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-I would say this movie is more disturbing
than a -- a horror movie.
-I feel like we´ve been calling it "horror"
just to kind of prepare people, because it´s --
-Yeah. There are horrifying things --
-It´s horrifying, yeah. -Yeah.
-But it´s not sort of a classic horror film.
-No. -But you are someone --
Do you enjoy going to a --
a sort of more classic horror film?
-No, I can´t --
I saw "Haunting in Connecticut" in, like, 2009,
and I was scared for three years.
-Now this is funny because I know that
"Haunting in Connecticut" is the film that freaked you out.
-It really did. -That´s on --
That´s on nobody´s list of the scariest movies.
-I know. Nobody knows what I´m talking about.
-Yeah, we have a -- I got a poster of "The Haunting" --
-This movie is scary as [bleep] -There´s the poster.
I will say the poster looks pretty scary.
-[ Laughs ] It is. All right.
-What´s -- What´s coming out of his mouth?
-When spirits harden when you´re being possessed,
they come out of your mouth like a root.
-Oh, wow.
-And it´s really scary, scary [bleep]
-And this happened in Connecticut.
[ Laughter ]
I noticed this, which -- this says right here --
-"Some things cannot be explained."
-Oh, but here -- here´s what it was --
-That´s what gets me. -"Based" --
-"Based on true events." -"Based on true events."
-But, by the way, when I saw this,
I´m like, "No, it it´s [bleep] not."
[ Laughter and applause ]
Based on true events?
It´s like based on, like,
one of those peanut cans where a snake comes out.
[ Laughter ]
Like, nobody´s ever like, "Oh, yeah,
that case where the spirit´s root hardened
and then came out of that kid´s mouth."
In Hartford -- it happened in Hartford.
-I wish I had had you in 2009. -Yeah.
I could have taken the edge off it right away.
-I was -- I could not pee without running into my bed,
"They´re coming!" -Oh, my God.
And this is -- you were not --
that´s not long enough ago for you to be a child about this.
-I was like 20 or 21. -Yeah, that´s not okay.
-I´m bad at math. How old was I -- 19?
I don´t know. -So, this --
-I got to -- I can´t sit up straight anymore.
I don´t care if I look bad.
-Yeah, that´s all right. You can give up. That´s fine.
[ Laughter ]
So, this is an incredible cast.
-Yeah. -Outside of yourself,
Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, Michelle Pfeiffer --
stunning, stunning. -Oh, oh.
-Was it -- Was it fantastic or intimidating or both
to work with Michelle Pfeiffer? -I mean, it was fantastic,
but, like, I couldn´t talk to her
for like, you know, three days. -Yeah.
-And then I´d be like, "So, what did you have for breakfast,
and what did you have for dinner last night?
Do you take any vitamins? So..."
-Is that because you --
-She´s just stunning. Her eyes are the color of the Caribbean.
-Yeah. -She´s just --
And she´s so talented.
And I spiked her iced tea one time.
[ Laughter ]
-Now -- Now, why would you spike her iced -- iced tea?
-I hope I don´t seem like an alcoholic.
[ Laughter ]
-No one´s getting that vibe off you.
[ Laughter ]
-Oh, no.
Ohh! I´ve been working very hard.
I haven´t been drinking because I´ve been working every day.
I´ve actually never worked in this state before.
I´ve never been this hung over at work.
Normally I don´t have to work the day after a premiere.
-Yeah. -So last night --
-This is -- by the way -- -I just totally --
-I hope you don´t consider what you´re doing right now work.
[ Laughter ]
-Of course not. -Like, you can show up here --
-I´m here by choice. -Yeah, exactly.
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
-This could be big, though. -Oh.
-Cheers again. [ Cheers and applause ]
-I called Paramount. [ Both laugh ]
I called them. -You -- Yeah.
-I was like, "Get me on something!"
-You called up the publicist and said, "I need to --"
-I did. I got to.
I know -- I know the premiere was last night, but still.
-Oh, I mean, yeah, this is --
this will be big for the film, though --
the fact that you´re here. -Oh, God.
-I wish I was in sweatpants. This is awful.
[ Laughter ]
-Next time you´re here, full permission to wear sweatpants.
-Okay, thanks. -You also --
a trailer for a new film that you´re in --
Is it "Red Sparrow"? Is that the name of it?
-Yes. -Just came out.
You shot that Budapest. And -- -Yeah.
-I have another drinking story about Budapest, but...
-I know. So, I heard you got in a --
what -- you got in an altercation?
-I got in a bar fight. -A bar fight in Budapest.
-I got in a real bar fight.
-That seems like a dangerous place to get in a bar fight.
-[ Chuckling ] I mean, for him. -Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
-First of all, shout-out to Dream Team --
you know who you are.
We were at a bar, it was Beer Night,
and we -- we had a ton of beers, and we were all drinking.
And this one guy -- I was drunk, which is rare.
-I was drunk, and this guy asked me for a selfie.
And I was like, "No. Thank you, no."
And then he was like,
"Please, my girlfriend will never believe you."
And my friend was like,
"If your girlfriend won´t believe you,
then she´s not the one."
[ Laughter ]
And -- And so we were like, "Just go away."
And then he goes, "Yeah, well [bleep] you."
And then I just -- I don´t know --
something in me just snapped,
but it couldn´t have been the alcohol.
And I was like, "Did you just say, ´[Bleep] you´ to me?
Did you just say, ´[Bleep] you´ to me?"
And I, like, grabbed him, and I took beers,
and I started dowsing them all over him.
And then he was -- weirdly, he had a suitcase...
-...and, like, went straight to the bar.
And I was like, "Is that your [bleep]?!"
And I started pouring beers all over his suitcase.
And my friend Chris came up, grabbed me from behind.
He goes, "Don´t waste beer. Don´t waste beer."
And I instantly relaxed.
I was like, "Of course. What was I thinking?"
-Yeah. The only -- I really just hope...
[ Applause ] Yeah, that´s fantastic.
-Thanks. -And a good cautionary tale.
-I certainly hope, at some point,
one of that guy´s friends got a picture of that.
[ Laughter ]
-My friend was in the bathroom, and he came back.
He´s like, "Did you guys see that guy?
He was all wet and crying."
[ Laughter ]
-Well, it serves him right.
Thank you for being here, as always.
-Is it over? -It´s over. Yeah, you did it.
-All right, bye. -You did it.
[ Cheers and applause ] -[ Laughs ]
-Go get your sweatpants. Jennifer Lawrence, everybody!
"Mother!" in theaters everywhere tomorrow.
We´ll be right back with Caitriona Balfe.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Oh! -[ Laughs ]