字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This year some 57 million people are expected to cease existence and revert back to their LEMMiNO natural state of nonexistence. 今年預計會有五千七百萬人會從「存在」的狀態 Commonly defined as death. 回歸到「不存在」的自然狀態 Roughly two thirds will die of a mysterious and, as of yet, incurable disease known as aging. 這個現象通常被稱作「死亡」 Well, technically and medically speaking, old age is not in and of itself lethal but 當中大約有三分之二的人是死於 一個名為衰老的不治之症 it nonetheless weakens your body so as to make you less capable of combating that which is. 呃...從理論和醫學層面來說,衰老並不會直接的致命 Nevertheless, death as a result of age related conditions is clouded in mystery as we have 但它會使你的身體逐漸衰弱,使你的抵抗力越來越差 yet to discern precisely why we age. 然而,衰老與死亡的關係是相當神秘的 Current understanding implies no singular element commands the aging process but rather 我們至今仍未明確的找出我們會衰老的真正原因 a combination of multiple interconnected factors. 目前我們知道的是,衰老並非是由某個單一因素造成的 For example, the limits imposed by telomeres on cell division implies obsolescence may 而是由諸多的因素共同導致的 be programmed into our DNA. 例如,端粒在細胞分裂時的消耗可能導致退化的染色體被編入DNA中 Manipulation of specific genes in other animals and organisms can have drastic effects on 我們在操控其他動物和微生物的基因後 the aging process. 可能會對其衰老的過程造成極大的影響 Furthermore, numerous studies has evinced that calories accelerates aging and thus less 此外,已有許多研究證實了卡路里會加速老化 food could potentially extend longevity. 減少飲食將能延年益壽 So stop eating and you'll live forever. 所以,你不吃東西的話就能獲得永生 Who eats a burger that way? 誰會這樣吃漢堡啦? On the opposite side of the spectrum, aging may simply be a result of accumulative damage and waste. 對老化現象的另一種說法 他們認為老化可能其實是由損傷和廢物的囤積造成的 While the human body is capable of maintaining and repairing itself, the processes responsible 雖然人體可以自我維護和修復 are not infallible. 但這個過程並不是絕對的 Over time an accumulation of separately insignificant failures may collectively become significant 隨著時間的推移,那些單一且微不足道的小故障 so as to sporadically degrade various bodily functions. 堆積到最後變得越發明顯,從而導致身體狀況越來越差 If gerontologists do manage to isolate the precise nature of aging we may one day be 如果老化學學者能設法隔離老化的確切因素 able to decelerate, prevent, or even reverse the process. 也許我們就能減緩、停止,甚至逆轉老化的現象 Hanging has been a common method of both suicide and homicide ever since the invention of 自從發明了繩索和人類的脖子之以來 上吊一直是自殺和行兇的常見方法 rope and human necks. 如今,上吊主要讓人聯想到的都是繩索 Today, hanging is primarily associated with hanging from a noose but the word may also 但這個詞也可以用來描述釘十字架、刺刑 describe crucifixion, impalement, or just a general state of suspension upon death. 或是一般被吊起的死刑 At some point, or more likely over an extended period of time, coroners and others remarked 在某些時候,或者說這個說法已經行之有年 that male hanging victims often died with priapism. 驗屍官和其他相關人員指出 上吊死亡男性受害者的陰莖往往會異常的勃起 Which is a medical way of saying, they frequently died with an erection. 以醫療的角度來說,他們通常死於勃起 In fact, it is the belief of some historians that not one but two poles were erected upon 事實上,一些歷史學家認為 the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and that some artistic renditions of his divine likeness 耶穌基督在被釘上十字架的時候,立起的 不單只有十字架而已 was more accurately hung than others. 而他的聖像在藝術表現上總會比其他的更加強調上吊 Though thy holy loins was frequently covered with drapes, like the Renaissance version 雖然祂的聖柱經常被布料遮住 布就像是文藝復興時期的馬賽克 of pixelization, so the state of his majesty can merely be inferred. 所以他那裏到底有多威嚴,也只能用想像的了 In any case, this discovery gradually evolved into a treatment for erectile dysfunction 總之,這一發現逐漸演變成了治療勃起功能障礙的方法 as non-lethal strangulation produces the same effect. 因為非致死的窒息也能產生相同的效果 Which in turn evolved into erotic asphyxiation. 這又演變成了窒息式性愛 The exact physiological cause is not entirely clear but a general inhibition of normal brain 雖然確切的生理原因並不完全清楚 activity due to pressure or injury to the brain or spinal cord appears to be responsible. 但普遍認為是大腦或脊隨的壓迫和損傷能對 正常的腦活動造成抑制導致的 The fear of death is known as thanatophobia and fearing the end of our existence can be 對死亡的恐懼被稱之為「死亡恐懼症」 so overwhelming that many seek any explanation that promises continuation in place of termination. 這種人對自身存在的消亡有著極度的恐懼 In other words, an afterlife. 以至於他們會想方設法地尋求一種方式 來讓生命繼續延續 As far as science is concerned death is the cessation of brain activity followed by natural 換句話說,就是超越生死 decomposition of the body. 就科學的角度而言,死亡意指大腦停止活動 One could argue that death is merely the absence of life much like a shadow is the absence of light. 接著就是身體的自然分解 But who is this science to tell us what to believe when we could simply ask those brought 有一種觀點認為,死亡只是一個人不在活著而已 back to life after death. 就如我們看不到沒了光線的陰影 Between 10-20% of cardiac arrest survivors recall near death experiences. 但與其用科學的方法去猜測 我們其實可以直接去問那些起死回生的人 Memories from when they where clinically dead and thus unconscious. 約有10~20%的心臟驟停倖存者能回憶起所謂的瀕死經驗 Revived persons often report similar experiences such as a strong sense of peace, love, and happiness. (臨床死亡: 心跳停止的5至8分鐘,人體仍有機會復甦) 這是一段從臨床死亡、處於無意識狀態的記憶 The perception of ones dead body from an outside perspective. 起死回生的人們經常有類似的經歷 A review of ones life experiences. 如強烈的和平、愛和幸福感 Interactions with deceased loved ones or supernatural entities. 從第三者的角度來看一具屍體 And a light at the end of a dark tunnel. 回顧的人生跑馬燈 Studies have found that these experiences are largely culture dependent. 和已故親人或超自然的形像接觸 For example, Christians are more likely to perceive angles while Hindus are more likely 以及黑色隧道盡頭的光芒 to perceive gods of the underworld. 研究發現,這些經驗在很大程度上依賴於文化 Entities who escort the deceased towards an afterlife are known as psychopomps. 例如,基督徒更容易看到天使的樣子 But you are neither more nor less likely to have a near death experience just because 而印度教徒則更有機會看到地府使者的形象 you are religious as NDEs by atheists and others are just as common. 這些前來護送死者的形象被稱之為引路人(Psychopomp) Many find comfort in these reports as they may serve as affirmation of a life beyond 但瀕死經驗並不會因為你是個無神論者就不會遇到 but it's worth pointing out that clinical death is not the same as what most of us perceive as death. 你和其他擁有信仰的人一樣都有機會遇上瀕死經驗 The reason you can be revived when clinically dead is that, while your heart and breathing 不少人認為瀕死經驗的報告證明了人是可以超越生死的 也因此感到安慰 may have ceased, your brain is still active. 但值得一提的是 臨床死亡和我們一般認為的死亡其實並不一樣 It is only once your brain activity stops that you are legally dead and no one has ever 臨床死亡的情況下仍然可以起死回生的原因在於 returned from this stage of complete cessation. 儘管你的心臟和呼吸可能都已經停止了 While humans may be stuck with pathetic mortal bodies some animals have transcended this 但你的大腦還是處於活躍狀態的 futile existence and exhibit biological immortality. 不過一旦你的大腦停止運作時,那就真正死亡了 One such creature is the immortal hydra. 而從來沒有人能從這個狀態中再度醒來 Hydras are tiny freshwater animals that look like miniature octopuses. 雖然人類可能受制於可憐的凡人之軀 While humans and our sad excuse of a body grows weaker with age the hydra is just as 但有一些動物卻早已超擺脫了生命的桎梏 strong playing bingo as when it graduated high school. 展現了所謂的「生物學永生」 In other words, they show no signs of aging nor the adverse effects commonly associated with it. 永生不朽的水螅便是這樣的生物 While its regenerative properties are poorly understood the hope is for an improved understanding 水螅是一種微小的淡水動物,長得有點像微型章魚 to aid in our quest for human immortality. 人類和我們可悲的身體會隨著年齡的增長而變得孱弱 Other creatures exhibiting some form of biological immortality 但水螅的身體卻好像永遠處於能去高中畢業趴 玩賓果的青春肉體 include various species of jellyfish, lobsters, and flatworms. 換句話說,他們並沒有老化的表現 也不會表現出隨時間推移造成的不利影響 There's a unit of measurement known as a micromort (µmt). 雖然我們對他的再生能力所知甚少 The name is a portmanteau of the words micro and mortality and measures the probability 但理解這些生物是有助於我們追求人類不朽的 of sudden death in any given context. 其他能表現出某種形式的生物學永生的動物包含 1 µmt means the probability of death is 1 in 1,000,000. 各種水母、螯龍蝦和扁蟲 For example, approximately 1 out of every 150,000 skydiving attempts in the US result 有一種測量單位叫做「微亡率」(µmt) in death which means that skydiving is rated at roughly 7 µmt per jump. 這個詞是由微小和死亡組成的 In order to be exposed to 1 µmt of risk you would have to ride a bike for 10 km, 是用來計算任一情況下的死亡率 drive a car for 400 km, or fly with commercial airlines for 10,000 km. 1 µmt代表百萬分之一的死亡率 Doing something as simple as getting out of bed at 90 years of age will expose you to 舉例來說,在美國每15萬次跳傘中就會有1次導致死亡 a daily dose of over 300 µmt. 所以每次跳傘的死亡率便是 7 µmt The deadliest job in America is said to be the presidency, which clocks in at a staggering 高於 1 µmt的活動包含了:騎摩托車 10 公里 186,000 µmt. 駕駛 400 公里,或是搭飛機 10,000 公里 Which is why I decided to make videos on the internet instead. 當做一些更單純的事情,像是起床 In most cultures death is associated with a specific personification and commonly takes 若高齡90的時候,每次起床的死亡率便高達 300 µmt the shape of the Grim Reaper. 美國最致命的工作據說就是擔任總統 A skeleton cloaked in a dark robe carrying a scythe, used to reap the souls of the dead. 其在職的死亡率高達 186,000 µmt But some ancient cultures personified death in much less menacing fashion. 這就是為什麼我只敢躲在家裡上網發影片 For example, the ancient Greeks worshiped a god of death known as Thanatos. 在大多數的文化中 死亡的具體化身通常會是以「死神」的形式出現 He was often depicted as a bearded man or a child with wings that merely guided the 一個身穿黑色長袍的骷髏,揮舞手持鐮刀收割靈魂 human soul into the afterlife. 但一些古老的文化卻以非威脅的形式來將死亡形象化 In other words, a psychopomp. 例如,古希臘崇拜的其中一個神便是桑納托斯,死亡之神 The Egyptian god Osiris was depicted as a man with green skin and was more often revered than feared. 他通常被描述為一個留鬍子的男子,或有著翅膀的小孩 This modern depiction of a menacing skeleton or demon, can largely be attributed to the 而且他所做也僅只是引導人類的靈魂進入來世 most devastating pandemic humanity has ever faced, the black death. 也就是所謂的引路人 This horrifying medieval plague may have reduced the European population by as much as 60% 埃及神祇歐西里斯則被描繪成一個受人敬重的綠皮人 and consequently gave rise to a more dismal depiction of the Grim Reaper as to more accurately 而現代威脅意義重大的骷髏和惡魔形象 reflect the hopelessness and dismality of this plague. 很大程度可以歸因於人類所面臨破壞力最大的流行病 Well, most depictions at least. 黑死病 Sometimes Death is just ecstatic to play some mortal board games. 這個可怕的中世紀瘟疫削減了歐洲人口的60% Just look at that face. That is the face of a skeleton ready to play some chess. 這才使得「死神」的形象變得負面 Who are you? 反映出當時對這場瘟疫的絕望與不安 I am Death! 呃,至少大多數的形象是這樣啦 There's a rare mental disorder known as Cotard Syndrome and persons afflicted often deny 有時候死神只是很喜歡把人類當作棋盤遊戲玩而已 the existence of one or multiple body parts but in some extreme cases patients deny that 看看這張臉...他就一副準備下棋的樣子 they themselves exist and paradoxically come to believe that they are dead. "你是誰...?" Named after French neurologist Jules Cotard, in 1880 he described a middle-aged woman who "我是死神" believed her body was completely hollow with the exception of her skin and bones. 有一種罕見的精神疾病叫做「科塔爾症候群」 As such she insisted she didn't need to eat and eventually died of starvation. 患者經常否認自身某個或某幾個部位的存在 Strangely enough, victims of this disorder often believe themselves to be immortal as 在某些極端的情況下,患者甚至會否定自身存在 相信自己已經死亡 from their delusional perspective you can't die if you're already dead. 它是由法國精神病學家Jules Cotard命名 Can't really argue with that logic. 1880年,他在診斷一名中年女子時發現,她相信自己的身體 A more recent case from 2012 describes a man who, after suffering a stroke, grew convinced he was dead. 除了皮膚和骨頭外都是空的 He told his doctor: 因此,她認為自己不需要進食,最終死於飢餓 "I guess I'm dead." 奇怪的是,這種疾病的患者經常相信自己是不朽的 "I'd like to ask for your opinion." 因為從妄想的角度來看 如果你已經死亡,那你就不會再死了 But when asked if he believed it possible for a dead man to speak he recognized the 真是無懈可擊的理論... contradiction yet paradoxically maintained his belief of nonexistence. 近期的案例則有,2012年一名男子在經歷一次中風之後 便認為自己已經死了 He further elaborated: 他告訴醫生: "I feel I am dead [but] I'm talking with you in this world." "我想我已經死了" "I do not know whether I am alive or not." "我想問問你的意見" "I am unable to realize that I'm alive." 但當他被反問是否認為一個死人能與人溝通時 A few months later his condition fortunately improved and he no longer believed himself 他認為不能,卻依然覺得自己已經死亡 to be dead yet he maintained that he once had been. 他再更進一步地闡述: Oh, and he also believed Kim Jong-il was a patient of the same hospital. "我覺得自己已經死了,但我卻還能和你對話" Naturally. "我不知道自己是否還算不算活著?" In 2007, a middle aged man in Bosnia decided to fake his own death in an effort to uncover "我無法意識到自己還活著" how many friends and family members would attend his funeral. 幾個月後,他的狀況得到了改善 起碼不再認為自己已經死了 Unfortunately for him, only one person attended his fake service and that person was his mother. 但他還是經稱自己曾經死過 The thing is, this is a quite common fear because no one wants to die alone and if no 哦,他還認為金正日和他是同一間醫院的病患 one attends your funeral than that's likely to have been the case. ...合理 Actually I'm surprised there isn't a specific phobia for dying alone so let's create one. 2007年,波士尼亞一名中年男子決定假死 Okay, thanatophobia is the fear of dying and monophobia is the fear of being alone so naturally 來看看有多少親友會出席自己的葬禮 monatophobia is the fear of dying alone. 不幸的是,只有一個人出席了這個假葬禮 那個人就是他母親 Anyway, the fear of a lack of funeral attendees is so common that in the UK you can preemptively 這是一個相當常見的恐懼 因為沒有人想要像個邊緣人一樣獨自死去 pay a company, known as Rent A Mourner, to have random persons attend your funeral and 而如果沒有人出席的你葬禮,那就會像是這樣 act as if they mourn your passing. 老實說,我很驚訝孤獨的死亡竟然沒有一個專有名詞 In early 1921, an American named Thomas Bradford decided he was going to 所以...我們來創造一個吧 prove the existence of an afterlife. 好,Thanatophobia是死亡恐懼症 Monophobia則是孤獨恐懼症 In order to realize such an impossible task, Bradford reasoned the most logical course 所以說,Monatophobia就是害怕邊緣到死恐懼症 of action would be for him to commit suicide and then communicate the existence of an afterlife 總之,擔心缺少葬禮的參加者是一個非常普遍的現象 from beyond the grave. (Rent A Mourner) 所以在英國,你可以到一間叫做「租個悼念者」公司進行預購 He began by publishing a newspaper advert in search for a spiritualistic accomplice 他們會讓一些你不認識的專業悼念者來出席你的葬禮 that would remain alive and wait for the spirit of Bradford to return from the dead. 並表現得好像他們真的在哀悼你的逝世一樣 Thus undeniably ascertaining a different plane of existence. 1921年,美國一名男子Thomas Bradford A foolproof plan or at least a woman named Ruth Doran thought so as she quickly responded 決定要來證明死後世界的存在 to Bradford's advert. 為了實現這個不可能的任務 After a few meetings of what I can only imagine must've consisted of intense scrutinization Bradford認為,最合理的方法就是去自殺 of this ingenious plan, Bradford took his own life on the 5th of February, 1921, with 然後再用地府通訊來傳達來死後世界的存在 the full intention of returning to this plane of existence and relay any juicy details about 他開始在報紙上刊登找尋靈媒夥伴 the world beyond to his lively accomplice. 這位夥伴將要活著,並接收Bradford來自地府的訊息 A week later, Doran claimed she had actually been in contact with the ghost of Bradford 藉此證明死後世界的存在 and this is some of what he had to say: 這個萬無一失的計畫,或者說至少有那麼一個人相信了 她叫做Ruth Doran "I am the professor who speaks to you from the Beyond." 她很快的就回應了Bradford刊登的廣告 "I have broken through the veil." 經過幾次的商討後,我只能想像這些內容應該 "I woke up and at first did not realize that I had passed on." 包含了對這個巧妙計畫的嚴格審查之類的 "I find no great change apparent." Bradford在1921年2月5日自殺了 "I expected things to be much different." 他完全有回到活人的世界的打算 "They are not." 並且想要將多采多姿的死後世界的各種細節 傳達給他活著的夥伴 "Human forms are retained in outline but not the physical." 一星期後,Doran表示她確實與Bradford的靈魂取得聯繫 "I have not traveled far. I am still much in the darkness." 以下便是她代替Bradford傳達的訊息 "I see many persons." "我是一名教授 我正從另一個世界與你對話" "They appear natural." "我已經突破了生死的界線" "There is a lightness of responsibility here unlike in life." "當我剛醒來時,一開始還沒意識到自己已經死去" "One feels full of rapture and happiness." "我發現這裡和現世差別並不大" Make of that what you will. "我本來預期死後的世界會很不一樣" As previously mentioned a complete lack of brain activity is, according to modern medical science, "但我錯了" the point of no return. "在這裡的人們有輪廓卻沒有實體" Once your brain dies, there is no chance of revival. "我並沒有走得太遠,我還在黑暗之中" But some disagrees with this view of death and argues that as long as the brain is left "但我看到了很多的人" intact it should be possible to restore brain activity at a later date. "他們看起來相當怡然自得" At least theoretically. "這裡並沒有像現世那樣的重擔" While no one has ever returned from complete brain cessation it is plausible that future "唯一能感覺到的就只有喜樂與幸福" medical advances could allow for that to happen. 信不信由你囉 And this mere plausibility is enough for some individuals to literally put their body on 如前所述,當大腦完全停止運作時 ice in the hopes that in the future they can be unfrozen and resurrected. 根據現代科學醫學的理論,一切就回不去了 A practice known as cryonics. 一旦你的大腦死亡,就沒有任何復活的機會了 The first person to be cryopreserved was an American by the name of James Bedford who 但有些人不同意這種死亡的觀點 他們認為只要大腦保持完整 in 1967 died of cancer and was subsequently frozen. 應該就可以在之後讓大腦恢復運作 Over 250 individuals has since undergone this expensive procedure and thousands more plan 至少理論上是這樣 on joining them. 雖然還沒有人能實現這一個工程 The question is, is this a form of suspended animation or a freezer for corpses? 但醫療更加進步的未來可能就有這樣的技術能達成 In 2016 scientists successfully restored a frozen rabbit brain to near-perfect condition 而為了這種不確定是否可行的理論 demonstrating that subzero preservation is feasible. 就真有一些人把自己的身體冰封起來 But the next issue is revival. 以期能在未來解凍並復活 While some microscopic animals have successfully been frozen, unfrozen, and revived larger 這種作法被稱之為人體冷凍技術(Cryonics) mammals, like ourselves, are significantly more complex. 第一個被冷凍保存的是一位名叫James Bedford的美國人 In any case, cryonics is currently one of the most plausible methods of escaping death. 他在1967年因癌症去世,隨後便被冰封冷凍 So while there is some tangible hope for the future to save us from the cruelty of nonexistence, 自此之後,已有超過250個人進行了這項昂貴的程序 the present will for the time being remain a dystopian netherworld 還有數千人正計畫加入他們 filled with pain, suffering, Denmark, death, and despair. 問題是,這到底是一台生命暫停機呢,還是屍體冷凍庫?
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 死亡 衰老 老化 冷凍 大腦 認為 十大關於死亡的真相 (Top 10 Facts - Death) 1218 88 kismet 發佈於 2018 年 03 月 20 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字