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  • *intro music*


  • Dom: Whoa! Hey! I'm not alone in this video. Why don't you guys introduce yourselves, huh?

    Dom:喔~嘿!這次的影片終於不是我一個人了, 你們要不要自我介紹一下啊~

  • Ehlboy: Hi, I'm Ehlboy.

    Ehlboy: Hi, 我是 Ehlboy.

  • Ehlboy: Uh... Animator. Sometimes helps Dom with his videos.

    Ehlboy: 痾...我是動畫師,有時候也會幫 Dom 做影片

  • Jomm: I'm Jomm, sometimes known as "Dom" without the D. Uh...

    Jomm: 我是 Jomm,就是那個名子裡沒有 "D" 的 Dom...痾...

  • *laughs in background*

    ( D 可以指 Dick,也就是懶覺...)

  • Jomm: *facepalm* Cut!

    Jomm: ...剪掉!

  • Jomm: Cut it!

    Jomm: 這段剪掉!

  • *beep*

    00:00:34,460 --> 00:00:37,040 Kressh: 怎麼能把你自白沒有____的片段剪掉呢?

  • Kressh: How can we cut it? If you don't have a "D"?

    哦... 哦...天哪... 哦...

  • *laughs* Jomm: Oh my--

    Dom: 然後這位是...痾...Kreesh?

  • Dom: Next, we have, uh, "Kreesh" (Kressh)

    Kressh: 每個人都這樣叫我名子,根本沒人正確的叫我 "Kressh"

  • Kressh: See everyone's gonna take that seriously, and no one's gonna call me Kressh.

    00:00:45,340 --> 00:00:50,020 Dom: 然後我們有一堆古怪的假想題, 痾...要不要舉例一下我們之前有講過那些題目?

  • *laughs*

    Ehlboy : 如果空氣...

  • Dom: So, we have a lot of hypotheticals. Uh... talking about a lot of stuff. What's what's an example of what we've thought of before?

    Ehlboy : 是木頭 (?

  • Ehlboy: What if... the air

    Dom : OK,就像是這樣...

  • Ehlboy: was wood?

    Ehlboy : 這是我們最一開始討論的假想題

  • Dom: Okay, that's like--

    Kressh : 喔天...

  • Ehlboy: That was an original hypothetical--

    Dom : 我們當初到底怎麼想到要討論這個啊?

  • Kressh (I Think): oh my,

    Dom : 一開始是... " 如果地球上的所有空氣都變成木頭會怎麼樣? "

  • Dom: I don't even know where that came from.

    Kressh : 所以...在這個假想題裡,人類應該要靠呼吸木頭來維生了嗎?

  • Dom: First one was, "what if all the air in the world (as in like the planet Earth) was just replaced with wood?"

    Dom : 這個嘛...你確定你還會呼吸嗎? 你不是應該直接死翹翹了嗎?

  • So, in this hypothetical, do we now as humans breathe in wood? Is that what we need to survive?

    Kressh : 所以...所有人應該會感覺突然被某種東西壓扁,或是因為缺氧而死?

  • Well, are you breathing because don't you just die instantly?

    Dom : 還有人有辦法意識到 到底發生了甚麼事情嗎?

  • So, everyone just like either get like squished by something or just dies cuz they wouldn't have oxygen

    Khlboy : 好像不會...

  • But would anyone be conscious to understand what-- what just happened??

    Kressh: 好吧...所以這個議題好像就結束了,有人還記得當初的討論是怎麼結束的嗎?

  • No.. I don't think so..

    Dom : 這種問題都沒有解答的, 就是故意做這種沒有正確答案的假想題, 我們就是單純...單純的...

  • Okay wait, so what was the end-- what was the end of the conversation?

    Dom : 這才是其中美妙的地方啊, 我想在這其中沒有正確或錯誤的答案, 只有正確跟錯誤的理論。

  • There is no solution to this. These hypothetical there's no solution. We just... it's just...

    Dom : 好喔,然後這是今天的問題..恩亨!

  • that's the beauty man. There's no right or wrong answers. Just... there's right and wrong reasoning, I guess.

    Dom : 好!你要被改造到甚麼程度 -

  • Okay, so here's the question for-- for this episode *clears throat*

    - 才算是賽博格?

  • Okay, at what point?

    Dom : 這樣講好了

  • Do you become a cyborg? Let's say for example I-- I have

    Dom : 我有...痾...我有一個 -

  • uh

    - 一件物品 -

  • an item

    - 一件武器好了...一把槍!

  • I'm gonna say a weapon... a gun, okay?

    Dom : 然後就用用手抓著 -

  • And I held it in my hand, and now I just don't let go for the rest of my life. Am I a cyborg?

    - 到死都不放開 我這樣算是賽博格嗎?

  • Okay, should we define what?

    Kressh : 好喔,不過我們是不是應該先定義...

  • Yeah, I think you need a define cyborg first.

    Jomm : 對啊,我想你應該先定義 " 賽博格 "

  • Yeah-yeah, help me define cyborg

    Dom : 對對~幫我先定義一下甚麼是賽博格

  • The Google definition is:

    Jomm : Google 上面是說 -

  • "A fictional or hypothetical pers-- * hypothetical* person whose phys-- whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human

    " 一個虛構、或是假想... " 呵呵...假想...

  • limitations by mechanical elements built into the body."

    " 一個虛構、或是假想的人物, 經由裝備機械 - "

  • Okay, so...

    " - 而擁有了超越常人力量的肉體 "

  • In the television broadcast that I saw, okay,

    Khlboy : 所以 -

  • So they basically claim like even something as simple as a contact you wear for your eyes counts as being like a cyborg.

    - 就像我之前在電視節目上有看過類似的討論

  • Okay, let's say let's say I hold the gun, and I tape my hands, so that I can't open it and release it.

    他們宣稱, 基本上就算你只是裝了像是隱形眼鏡之類的物品, 你就算是個賽博格了

  • I'm thinking like, uh, like the exoskeletons people wear?

    Dom : 這樣說好了,我握著那把搶, 然後用膠帶捆起來,這樣我就拔不下來了

  • Or like when someone like breaks their shin,

    Khlboy : 我想這就像是...痾... 像是穿在身上的鎧甲一樣嗎?

  • And then you get like surgically stick a bar inside or something

    Dom : 或像是如果有人小腿骨折 -

  • So like, Jackie Chan is a cyborg?

    - 然後你必須在裡面安裝鐵條之類的東西

  • Does he have that?

    Jomm : 所以成龍也可以說是賽博格囉?

  • He's got metal all throughout his body. Oh from like the --

    Kressh : 那不是... Dom : 他有這樣嗎?

  • Like every bone he's ever broken.

    Jomm : 他全身到處都有裝鐵條

  • Oh yeah,

    Dom : 喔~因為他... Jomm : 因為他每次只要骨折就必須動手術

  • I guess that would make him stronger.

    00:02:56,980 --> 00:02:59,240 Jomm : 喔對!我想這的確會讓他更強壯

  • So you're saying--

    Kjlboy : 所以你是說...

  • So you're saying in the case of the hearing aid, it is a cyborg?

    Kjlboy : 所以你是說只要做過類似的治療,都算是賽博格嗎?

  • But in the case of the gun sticking into your hand

    Khlboy : 但是在這個把手槍綁在手上的假設 -

  • That is not a normal thing you can do, so it's not a cyborg now?

    - 因為不是正常會做的事情, 所以就不算是賽博格了嗎?

  • I would say that doesn't bring you beyond normal limitation because you lose a function of a whole hand.

    Jomm : 我會說這樣做你並沒有讓你 "超越常人" -

  • Yeah but I still have my other hand

    - 因為你等於放棄了整條手的能力

  • That's still less than like normal humans.

    Dom : 對!但我還有另一隻手啊!

  • You're like adding a whole new structure to your body.

    Dom : 這樣還是比常人還要差啊

  • I'm a weapon!

    Khlboy : 你這比較像在身上加上了新的部位... Dom : 但是...我...

  • *laughs*

    Dom : 我就變成一個武器啦!

  • That doesn't make you better Dom.

    00:03:24,040 --> 00:03:26,640 Jomm : 但這樣你並沒有變的更好啊!

  • I didn't say it's better. It's just like enhanced in a-- in that category, you know?

    Dom : 我沒有說這樣比較好啊, 就好像我把天賦點在不同的地方一樣, 你懂嗎?

  • Okay, no, in my opinion,

    Jomm : 好吧,我不贊成, 我的想法是這樣的 -

  • it's when you can do everything

    - 當你身體功能都還正常的情況下 -

  • normally, but in a situation where you can't do something, you can do something now because you have that implant.

    - 但是在某些正常無法做到一些事情的情況下, 卻因為這些裝備可以做到了

  • Can cyborgs love?

    Dom : 賽博格還有辦法愛嗎?

  • Oh my god. This is another video!

    Kressh : 天哪...這一談又是另一支新影片了!

  • *laughs* Part two!!

    Kressh : 第二集!

  • Wait. Isn't a cyborg still a human, basically?

    Khlboy : 等等...賽博格基本上還算是人類吧

  • But at what point is it android?

    Dom : 但要改造的甚麼程度 -

  • Time to look at the definition of android...

    - 會變成人造人

  • I mean according to, uh, Dragon Ball Z

    Jomm : 是時候 Google 囉~

  • Okay well, let's put it in reverse. What-- at what point?

    Dom : 我是說,像是七龍珠 Z 那樣...

  • Do you have to take an android and add human elements before it stops being called cyborg?

    Jomm : 恩... 我們倒過來說好了 -

  • Wait, when you take an android and start adding elements?

    - 你要把人造人的多少部分的部件換成人體, 他才會開始算是賽博格?

  • Adding and so you know take an Android. Right? You have a yeah robotic skeleton, and you throw in--

    Dom : 等等...你是說你在人造人身上裝人體?

  • So like, you know when Krillin uh, wished android 18 to be human?

    Jomm : 對,假設現在有一個機器人身體的人造人, 然後開始把...

  • Aw dude, spoiler!

    Dom : 所以你是指像是克林向龍珠許願讓 18 號變成人類那樣?

  • Okay, so you have a robot, and you slowly throw in human pieces like a brain, a liver, lungs, skin,

    Jomm : ㄟ..暴雷啊

  • whatever. At what point does that stop becoming a cyborg?

    Dom : 2002 啊

  • And I think that's when we would get our definition for-- at what point does something become...

    Jomm : 回歸正題,假設你有一個機器人, 然後你一步一步地把他的零件用人體換掉, 像是大腦、肝、肺、皮膚...

  • So, the spectrum, it's


  • Android, cyborg, human.

    那要換掉多少東西, 他才不算是賽博格?

  • Yeah, like how many human bits do you have to throw in before it's not considered a cyborg anymore?

    我想這能讓我們更了解 " 要到甚麼程度才算是... " 的想法

  • Uh... I'm gonna say brain. Brain, yeah because--

    Dom : 所以...在這個光譜上 -

  • So you're saying if it's a fully robotic body with a human brain, it's not a cyborg?

    - 分成 人造人、賽博格、人類

  • Okay, if you're working like from the ground up with like organs first, and then the last thing replaces the brain

    Jomm : 對!所以你要替換掉多少部件才不算是賽博格?

  • Then you just made a human.

    Domm : 痾...我會說大腦, Kressh : 對!因為...

  • That's what I'm saying!

    Jomm : 所以你是說, 如果有一個完全機器人的身體裝著人類的腦袋, 這樣也不算是賽博格嗎?

  • Then that's a human!

    Dom : 好...如果你從頭開始替換, 一件一件器官慢慢換, 但把大腦留到最後 -

  • Like what ratio of cyborgs and human bits does it have to be before it's not a cyborg anymore?

    - 那他就是個人啦!

  • Little bits... *laughter in background*

    Jomm : 我就是這樣說的啊!

  • Uh, I'd say all of it

    Dom : 那他就是人類啦!

  • So then by that definition, the moment we put anything mechanical into a human being, is when they're a cyborg?

    Jomm : 類似你要多少比例是賽博格或是人類, 你才不是賽博格的概念

  • Yeah, so like-- cuz--


  • That's what I said! That's the first question! Put a gun in my hand, I'm a cyborg!

    Khlboy : 痾...我會說全部

  • It doesn't count with a gun!

    Jomm : 所以在這樣的規則下, 你只要把人類任何部件換成機械, 他就算是賽博格了

  • I don't think a gun is the best example--

    00:05:20,400 --> 00:05:24,780 Dom : 我就是這樣講得啊!我一開始就說了! 把槍握在手上!我就是賽博格了!

  • Toaster!

    Jomm : 槍不算啦!

  • I don't know give me like an iPod or something.

    Kressh : 我不覺得槍是一個很好的例子 XD

  • So, if someone puts actual cyborg parts on to you that are functional,

    Dom : 那土司機!

  • but you switch it off, you're not a cyborg

    Dom : 我不知道啦! 不然給我 iPod 之類的東西

  • Until you switch it on

    Jomm : 所以如果有人把一個屬於賽博格的部件裝在身上 -

  • No, you're just a cyborg that's turned off.

    - 然後把它關掉, 你就不是賽博格了

  • *laughter*


  • I think we need to draw a line between when something's "equippeded" and when something is built into things.

    Dom : 不對,這樣你就只是個關機的賽博格

  • Did you say "equippeded"?



    Jomm : 我想我們要分類甚麼東西算是"奘"備 (Equippeded), 甚麼東西算是真正身體的部件

  • That double past-tense dude. He's in like the fourth dimension

    Dom : 你說 "奘" 備 (Equippeded) ?

  • At what point, can you permanently equip something that makes it built-in?

    Jomm : "裝" 備 (Equipped)

  • Wait what?

    Dom : 裝了兩次過去式,你是在四維空間嗎?

  • You know, I equip--

    Dom : 那你永久性的裝在身上的東西, 要怎樣真的算是身體的部件呢?

  • When it's permanent

    00:06:01,180 --> 00:06:02,520 Jomm : 只要是永久性的都算是啦

  • Yes, so

    Jomm : 只要是永久性的都算是啦

  • Permanent equipping equals built-in, but then if it's not permanent it's not built-in.

    Dom : 對啊!所以 -

  • Yes, so, so, if I never let go of the gun. I shower with it. I sleep with it

    - 永久的裝備...就算身體的部件, 反之則不然

  • Oh my god Dom...

    Dom : 對,所以如果我用遠不放開我手上的槍, 我帶著它洗澡、帶著它睡覺...

  • I eat my brunch with it

    Kressh : 天哪 Dom...

  • It's... it's permanent. It's built-in cuz you can build a thing with tape, right? Then it's built.

    Dom : 然後帶著它吃早午餐 -

  • But it's not mechanical.

    - 那...那他就是永久的裝上啦! 既然你可以用膠帶 "裝" 上某些東西,那它就算是裝

  • The gun is mechanical!

    Jomm : 但它不是 "機械式" 的啊

  • I meant tape is not mechanical.

    Dom : 槍是啊!

  • Yeah, but the way-- that's my method of attaching it to my body

    Jomm : 我是說膠帶

  • So, it's not effective way to...

    Dom : 但那就是我裝在身體上的方法嘛

  • It's not effective, but it's on me.

    Khlboy : 因為他不是個很有效率的方式...所以...

  • But by definition, you are at a cyborg?

    Dom : 它並沒有效率!但它就是裝在我身上了!

  • Yes.

    Kressh : 但就定義上,你就是賽博格了 Dom : 它並沒有效率!但它就是裝在我身上了!

  • No! I'm not agreeing with you. I'm saying it's just--

    Dom : 沒錯~

  • DAS what I wanted to hear!

    Kressh : 沒有啊!我這不是在同意你,我只是說...

  • No! Dom!

    Dom : 那就是我想聽的!

  • At what point, does a gun stop being a gun?

    Kressh : 不是啊!

  • Oh my god...

    Dom : 那就要到甚麼程度, 一把槍才不算槍

  • Like if you take out,

    Kressh : 天啊...

  • the internal components of a gun, and it's just a gun shell, is this still a gun?

    Dom : 比如你把槍裡面的內部零件 -

  • So, if I walk by like something on the floor, I'm like, "Oh, it's a gun."

    - 一一拿出來,只剩下外殼, 它還算是一把槍嗎?

  • I look inside, and it's like-- it's empty.

    所以如果我走在路上看到了某個東西放在地上, 然後一看, " 哦~是一把槍 "

  • I'm like, "Oh, I guess it's not a gun."

    然後我打開一看, 才發現是空心的

  • Like, do I just say that?

    我就會想說 " 喔...原來不是槍 "

  • *laughter*


  • So, a blow dart can be considered shooting bullets, then it's a gun?

    00:07:03,140 --> 00:07:08,060 Jomm : 所以用吹箭吹子彈它算是一把槍嗎?

  • Yeah, a dart is a bullet. *laughter*

    Dom : 好像也是齁 XD

  • It's a type of bullet.

    Khlboy : 它射的東西本來就算是另一種子彈啦

  • It has a tube that fires.


  • So, if you put like a nine-millimeter in a straw and then blew, is it a gun?

    Dom : 所以如果你拿根吸管來吹 9 釐米子彈, 它也算是槍嗎?

  • What kind of straw do you have that would allow you to swallow a bullet?

    Kressh : 你要去哪找可以裝子彈的吸管啦

  • Yeah, like you get like a spitball it.

    Jomm : 對ㄟ,像是用吸管射小球一樣

  • And let's say you don't take that straw out of your mouth, are you a cyborg?

    Dom : 然後再想想看, 如果你一直含著那根吸管,你算不算是賽博格?

  • Oh my god!

    Kressh : 天哪!

  • Stop!

    Kressh : 停啊!

  • Ugh!

    Khl : 那不是機械式的啦!

  • This is not coming full circle.

    Kressh : 這話題不能這樣轉啦 -

  • This is just like almost getting there, and then we--

    - 就比較像是我們終於快要解答了, 卻又突然...

  • I think we have our answer. Kressh said it, I'm a cyborg.

    Dom : 我想我們已經有個解答了, Kressh 剛剛就說了,我是賽博格啊

  • That was out of context!

    Kressh : 你不要自己做解釋!

  • I'm gonna arrive to Canada with nerf blaster in my hands,

    Khlboy : 我要在手上裝個空氣槍, 然後去加拿大找你 -

  • and you call me a cyborg.

    - 然後你要叫我賽博格

  • You're not going to get into Canada

    Kressh : 你會進不了加拿大 - 然後你要叫我賽博格

  • It'll be taped in there.

    Khlboy : 到時候我一定要錄音

  • You'll probably get stopped at the border.

    Jomm : 你大概會被海關擋下來

  • Yeah, and then they're gonna--

    Kressh : 對,你大概會... Jomm : 你大概會被海關擋下來

  • They're gonna stop me. It's gonna be all taped all on my hand--

    Khlboy : 如果他們擋我的話,我就用膠帶綁起來

  • "Sir, you have to take those off!" Then you're like, "No, it's permanent! I'm a cyborg!"

    " 先生!你必須要把它拿下來!" " 沒辦法,這是永久的,我是個賽博格 "

  • "Okay, pass."

    " 好吧...通過了 "

  • No, I'm a cyborg!

    " 不是啊!我是個賽博格啊! "

  • "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't realize."

    " 抱...抱歉,我剛剛沒注意到 "

  • Uh, I identify as--

    " 痾...我是由... "

  • Assume my species?!

    " 代表我的種族 " (? " 痾...我是由... "

  • And that wraps up first episode of "Damn Hypotheticals"

    那這就這第一集的 "Damn Hypotheticals" 了

  • Is that what we're calling it?

    Kressh : 你真的要這樣叫它嗎?

  • "Hypodomicals"

    Hypodomicals ( Hypotheticals 跟 Domics 組裝...)

  • I don't know

    Dom :我不知道啦

  • I don't have a name for it


  • Dem hypotheticals

    Dem hypotheticals

  • Dem "hypos"

    Dem "hypos"

  • The "Hypopo"?


  • "Hypo"?


  • Dat "Hypothesis"

    Dat "Hypothesis"

  • Today's video is brought to you by Audible. The top provider of premium audiobooks at your disposal. Build your library listen as you

    今天的影片由 Audible 提供 最棒的收費有聲書平台,可以在上面建立自己的有聲書櫃

  • please. The freedom is yours. Use my link

    無拘無束,想聽就聽 用我提供的連結

  • or click the link in the description below to get a free audiobook and a 30-day trial

    或是用影片資訊裡面的連結,來取得 30 天的免費試用

  • I feel it's always healthy to laugh, and so I recommend Kevin Hart's

    我覺得常笑是一件很健康的事情, 所以我很推薦 Kevin Hart 的 -

  • "I Can't Make This Up" to listen to some of his funny life stories in the respective lessons.

    " Ican't make this up " 在一些有用的課程裡面聽到一些好笑的小故事

  • He's learned from them, but if you're looking for other genres audibles got em all.


  • mystery, sci-fi, romance, etc.


  • There's something for all ages. You can listen to your audiobooks through the app which is available on most devices,

    無論甚麼年齡的讀者都找的到書看, 你也可以載他們的 APP 來聽有聲書

  • so it don't matter whether you're at home or on the go.


  • Finding yourself trapped in your car during rush hour?


  • Audible makes getting more books in your life easy and can help occupy you on your way to and from home.

    這時候你就可以聽 Audible

  • Transform your commute and ride with audible. Once again,

    開車聽 Audible,改變你的通勤生活

  • that's 30-day trial, one free book, hours of entertainment. Enjoy!

    再說一次, 用 取得 30 天免費試用、一本免費書籍、好幾個小時的樂趣!

This video is brought to you by audible go to

此影片由 Audible 提供


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