字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Tsunamis are some of the most 海嘯是大自然中最強大且致命的力量之一 powerful and deadliest forces of nature. 大家或許還記得, 2004年的印度洋海嘯(南亞海嘯) Within recent memory, you may recall both the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the 以及2011年的日本海嘯(311) 2011 Japan Tsunami, both of 都造成非常嚴重的破壞與傷亡 which in resulted catastrophic damage 在印度洋的南亞海嘯, 發生在大地震之後 and loss of life. 約在影片所示紅點位置 The Indian Ocean Tsunami 地震所釋放出的能量, 比二戰期間所有爆炸物, 包括核彈 happened after a massive earthquake 加起來的能量還更多 struck here in the Indian Ocean. 如此巨大的能量造成的海嘯, 在部分地區可高達30公尺 The earthquake itself released more energy than every single explosive detonated in the entire Second World War, including the nuclear bombs. 大約是17個成人疊羅漢這麼高. This enormous amount of energy created a tsunami that reached heights of 30 海嘯襲捲了印尼, 南亞, 與非洲東岸 meters high in some places, or about the 有些地方, 海嘯甚至深入陸地 2 公里遠 height of 17 people stacked on top of 照片中可以看到, 被海嘯破壞的範圍相當廣 each other. 南亞海嘯奪走了25萬條人命 The wave smashed into Indonesia, South 是史上傷亡最嚴重的海嘯. Asia, and the east coast of Africa, 而2011年的日本海嘯則是財物損失最嚴重的海嘯 punching as deep as two kilometers 日本海嘯也是由地震產生的 inland from the coast in some places. 造成40.5公尺高的海嘯, 只比自由女神矮5公尺 As you can see from photos like this one, 海嘯猛襲東日本海岸, 深入陸地10公里 the damage in these places was often extensive. 這張照片可以看到被海水吞食的大地 The tragedy claimed the lives 比好萊塢大片的特效還要驚人 of around 250 thousand people, making it the 道路就像是鋪在廣闊的海面上一樣 deadliest tsunami in all of history, 日本海嘯損失的財產也很驚人, 估計有3000億美元(300 bil) while the 2011 Japan Tsunami was the 比南非的國內生產總值還高 costliest in terms of damage. 但這些只是我們認知中, 一般的海嘯 That tsunami was also generated by an 另外還有一種大浪 叫做大海嘯(megatsunamis) earthquake that created waves as high as 與地震造成的一般海嘯不同 40.5 meters; just about five 大海嘯通常是因為有大量物質掉入水中 meters shorter than the Statue of 所造成的大浪 Liberty, that came slamming into the 最近, 最悲慘, 最可怕的例子 Japanese east coast traveling up to ten 是1963年, 意大利, 影片這個紅點的地方 kilometers inland away from the coast. 威尼斯北方100公里處 As you can see from photos like this that 意大利政府和建築公司正在興建當時全世界最大的水壩 look like something straight out of a 唯一的問題是這個世界最大水量的水壩集水區 Hollywood blockbuster, with what used to 旁邊卻是這世界最不穩定的大山坡之一 be a road stretching out into the 在完成水壩的前幾個月 endless ocean, the economic cost of Japan 就有幾個坍方和其他跡象, 預示著一場災難... was enormous: an estimated 300 billion 但義大利當局不只無視這些警告 dollars in damages was done, more than 反而還以"破壞社會秩序"為由, 起訴報導相關議題的記者 the entire GDP of South Africa. But these 政府和公司繼續忽視問題 are what are called "regular" tsunamis and 直到山體很明顯已經開始崩落到水壩裡了 there is an entire other class of 工程師們計算出可能會坍方 gigantic waves that are simply called 就降低集水區的水位, 他們認為這樣就安全了 "megatsunamis". 然後在他們計算的那一晚, 站在水壩上打算觀看山崩奇景 Unlike a regular tsunami that is created by an earthquake, a megatsunami 但是沒料到, 山崩比他們預測的還要嚴重10倍以上 is usually created when a 這是今天這座山的樣子 massive amount of material suddenly 箭頭這裡曾經是水庫集水區 falls into water, which displaces that 已經全部被從上面白色岩石區域, 坍塌下來的土石掩埋了 water into a huge wave. 在數秒內, 大量的土石就落入水庫 The most tragic and possibly terrifying instance of this 完全塞滿了水庫, 並造成高達250公尺高的大浪 happening in recent times was back in 輕鬆躍過大壩, 往下游的村莊翻落 1963, here in Italy, just 大浪幾乎跟舊金山的泛美金字塔大樓一樣高 100 kilometers north of Venice. 而且在大壩的另一側地面, 造成60公尺深 The Italian government and a construction 80公尺寬的撞擊大坑 company were building what at the time 如果當時你站在這個角度看著大壩 was going to be the largest dam on Earth; 你將看不到任何天空 the only problem was that they were 因為鋪天而來的大浪, 完全把天空都遮蔽了 building this dam with a huge water 這張照片是在隆加羅內鎮拍的 reservoir the size of a large lake, right 該鎮在大海嘯之前看起來是如此美麗 next to one of the most unstable 但大海嘯之後卻被完全被摧毀, 夷為平地. mountains on the planet. 這個事故造成2000人喪生 For months leading up to the completion of the 但這並不是近代史上最大的海嘯 dam, there were several minor landslides and other signs 在1958年, 阿拉斯加的利圖亞灣這裡曾發生過一次大海嘯 that there could be a catastrophe coming, 一場強烈地震在海灣裡面造成了大規模的山崩 but rather than heed the numerous warning 大量的土地崩進了海灣中 signs, the Italian government actually 造成525公尺高的超級巨型大浪 decided to sue the few journalists 狂猛的撲向海灣的這個黃色部分, reporting on the issue for quote: 完全蓋過去之後又砸向對岸這一塊 "...undermining the social order". 對海灣各處造成的嚴重的傷害, 摧毀了數百萬棵樹 The government and company continued to 這個大浪的高度比帝國大廈高100公尺 ignore all the warning signs until it 而比最新建成的紐約世貿中心一號大樓矮16公尺 was obvious that the mountain was 但比起史前大海嘯, 這些大海嘯還算小的 actually going to collapse directly into 因崩山引起的大海嘯, 最大的是150萬年前 the dam's reservoir. 在夏威夷的摩洛凱火山島 Tthe engineers calculated the landslide that would 當時的某一天, 火山島北邊約三分之一個火山崩落入海中 likely occur, lowered the water in the 產生一個600公尺高, 甚至會完全淹沒摩洛凱島 reservoir to what they believed was a 並嚴重傷害附近島鏈的大浪 safe level, and then actually stood on 這個大浪大約是四個古夫金字塔疊起來這麼高 top of the dam the night that they expected the 但這跟已知最大的海嘯比起來還差太遠 landslide to occur to watch it all go down. 那是大約6600萬年前, 那顆可能導致恐龍滅絕的小行星 The only problem was, the landslide ended up being over 10 times more powerful 所造成的, 可能也是地球史上最大的, 宇宙級大海嘯 than what their calculations had predicted! 它就撞擊在如今的墨西哥灣附近 This is a view of that mountain today: 直徑約有十公里 this right here used to be the reservoir, and all the land that's 而且釋放了不可思議的100萬億頓的TNT當量 there now came crashing off the mountain 目前引爆過最大的核彈, 沙皇炸彈 from these areas that are now exposed white rock. 也只有它的兩百萬分之一的能量 This tremendous amount of earth and rocks fell into the reservoir 你需要200萬顆沙皇炸彈才能釋放出一樣多的能量 in a matter of seconds, completely filled 簡直無法置信的宇宙級能量, 創造出5公里高的大浪 the entire reservoir and generated a 並砸向如今墨西哥灣沿岸的美國各州 wave 250 meters high that flew over the 比阿爾卑斯山的馬特峰還要大約高出500公尺 top of the dam, and into the villages below. 事實上, 這個大浪比阿爾卑斯山的所有山脈都還要更高 The wave was almost the same 這些大浪是如此巨大, 如果是發生在印度洋 height as the TransAmerica building in 整個馬達加斯加島都會被淹沒一段時間 San Francisco for some reference, and 想像一下, 若身處在像馬達加斯加這樣一個大島上 caused an impact crater 60 meters deep 陷入不論爬多高, 都逃不了被大浪淹沒的絕地 and 80 meters wide when it slammed into 這是奇怪的想法,但在6600萬年前確實曾經發生過 the ground on the other side of the dam! 不需要擔心這樣的事情會再發生, 對吧? If you were standing from this angle looking up at the dam at the exact 除非0.00001%, 在你的有生之年 moment that the wave came over it, 加那利群島其中一個崩落到海裡 the entire sky that you see in this picture 就會導致1公里高的海嘯, would be completely covered by water! 然後可能就會滅掉整個美國東海岸... This photo was taken in the town of 除非真的發生了, 但, 應該不會發生... Longarone, which before the megatsunami looked like this, 偶而想想這些可能性, 也很有趣. but afterwards looked like this: completely destroyed. 該視頻已由“audible.com”帶給你,並帶有 Around 2,000 people lost their lives in 超過180,000個有聲讀物和幾乎每一個 the accident, but it's not actually the 你可以想像的流派。你可以得到一個免費的 largest mega tsunami even in recent history. 為期30天的試用 That distinction would have to go to a megatsunami that happened here audible.com/RealLifeLore。您可以 in Lituya Bay, Alaska, back in 1958. 獲得一份完全免費的有聲讀物 A powerful earthquake caused a massive 由你自己選擇,如果你喜歡這個視頻 landslide to occur here at the back side of the bay. 你只是看著,那為什麼不看一個 The huge amount of land 多一點關於瘋狂的海嘯如何 that came crashing into the bay created 可以拿起一份“Krakatoa: a titanic wave 525 meters high that 世界爆炸日“。 slammed into this part of the bay, 我沒有足夠的時間來覆蓋每一個 completely went over it, and smashed into 海嘯相關故事在這短短 the other side here, causing huge amounts 視頻,所以給它一個免費聽 of damage to the rest of the bay and 通過audible.com/RealLifeLore進行為期30天的試用。 destroying millions of trees. Audible擁有一個近乎無盡的圖書館 The height of this wave was over 100 meters higher 有趣的事情聽,所以如果 than the tip of the Empire State 你寧願聽別的 Building, and just 16 這是免費的,那也完全沒錯。 meters short of the recently built 感謝Audible支持該頻道。 One World Trade Center in New York City, but 如果你想看另一個關於自然災害的視頻, even this is tiny in comparison to some 你可以在YouTube上觀看Second Thought的視頻。 prehistoric megatsunamis. The largest 點擊此處即可訂閱我的頻道, tsunami generated from a landslide 你可以點擊這裡訪問我的Patreon。 happened around 1.5 million years ago in 非常感謝您的關注,下次我們會再見面。 Hawaii.,on the specific island of Molokai. At some point around that time, about one-third of the northern portion of the volcano collapsed into the ocean and generated a wave 600 meters high, which would have completely inundated the entire island of Molokai and wreaked havoc on the rest of the island chain. This wave would have been about the height of four Great Pyramids of Giza stacked on top of each other... but even that pales in comparison to the largest ever known megatsunami, which was caused by an asteroid. About 66 million years ago, the same asteroid that likely killed the dinosaurs also caused possibly the largest megatsunami in all of Earth's history when it crashed into the modern-day Gulf of Mexico. The asteroid was ten kilometers in diameter and released an unbelievable 100 TERATONS of TNT worth of energy. For comparison, the Tsar Bomba (which is the largest nuclear bomb ever detonated), released only 1/2,000,000th of that same amount of energy. You would need 2 million Tsar Bombs to release this same amount of energy, which caused an equally unbelievable wave of up to 5 KILOMETERS high that would have smashed into the Gulf Coast states of the modern-day United States. That's higher than the Matterhorn in the Alps... by about 500 EXTRA METERS. In fact the height is higher than all of the mountains in the entire Alpine Mountain Range. These waves were so big that if they were to have happened in the Indian Ocean, the entire island of Madagascar would have been completely submerged underwater for a time. Imagine being on an island the size of Madagascar in this scenario, with absolutely no escape from the clutches of the ocean's waves no matter how high on the land that you can get to! It's a weird thought, but at least it happened 66 million years ago and there's really no fear something like that ever happening again, right? Unless the 0.00001 percent chance of one of the Canary Islands collapsing into the ocean during your lifetime happens, which would cause a tsunami about 1 kilometer high and would probably wipe out the entire East Coast of the United States... unless that happens then no, probably not. But, it's still fun to think about. This video has been brought to you by "audible.com", with over 180,000 audiobooks and almost every genre you can imagine. You can get a free 30-day trial today by going to audible.com/RealLifeLore. You can get a completely free audiobook of your choice, and if you liked the video that you just watched, then why not read a little more about how insane tsunamis can get by picking up a copy of "Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded". I didn't have enough time to cover every tsunami related story in this short video, so give it a listen with your free 30-day trial by going to audible.com/RealLifeLore. Audible has a near endless library of interesting things to listen to so if you'd rather listen to something else for free with this, then that's completely fine, too. Thanks to Audible for supporting the channel. And if you'd like to watch another video about natural disasters, you can go check out this video by Second Thought here on YouTube. You can subscribe to my channel by clicking here, and you can visit my Patreon by clicking here. Thanks so much for watching, and we'll see you next time.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 海嘯 水壩 地震 海灣 大壩 能量 海嘯有多大? (How Big do Tsunamis Get?) 93 4 Samuel 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字