it in some humble- 而我兩樣都沒做,然後它現在終於在Steam上架了所以~我終於可以玩到了 Humble bundle that came out a while ago 我之前就有看過人家玩,笑死我了 And I didn't get either so it just finally came out on Steam so now 如果你不知道這遊戲是什麼----很多人大概知道了----這是由開發出QWOP啦、CLOP啦、 (claps) I get to play it for myself and I've been watching GIRP啦...呃他有做GIRP嗎我忘記了,反正就是那些逼人發瘋的遊戲的開發者做的 Other people play it just laughing my ass off QWOP就是那款你得一直按奇怪的按鈕來讓那男的在跑道上跑的遊戲 so if you don't know what it is, a lot of you probably do, but it's from the guy who made QWOP and CLOP and 那款玩一下就把我氣瘋了,這遊戲就是差不多的感覺 GIRP, did he make that one? I can't remember those really rage inducing games 話不多說我直接開始玩好了。在這遊戲你要操控一個男子..... QWOP is one where you have to press weird buttons to make the guy run down the track 這是三小....OK,我沒有看過這遊戲的開頭XD And that pissed me off after a while so this is the- the same kind of deal. 基本上你要操控一個在...這東西....在這甕裡的男子 But let's just get in and I'll show you. 然後你得用這槌子通過場景裡的地形 You play as a dude in 然後你現在應該已經可以想像這遊戲會有多靠北...喔老天 *cue silence of confusion* 我己經看過很多人玩這遊戲了 Whaat the fuck... Okay, I've never actually seen the beginning of the game 但是我一直不知道它的操作到底是怎麼回事 (chuckles) 就是要怎麼去操控他...我現在絕對可以感受到.... [右上方:那個白色點點是你的滑鼠。這就是你所有能操控的東西。] You play as a dude in uh- in this- in a cauldron basically, 這有多靠北。到底怎麼過啊? and you have to get across the environment by using this. 這到底怎麼過啊? *hammer noises* 嗯,然後我對自己說我不能在這遊戲爆氣。 So you, can you can tell how annoying this is going to get oh my god. 我要心平氣和地玩它,玩遊戲就是要享受嘛 And I've watched so many people do this 這遊戲不會害我爆氣,它要是害我爆氣我就放棄啦~喔天啊 That I've always kind of been like, "How does the game control actually?" 等等我可以..... "What- what way do the controls actually work?" and now I can definitely 這操作好不直覺喔Orz understand how annoying it is. How the fuck? 00:01:51,159 --> 00:01:53,159 喔~所以他可以把自己推飛起來! How do I do this? 推飛起來~~這操作好麻煩....YES (chuckles) 過來了!! 看到沒有Bennett Foddy我通過這坨便便了!! Okay, and I've made it a point to myself that I'm not gonna rage at this game (Sure Jack, sure) 我大概會花上.....喔喔什麼鬼....我大概得花一大把時間才能習慣這操作 I'm gonna take it nice and calm. We're just gonna have fun with it 我還是不了解這到底怎麼操控..... It's not gonna piss me off. If it pisses me off then I give up. Oh my god OK這樣子.... Wait can I just do oh 這樣然後這樣... This is so unintuitive 老天爺這三小啊!! 不~~~ [飛回去~] (Grunting noise) [Bennett的聲音] 沒有什麼比重新開始更刺激,就像你贏了一場跟朋友的爭論....[Jack] 好啦Bennett閉嘴!!! Okay, so you can push yourself. [Bennett的聲音] 結果你發現他根本沒有改變立場 Push yourself to try harder. This controls FUCKIN' TERRIBLY! Yes! [Bennett的聲音] 重新開始要比第一次來得難。 Ah ha ha! [Bennett的聲音] 要是你還沒準備好,像是你剛度過很糟糕的一天 I got over it, hey take that Bennett Foddy! I got over- your shit! Okay. [Bennett的聲音] 你接下來要經歷的可能太困難了,你大可以離開一陣子再回來 Its gonna take m- Oh whoa what- what- what- It's gonna take me ages to get use to this... [Bennett的聲音] 我哪都不會去 I still don't know how the fuck this controls [Jack] 呃,我知道這遊戲已經變成一個搞笑哏了....(被打斷)[Bennett的聲音] 感謝你陪我踏上這段旅程。 (laughs) [Bennett的聲音] 如果你隨時需要休息我都可以理解,找個安全的地方停下來,關掉遊戲 Okay go like this [Jack] 這建議不錯。[Bennett的聲音] 我會記錄你的進度,還有你的錯誤。 Go like go like this [跳舞中...] Oh my god, what the fuck? Oh no! 蛤你連錯誤都存檔喔,別這樣嘛Bennett... [Bennett] More intense than starting over if you won an argument with a friend. [Jack] Yep, shut up Bennett [B] and then later discovered that they just returned to their original 好耶 [B] Starting over is harder than starting up 你們這樣看我玩看起來好像..... [B] If you're not ready for that, like if you've already had a bad day 沒有那麼難但是天啊,這操控有夠靠北整個不合邏輯啊 [B] Then what you're about to go through might be too much. Feel free to go away and come back 00:03:27,050 --> 00:03:33,189 我搞砸了,我搞砸了!! 喔不,不我沒有在生氣,沒在生氣 [B] I'll be here 這只是個遊戲而已~ [J] Hmm, I know as meme as this game has gotten. [B]Thanks for coming with me on this trip 看到沒?看到沒?我感覺我根本在倒退嚕 [B] I'll understand if you have to take a break at any point, just find a safe place to stop and quit the game. 喔不...我想過去 [J] Solid advice [B] I'll save your progress always even your mistakes 我想要和Bennett一起度過難關 *rave noises brought to you by: Sean* 所以.....哇呼~~ [J] Wait you'll even save my mistakes? Come on, Bennett 讚啦寶貝~ [Bennett的聲音] 這遊戲是為了致敬2002年出的一款免費遊戲叫性感爬山...[Jack] 性感爬山www Nice! [Bennett的聲音] 那款遊戲的作者叫Jazzuo....[又飛下去啦~] Okay so for any of you watching this, this might look like OK, OK, 我有在聽你講話 It's not that hard, but good lord. The controls are all over the place *cue singing* this makes no sense 00:04:10,590 --> 00:04:11,760 Uh oh, uh oh. Ohhh 00:04:11,760 --> 00:04:14,960 OK, 玩一下大概就能抓到感覺了 I've done fucked it guys. I'VE DONE FUCKED IT. You're not- No. No, we're not getting mad. We're not getting mad 我得爬進這天殺的水管? 喔不,喔不不不不不 It's just a video game. 方向錯了!! 錯了啦....喔喔有了有了,這才是我想要的,這才對嘛:D See that? See that it feels like I'm making the controls go backwards whoa 不要給我掉下去喔,你敢掉下去我就吃個起司三明治喔[?] Oh no.. I want to get over 等等,我是要爬進去還是爬上去啊? [Bennett的聲音] 性感爬山某種程度上就是個糞Game I want to get over it with Bennett. He told me that I should get over it with him, so [Bennett的聲音] 那遊戲用的素材完全就是網路隨便抓來的,而且它是當時最不尋常、最雞掰的遊戲之一。 So [Bennett的聲音] 你的任務就只是用一把槌子爬一座山。[Jack] 他媽的!!!! [J]Yeah baby! [B] this game is an homage to a free game that came out in 2002 titled sexy hiking [Jack] sexy hiking (chuckles) [B] the author of that game [Bennett的聲音] 遊戲中爬山的動作,無論是數位世界中還是..... Was Jazzuo, a mysterious Czech designer [Jack] Bennett,閉嘴!!! [Bennett的聲音] 玩家隨時都處在可能摔下去失去一切的危險中。 [J] Okay, okay, I'm listenin to ya 好我正在想辦法放鬆 Uh, Sorry 這一定會把我搞到瘋掉... (Grunting noise) 我了解,我了解... Okay, okay. You kind of get a feel for the controls after a while. 我完全明白你超級想要爬上這個斷崖 I have to go into the fucking pipe oh no no no no no no no no Oh 我明白那一定超~~~讚的 Wrong direction! Wrong- oh, that's- that's the fucking ticket. That's what we're trying to do. That's what we're trying to do 你這個穿著甕的光頭佬....喔耶,喔幹 Don't fall back down if you fall back down, I will eat a cheese sandwich 我幾乎差他媽的一點點就要掉下去了 Wait, do I go into it or over it? NOOO. [B] in a certain way sexy hiking is the perfect embodiment of a B-game 彈起來,彈起來....你看起來根本沒有彈起來啊-----喔不~~ [B] It's built almost entirely out of found and recycled parts, and it's one of the most unusual and unfriendly games of its time [Bennett的聲音] 喔..你失去一堆進度欸,你一定超沮喪的 [Jack] 對! 對我超沮喪!! [Jack] NOOOOOOO! 閉嘴啦(╬☉д⊙) [B] In it, your task is simply to drag yourself, up a mountain with a hammer 00:06:20,370 --> 00:06:22,370 就算你想要慢慢來.... [B] The act of climbing- [J] FUCKIN' 這就是我要的,這就是我要的,瞭嗎? [B] - in the digital world or in real life, has a certain 你面對的方向不太對說....OK,慢慢來...欲速則不達.... [J] Nope. No. BENNETT. 我還不夠了解這操作啦....好耶,好耶,讚啦d(`・∀・)b [J] SHUT UP! [B] Here is constantly, unremittingly in danger of falling and losing everything. 我剛能上去的,就差一點點就差一點點~[開始唱Adele的歌XD] Oh my God, oh my God! 上去,上去....不!!!! Okay, I'm trying to relax 我才沒生氣呢,才沒生氣呢 Let's get a bit of air going [一路狂摔....] (sighs) 我恨這遊戲,它害我一直在磨牙[註:這句不太確定...] Okay... 我希望你那甕裡最好是真的沒有腿,他最好要是你穿著甕的理由 That's- Ohohoho. 你最好不要只是突然決定不用你的腿....沒關係,我愛你,你最棒了 This is going to fuckin' drive me INSANE. 00:07:43,320 --> 00:07:46,580 喔耶,讚啦寶貝 (grunting sounds continue) Sensei [啥?] Okay, there we go. There we go. 發出這些聲音讓我走得更快。 (emphatic grunt) 停下來,停下來喔你給我停下來 Okay, okay, I know I know, okay 我們到了,我們到了我們終於到了... I know just as much as you do, dude, that you want to get up to the top of this cliff 深呼吸,一切都沒事,沒事 I know how that f- feels! 每個人都超美的,每個人都值得一個機會 (enormous grunt) 來了來了來了來了喔... (sighs in frustration) 幹,幹... You bald, cauldron-wearing- OK,讓我停在桶子上停在桶子上....這位置不好 YES! Oh, you fuck. 這位子超差的,我見過幾次停在桶子上的畫面,這次根本是屎....這才對嘛 (deep breathes) 這才對嘛先生 (hysterically laughs) [Bennett的聲音] 總之呢當你開始玩性感爬山,你就站在一棵死樹旁邊,它擋著你的路 I'm just holding on by the skin of my fucking ass! [Bennett的聲音] 跨過那棵樹可能會花你一個小時... [Jack又摔了下去] Okay, okay. Launch yourself. Launch yourself! Yeah, did that fucking look like launching yourself, no! (/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧ [B] oof, you just a lot of progress. That's a deep frustration, a real punch in the gut [J] I know! I know it is [Bennett的聲音] 測試著你的極限.... [Jack] Bennett,我會找到你家然後把你勒死!!! Shut up. 用這根巨鎚的力量! 我擁有這份力量....好吧我只是把剛才那句重複一次而已 YEAH BOY! 哇噗~~~早安啊~~~ *incomprehensible noises of anger from the Irish* 女士們~~喔幹,你打算就這樣又彈回去對吧? Okay, okay okay okay 對吧?對吧? 只要有我在你就不可能----這才對嘛 Even when you try to take it slow 只要推、搖、滾來滾去~搖動你的身體... (vibrant grunt) 滾來滾去! That's what I want to do up here, that's what I want to do up here, okay? 00:09:35,070 --> 00:09:37,099 滾~來滾去~ You're not facing the right direction though. Okay slow. Slow and steady wins the race 乖孩子,我們要往上了,要往上了看啊各位 I don't know the fucking buttons well enough. There you go, there you go, oh yes! 讚美太陽~來囉! 喔你看是大杯的星巴克印度拉茶欸,它肯定會讓你充滿能量 *angry grunting* 00:09:52,020 --> 00:09:53,940 ....媽的勒.... NIC- I could have had that I could have had that I could have had it all 這定點超棒 (references and sings "Rolling in the Deep") 太棒了兄弟,這是人生中爬得最遠的一次 Yes get up, get up, NOOOOO 不要給我往後飛喔...不要他媽的掉下去讓我失望喔 I'm not angry. I'm not getting angry...NO! 坐進去啦 NYAH NYAH NYAH 幹他一直往後 What are these sounds- NOHOHOH 這超複雜的 *DARTH VADER!* 停在上面,停住。做得好你這性感的甕寶貝 HOAOHAOOHAHA 來了來了~你只需要學習怎麼往後走就行了 I hate this game- this game is like grinding my teeth and sniffing it 你知道的,就像當你還是小寶寶在學走路,那會花上幾年的時間... *concentration noises* 就像那樣,只是這次你要往後走 I hope.... that you actually have no legs in that cauldron.. I hope that that's the reason! 往後!寶貝往後!甕寶貝,價值百萬啊寶貝[?] I hope it's not just because you've decided not to use them. That's fine, dude. I love you. Dude. You're the best dude oh 呃你可能只值三塊五....喔讚 Yes! 不!抓住邊邊啦!! *thumps of disappointment* 我的腦不想要跟我的手動一樣快Orz Oh, Ah, Yeah, sexy baby, Oh~ 或者我的腦.....喔耶!!! [Bennett的聲音] 性感爬山裡面的障礙物都很機車 *alien noise* [Bennett的聲音] 那讓遊戲變得非常艱難 [Jack] 剛剛這個才叫做性感地爬山 Sensei! 00:11:08,960 --> 00:11:14,530 [Bennett的聲音] 我不確定Jazzuo是不是故意的....(下略) [Jack] 我要在這裡聽,不然你在講話我也在講話我還得邊玩這遊戲 *JWOOP noise* [Bennett的聲音] 我建這座山的時候發生了一件有趣的事 [Jack] 你死了? If I make the sounds it helps me go quicker [Bennett的聲音] 我想到一個障礙物的主意,把它擺上去然後測試的時候通常都發現它超級困難 *angry grunts* [Jack] 所以剩下的都不難逆 [Bennett的聲音] 但我通常都沒辦法下定決心把他弄簡單 Stay. Stay fido, stay. Oh stay. [Bennett的聲音] 這變成是我身為玩家無法越過障礙的責任.. OH STAY! 你在共三小 *woowoowoo noise* 00:11:47,060 --> 00:11:52,989 [Jack] 就是這樣!! [Bennett的聲音] 當你在做一個遊戲,你就是在用各種點子建構,像是在用快乾水泥一樣 Okay, okay. We're here. We're here. We're here [Bennett的聲音] 你把點子放進模具裡面塑造出一個形狀,可以拿來玩 *best deep breath 11/10 would live breathe again* [Bennett的聲音] 玩的過程中它就慢慢地變得堅硬,最後像岩石一樣堅固 Take a deep breath, it's fine. It's fine. Everything is [Bennett的聲音] 這時你就不能再改變它了...除非你把它敲碎...(下略) Everybody's beautiful and everybody deserves a chance 我要怎麼過這邊啦!! There we go there we go there we go there we go and then Bennett Foddy,我會把你敲成碎片,很多塊碎片 Fuck fuck 我知道我要做什麼啊,我只要往上推然後扭進去...但是我做不到!!! Okay, just just let me just land on the barrel just land on the barrel there you go. That's not a good land 上去,對了,乖孩子 That's not a good barrel land and I've seen some barrel lands in my time. That was shit. This is good 到底怎麼上去.....喔,喔有燈可以掛,有燈可以掛...不要過去啦! That's a good one mr.. Oh [崩潰] [Bennett] Anyway when you start sexy hiking you're standing next to this dead tree that blocks the way to the entire rest of [Jack] Fuck you 這就是那種,你明知道它會很難結果實際去做的時候才發現比你想像還難超級多的事情... [Bennett] It might take you an hour to get over it 我不行...我超想握拳然後開始打小孩的... *extreme angry noises* 你看你都做了什麼Bennett Foddy,這大概可以做成一個Netflix影集,描述怎麼養出一個殺人犯 *Irish scream* 上去,上去啦這些該死的斜坡 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH 抓住那塊岩石,抓住那塊巨石強森!!!!....呃,我大概沒辦法完成這遊戲 Limits of your reach,[Jack]Bennett! I will find your house and strangle you by the power of 只是說說 Sledgehammer oh I have the power. I was gonna say, but that's just the same same thing again. Okay, okay here we go 只是說說,啊不然你可以~~~? Here we go and whapoosh, top of the morning 你到底為什麼要用一根巨槌做這種事? My laddies oh fuck you're just gonna bounce yourself back out of here aren't you? 任何其他東西都會比這更好 Aren't you aren't you not if Jack-a-boy has anything to say about it. There you go. 老天爺,你用他媽的屌爬都比這個還要好.....我滑鼠敏感度 Just push, just shake rattle and roll. I said to shake rattle 有沒有調啊,我調一下 OHHHH 這遊戲玩到一段時間真的會讓玩家完全失去耐心 rattle and roll [Bennett的聲音] 你做過這邊了,你知道這不是不可能。你只需要做跟第一次一樣的事就好 on 喔好樣的,喔...好樣的 Raglan Road *HUYAH* 你很會講笑話啊Bennett先生,你真的很、很、很會講笑話啊(╬゚д゚)▄︻┻┳═一 that a boy , okay we're heading up. We're heading up everybody 好想哭QQ...這滑鼠靈敏度不管用....我覺得這遊戲一定是某人被謀殺了才能做出來的 Praise the Sun here we go. I am ready that fucking venti chai latte from Starbucks. That's gonna give you the power you need dude 一定是這樣沒錯....喔我們上來了 (grunting noises) 我都已經上去了,你這毛髮叢生的天竺葵[啥?] Shhite 我要你拉你為什麼一直推啦!!! This is a very good with space to be in [回憶中] 我對自己說我不能在這遊戲爆氣 Yes, my dude. Yes, further than we've ever been in life. Oh 這是人類史上做過最爛的遊戲。這根本是用遊戲虐待人。 No, yes, oh I could knock out now. Go backwards. Don't fucking fall and fail me now 我的問題在於,我知道要做什麼,但是當真的開始做的時候 Now sit in this chair 真的開始的時候,他的手可能往左或往右跑 Shits all backwards 它沒有一個固定規律,有可能我往下拉要他往一個方向動,他就往另一個方向擺 This is confusing now 像這種鳥事就會發生 Stay up there stay up. There you sexy cauldron, baby 這就是我需要的 There we go there. We go. It's just about learning how to walk backwards 好,好...這、這位置不怎麼好.... You know I was when you were a baby and it took you like years to learn how to walk literal years 好欸 It's like that, but now you have to go backwards NOOOOOOOO Backwards baby backwards cauldron, baby. It's like Million Dollar, Baby NOOOOOOOOOO [Bennett的聲音] 喔...我很遺憾 Except you're worth about three-fitty oh yes NOOOOOOOO No, grab the edge yeah 你這個....你不要給我播這種輕柔的爵士樂,明知道 Turns out my brain does not want to work as fast as my hands do 我愛這種的,你一定是故意的。....我終於做到了 Or my brain is working for yes! [Bennett] Sexy hiking your unyielding 我終於做到了。我希望你他媽的肛門流血。 And that makes [Jack] this is some sexy hiking. [Bennett的聲音] 喔不又來了。再試試看吧,別被心情影響 [Bennett] But I'm not sure Jazzro 誰傷害了你Bennett? 是誰傷你如此深讓你做這款天殺的遊戲 intended to make[Jack] just gonna sit here and listen because if you're talking while I'm talking I'm trying to play 不,這不太妙,這不太妙 [Bennett] The process of building a game about life, [Jack] that's cool. [Bennett] a funny thing happened to me as I was building this man [Jack] you died? [唱歌] .....這才對嘛 [Bennett] I'd have an idea for a new obstacle and build it test it and it would usually turn out to be unreasonably hard 這真糟糕....OK,我得把他推高,像胸罩一樣 [Jack] And the rest of it isn't? [Bennett] and I couldnt bring myself to make it easier 別掉下去,別掉下去....我推!! It already felt like my inability to get past the new obstacle was my fault as a player [Jack] the fuck you talking about? 用力推,像你懷孕了一樣!!! Ever so gently [Bennett的聲音] 所謂失敗並不是掉下去,而是停留在底下。 Attaboy [Bennett] when you're building a video game world you're building with ideas and that can be like working with quick-set cement 這遊戲..是垃圾:D you mold your ideas into a certain shape that can be played with and 陰毛僅次於這遊戲 In the process of playing with them they begin to harden and set until they're immutable like rock 媽的侏儒[?] 有些人可能一下子就掌握到訣竅了,這代表.... And at that point you can't change the world not without breaking it into pieces ...他媽的... [Jack] How do I get through this! 這代表他們是外星人 Bennet Foddy, I will break you into pieces several of them I 但我不行,我、我就、就是抓不到 Know what I have to do have to get up there and Jimmy wedge myself in but I just can't do it Cap'n 呃,這大概就是它的目的,它就是要這樣 Get up on that there you go attaboy 喔飛向宇宙~我們就快到了,這是好事。這正是我要的 I'm gonna get up you all. There's oh. Oh there's lights. Oh, there's lights. No. That's not what I want to stick to 因為這樣你就可以.....[飛~] Yes 好,這不太妙。這不是我想要的... Oh, it's one of those things that you know it's gonna be hard, but then when you start doing it's so much harder 喔Bennett,喔Bennett Foddy I might want to make fists. I want to start punching children 我該怎麼...喔媽的 You see what you make me do Bennet funny. You're this is the new Netflix series of making a murderer 好耶! 好耶!! Just go just go if these fucking slopes 好耶!!! Okay grip the rock, grip the Dwayne Johnson! Um probably not gonna be a game that I finish 幹你X...你就不能當個正常人類嗎Orz Just say 就一次就好!!! ....太好了,我終於回到這裡了,回到我已經到過一次的地方Orz Just sayin now. Can you? 這角度...不好! Why did you pick a sledge hammer to do this with? OK,這有變得比較簡單 literally anything else would have done better oh 愈來愈簡單了,我大概搞懂了它方向的規律 My god climbing this with your fucking penis would have been would have been better than this do I have any sensitivity 這角度有夠尷尬.. Options, I need to change them 因為它....喔不 And it gets to a certain point where you just lose all your patience for this 就!!! 一次!!! 讓你老爸驕傲一次行不?? Here we go here. We go you've done this part before you know it's possible. Just do what you did the first time 去你的.... Oh oh man, oh, man 耶~~~穌 You're a funny funny guy, mr. Bennett f- f- fucking funny guy . There we go I 你現在正在收看的是:真正暴怒中的Jack Want to cry okay, this mouse sensitivity is not working I feel like someone was murdered to make a game like this possible I 因為那才是搞瘋玩家的點 Feel like it must be so okay, so i can get to *bunch of loud groaning* 不是因為試圖想要抓住東西,玩一陣子以後你大概就會抓到怎麼抓住東西了 I fucking had that you hairy geranium 是當你抓住東西了試圖要調整自己角度的時候,這遊戲根本被設計成要故意讓你搞砸 It's why do you push when I make you pull *FOO FOO 你想調整自己的角度,它就往另一個方向推 I've made it a point to myself that I'm not gonna rage at this game 到底是三小....人生到底他媽怎麼運作的? This is the worst game mankind has ever created. This is video game torture :( 我的人生到底...[經典情歌]....我不知道哪個比較糟: My issue is that I know how to do the things, but it's when you start 我花了一輩子爬上來呢,還是我根本只是在做10分鐘前已經成功過的事情 It's when you start doing that that his hands can go either side 老天爺 So there's no definitive pattern that this can happen when I pull down to go that side. He can go the other way 上去,上去...這麼擠的空間超級不友善的!! .....成為那把巨鎚,成為那把巨鎚 And then that happens 你知道你可以的!!! Okay, that's what I need to do 抓住它!! 你明明抓到了!!!! .....這真的他媽超級雞掰,有時候抓到的東西.... Yes, yes, that's not that's not a good position to be in okay, okay? ...真的會把你往上拉,其他時候它就只是.... Yes *Flings over rock* 好...也許只要輕輕一推 NOOOO! 有時候你抓到的東西會把你往上拉,但有時候你就只是向下滑而已 NOO! *cries in agony* 為什麼我不能直接抓到就好了...QQ *Muffled NOOO!* >:O 為什麼我不能站在上面直接抓就好了!!! You fuck don't you dare play that sweet sexy jazz at me you know OK...你上來了,我真的不知道這代表什麼.. I like it. you did that on purpose. I finally did it man. I 我不知道接下來要怎麼走....甕男先生... Finally had it done. I hope you're bleeding from the fucking rectum 我只是想要站上去而已,我只是想要站上去...QAQ [B] Oh no, it happened again. Keep on trying, don't let it get to you. 不!! 不!! 上去啦....╰(〒皿〒)╯ [J] Who hurt you Bennett, who hurt you to make such a fucking game, Aah Ooh Aah [狀態顯示:已經發瘋] No, that's not a good seal, that's not a good seal 這一開始很好笑,然後變超讓人賭爛,然後現在他又變回很好笑了XD Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grave ooh. That's a good seal 這太誇張了...我明明是一個很快樂很正向的人啊 This is very bad, okay, I need to push up like a bra 我想要好事發生在大家身上... Full off don't fall off push 除了這遊戲的開發者!! Push like you're pregnant [髒話與瀕死鯨魚發出的聲音] This thing that we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down very panic oh 我就是沒辦法度過這團垃圾!!! Oh, Uh. 滾開!!!! .....我恨這鬼東西我恨它.... [崩潰狀態] 歡迎來到與Bennett Foddy一起度過難關... This this game is garbage [崩潰狀態] 這真是一個好game。 followed by a hint of pubic hair [崩潰狀態] 這是我個人的2017最佳遊戲,我超喜歡它也祝每個玩它的人都有好事發生... Rumplestiltskin hear some people probably got the controls of this game. Immediately as well, which is [崩潰狀態] 每個跟它有關的..每個跟他有關的人...每個人都是美麗的...跳躍的...孩子... fucking [崩潰狀態] 每個人都超棒的,每件事都照著我想要的發生... That means they're aliens 為什麼你離地那麼遠,我又沒有推 But I- I just I just can't get it I can't get it I- 這邊有任何比較簡單的方法我沒~~~有發現的嗎? I mean that's the point it's supposed to be obtuse 不要裝得一副:「喔Jack我玩了這遊戲,這邊我過得超舒暢完全沒問題」沒人要鳥你啦ヽ(`Д´)ノ Okay, okay, okay? Oh gosh Oh into the cosmos. We're going there. That's good. That's actually what I wanted 沒人辦你的生日派對是有原因的OK?[啥?] Because now you can do [唱山歌(誤] Okay, that's not good. That's not what I wanted Oh 三小! 我他媽明明拉下去了! Bennet Oh, Bennet Fadi 我有拉,我在這遊戲終於他媽第一次知道自己在做什麼 How do I oh shit? 不要再離地了! 就往那塊岩石靠近就好了! Yes yes 這才對! Yes 才剛進去就很不妙了...壞新聞!! ...為什麼你他媽就是晃不夠快?? Fuck you. Could you just be regular human? 這感覺就像有人跑回我的童年然後對每個美好回憶都揍一拳一樣 For once yes. Yes, I'm back in the game find back who I already was 你看,他一直天殺的往下滑 This is not a good angle 你知道嗎,我很期待這遊戲的,我想說這一定能做出很有趣的Youtube影片 Dangle, okay. It's getting a little easier - oh 會有人覺得這很好笑...不不不不不不,蝙蝠俠[?]....這才對,這才... Shit, oh, shit. That's bad. It's getting a little easier to figure out the directional stuff 乖孩子! Okay, okay, this one is fucking awkward 我不知道到底他媽要怎麼讓你做得更好 Cuz it's oh no shit 不要掉下去,拜託拜託..算我求你了QQ Just for once in your life do something that your father's proud of 這錘子過不去...喔不我被困住了,我完全被困住了 Fucking 就把鎚子轉過去...他媽的把它轉過去...就是這樣! JEEEEESUS CHRST 輕輕的,輕輕的.. You're witnessing me actually mad now 輕輕的...我已經用盡全力推向所有能讓我上去的方向了! Cuz that that's the part that fucks you up 好、好好好,就停在那 It's not they it's not the actual trying to grab this stuff after a while you kind of get how that works [震懾天地的一吼] But it's when you grab it, and then you're trying to reorient yourself the game purposely is built to make you fuck up [Bennett的聲音] 已經很多年了,許多人預測遊戲會變成用預先....(下略) Because trying to reorient yourself pushes you back the other direction 吃我的屁股啦!!! What fucking way just what way does life work? [Bennett的聲音] 對大部分遊戲產業而言這件事還沒發生,因為店裡的東西是垃圾。不是指他們看起來很糟或粗製濫造 For me. I want to know what love is. I don't know what's worse the fact that that took me 你挺粗製濫造的啊 [怨念深] Forever to do or the fact that I'm just now making back up the progress I made ten minutes ago. Oh 我根本不知道為什麼我要玩這個,為什麼我要玩這個啊? My god [Bennett的聲音] 隨著時間過去我們放了愈來愈多的垃圾在我們稱之為網路的數位地域 Get up there get up there tight spaces are not your friend be the sledgehammer be the sledge [Bennett的聲音] 那些垃圾的數量跟重量都已經超過了那些新鮮的、未受污染的、未被使用的事物。 You know you can be [Bennett的聲音] 當所有圍繞在我們身邊的都是文化垃圾時,垃圾在這個數位時代就成了新的媒體、新的母語。 Go grab it you had it. It's so fucking annoying sometimes grabbing stuff [Bennett的聲音] 你可以用垃圾建立一個文化,但你只會建出一個垃圾文化。糞遊戲、糞電影、糞音樂、糞哲學。 Actually pulls you and then other times, it's just 我得滑上這個鬼東西,但是所有東西都是倒過來的?! Okay, maybe if I push myself 你猜怎麼著,我要在這裡結束第一支影片了因為我不想做會讓自己後悔的事情 Sometimes it grabs and pulls you and then other times it just slides along 如果繼續下去,我一定會殺了這台攝影機 Why can't I just grab it like that wait 這不是大家樂見的,我是一個很nice的人我不想殺任何東西... Why can't I just grab it for the rock? Okay? Okay? Okay? Okay? You're up here. I don't know what what this means I? 總之呢,老天爺啊 Don't know where we go from here mr.. Cauldron man 這遊戲有些地方會真的讓你崩潰到極致 It went from funny to rage-inducing and now it's back to funny 我的意思是,這就是這遊戲的目的 This is ridiculous, I'm a nice happy positive person I 它會害你氣到發抖,而我是那種,如果一個遊戲害我真的生氣了或真的非常沮喪 Want good things for all people? 或感覺到任何不快的情緒 except the developer of this game 就像人生中其他的東西一樣,當任何東西讓我真的生氣了 Fuck it fuck it fuck it in its ass 我喜歡直接斷開跟他的連結,離開然後過一陣子再回來 Dying whale losses I can't get my head around this garbage 因為,憤怒對我不好,我不喜歡憤怒也不想要它發生在我身上 Fuck off I hate this I fucking hate this hey guys and welcome back to getting over it with Bennett fatty 我喜歡把所有負面情緒沖掉,我想當一個快樂正面的人 It's a really great game 00:25:54,330 --> 00:25:58,519 99%的時間我都很快樂正向,但偶爾會有剩下的1%跑來找我,對我說 It's my personal game of the year 2017. I I really like it and I I wish great things for people who play it 欸我今天想要心情像一坨屎! 為何不把所有壞事都集中在一起呢 Everybody all involved everybody involved everyone's a beautiful fucking bouncing child 這有點像是心理治療 Everyone's just fantastic everything in life is going exactly the way I wanted to 你就是把所有大吼大叫、所有沮喪的事都丟出來,之後就會覺得 Why are you coming off the ground I'm not even pressing that part 好像沒那麼糟糕了,其實我覺得還行。我玩這個遊戲的時候跟我一起喊叫 Okay, is there an easier way of doing this that I'm just nah. That's getting 跟我一起叫,當你有什麼生氣的事情或者我開始大吼大叫的時候,跟著一起喊,你也會覺得神清氣爽 Don't fucking look at me like Oh Jack. I played this game, and I passed a no problem. No it gives a shit 不過現在呢,非常感謝大家的觀看如果你喜歡這集,朝那顆喜歡按鈕的臉揍過去 No, I kept your birthday party for a reason 像個BOSS一樣!! 然後來個全方位擊掌~ Jess 感謝大家,我們下集再見面~~ What I fucking pulled down I 這裡已經不安全了,你不應該在我的揮拳範圍裡:D Did that exactly I knew what I was doing that time for the fucking first time playing this game No stop rising off the ground. Okay, just pull yourself towards it There you go Okay, no no, this is already fine Bad News Bears. Why don't you fucking flick fast enough? Oh? Oh, it's like someone reached into my childhood and punched every good memory. I had Okay, okay. See it's fucking slippy sliding You know what this is a game I was looking forward to I was like oh that'll be a fun youtube series That'll bring the giggles in the laughs nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Batman. There. You go there You're attaboy Okay, I don't know how the fuck to make you do this better Fucking Predicament just get the hammer around just get the fucking hammer up there you go Yes, yes, okay Easy does it I am pressing all the directions that I need to to actually get up here Okay, okay, okay, okay, just see there This would soon be made out of prefabricated objects Oh store in ass every inch of my ass that hasn't happened one because the objects in the stores are trashed I Don't mean they look bad or that they're badly made you're gladly me Okay Okay, I don't even know why I'm doing this why am I doing this? Why am I over time? We've poured more and more refuse into this vast digital landfill that we call the Internet In now vastly outnumbers in our ways the things that are fresh and untainted and unused When everything around us is cultural trash trash becomes the new medium the lingua franca of the digital age You can build culture out of trash, but only trash culture be games be movies Be music be movie philosophy Ok I have to say if they slide up this, but everything's fucking backwards now ok you know what I'm gonna leave this first episode here because I do not want to do something that I'm gonna regret I if I keep going now, I will commit a murder on camera and That's not something that any of us want because I pretty pretty nice don't want to commit murder Anyway good lord There are some parts of this that make you genuinely upset I mean, that's the point of the game and it makes you shake and I'm one of those people that if a game genuinely makes me angry if it makes me upset if It makes me feel in any sort of way negative I usually just like in anything in life, if if something makes me feel genuinely angry I like to just disassociate myself with it and just go away and come back to it after a while because Anger is not a very good emotion for me. I don't like it. I don't want it in my body Negativity I just want it all flushed out. I want to be happy positive person a 99% of the time I am but every now, and then a 1% comes along and it's like hey I want to feel like shit today, and you know what it's baskin that misery altogether It's kind of it's kind of therapeutic in a way You just get all the yelling out and you get all the frustration out and then after it's like hey You don't feel that bad. I actually feel ok young with me when I'm playing this game Yell with me any of the parts that get angry, or ie start yelling yell with me, and you too will feel great But for now, thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it PUNCH that like button in the face like a BOSS and high fives all round See all you dude in the NEXT VIDEO This is not a safe space anymore you should not be in punching range
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 遊戲 聲音 垃圾 性感 崩潰 操控 我在比賽中最憤怒的一次!| 我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊!我的天啊 (ANGRIEST I'VE GOTTEN AT A GAME!! | Getting Over It #1) 138 2 :P 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字